24 research outputs found

    Carcinoma epidermoide unilateral de terceira pálpebra e bilateral de esclera em bovino – Relato de caso

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    Os Carcinomas de células epiteliais ou carcinomas de células escamosas (CCE) são considerados uma das neoplasias mais freqüentes em animais de produção, afetando principalmente os bovinos. No aspecto econômico, o CCE ocular é o segundo tumor que acarreta maiores prejuízos à bovinocultura. As causas do CCE ainda não são totalmente definidas, sabe-se que sua ocorrência está relacionada à idade, despigmentação, fatores genéticos, exposição cutânea aos raios solares em áreas desprovidas de pêlos, imunossupressão, cicatrizes, ulceras crônicas e regiões de altitude elevada. Os CCE apresentam crescimento lento e baixa freqüência de metástase, exceto os tumores pouco diferenciados. O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar o caso de uma vaca da raça Girolando com aproximadamente sete anos de idade que foi atendida no Hospital Veterinário Escola da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária de Valença – RJ. O animal apresentava lacrimejamento principalmente no globo ocular direito; ao exame clínico constatou-se a presença de massas tumorais de coloração rosa clara na terceira pálpebra e também na porção superior da esclera bilateral. O mesmo foi submetido a um procedimento cirúrgico para a retirada dos fragmentos e estes destinados ao Laboratório de Histopatologia da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária de Valença. Diante dos achados microscópicos pôde-se confirmar o carcinoma de células epiteliais


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    As malformações ou defeitos congênitos são anormalidades estruturais ou funcionais presentes ao nascimento, que acometem os sistemas de forma parcial ou total, nas fases de desenvolvimento embrionário ou fetal de todas as espécies de animais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar o caso de uma bezerra com um mês de idade apresentando atresia anal associada à fistula reto-vaginal que foi atendida no Hospital Veterinário Escola de Valença. O proprietário relatou que o animal não apresentava ânus, e que a mesma defecava e urinava pela vagina e tinha tenesmo frequente. O tratamento sugerido foi por meio cirúrgico e com quinze dias retirou-se os pontos e observado completo restabelecimento do animal. Através do estudo realizado, é possível concluir que este defeito congênito pode ser facilmente resolvido, cirurgicamente, sem maiores danos à vida do animal

