123 research outputs found

    From art to science : a bibliometric analysis of architectural scholarly production from 1980 to 2015

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    According to recent literature on “architecture” as a discipline, practical knowledge relevant to its process of making has decreased in importance in favor of a more academic approach. Using data derived from Ulrich’s Periodical Directory and Clarivate Analytics’s Web of Science, this paper suggests providing empirical evidence supporting of such shift, as revealed by an overview of the dissemination practices in architecture scholarly production between 1980 and 2015. Our results support that architecture is becoming increasingly academic, as demonstrated by the growing proportion of articles and journals intended for scholars rather than for professionals. We also show that architecture is increasingly global, with decreased interest in local and/or national issues and the growing prevalence of English as a publication language. Finally, this academic focus is manifested in references cited by architectural papers with the gradual substitution of professional and artistic oriented knowledge, for scientific approaches tied to engineering and technology

    Vers une architecture fonctionnelle : examen des espaces intérieurs des bibliothÚques universitaires québécoises

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    Le prĂ©sent article propose de comparer six bibliothĂšques universitaires quĂ©bĂ©coises Ă©difiĂ©es entre 1893 et 2019 afin d’y reconnaĂźtre une Ă©volution des caractĂ©ristiques de leurs espaces architecturaux. Une grille d’analyse des caractĂ©ristiques des espaces a Ă©mergĂ© inductivement de caractĂ©ristiques relevĂ©es Ă  partir de l’examen attentif de plans d’architecture et de photographies, ainsi que de visites in situ. L’examen du corpus rĂ©vĂšle que l’évolution de l’espace des BU quĂ©bĂ©coises traduit donc non seulement un mouvement vers une architecture fonctionnelle, mais Ă©galement vers une architecture polyvalente.This article compares six Quebec university libraries built between 1893 and 2019 to identify changes in the characteristics of their architectural spaces. An analysis grid of the characteristics of the spaces has emerged inductively from the characteristics identified from the close examination of architectural plans and photographs, as well as from in situ visits. The examination of the corpus reveals that the evolution of the space of Quebec’s university buildings reflects not only a movement towards functional architecture, but also towards multi-purpose architecture

    Aux confins du «M» et du «F» : une gĂ©nĂ©alogie critique de ce sexe que l’on catĂ©gorise aux fins de l’état civil quĂ©bĂ©cois

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    Avec le soutien financier du Fonds de recherche SociĂ©tĂ© et Culture et du Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines.Cette thĂšse propose une gĂ©nĂ©alogie critique du sexe mĂąle/masculin (« M ») ou femelle/fĂ©minin (« F ») qui est catĂ©gorisĂ© aux fins de l’état civil quĂ©bĂ©cois. Pour ce faire, une Ă©tude des dispositifs qui permettent la rĂ©partition des personnes dans l’une ou l’autre des catĂ©gories susmentionnĂ©es est complĂ©tĂ©e. Celle-ci amĂšne l’auteur Ă  remettre en question ces idĂ©es gĂ©nĂ©ralement reçues en doctrine selon lesquelles le sexe ainsi catĂ©gorisĂ© Ă©manerait en tout ou en partie de la nature humaine. La revue des normes juridiques applicables Ă  la dĂ©termination ainsi qu’à la modification de la mention du sexe figurant Ă  l’acte de naissance le pousse plutĂŽt Ă  conclure que la qualification d’une personne comme Ă©tant de sexe mĂąle/masculin (« M ») ou femelle/fĂ©minin (« F ») s’explique seulement par l’action du pouvoir juridique. Il dĂ©fend donc l’idĂ©e selon laquelle le sexe des personnes est toujours conditionnĂ© par l’action du pouvoir juridique, qui projette sur elles la catĂ©gorie sexuelle Ă  laquelle elles sont rattachĂ©es.This thesis puts forth a genealogical investigation of the male/masculine sex (“M”) or of the female/feminine sex (“F”) as classified under QuĂ©bec’s civil status. To achieve this, a study of the mechanisms that make it possible to assign people to one or the other above-mentioned categories is carried out. It leads the author to challenge the commonly held notion that says that a person’s classified sex originates wholly or partly from human nature. After reviewing legal standards applied to the determination as well as to the amendment of the mention of sex contained in a birth certificate, the writer is inclined to conclude, rather, that qualifying a person as being of the male/masculine (“M”) sex or female/feminine (“F”) sex can solely be explained by legal means. The writer, therefore, defends the thesis that a person’s sex is always conditioned by a legal authority, which projects upon him, her or them the sexual category to which they are linked

    Environmental sciences, sustainable development and circular economy: Alternative concepts for trans-disciplinary research

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    ABSTRACT: The intermeshing of disciplines from the natural sciences, social sciences, engineering and management has become essential to addressing today's environmental challenges. Yet, this can be a daunting task because experts from different disciplines may conceptualize the problems in very different ways and use vocabularies that may not be well understood by one another. This paper explores three alternative environmental concepts used in transdisciplinary research, and outlines some of the epistemological and practical problems that each one poses. It pays particular attention to the increasingly popular concept of “circular economy”, and contrasts it with the more commonly-used concepts of “environmental sciences” and “sustainable development”. In clarifying the nature, meaning and inter-relationship of these alternative concepts, the paper helps trans-disciplinary researchers to understand the opportunities and challenges associated with each one

    Environmental sciences, sustainable development and circular economy: Alternative concepts for trans-disciplinary research

