71 research outputs found

    Brain rhythms: How control gets into working memory

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    New research suggests that frontal midline theta EEG activity in humans controls activity in parietal cortex associated with memory maintenance. In turn, the speed of this frontal theta is modulated by the number of items to be handled, potentially indicating strong bidirectional communication within a fronto-parietal network

    Spatio-Temporal Brain Dynamic Differences in Fluid Intelligence

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    Human fluid intelligence is closely linked to the sequential solving of complex problems. It has been associated with a distributed cognitive control or multiple-demand (MD) network, comprising regions of lateral frontal, insular, dorsomedial frontal, and parietal cortex. Previous neuroimaging research suggests that the MD network may orchestrate the allocation of attentional resources to individual parts of a complex task: in a complex target detection task with multiple independent rules, applied one at a time, reduced response to rule-critical events across the MD network in lower fluid intelligence was observed. This was in particular the case with increasing task complexity (i.e., larger sets of rules), and was accompanied by impairment in performance. Here, we examined the early spatiotemporal neural dynamics of this process in electroencephalography (EEG) source analyses using a similar task paradigm. Levels of fluid intelligence specifically predicted early neural responses in a left inferiorparietal MD region around 200-300 ms post stimulus onset. Evoked source amplitudes in left parietal cortex within this early time window also correlated with behavioural performance measures. Like in previous research, we observed impaired performance in lower fluid intelligence with increasing number of task rules. This links fluid intelligence to a process of attentional focus on those parts of a task that are most critical for the current behaviour. Within the MD system, our time re-resolved measures suggest that the left parietal cortex specifically impacts on early processes of attentional focus on task critical features. This is novel evidence on the neurocognitive correlates of fluid intelligence suggesting that individual differences are critically linked to an early process of attentional focus on task-relevant information, which is supported by left parietal MD regions

    Alpha‐tACS alters attentional control but not cognitive functions as video games do: A psychophysical investigation based on the theory of visual attention

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    Video game players' faster speed of information processing has been shown to coincide with altered posterior alpha power modulation, that is, brain oscillatory activity around 10 Hz. Thus, it was proposed that improved cognitive processing in video game players may be related to differential alpha activity. However, a causal relationship thereof has not yet been established. We addressed this by conducting a non-invasive brain stimulation study to demonstrate that modulating alpha power using transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) may impact on speed of information processing. Furthermore, we aimed to show that this effect correlated with altered attentional control, for example, visuospatial attention and/or top-down control processing, given that this has been suggested to contribute to video gaming effects. Therefore, we recruited 19 non-video game players to undergo one of five brain stimulation conditions while performing a visual short-term memory task at five different days, respectively. Thus, we applied tACS either at 10 Hz (alpha frequency) or at 16.18 Hz (control frequency) either over their left or right posterior parietal cortex (PPC) or a sham stimulation. Individuals' speed of information processing, visuospatial attention and top-down control processing were operationalised using a computational modelling approach based on the theory of visual attention. We found that alpha-tACS applied over individuals' left PPC altered their visuospatial attention orientation but not their speed of information processing. Thus, we were not able to establish a causal relationship between speed of information processing and altered visuospatial attention processing through alpha power modulation using non-invasive brain stimulation

    EEG cross-frequency phase synchronization as an index of memory matching in visual search

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    Visual perception is influenced by our expectancies about incoming sensory information. It is assumed that mental templates of expected sensory input are created and compared to actual input, which can be matching or not. When such mental templates are held in working memory, cross-frequency phase synchronization (CFS) between theta and gamma band activity has been proposed to serve matching processes between prediction and sensation. We investigated how this is affected by the number of activated templates that could be matched by comparing conditions where participants had to keep either one or multiple templates in mind for successful visual search. We found a transient CFS between EEG theta and gamma activity in an early time window around 150Â ms after search display presentation, in right hemispheric parietal cortex. Our results suggest that for single template conditions, stronger transient theta-gamma CFS at posterior sites contralateral to target presentation can be observed than for multiple templates. This can be interpreted as evidence to the idea of sequential attentional templates. But mainly, it is understood in line with previous theoretical accounts strongly arguing for transient synchronization between posterior theta and gamma phase as a neural correlate of matching incoming sensory information with contents from working memory and as evidence for limitations in memory matching during multiple template search