    Locoregional Anesthesia Due to Tumescence in Bilateral Total Mastectomy of Goats

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    Background: Mastitis is an inflammation of the mammary gland or udder, regardless of its origin, severity, or evolution. Bilateral total mastectomy is indicated in cases of chronic suppurative mastitis, gangrenous mastitis, udder neoplasm or hyperplasia. For mastectomy, the supine position is recommended and, as it is a long-term procedure, general anesthesia was chosen together with the tumescence technique with the objective of transanesthetic and postoperative analgesia. The present report aims to report the general anesthesia protocol used for 2 goats submitted to bilateral total mastectomy associated with a locoregional block by tumescence, a technique not described in the goat species. Cases: Two female goats, mixed breed, approximately 3 years old, were admitted to the Hospital Veterinário de Grandes Animais (HVGA) of the Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ), with a history of recurrent mastitis. There was an increase in udder volume and the presence of purulent secretion during milking. One of the animals had given birth about 20 days ago. Surgical treatment through bilateral total mastectomy was recommended for both animals, as they did not present a satisfactory response to antimicrobial therapy, excessive enlargement and functional loss of the mammary system. For the procedure, food fasting for 48 h and water fasting for 24 h was established. The anesthetic protocols used consisted of previous sedation with xylazine¹ [Xilazin® - 0.05 mg/kg, IM] anesthetic induction with ketamine² [Ketalex® - 10 mg/kg, IV] and midazolam³ [Dormire® - 0.1 mg/kg, IV]. Orotracheal intubation and connection to the anesthetic circuit were performed for maintenance through inhalation anesthesia with isoflurane4 (Forane®) and oxygen therapy. Then, in bottle of lactated ringer's solution5 [Linhamax® - 500 mL], lidocaine 2%6 without vasoconstrictor [Lidovet® - 40 mL] and adrenaline7 [Adren® - 25 mg/mL, 0.5 mL] were added, 10 mL/kg of the solution were injected into the subcutaneous tissue of the region of the mammary chains utilizing a Klein cannula after local antisepsis. After the administration of the tumescent solution, it was observed that the area involved is presented with the formation of a gel and there is minimal bleeding, compared to the conventional technique. The animals were monitored for the degree of analgesia, recording vital signs every 15 min at the end of the surgery, dipyrone9 [D-500® - 25 mg/kg, IV], morphine7 [Sulfato de Morfina® - 0.1 mg/kg, SC], and meloxicam10 [Maxican® 0.5 mg/kg, IM, 3 consecutive days] for postoperative analgesia. Additionally, tetanus serum1 [Vencosat® - 50,000 IU, single dose] and of oxytetracycline¹ [Oxitetraciclina LA® - 10 mg/kg, IM, 5 applications on alternate days)]. In the following 24 h, no signs of pain were observed on palpation of the surgical wound in the animals, but goat 1 was apathetic and inappetent, with improvement in the clinical picture only 48 h after surgery. Discussion: The choice of the surgical procedure resulted in an improvement in the clinical conditions of the animals and the anesthetic protocol using inhalation anesthesia and locoregional block (tumescence) proved to be efficient to perform in goats, contributing to transanesthetic and postoperative analgesia, being easily applied to ruminants that need surgical interventions in the region of mammary chains. Keywords: ruminant, mastectomy, local anesthetic, locoregional block.RESUMO Backgrund: Mastite é a inflamação da glândula mamária ou úbe, independentemente de sua origem, severidade ou evolução. A mastectomia total bilateral é indicada em casos de mastite supurativa, mastite gangrenosa crônica, neoplasias ou úbere, é considerada um procedimento seguro, com complicações e eficaz em ruminantes. Para a mastectomia é preconizado o decúbito dorsal e por ser um procedimento de longa duração optou-se pela anestesia geral de forma conjunta a técnica de tumescência com objetivo de analgesia transanestésica e pós-operatória. O presente relator o protocolo de geral utilizado para dois caprinos especificados a mastectomia total bilateral associado a bloqueio locorregional por tumescência, técnica não objetivo descrito na espécie caprina. Caso:Duas fêmeas caprinas, sem raça definida, e aproximadamente 3 anos de idade deram entrada no Hospital Veterinário de Grandes Animais da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (HVGA/UFRRJ), com o histórico de mastite recorrente. Verificou-se aumento de volume do úbere e presença de secreção purulenta durante a ordenha. Um dos animais havia parido há cerca de 20 dias. Preconizou-se o tratamento cirúrgico através da mastectomia total bilateral para ambos animais, por não apresentarem resposta satisfatória a antibioticoterapia, aumento excessivo e perda funcional do aparelho mamário. Para o procedimento foi estabelecido jejum alimentar de 48 horas e hídrico de 24 horas. Os protocolos anestésicos utilizados consistiram em sedação prévia com 0,05 mg/kg de xilazina 2% pela via intramuscular, indução anestésica com 10 mg/kg de cetamina e 0,1 mg/kg de midazolam ambos por via intravenosa. Realizou-se a intubação orotraqueal e conexão ao circuito anestésico para manutenção através de anestesia inalatória com isoflurano e oxigenioterapia. Em seguida em um frasco de solução ringer com lactato de 500 ml, acrescentou-se 40 ml de lidocaína 2% sem vasoconstritor e 0,5 ml de adrenalina 0,25mg/ml, 10 ml/kg da solução foram injetados no tecido subcutâneo da região das cadeias mamárias por meio de uma cânula de Klein após devida antissepsia local. Após a administração da solução tumescente observa-se que a área abrangida se apresenta com a formação de um gel e há ocorrência de sangramento mínimo, comparada com a técnica convencional. Os animais foram monitorados quanto ao grau de analgesia com registro dos sinais vitais a cada 15 minutos, ao término da cirurgia administrou-se 25mg/kg de dipirona, 0,1 mg/kg de morfina e 0,5 mg/kg de meloxicam para analgesia pós-operatória. Adicionalmente foi administrado 50.000 U.I. de soro antitetânico (dose única) e 10 mg/kg de oxitetraciclina, ambos por via intramuscular. Nas 24 horas seguintes não foram observados sinais dor à palpação da ferida cirúrgica nos animais, porém o caprino 1 apresentou-se apático e inapetente, com melhora no quadro clínico somente com 48 horas após a cirurgia. Discussion: A escolha da conduta cirúrgica resultou na melhora das condições clínicas dos animais e o protocolo anestésico utilizando a anestesia inalatória e o bloqueio locorregional (tumescência) mostrou-se eficiente para a realização na espécie caprina, contribuindo para a analgesia transanestésica e pós-operatória, sendo facilmente aplicado para ruminantes que necessitem de intervenções cirúrgicas em região de cadeias mamárias

