20,511 research outputs found

    Integrated control system for a gas turbine engine

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    A control system for a turbofan engine receives signals from a number of engine sensors and from the engine operator, and generates control signals. One control signal regulates the fan exhaust nozzle area in order to control inlet throat Mach number to maintain a low level of engine noise. Additional control signals regulate fuel flow to control engine thrust and fan pitch to control fan speed. A number of schedules are utilized to maintain a predetermined relationship between the controlled parameters and a number of fixed and calculated limits can override the control signals to prevent unsatisfactory engine performance

    Immune cells and preterm labour:do invariant NKT cells hold the key?

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    We have developed our original made-to-measure (M2M) algorithm, PRIMAL, with the aim of modelling the Galactic disc from upcoming Gaia data. From a Milky Way like N-body disc galaxy simulation, we have created mock Gaia data using M0III stars as tracers, taking into account extinction and the expected Gaia errors. In PRIMAL, observables calculated from the N-body model are compared with the target stars, at the position of the target stars. Using PRIMAL, the masses of the N-body model particles are changed to reproduce the target mock data, and the gravitational potential is automatically adjusted by the changing mass of the model particles. We have also adopted a new resampling scheme for the model particles to keep the mass resolution of the N-body model relatively constant. We have applied PRIMAL to this mock Gaia data and we show that PRIMAL can recover the structure and kinematics of a Milky Way like barred spiral disc, along with the apparent bar structure and pattern speed of the bar despite the galactic extinction and the observational errors

    Making postgraduate students and supervisors aware of the role of emotions in the PhD process

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    Emotions are an integral part of the PhD process. A range of emotions are common and to be expected. How do emotions affect the PhD process for both postgraduate students and their supervisors? How can we make our emotions work positively for us in the PhD process? To explore answers to these questions, three lecturers currently supervising postgraduates and three postgraduates at various stages in their doctoral studies collectively pooled their experiences. We developed an interactive workshop that was recently conducted for postgraduate students at Murdoch University and at the Australian Association for Social Research annual conference 2002. This presentation will explore the role that emotions play in the PhD process and how supervisors and postgraduates alike can benefit from reflecting on this issue. A number of practical (and humorous) tips will be provided as well as examples from others' PhD experiences. The role of emotions at the beginning, middle and end of a PhD program will be explored. The data collection and analysis phases are a time when emotions may run riot. Trepidation is especially common when fieldwork or data collection is involved, as is anger when postgraduate's views about how the world works are challenged and then sadness (and relief!) when the data collection phase is finished. We will discuss how supervisors can assist their postgraduates to make these feelings work for them. The presentation will also explore the emotions that arise from the supervisor-postgraduate partnership

    Guide to the use of Mariner images

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    Planetary imaging from unmanned spacecraft, almost exclusively done by digital systems, is examined. The Mars Mariner 9 television camera, representative of such systems, is considered. Each image consists of 700 lines, each containing 832 picture elements, or pixels. Each pixel contains nine binary bits of information capable of displaying 512 discrete brightness levels. Several problems inherent in television systems are discussed. These include nonuniform target response, residual images, noise, and blemishes. These defects can be removed to some extent by decalibration of the image. The final product is geometrically corrected for camera distortion and photometrically corrected. Several versions of the decalibrated images are available. The most generally useful are the geometrically corrected images with enhanced contrast. The Mariner 10 imaging of Mercury is briefly discussed

    Clustering of the Diffuse Infrared Light from the COBE DIRBE maps. III. Power spectrum analysis and excess isotropic component of fluctuations

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    The cosmic infrared background (CIB) radiation is the cosmic repository for energy release throughout the history of the universe. Using the all-sky data from the COBE DIRBE instrument at wavelengths 1.25 - 100 mic we attempt to measure the CIB fluctuations. In the near-IR, foreground emission is dominated by small scale structure due to stars in the Galaxy. There we find a strong correlation between the amplitude of the fluctuations and Galactic latitude after removing bright foreground stars. Using data outside the Galactic plane (b>20deg|b| > 20\deg) and away from the center (90deg<l<270deg90\deg< l <270\deg) we extrapolate the amplitude of the fluctuations to cosecb=0|b|=0. We find a positive intercept of δFrms=15.57.0+3.7,5.93.7+1.6,2.40.9+0.5,2.00.5+0.25\delta F_{\rm rms} = 15.5^{+3.7}_{-7.0},5.9^{+1.6}_{-3.7}, 2.4^{+0.5}_{-0.9}, 2.0^{+0.25}_{-0.5} nW/m2/sr at 1.25, 2.2,3.5 and 4.9 mic respectively, where the errors are the range of 92% confidence limits. For color subtracted maps between band 1 and 2 we find the isotropic part of the fluctuations at 7.62.4+1.27.6^{+1.2}_{-2.4} nW/m2/sr. Based on detailed numerical and analytic models, this residual is not likely to originate from the Galaxy, our clipping algorithm, or instrumental noise. We demonstrate that the residuals from the fit used in the extrapolation are distributed isotropically and suggest that this extra variance may result from structure in the CIB. For 2\deg< \theta < 15^\deg, a power-spectrum analysis yields firm upper limits of (\theta/5^\deg) \times\delta F_{\rm rms} (\theta) < 6, 2.5, 0.8, 0.5 nW/m2/sr at 1.25, 2.2, 3.5 and 4.9 mic respectively. From 10-100 mic, the upper limits <1 nW/m2/sr.Comment: Ap.J., in press. 69 pages including 24 fig

    Digital Repository of Mathematical Formulae

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    The purpose of the NIST Digital Repository of Mathematical Formulae (DRMF) is to create a digital compendium of mathematical formulae for orthogonal polynomials and special functions (OPSF) and of associated mathematical data. The DRMF addresses needs of working mathematicians, physicists and engineers: providing a platform for publication and interaction with OPSF formulae on the web. Using MediaWiki extensions and other existing technology (such as software and macro collections developed for the NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions), the DRMF acts as an interactive web domain for OPSF formulae. Whereas Wikipedia and other web authoring tools manifest notions or descriptions as first class objects, the DRMF does that with mathematical formulae. See http://gw32.iu.xsede.org/index.php/Main_Page

    Newfoundland, sentinel of the St. Lawrence

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    Newfoundland Sentinel of the St. Lawrence, Behind the HeadlinesBehind the headlines ; v. 3, no. 9Includes bibliographical references (page 21