    Influence of Bilingualism on Behavioral and Electrophysiological Parameters of Cognitive Control No Clear Effects of Immersion, Stimulus Language, and Word Similarity

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    Bilingualism has been associated with better cognitive control as compared to monolingualism. However, the robustness of the respective findings is subject to a recent debate, and moderators should be taken into consideration. We reasoned that groups immersed in their second language should show a greater bilingual advantage in cognitive control as compared to non-immersed participants. Further, stimulus language (first or second language), word similarity in the two languages (similar or dissimilar), as well as congruency between ink and word were varied. Forty-five participants from three different language groups (Romance, Slavic, and German) conducted a Stroop task while EEG was recorded. Higher cognitive control demand was operationalized as (1) longer reaction times, (2) higher error rates, (3) stronger N400, (4) increased Late Positive Complex (LPC), and (5) stronger Frontal Midline Theta activity. The classical Stroop interference effect was replicated for all dependent variables. Contrary to expectation, participants immersed in their second language did not exhibit any inhibition advantage in the Stroop task. Moreover, higher script similarity between first and second languages led to faster response times in general. Results are discussed in light of the current debate on the existence of a bilingual advantage in cognitive control

    Dynamic alpha power modulations and slow negative potentials track natural shifts of spatio‐temporal attention

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    Alpha power modulations and slow negative potentials have previously been associated with anticipatory processes in spatial and temporal top-down attention. In typical experimental designs, however, neural responses triggered by transient stimulus onsets can interfere with attention-driven activity patterns and our interpretation of such. Here, we investigated these signatures of spatio-temporal attention in a dynamic paradigm free from potentially confounding stimulus-driven activity using electroencephalography. Participants attended the cued side of a bilateral stimulus rotation and mentally counted how often one of two remembered sample orientations (i.e., the target) was displayed while ignoring the uncued side and non-target orientation. Afterwards, participants performed a delayed match-to-sample task, in which they indicated if the orientation of a probe stimulus matched the corresponding sample orientation (previously target or non-target). We observed dynamic alpha power reductions and slow negative waves around task-relevant points in space and time (i.e., onset of the target orientation in the cued hemifield) over posterior electrodes contralateral to the locus of attention. In contrast to static alpha power lateralization, these dynamic signatures correlated with subsequent memory performance (primarily detriments for matching probes of the non-target orientation), suggesting a preferential allocation of attention to task-relevant locations and time points at the expense of reduced resources and impaired performance for information outside the current focus of attention. Our findings suggest that humans can naturally and dynamically focus their attention at relevant points in space and time and that such spatio-temporal attention shifts can be reflected by dynamic alpha power modulations and slow negative potentials

    Modulating verbal working memory with fronto‐parietal transcranial electric stimulation at theta frequency: Does it work?

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    Oscillatory theta activity in a fronto-parietal network has been associated with working memory (WM) processes and may be directly related to WM performance. In their seminal study, Polanía et al. (2012) (de-)coupled a fronto-parietal theta-network by applying transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS), and showed that anti-phase tACS led to slower and in-phase tACS to faster response times in a verbal WM task compared to placebo stimulation. In the literature, this ‘synchronization-desynchronization’ effect has only been partly replicated, and electric field modelling suggests that it might not be the fronto-parietal network that is primarily stimulated during in-phase tACS with a shared return electrode. This provides one possible reason for inconsistency in the literature. In this study, we aimed to reproduce the findings reported by Polanía et al. (2012). We also aimed to investigate whether in-phase theta tACS with multiple close-by return electrodes for focal stimulation of the frontal and the parietal cortex will have at least as much of a facilitatory effect as the in-phase stimulation as indicated by Polania et al. (2012). In a single-trial distributional analysis, we explored whether mean, variation and right-skewness of the response time distribution are affected. Against our hypothesis, we found no ‘synchronization-desynchronization’ effect by fronto-parietal theta tACS on response times using the same delayed letter discrimination task and stimulation parameters in two experiments, both between-subjects and within-subjects. However, we could show that in a more demanding 3-back task, fronto-parietal in-phase and in-phase focal theta tACS substantially improved task performance compared to placebo stimulation

    Right Prefrontal TMS Disrupts Interregional Anticipatory EEG Alpha Activity during Shifting of Visuospatial Attention