    Atresia Ani (Imperforated Anus) in Calves: Clinical, Surgical and Pathological Aspects

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    Background: Anal atresia is a congenital malformation, which often affects calves, and is related to the imperforation of the membrane that separates the endoderm of the posterior intestine from the ectodermal anal membrane. It is commonly associated with other congenital malformations and skeletal anomalies. The clinical signs generally appear in the first days of the animal's life, due to a retention of feces. The diagnosis is clinical and is based on observation, anamnesis and a physical examination of the animal. The only viable treatment is surgical. This paper aims to report 6 cases of anal atresia in bovine calves, 4 males and 2 females that were successfully treated surgically. Cases: This work reports 6 cases of anal atresia in 4 male calves and 2 female calves. Three presented total atresia (type II), one partial (type I) and in both female calves, anal atresia and rectovaginal fistula (type IV) were observed. The animals were all of undefined race. Five of the cases were from northern Tocantins, 4 males and 1 female (anal atresia with rectovaginal fistula), and 1 female (anal atresia with rectovaginal fistula) was from Valença, RJ. All animals were born active, by eutocic/natural birth, and assumed a quadrupedal position followed by the first feeding as normal. They were aged between 2 days and 6 months, and had a clinical history of abdominal distention and difficulty or inability defecating, and the females both also had a rectovaginal fistula, all cases compatible with anal atresia. Based on the patient's history and clinical examination, surgical treatment for anal reconstruction was decided upon. Postoperative treatment consisted of enrofloxacin [2.5 mg/kg - intramuscularly (IM), once daily (SID), for 5 days] and fluxinin meglumine [1.1 mg/kg - IM, SID, for 3 days] ; as well as a healing ointment which was applied to the area of the surgical wound, every 12 h, for 7 days. There were no trans-surgical complications. The animals showed progressive recovery after anal reconstruction and the stitches were removed in all cases on the 10th postoperative day, with no postoperative complications and no recurrence of any clinical signs from that moment on.Discussion: The study of congenital and hereditary changes enables the identification of their origins, can help prevent new cases and, some of them, are open to economically viable treatment and/or correction that can improve the well-being of the animal and prevent economic losses due to death or animal sacrifice, as reported in the present study. Anal atresia is the most common congenital defect of the lower gastrointestinal tract in calves, being an isolated abnormality, or associated with other malformations, especially of the distal spinal column such as the absence of a tail (perosumus acaudato), as one of the animals in this study. The clinical signs and physical examination are sufficient to establish the diagnosis, as demonstrated in this report, which is usually made in newborn animals, due to the lack or difficulty in defecation associated with no anal orifice and/or swelling in the perineal region. The treatment of choice for anal atresia is surgical, in order to construct an anal neo-orifice and thus avoid endotoxemic shock as well as providing relief and well-being for the animals. As observed in this study, when anal atresia is diagnosed early, and surgical treatment is properly instituted, the prognosis is favorable. The surgery is considered of low complexity, quick and it can be carried out in the field. Thus, from a commercial point of view, considering the costs of the procedures and the value of the calf at the end of weaning, such treatments are beneficial to the owners. In addition, the surgical treatment is essential for animal health and welfare in cases of anal atresia.Keywords: cattle, congenital defects, hereditary pathology, perosomus acaudato, surgery

