118 research outputs found

    Body fluid micro(mi)RNAs as biomarkers for human cancer

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    Celecoxib decreases prostaglandin E\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e concentrations in nipple aspirate fluid from high risk postmenopausal women and women with breast cancer

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    Background Celecoxib inhibits PGE2 production in cancerous tissue. We previously reported that PGE2 levels in nipple aspirate fluid (NAF) and plasma were not decreased in women at increased breast cancer risk who received celecoxib 200 mg twice daily (bid). The endpoints of the current study were to determine if a short course of celecoxib 400 mg bid would decrease PGE2 levels in women 1) at increased breast cancer risk, and 2) with established breast cancer. Methods NAF and plasma samples were collected before, 2 weeks after taking celecoxib 400 mg bid, and two weeks after washout from 26 women who were at increased breast cancer risk. From 13 women with newly diagnosed breast cancer, NAF from the incident breast and plasma were collected before and on average 2 weeks after taking celecoxib. Additionally, in nine of the 13 women with breast cancer, NAF was collected from the contralateral breast. Results No consistent change in NAF or plasma PGE2 levels was noted in high risk premenopausal women. NAF PGE2 levels decreased after celecoxib administration in postmenopausal high risk women (p = 0.02), and in both the NAF (p = 0.02) and plasma (p = 0.03) of women with breast cancer. Conclusion Celecoxib 400 mg bid taken on average for 2 weeks significantly decreased NAF, but not plasma, PGE2 levels in postmenopausal high risk women, and decreased both NAF and plasma PGE2 levels in women with newly diagnosed breast cancer. PGE2 levels may predict celecoxib breast cancer prevention and treatment efficacy. Our observations are preliminary, and larger studies to confirm and extend these findings are warranted

    Celecoxib concentration predicts decrease in prostaglandin E\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e concentrations in nipple aspirate fluid from high risk women

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    BACKGROUND: Epidemiologic studies suggest that long term low dose celecoxib use significantly lowers breast cancer risk. We previously demonstrated that 400 mg celecoxib taken twice daily for 2 weeks lowered circulating plasma and breast nipple aspirate fluid (NAF) prostaglandin (PG)E2 concentrations in post- but not premenopausal high risk women. We hypothesized that circulating concentrations of celecoxib influenced PGE2 response, and that plasma levels of the drug are influenced by menopausal status. To address these hypotheses, the aims of the study were to determine: 1) if circulating plasma concentrations of celecoxib correlated with the change in plasma or NAF PGE2 concentrations from baseline to end of treatment, and 2) whether menopausal status influenced circulating levels of celecoxib. METHODS: Matched NAF and plasma were collected from 46 high risk women who were administered celecoxib twice daily for two weeks, 20 subjects receiving 200 mg and 26 subjects 400 mg of the agent. NAF and plasma samples were collected before and 2 weeks after taking celecoxib. RESULTS: In women taking 400 mg bid celecoxib, plasma concentrations of the agent correlated inversely with the change in NAF PGE2 levels from pre- to posttreatment. Nonsignificant trends toward higher celecoxib levels were observed in post- compared to premenopausal women. There was a significant decrease in NAF but not plasma PGE2 concentrations in postmenopausal women who took 400 mg celecoxib (p = 0.03). CONCLUSION: In high risk women taking 400 mg celecoxib twice daily, plasma concentrations of celecoxib correlated with downregulation of PGE2 production by breast tissue. Strategies synergistic with celecoxib to downregulate PGE2 are of interest, in order to minimize the celecoxib dose required to have an effect

    Increased shedding of soluble fragments of P-cadherin in nipple aspirate fluids from women with breast cancer.

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    Breast cancer, a worldwide disease with increasing incidence, develops from ductal/lobular epithelium. Nipple aspirate fluid (NAF), secreted from the breast ducts and lobules, can be analyzed to assess breast metabolic activity. P-cadherin is frequently over-expressed in high-grade invasive breast carcinomas and has been reported to be an enhancer of migration and invasion of breast cancer cells, being correlated with tumor aggressiveness. The present study analyzed the soluble fragment of P-cadherin in milk, NAF and matched plasma samples of healthy subjects and in women with precancer conditions and breast cancer. Soluble P-cadherin was detected in all plasma and milk samples, and in about 31.3% of NAF samples. The lowest levels of soluble P-cadherin were found in plasma, with no significant difference among NoCancer, PreCancer and Cancer patients. The highest concentration of soluble P-cadherin was detected in milk collected during the first trimester of lactation, significantly with respect to all NAF samples. There were significantly higher levels of soluble P-cadherin in NAF from Cancer patients than those in women with NoCancer and PreCancer (P < 0.0001). Although no significant difference was found between in situ and invasive breast cancer, soluble P-cadherin levels were found at high concentrations in c-erbB-2-positive tumors, showing a positive correlation with disease stage grouping and tumor grade, and an inverse relationship with estrogen/progesterone receptor status. High levels of the soluble fragment of P-cadherin in Cancer NAF suggest its possible release via proteolytic processing, favoring cancer cell detachment from breast duct, and suggesting that measuring soluble P-cadherin in NAF may improve the identification of women with increased breast cancer risk

    Breast cancer biomarkers predict weight loss after gastric bypass surgery

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Obesity has long been associated with postmenopausal breast cancer risk and more recently with premenopausal breast cancer risk. We previously observed that nipple aspirate fluid (n) levels of prostate specific antigen (PSA) were associated with obesity. Serum (s) levels of adiponectin are lower in women with higher body mass index (BMI) and with breast cancer. We conducted a prospective study of obese women who underwent gastric bypass surgery to determine: 1) change in n- and s-adiponectin and nPSA after surgery and 2) if biomarker change is related to change in BMI. Samples (30-s, 28-n) and BMI were obtained from women 0, 3, 6 and 12 months after surgery.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>There was a significant increase after surgery in pre- but not postmenopausal women at all time points in s-adiponectin and at 3 and 6 months in n-adiponectin. Low n-PSA and high s-adiponectin values were highly correlated with decrease in BMI from baseline.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Adiponectin increases locally in the breast and systemically in premenopausal women after gastric bypass. s-adiponectin in pre- and nPSA in postmenopausal women correlated with greater weight loss. This study provides preliminary evidence for biologic markers to predict weight loss after gastric bypass surgery.</p

    Circulating testosterone and prostate-specific antigen in nipple aspirate fluid and tissue are associated with breast cancer.