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    Visual attention can be shifted in space without moving the eyes. Amplitude decrease of rhythmical brain activity around 10 Hz (so called alpha activity) at contralateral posterior sites has been reported during covered shifts of visuospatial attention to one visual hemi-field. Alpha amplitude increase, on the other hand, can be found at ipsilateral visual cortex. There is some evidence suggesting an involvement of prefrontal brain areas during the control of attention-related anticipatory alpha amplitude asymmetry. This open question has been studied in detail using a multimodal approach combining transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and multichannel electroencephalography (EEG) in healthy humans. Slow (1 Hz) repetitive TMS leading to reduced excitability of the stimulation site was delivered either to right frontal eye field (FEF) or a control site (vertex). Subsequently, participants had to perform a spatial cuing task in which covert shifts of attention were required to either the left or the right visual hemi-field. After stimulation at the vertex (control condition) a pattern of anticipatory, attention-related ipsilateral alpha increase/contralateral alpha decrease over posterior recording sites could be obtained. Additionally, there was pronounced coupling between (in particular right) FEF and posterior brain sites at EEG alpha frequency. When, however, right prefrontal cortex had been virtually lesioned preceding the task, these EEG correlates of visuospatial attention were attenuated. Notably, the effect of TMS at the right FEF on interregional fronto-parietal alpha coupling predicted the effect of TMS on response times. This suggests that visual attention processes associated with posterior EEG alpha activity are at least partly top-down controlled by the prefrontal cortex

    Alpha oscillatory correlates of motor inhibition in the aged brain

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    Exerting inhibitory control is a cognitive ability mediated by functions known to decline with age. The goal of this study is to add to the mechanistic understanding of cortical inhibition during motor control in aged brains. Based on behavioral findings of impaired inhibitory control with age we hypothesized that elderly will show a reduced or a lack of EEG alpha power increase during tasks that require motor inhibition. Since inhibitory control over movements has been shown to rely on prior motor memory formation, we investigated cortical inhibitory processes at two points in time early after learning and after an overnight consolidation phase and hypothesized an overnight increase of inhibitory capacities. Young and elderly participants acquired a complex finger movement sequence and in each experimental session brain activity during execution and inhibition of the sequence was recorded with multi-channel EEG. We assessed cortical processes of sustained inhibition by means of task-induced changes of alpha oscillatory power. During inhibition of the learned movement, young participants showed a significant alpha power increase at the sensorimotor cortices whereas elderly did not. Interestingly, for both groups, the overnight consolidation phase improved up-regulation of alpha power during sustained inhibition. This points to deficits in the generation and enhancement of local inhibitory mechanisms at the sensorimotor cortices in aged brains. However, the alpha power increase in both groups implies neuroplastic changes that strengthen the network of alpha power generation over time in young as well as elderly brains

    Brain Oscillatory Correlates of Altered Executive Functioning in Positive and Negative Symptomatic Schizophrenia Patients and Healthy Controls

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    Working Memory and executive functioning deficits are core characteristics of patients suffering from schizophrenia. Electrophysiological research indicates that altered patterns of neural oscillatory mechanisms underpinning executive functioning are associated with the psychiatric disorder. Such brain oscillatory changes have been found in local amplitude differences at gamma and theta frequencies in task-specific cortical areas. Moreover, interregional interactions are also disrupted as signified by decreased phase coherence of fronto-posterior theta activity in schizophrenia patients. However, schizophrenia is not a one-dimensional psychiatric disorder but has various forms and expressions. A common distinction is between positive and negative symptomatology but most patients have both negative and positive symptoms to some extent. Here, we examined three groups – healthy controls, predominantly negative and predominantly positive symptomatic schizophrenia patients – when performing a working memory task with increasing cognitive demand and increasing need for executive control. We analysed brain oscillatory activity in the three groups separately and investigated how predominant symptomatology might explain differences in brain oscillatory patterns. Our results indicate that differences in task specific fronto-posterior network activity (i.e. executive control network) expressed by interregional phase synchronisation are able to account for working memory dysfunctions between groups. Local changes in the theta and gamma frequency range also show differences between patients and healthy controls, and more importantly, between the two patient groups. We conclude that differences in oscillatory brain activation patterns related to executive processing can be an indicator for positive and negative symptomatology in schizophrenia. Furthermore, changes in cognitive and especially executive functioning in patients are expressed by alterations in a task-specific fronto-posterior connectivity even in the absence of behavioural impairment