    Reduction Glossoplasty in a Calf with Bifid Tongue

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    Background: Fetal malformations are characterized by anatomical changes that compromise an organ or system. Tongue formation in bovines occurs with the fusion of three structures at the end of the fourth week of gestation, and any failure during this stage of embryonic development may lead to tongue malformation. Bifid tongue, also called glossoschisis, is a rare congenital abnormality in any species and is characterized by incomplete fusion of the lateral tongue buds, resulting in a deep groove in the midline of the tongue. The objective of this study was to describe a case of bifid tongue and the procedure of reduction glossoplasty in a calf of the Girolando breed in Tocantins State.Case: A male mixed-breed (Holstein-Friesian × Gir) calf, born from natural mating in the municipality of Araguaína, Tocantins, was clinically assessed in the Sector of Ruminant Clinical Medicine of the Federal University of Tocantins at 2 months of age. The owner reported that the animal exhibited difficulty in suckling after birth and that on inspection of the oral cavity, he observed changes in the tongue and mandible. Clinical examination of the oral cavity revealed the presence of a bifid tongue and abnormal fusion of the mandible in the region of the lower incisive teeth. It was decided to perform a surgical procedure with the aim of improving the animal’s quality of life because the owner wanted to keep it in the farm. An incision was made, followed by removal of the medial rims of the two tines of the tongue, and synthesis was performed, joining the ventral rims of the tongue, beginning at the root and ending at the apex.Discussion: The observed lesions are compatible with bifid tongue and mandibular fissure, both previously reported in other species. The literature has no reports of bifid tongue in bovines. The etiology of fetal malformations is still unclear, and the primary causes known in Brazil include ingestion of toxic plants by the mother, such as Mimosa tenuiflora and Poincianella pyramidalis; infections, with the main viral agents being bovine viral diarrhea virus and blue tongue virus; and teratogenic agents, namely certain medications administered during embryogenesis, e.g., ivermectin. Other potentially teratogenic agents that have not been identified as causes of malformation include radiation, cortisone, benzimidazoles, sulfonamides, folate antagonists, and organophosphates. The intense genetic improvement that the Holstein-Friesian breed has been subjected to, including inbreeding that results in consanguinity, may be a determining factor for the breed carrying mutant alleles. Because the calf in this report was crossbred from parents with Holstein-Friesian ancestry, it could carry mutant alleles that led to the malformation. Another etiology proposed in a study on embryological bases by Goodacre and Wallace (1990) is the persistence of buccopharyngeal membrane and amniotic constriction bands in the region of the branchial arches; this cause cannot be ruled out in the present case. Calves born with fetal malformations generate losses for cattle breeders because the calf dies either before or after birth, which may culminate with the death of the mother or, in cases in which the anomaly is compatible with life, damage to the animal’s development and well-being, as in the present report. Bifid tongue is a rare malformation in bovines, and reduction glossoplasty is essential for the description and improvement of techniques that aid bovine medicine; however, animals subjected to this procedure should not be used for reproduction. 