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    ABSTRACT: The intermeshing of disciplines from the natural sciences, social sciences, engineering and management has become essential to addressing today's environmental challenges. Yet, this can be a daunting task because experts from different disciplines may conceptualize the problems in very different ways and use vocabularies that may not be well understood by one another. This paper explores three alternative environmental concepts used in transdisciplinary research, and outlines some of the epistemological and practical problems that each one poses. It pays particular attention to the increasingly popular concept of “circular economy”, and contrasts it with the more commonly-used concepts of “environmental sciences” and “sustainable development”. In clarifying the nature, meaning and inter-relationship of these alternative concepts, the paper helps trans-disciplinary researchers to understand the opportunities and challenges associated with each one

    Mapping information research in Canada = Cartographier la recherche en science de l’information au Canada

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    This study examines the Canadian information research landscape through the lens of the eight academic units hosting ALA-accredited programs. We created a citation-based network utilizing the scholarly articles published by the faculty members and PhD students at each academic unit to identify and characterize distinct research clusters within the field. Then we determined how the publications and researchers from each unit are distributed across the clusters to describe their area of specialization. Our findings emphasize how the inter-, multi-, and transdisciplinary nature of the Canadian information research landscape forms a rich mosaic of information scholarship.Cet article examine le paysage canadien de la recherche en sciences de l’information Ă  travers le prisme des huit unitĂ©s universitaires offrant des programmes d’études accrĂ©ditĂ©s par l'ALA. Nous avons rĂ©alisĂ© un rĂ©seau basĂ© sur les citations en utilisant les articles scientifiques publiĂ©s par les membres du corps professoral et les doctorants de chaque unitĂ© universitaire pour identifier et caractĂ©riser des grappes de recherche distinctes dans le domaine. Ensuite, nous avons dĂ©terminĂ© comment les publications et les chercheurs de chaque unitĂ© sont rĂ©partis dans les grappes de recherche pour dĂ©crire leur domaine de spĂ©cialisation. Nos rĂ©sultats soulignent comment la nature inter-, multi- et transdisciplinaire du paysage canadien de la recherche en sciences de l’information forme une riche mosaĂŻque de travaux dans le domaine de l’information

    A data-independent methodology for the structural characterization of microcystins and anabaenopeptins leading to the identification of four new congeners

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    Toxin-producing cyanobacteria are responsible for the presence of hundreds of bioactive compounds in aquatic environments undergoing increasing eutrophication. The identification of cyanotoxins is still emerging, due to the great diversity of potential congeners, yet high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) has the potential to deepen this knowledge in aquatic environments. In this study, high-throughput and sensitive on-line solid-phase extraction ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (SPE-UHPLC) coupled to HRMS was applied to a data-independent acquisition (DIA) workflow for the suspect screening of cyanopeptides, including microcystin and anabaenopeptin toxin classes. The unambiguous characterization of 11 uncommon cyanopeptides was possible using a characterization workflow through extensive analysis of fragmentation patterns. This method also allowed the characterization of four unknown cyanotoxins ([Leu(1), Ser(7)] MC-HtyR, [Asp(3)]MC-RHar, AP731, and AP803). The quantification of 17 common cyanotoxins along with the semi-quantification of the characterized uncommon cyanopeptides resulted with the identification of 23 different cyanotoxins in 12 lakes in Canada, United Kingdom and France. The concentrations of the compounds varied between 39 and 41,000 ng L(-1). To our knowledge, this is the first DIA method applied for the suspect screening of two families of cyanopeptides simultaneously. Moreover, this study shows the great diversity of cyanotoxins in lake water cyanobacterial blooms, a growing concern in aquatic systems

    Experimental determination of the oral bioavailability and bioaccessibility of lead particles

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    In vivo estimations of Pb particle bioavailability are costly and variable, because of the nature of animal assays. The most feasible alternative for increasing the number of investigations carried out on Pb particle bioavailability is in vitro testing. This testing method requires calibration using in vivo data on an adapted animal model, so that the results will be valid for childhood exposure assessment. Also, the test results must be reproducible within and between laboratories. The Relative Bioaccessibility Leaching Procedure, which is calibrated with in vivo data on soils, presents the highest degree of validation and simplicity. This method could be applied to Pb particles, including those in paint and dust, and those in drinking water systems, which although relevant, have been poorly investigated up to now for childhood exposure assessment

    Determination of six chemotherapeutic agents in municipal wastewater using online solid-phase extraction coupled to liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry

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    ‱ We analyzed six chemotherapy agents in wastewaters. ‱ We used 1 ml injections and an 11 min SPE-LC-MS/MS. ‱ Limits of detection ranged from 4 to 20 ng L − 1 . ‱ Cyclophosphamide and methotrexate were found in wastewater at 17-60 ng L Due to the increased consumption of chemotherapeutic agents, their high toxicity, carcinogenicity, their occurrence in the aquatic environment must be properly evaluated. An analytical method based on online solid-phase extraction coupled to liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry was developed and validated. A 1 mL injection volume was used to quantify six of the most widely used cytotoxic drugs (cyclophosphamide, gemcitabine, ifosfamide, methotrexate, irinotecan and epirubicin) in municipal wastewater. The method was validated using standard additions. The validation results in wastewater influent had coefficients of determination (R 2 ) between 0.983 and 0.998 and intra-day precision ranging from 7 to 13% (expressed as relative standard deviation %RSD), and from 9 to 23% for inter-day precision. Limits of detection ranged from 4 to 20 ng L −1 while recovery values were greater than 70% except for gemcitabine, which is the most hydrophilic compound in the selected group and had a recovery of 47%. Matrix effects were interpreted by signal suppression and ranged from 55 to 118% with cyclophosphamide having the highest value. Two of the target anticancer drugs (cyclophosphamide and methotrexate) were detected and quantified in wastewater (effluent and influent) and ranged from 13 to 60 ng L −1 . The proposed method thus allows proper monitoring of potential environmental releases of chemotherapy agents
