33 research outputs found

    Framework for understanding environmental policy in Romania

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    The aim of the present study is to shed some light on the framework for Understanding Environmental Policy in Romania, in contrast to the existing literature which mostly focuses on developed economies. Specifically, we use the Pigovian and Coasian Externality Theory. For the empirical analysis we use a survey data of the Romanian National Institute of Statistics and estimate Multilevel Regression Model (MRM) to investigate the determinants of environmental behaviour at plant level. Our results reveal some important differences vis-à-vis the developed countries, such as a less significant role for collective action and environmental taxes, which suggests some possible policy changes to achieve better environmental outcomes.pollution abatement and control expenditure, transition economy,


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    Abstract: Manufacturing hydraulic machinery runners with improved cavitation erosion resistance and in the same time with good welding ability is a great challenge for the specialists in design and maintenance of such devices. A good choice is the use of steels with austenitic structures having in the chemical composition 10% of nickel and 2% to 24% of chromium. Upon these types of steels, in the Cavitation Laboratory of the Timisoara Polytechnic University were undertaken extensive researches. It resulted that the best behavior was obtained with the steels having in the structure both austenite and martensite. For such steels the hardness of the attacked areas receives increased hardness as a result of the implosion of cavitation bubbles

    Photoinduced properties of "T-type" polyimides with azobenzene or azopyridine moieties

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    In this work series of “T-type” polyimides with azobenzene or azopyridine moieties were investigated. It is the first report where the “T-type” polyimides with derivatives of azopyridine were investigated. The cis-trans isomerization in the dark in the solid-state was showed. Polyimides with azobenzene derivatives exhibited higher stability of cis-trans recovery than their azobenzene analogues. For the inscription of the surface relief gratings, two different intensities of light (10 and 45 mJ/cm2) and a number of pulses (10 and 100) were used. Polyimides showed the modulation of SRGs up to almost 330 nm. Our studies showed, that azopolyimides are able to orient the nematic liquid crystal molecules in cell-based on effect at the twisted nematic. The obtained maximum value of tON was 0.9 ms (1 kHz, 1.5 V/μm) for polyimide with azobenzene moieties. Azopolyimides may be successfully used in many photonic devices based on the alignment of the liquid crystal mixture i.e. LC diffraction gratings, Fresnel lens, Vortex, in a photo-pattering technology for creating radical and azimuthal orienting layers

    Framework for understanding environmental policy in Romania

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    The aim of the present study is to shed some light on the framework for Understanding Environmental Policy in Romania, in contrast to the existing literature which mostly focuses on developed economies. Specifically, we use the Pigovian and Coasian Externality Theory. For the empirical analysis we use a survey data of the Romanian National Institute of Statistics and estimate Multilevel Regression Model (MRM) to investigate the determinants of environmental behaviour at plant level. Our results reveal some important differences vis-à-vis the developed countries, such as a less significant role for collective action and environmental taxes, which suggests some possible policy changes to achieve better environmental outcomes

    Particularitățile răspunsului inflamator în evoluția post-infarct

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    În cadrul acestui studiu clinico-fundamental s-a evaluat substratul celular al răspunsului inflamator în miocard după IMA, precum și dinamica markerilor principali ai inflamației la pacienții cu STEMI pe o perioadă de 12 luni. Evoluția IMA excelează prin acumularea celulelor promotoare a inflamației în miocard, care evaluează într-un anumit format cronologic: neutrofilele (48 de ore), macrofagele M1 (72 de ore) și macrofagele M2 (7 zile), fenomene asociate de creșterea expresiei TNF-α cu o ascensiune cantitativă de circa 170 ori pe perioada 24 ore–5 zile. Dinamica markerilor circulanți la pacienții cu STEMI se impune prin majorarea progresivă a IL-1, IL-6, FLA2, TNF-α și PCRhs în primele 72 de ore de la debutul IMA, precum și micșorarea semnificativă a IL-4. Tendința de redresare a markerilor se decelează după perioada de 14 zile, preia proporții notabile după 6 luni, iar la distanța de 12 luni conținutul seric al IL-4 rămâne semnificativ depreciat, iar PCRhs nu coboară sub valoarea de 6,0 mg/L. Perioada de 3 luni a evoluției post-infarct iminentă prin finalizarea sintezei colagenului fibrilar de tip I se caracterizează prin niveluri circulante semnificativ majorate ale colagenazei 2 (MMP8) și SDF-1