    Management of a Congenital Flexural Deformity in a Calf - Surgical and Pathological Aspects

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    Background: Flexural deformities are anatomical deviations, in varying degrees, of one or more joints, and may have a congenital or acquired origin. Congenital contracture of the deep digital flexor tendon (DDFT) affects newborn calves and results in hyperflexion of the metacarpal-phalangeal joint, which in severe cases means that the animal must support its own weight on its fetlock joints. The aim of this study is to report the rapid and successful result of applying bilateral total tenotomy technique on a newborn bovine that had been diagnosed with severe bilateral DDFT contracture in the thoracic limbs.Case: A 3-week-old male bovine with a history of difficulty in maintaining a quadrupedal position was attended at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Tocantins. The animal had severe bilateral locomotor alterations in the thoracic members to the point that he walked on his fetlock joints. The physical examination revealed clinical parameters within the normal range. However, the locomotor system examination showed severe flexor deformity in the bilateral metacarpal-phalangeal joints, and the limbs were being supported on the dorsal face of the fetlock joints, which presented ulcerations, and was suggestive of a shortening of the DDFT. Based on the patient's history and clinical examination, as well as the severity of the tendon contractures, surgical treatment using the DDFT bilateral total tenotomy technique was decided upon. Postoperative treatment consisted of 2.5 mg/kg of enrofloxacin intramuscularly (IM), SID, for 5 days and 0.5 mg/kg meloxicam via IM, SID, for 3 days; as well as a dressing (cotton, medical bandage and a PVC mold) on the thoracic limbs to provide support and allow the animal to walk, until its complete recovery. One day after the surgery, the animal was able to walk with difficulty and some trembling; however, on the third day after the surgical procedure, it could stand up by itself, walk and graze normally. The surgical stitches were removed seven days after the operation, as the surgical wounds had healed adequately. The animal was followed-up for a one-month period after the total tenotomy, with no recurrence of any of the clinical signs, and the thoracic limbs had regained normal biomechanics.Discussion: Congenital flexural deformities are common in newborn calves of different breeds and their incidence is mainly in the thoracic limbs, especially in the carpal, distal interphalangeal and metacarpal-phalangeal joints as was reported in the animal in this study. The history and anamnesis of the animal, along with a thorough physical examination, in order to rule out any other congenital alterations, was extremely important in the diagnosis, and the classification of the severity of the deformity along with the choice of appropriate treatment in the present study. Although total tenotomy is rarely reported in the literature, and there are controversial results with calves, the surgical treatment was chosen in the present case due to the severity of the case. The DDFT bilateral total tenotomy surgical technique gave satisfactory results for the correction of severe bilateral flexor deformity in the thoracic limbs of the newborn crossbred calf. Complete recovery of the limb biomechanics was rapid, and there was no post-surgical complications, thus ensuring the animal could have a good and healthy life. Total DDFT tenotomy is considered a viable surgical procedure for calves with severe congenital flexor deformities; however, post-operative care is also important to ensure good final results

    Reversible Techniques of Ruffian in Sheep (Ovis aires)

