105 research outputs found

    Analyzing Tea Tourism Products and Experiences From India and Turkey: Supply Proclivities

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    Tea is considered an important symbol of expression of socio-cultural heritage, community bonding, ethnicities, and customs to strengthen local place identity. Tea tourism offers an engaging and enduring gastronomic experience due to the active participation of tourists. This study aims to identify the key destination tea tourism products or experiences. This study uses a qualitative research approach to identify the prime tea tourism products and experiences from two important tea-growing nations, i.e., India and Turkey, ranked second and fifth in global tea production, respectively. The research findings present four main categories: facilities, activities, tours, training, Observation, and twenty-five sub-categories relating to tea tourism products and experiences. This study also strives to discover the contribution of tea tourism products or experiences in the tours conducted by Indian and Turkey travel agencies. This study is one of the first studies to examine the selected elements of tea tourism at the destination. The results will contribute to several theoretical and practical implications concerning tea tourism in tea-producing countries. The study will also offer essential insights into how travel agencies may use tea tourism products and experiences efficiently in packaging their tours

    A study of guest's expectation and perception of hotel service quality : case of Khajuraho, India

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    Evaluation of customers’ perception and satisfaction of service quality is widely acknowledged as being a favourable strategy in the hotel industry. In recent years, the hotels in India have encountered difficult times due to the increasing customer demands, and due to the strong internal industry competition development. However, the hospitality industry’s main concern around the globe is to cater for its customer needs and their desires, which are mostly addressed through personal services. Present research paper aims to provide an assessment of service quality suggested by Grönroos (1982; 1990) by empirically examining hotel guests’ perception of process quality and outcome quality; and the relationships between the perceived service quality, customer satisfaction in the hotel industry of the study area. Therefore, the hotel businesses that are able to provide quality services to its ever demanding customers in a warm and efficient manner, are those businesses which will be more likely to obtain a long term competitive advantage over their rivals. The present paper will highlight the behaviour of the hotel guests from hospitality products and services in the study area. The study will be helpful in identification of GAP’s in service delivery process and measures adopted to bridge those GAP’s.La evaluación de la percepción de los clientes y la satisfacción de la calidad del servicio es reconocida ampliamente como una estrategia de favorable en la industria hotelera. En años recientes, los hoteles en India han encontrado tiempos difíciles debido al incremento en la demanda, y la fuerte competición por el desarrollo industrial interno. Sin embargo, la principal preocupación de la industria hotelera alrededor del mundo es proveer por las necesidades de sus clientes y sus deseos, los cuales son mayoritariamente dirigidos a través de servicios personales. El presente artículo de investigación busca proveer una valoración de la calidad del servicio sugerida por Grönroos (1982; 1990) mediante la examinación empírica de la percepción de los clientes del hotel del proceso y el resultado de la calidad; y la relación entre la calidad del servicio percibida, la satisfacción de los clientes en la industria hotelera del área estudiada. Así pues, los negocios hoteleros que pueden prestar servicios de calidad a sus siempre exigentes huéspedes de una manera cálida y eficiente, son aquellas empresas con mayor probabilidad de obtener una ventaja competitiva a largo plazo sobre sus rivales. El presente artículo destacará el comportamiento de los huéspedes del hotel desde los productos y servicios de hostelería en el área de estudio. El estudio será de ayuda en la identificación de GAP en el proceso de prestación de servicios y medidas adoptadas para salvar esas GAP

    Community Support for Religious Tourism: The Role of Place Image, Community Attachment and Overall Quality of Life

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    In recent years, tourism has increased significantly, especially in developing countries, due to the development of infrastructures like good roads, well-connected airports, and hygienic accommodation facilities. However, the host community\u27s attitude is critical for a tourism destination\u27s strategic growth, development, and sustainability. As such, this study analyses attitudes and perceptions of the local community in Thrissur, a famous cultural destination in Kerala, India. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was adopted to develop a model for perceived tourism support with community attachment and overall quality of life. This model uses seven constructs: temple place image, economic benefits, social benefits, physical benefits, community attachment, overall quality of life, and perceived tourism support with forty-four attributes. The result indicates that Temple place image, socioeconomic and physical benefits, community attachment, and overall quality of life are predominant determiners for perceived tourism support of the local community

    IJRTP Volume 9(v) Table of Contents & Editorial

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    Realization of astrosat Model with Fused Deposition Modelling

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    The current work focuses on the challenges faced while realizing the 3D Model of ASTROSAT using Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) - A material extrusion based additive manufacturing technology. Initially, the entire assembly of the ASTROSAT was studied and modified appropriately to suit the demonstration model. The modified assembly was scaled down to 1:6 scale. The scaled down model was then re-modified at the local subsystems (or individual component) level, according to the manufacturability through FDM and this was the major challenge faced due to constraint on minimum printable feature size. All the subsystems or individual components were converted to STL format and were printed on FORTUS 400MC of Stratasys. Thus obtained 3D printed parts were assembled as per the assembly drawing. It was found that, the FDM technology and Additive Manufacturing technology as a whole, is very useful in realizing the complicated demonstration modelsin a very short duration, without compromising the prominent engineering features


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    Objective: Microtubule-interfering drugs are commonly used to treat malignant disorders owing to indispensable role of this cytoskeletal element. These drugs include paclitaxel, docetaxel, and the Vinca alkaloids; however, owing to their non-selective action and overpolymerizing effects, these chemotherapy drugs are confounded by complications with serious toxicity (particularly, peripheral neuropathies, gastrointestinal toxicity, myelosuppression, and immunosuppression) (by taxanes) or depolymerizing effects (by Vincas) on microtubules. Thus, there is urgent need to explore novel tubulin-binding agents that are significantly effective and comparatively less toxic compared to currently available drugs for the treatment of human cancer. The current study focuses fusion of two novel anticancer compounds with low toxicity, i.e., noscapine and triazole to generate a new ligand derivative.Methods: Using computer-aided drug designing approach and molecular docking, molecular interaction of these derivatives with αβ-tubulin heterodimer was confirmed and investigated by molecular docking along with dynamics simulation.Results: A greater affinity of the newly designed ligands for binding to tubulin was predicted. The predictive binding free energy (Gbind,pred) of these derivatives (ranging from −10.5178 to −16.8473 kcal/mol) based on linear interaction energy method with a surface generalized born continuum salvation model showed improved binding affinity with tubulin as compared to the lead compound. natural α-Noscapine (−5.505 kcal/mol). The binding energy of ligand determined using LigX, i.e., MM/GBVI was found to be −23.208 kcal/mol.Conclusion: We found that designed derivative compounds have better efficacy as compared noscapine and triazole