    Correlations between clinical, imaging and histological findings in a patient with neurofibromatosis type 1 (von Recklinghausen's disease)

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    Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) or von Recklinghausen disease is one of the most common genetic diseases, affecting 1/4,000 individuals. It is transmitted by autosomal dominant inheritance and the gene NF1, which is responsible for the disease, is located on the long arm of chromosome 17. NF1 is characterized by varied expressions of the disease, even within the same family.We present the case of a 22-year-old patient with NF1 admitted in the Department of Neurosurgery for a two months history of diffuse intercostal nevralgias that did not respond to treatment and discuss the histopathological and immunohistochemical features of her cutaneous and spinal neurofibromas.Our case adds new data to the knowledge of the diverse biological behaviour of NF1, highlighting the fact that this condition is a complex disease even in the same individual. We report here a highly variability among neurofibromas in the same patient from a histopathological point of view. Our data are also important as they demonstrate the fact that the management of a patient with NF1, due to the various and complex manifestations of the disease, requires a multidisciplinary approach, including neurologist, neurosurgeon, ophthalmologist, plastic surgeon, derma-tologist, radiologist and pathologist

    Sunflower genotypes with high tolerance to drought and extreme temperatures, having good resistance to some specific diseases

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    Sunflower is considered to be moderately resistant to drought, but in hot conditions, the plants suffer reduction in fertility, yield performance and quality of products. In literature there are mentioned some adoptive mechanisms of plants to drought: escape, avoidance and tolerance, as well as their genetic variability. For sunflower it is very important to increase the cold resistance in early development stages, at stage of germination, emergence and the stage of 2-3 leaves, in order to facilitate an early sowing. Wild Helianthus species are a very valuable source of resistance in increasing drought resistance as well as resistance to low temperatures in sunflower. Some of our best elite lines have been introduced in a process of improvement of resistance to drought, using recurrent selection. Also it has been transfered some genes for controling the attack of some important pathogenes. In this process of selection, we obtained inbred lines (CMS and pollen fertility restorer lines) having very good tolerance to drought as well as resistance to low temperatures

    Repositori d'activitats i recursos per a l'avaluació amb eines digitals de les habilitats pràctiques de l'alumnat

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    Projecte finançat pel programa Erasmus+ titulat "Practical Skills evaluation with digital technologies in teacher education".Document disponible en català, castellà i anglès.El D-Eva Bank és un repositori de recursos per a l'avaluació amb eines digitals de les habilitats pràctiques dels estudiants d'educació superior. En les següents pàgines trobaràs 14 activitats que inclouen exemples d'estudis de cas de situacions de la vida real a les escoles o universitats, que inclouen rúbriques d'avaluació, analítiques d'aprenentatge, retroalimentació, gamificació i propostes d'avaluació amb eines digitals per a habilitats pràctiques.Les activitats han estat dissenyades en el marc del projecte Erasmus+ D-Eva "Avaluació d'Habilitats Pràctiques amb Tecnologies Digitals en la Formació de Mestres", per acadèmics universitaris de tres institucions europees implicades en el consorci de projecte (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Universitat de l'Oest de Timisoara i Universitat d'Amsterdam de Ciències Aplicades).El D-Eva Bank és el primer producte intel·lectual del projecte i té com a objectiu oferir al professorat d'universitat recursos per facilitar l'avaluació de les habilitats pràctiques dels estudiants utilitzant tecnologies digitals. Aquestes activitats estan disponibles en línia en el D-EvaHub, una plataforma digital especialment dissenyada en el projecte. Per a més detalls, visita http://devahub.eu


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    An experiment was conducted to study the possibility of using vitreous fertilizers made from waste from the glass industry in vineyards fertilization. Six recipes were tested having as composition the basic elements: P2O5 (43.5%), K2O (32.6%), MgO (18.5%) and CaO (5.4%), plus the presence of some micronutrients (B, Fe, Zn, Mo, Mn) as oxide form. The efficiency of these fertilizers was made in comparison both with an unfertilized plot and an fertilized plot with NPK applied on the base of optimal rates. The experimental results have shown that this type of fertilizers can replace the use of common chemical fertilizers, their effect on the fertility and productivity of grapevine being relative similar, the benefit consisting of slow release over a long period of time of the nutrients from their composition with positive effects in preventing environmental pollution. The presence of micronutrients in their composition determined even higher yields (by 10-19%) as compare to chemical fertilization and a higher content (by 8-45 %) of anthocyanins in grapes when vitreous fertilizers had B, Fe, Zn and Mo in their composition