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    Background: The use of teaser rams is an essential practice for detecting estrus in ewes as well as for accelerating puberty and synchronizing ovulation in the animal. There are several methods for preparing teasers, and the method used should be based on an assessment of the producer’s requirements. The ideal technique should be low cost and safe, ensuring the non-fertilization of ewes. This study evaluated the feasibility and effectiveness of two reversible teaser preparation techniques using a reversible plastic clamp. The techniques were compared in terms of functionality, possible post-surgical complications, and hematological changes of the rams as well as durability and reversibility.Materials, Methods & Results: Twelve healthy rams, aged 14-20 months, were divided into two groups (G1 and G2). Blood samples were collected through the jugular vein to perform the following analyses: blood count, total plasma protein, and fibrinogen. Following local infiltrative anesthesia with 5.0 mL 2% lidocaine without vasoconstrictor, the procedure was performed as follows: in G1, the preputial ostium was partially closed, and in G2, sigmoid flexure was performed in the cranial region, approximately 5-8 cm immediately caudal to the scrotal sac. In the postoperative period, 20 mg/kg oxytetracycline and 2.2 mg/kg flunixinmeglumine were intramuscularly administered as a single dose. The wounds were dressed, sprayed with repellent, and allowed to heal for seven days. The procedures in both groups were simple to perform, low cost, and low risk; caused minimal tissue injury; enabled rapid recovery; promoted little or no stress to the animals; are reversible; and left no complications. The animals of both groups satisfactorily identified the females in estrus during the three-month experimental period, maintained libido, and failed to mate with any female. The blood count levels remained within normal range in both groups evaluated at different time intervals. Hyperfibrinogenemia was observed in four animals of G1 and in three animals of G2 at T2, with a mean level of 600 mg/dL. However, the values returned to normal at T3 in both G1 and G2, when the mean observed fibrinogen level was 400 mg/dL.Discussion: Since these are simple, rapid procedures with low tissue injury and a simple anesthetic protocol, the animals showed rapid recovery, without intra or postoperative complications, enabling the immediate initiation of work. The techniques, therefore, demonstrate several advantages over the other techniques described above. It is estimated that the techniques used in this study are more economically viable than other techniques described in the literature, which require medium to high complexity procedures and long postoperative treatments and carry the risk of affecting the animal’s libido, making the animal unviable and more liable to be disposed. However, disposing of such animals represents great losses, as it interferes with the reproductive management and pregnancy of several females on the farm. In addition, the conventional techniques are irreversible, which means that these animals cannot be used for other purposes. The reversible techniques presented in this study allowed the teasers to successfully identify females in heat without mating with them because there was no exteriorization of the penis. The results of the blood count confirm that the procedures did not generate extensive tissue lesions, stress, pain, inflammation, or infection

    Cattle and Sheep Diseases Diagnosed in the State of Tocantins - Brazil

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    Background: Knowing the different diseases that affect the herds of a region is a fundamental necessity, because sanity is one of the main factors limiting animal production. Several studies have reported the diseases affecting the animals of various regions of Brazil; however, no such study was carried out in the state of Tocantins so far. Thus, the objective of this work is to report the main diseases diagnosed in cattle and sheep in the central and northern regions of the state of Tocantins, between January 2011 and December 2015.Materials, Methods & Results: The records and reports of the cattle and sheep treated by the clinicians and pathologists of the Ruminants Medical Clinic (SCMR) of the University Veterinary Hospital (HVU), School of Veterinary Medicine and Zootecnia (EMVZ), University Federal of Tocantins (UFT) during the study period were evaluated. The cases were classified into two categories, conclusive and inconclusive; the cases with conclusive diagnosis were classified according to the etiology and the organic systems involved. In the period of five years, 697 cattle and sheep were treated in the SCMR. The diagnoses were made using epidemiological, clinical, and pathological data, and in some cases, using complementary tests. Among the 697 cases reviewed, 692 (99.2%) and 5 (0.8%) cases were diagnosed conclusively and inconclusively, respectively. The most affected system was the digestive system, which accounted for 260 (37.6%) cases; this was followed by the locomotor 130 (18.8%) cases, nervous 56 (8.1%) cases, reproductive 57 (8.2%) cases, urinary 50 (7.2%) cases, skin 16 (2.3%) cases, muscular 11 (2%) cases, respiratory 34 (4,9%) cases, hemolymphopoietic 28 (3,5%) cases, endocrine 24 (3.5%) cases, sense organs 22 (3,2%) cases, and cardiovascular 4 (0.6%) cases. A total of 220 (31.6%) parasitic, 202 (29%) infectious, 106 (15.2%) toxic, 96 (13.8%) nutritional, 52 (7.5%) by physical agents, and 6 (0.8%) congenital/hereditary diseases were identified. Diseases of neoplastic, metabolic, and inconclusive nature represented 15 (2.1%) cases. Discussion: In this study, the most affected organic system was the digestive system. The disturbances of the digestive system in production animals are reported to comprise a group of important diseases, and they are responsible for large economic losses. Parasitic, infectious, and toxic diseases were more frequently diagnosed, a result similar to those of other studies carried out in Brazil. Haemonchosis was the most frequently occurring parasitic disease and occurrence in sheep. The characteristic clinical signs such as submandibular edema and pallor of the mucosa/carcass and the visualization of the abomasal mucosa in adult specimens on necropsy enabled the diagnosis of this disease. The foot injury were the most frequent disease among the others of the infectious order and affected the sheep. Such lesions are characterized by inflammation and ulceration of the skin of the digits, in which numerous bacteria are isolated. The most frequent toxic disorder was botulism in cattle. A prominent source is osteophatic habit, which is associated with phosphorus deficiency. It is known that the etiologic agent can remain viable for up to one year within the fragments of bones and the tissues of dead animals. This a result similar to those of other studies carried out in Brazil. In this work, for the first time, the identification of the main diseases affecting the cattle and sheep of the central and northern regions of the State of Tocantins was carried out, facilitating the establishment of measures for the prevention, treatment, and control of these diseases