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    Preliminary evidence has associated testosterone and prostate-specific antigen (PSA) with breast cancer. Our objective was to determine whether a) testosterone levels in nipple aspirate fluid (NAF), serum, or breast tissue are associated with breast cancer; b) testosterone levels in serum are associated with levels in NAF; c) PSA in NAF, serum, or breast tissue is associated with breast cancer; and d) serum PSA is associated with NAF PSA levels. We obtained 342 NAF specimens from 171 women by means of a modified breast pump. Additionally, we collected 201 blood samples from 99 women and 51 tissue samples from 41 subjects who underwent surgical resection for suspected disease. Women currently using birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy were excluded from the study. Controlling for age and menopausal status, serum testosterone was significantly increased in women with breast cancer (p = 0.002). NAF and serum testosterone levels were not associated. Neither NAF nor tissue testosterone was associated with breast cancer. Controlling for menopausal status and age, NAF PSA was significantly decreased in women with breast cancer (p \u3c 0.001). We did not find serum PSA to be associated with breast cancer, although we found an indication that, in postmenopausal women, its levels were lower in women with cancer. Serum PSA was associated with NAF PSA in postmenopausal women (p \u3c 0.001). PSA levels in cancerous tissue were significantly lower than in benign breast specimens from subjects without cancer (p = 0.011), whereas levels of PSA in histologically benign specimens from subjects with cancer were intermediate. Our results suggest that serum testosterone is increased and NAF PSA is decreased in women with breast cancer, with PSA expression being higher in normal than in cancerous breast tissues. NAF and serum PSA levels in postmenopausal women are correlated, suggesting that as laboratory assessment of PSA becomes more sensitive, serum PSA may become useful in identifying women with breast cancer

    Skin necrosis in smoking patients receiving partial breast irradiation: two case reports

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    Partial breast irradiation has become an increasingly popular mode of treatment after excisional biopsy to treat early stage invasive breast cancer. Its main advantage is that treatment can be delivered in five days rather than 30, as is standard for whole breast irradiation. Early reports suggest good to excellent cosmesis in the vast majority of subjects. Herein we report two cases of skin necrosis in women with Stage 1 breast cancer who smoked before and after partial breast irradiation

    A human relevent rat model of breast cancer

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    Abstract only availableBecause women experience a bewildering array of chemicals, foods and lifestyles, only profound effects on preventing or promoting breast cancer are detectible in human studies. Subtle or delayed effects can be detected in animal models. Mammary tumors in ACI rats share important similarities with the majority of human breast cancers. The link between life time estrogen exposure and breast cancer risk in humans is well established. A high percentage of human breast cancers express ER, are stimulated to grow by the addition of exogenous estrogen, and respond to the antiestrogen tamoxifen. The ACI rat is the only rodent model in which estrogen-sensitive tumors are induced by estrogen. The ACI.COP-Ept2 substrain, derived from the ACI rat, develops mammary tumors similar to those of the ACI rat, but with reduced pituitary hyperplasia. We show that estrogen-induced mammary tumors in ACI.COP-Ept2 express ERα and respond to tamoxifen. Furthermore, tumors express ERβ, progesterone receptor and Her2/neu. The average latency was 183±6 days (n=24) and average tumor burden 1,107±415 mm3. The similarities of ACI.COP-Ept2 tumors to human breast cancers make this a valuable model for determining which of the myriad of lifestyle and diet choices reportedly protecting women from breast cancer actually reduce cancer incidence.Food for the 21st Century Undergraduate Research Program in Nutritional Science

    Carbohydrate antigens in nipple aspirate fluid predict the presence of atypia and cancer in women requiring diagnostic breast biopsy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The goal of this prospective study was to determine (a) concentrations of the carbohydrate biomarkers Thomsen Friedenreich (TF) antigen and its precursor, Tn antigen, in nipple discharge (ND) collected from women requiring biopsy because of a suspicious breast lesion; and (b) if concentration levels predicted pathologic diagnosis.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Adult women requiring biopsy to exclude breast cancer were enrolled and ND obtained. The samples from 124 women were analyzed using an anti-TF and anti-Tn monoclonal antibodies in direct immunoassay.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The highest median concentration in ND for TF and Tn was in women with ductal carcinoma <it>in situ </it>(DCIS). TF was higher in women with 1) cancer (DCIS or invasive) vs. either no cancer (atypia or benign pathology, p = .048), or benign pathology (p = .018); and 2) abnormal (atypia or cancer) versus benign pathology (p = .016); and was more predictive of atypia or cancer in post- compared to premenopausal women. Tn was not predictive of disease. High TF concentration and age were independent predictors of disease, correctly classifying either cancer or abnormal vs. benign pathology 83% of the time in postmenopausal women.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>TF concentrations in ND were higher in women with precancer and cancer compared to women with benign disease, and TF was an independent predictor of breast atypia and cancer. TF may prove useful in early breast cancer detection.</p