    Weight Gain Comparison between Heifers Fed Colostrum or Whole Milk until Weaning

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    Background: The milk-feeding phase, wherein whole milk is the natural food, is critical to calf development, health, and vitality. However, feeding milk to calves is costly in the rearing system because the milk supplied to calves is not sold. In farms in which the average production is high, excess colostrum and transitional milk are produced that are used to feed calves until weaning. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of heifers exclusively fed colostrum (including transitional milk) or raw whole milk.Materials, Methods & Results: Immediately after their birth, 83 ear-tagged healthy Holstein Friesian heifers adequately receiving the initial colostrum were separated into two experimental groups. Group 1 (n = 34) was fed only fresh whole milk and group 2 (n = 49) was fed only colostrum diluted in water at a 2:1 ratio. Colostrum was removed from cows until the fifth day after birth and was stored in sanitized disposable plastic bottles, stored in a freezer at -20°C and before administration, the colostrum was thawed. Liquid diets were administered using a bottle twice a day during the first month, namely 2 L in the morning and 2 L in the afternoon. During the second month, the heifers were fed 4 L once a day in the morning. The heifers had access to an enclosure with fodder, in addition to concentrate specifically for heifers, which was placed in an individual trough daily. The leftovers were weighed at the end of the afternoon. The heifers were abruptly weaned when they reached a daily intake of 1 kg of concentrate. The heifers were individually weighed at birth and at 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180 days. The average weights were 40.4, 54.1, 74.5, 95.1, 108.2, and 126.1 kg in group 1 and 45.4, 58.4, 78.2, 95.9, 110.8, and 125.1 kg in group 2. The use of diluted colostrum was satisfactory as it resulted in similar weight gains.Discussion: Feeding milk to calves is one of the most cost-increasing factors to a dairy farm because the total milk volume fed to animals at this stage is not sold and results in a large loss in income for the farmer. Calf management during the milk-feeding phase is of the utmost importance, especially in the first days after birth, to ensure the development of the systemic immune response of animals. The performance of these animals in the first months affects their subsequent development. Whole milk is commonly used to feed calves for 8 to 12 consecutive weeks. However, whole milk can be replaced by a good substitute, such as colostrum and transitional milk. The aim of this study was to show that these substitutes are effective alternatives for calf development and cost reduction. The weight gain of animals fed diluted colostrum was similar to that of animals fed only whole milk, which corroborates the results of previous studies on the development of calves treated with colostrum-based liquid diet, fermented or not, with and without additives. Those studies reported favorable growth rates in comparison with the traditional production system as a result of higher dietary protein levels in colostrum-based diets. The availability of roughages and concentrates should be initiated during the milk-feeding phase, as it is fundamental for rumen development, helps in early weaning and reduces expenses during this period. Replacing whole milk with colostrum and transitional milk for feeding calves, stimulating roughage, and concentrating intake can result in significant savings in the rearing system

    Intoxicação por monofluoroacetato em animais

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