104 research outputs found

    Autofluorescence multispectral image analysis at the macroscopic scale for tracking wheat grain tissues: a novel approach for a more specific identification of wheat grain dietary fibre

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    Wheat grain contains about 12-14% of fibres mainly located in the outer layers. The composition and the structure of wheat dietary fibres, as well as the nature and amount of co-passengers, vary according to the tissue where they are originated from. The aleurone layer is rich in low substituted arabinoxylans esterified to ferulic acid whereas outer pericarp contains highly substituted arabinoxylans but also cellulose and lignin. Consequently wheat dietary fibres properties showed a high variability according to their tissue of origin within the grain, which deeply impact their nutritional effects. If the identification of tissues in wheat grain is commonly performed, it remains challenging for food ingredient such as mill streams (flour, bran etc).Equipements are now available to acquire multispectral fluorescence images at the macroscopic scale using filters with specific excitation/emission wavelengths. These fluorescence macroscopes allow obtaining images of a representative number of particles together with a spatial resolution of less than 3 ÎŒm. In such images, the intensities measured for each pixel, though they are not spectra, can be assembled to form spectral profiles. To identify the tissular origin from this information, we propose to develop a prediction model on particles using calibration data coming from the observation of tissue sections. This approach is based on several assumptions. The first one is that the multispectral autofluorescence of plant tissues is specific and the second is that it is possible to measure fluorescence intensities in a reproducible way. The objective of the present work was to check the fluorescence macroscope as an efficient device for measuring and comparing fluorescence intensities.The variability of fluorescence profiles was studied by selecting pixels in cross-section or in particles mounted in air or in water. The statistical variations were studied by principal component analysis and variance analysis. The first effect, mainly described by principal component 1, was to differentiate aleurone layer from pericarp tissue. The second effect, mainly described by component 2, was a difference between the two mounting media. The differences between sections or powders were not correlated to the other factors and were considered as not significant. Our results show that profiles extracted from multispectral images of cross-sections or particles are similar and allow the identification of wheat grain tissues. If implemented, the prediction from cross-section could be less tedious than other methods requiring dissection and lead to the identification of more tissues. We have demonstrated the proof of concept of tracking wheat dietary fibre origin by predicting tissues on images of particles. This method could help to better qualify flours and various milling fractions as well as to control whole grain products

    Hemodynamic Changes during a Deep Inspiration Maneuver Predict Fluid Responsiveness in Spontaneously Breathing Patients

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    Objective. We hypothesized that the hemodynamic response to a deep inspiration maneuver (DIM) indicates fluid responsiveness in spontaneously breathing (SB) patients. Design. Prospective study. Setting. ICU of a general hospital. Patients. Consecutive nonintubated patients without mechanical ventilation, considered for volume expansion (VE). Intervention. We assessed hemodynamic status at baseline and after VE. Measurements and Main Results. We measured radial pulse pressure (PP) using an arterial catheter and peak velocity of femoral artery flow (VF) using continuous Doppler. Changes in PP and VF induced by a DIM (ΔPPdim and ΔVFdim) were calculated in 23 patients. ΔPPdim and ΔVFdim ≄12% predicted responders to VE with sensitivity of 90% and specificity of 100%. Conclusions. In a restricted population of SB patients with severe sepsis or acute pancreatitis, ΔPPdim and ΔVFdim are accurate indices for predicting fluid responsiveness. These results should be confirmed in a larger population before validating their use in current practice

    Effect of ventilator-associated tracheobronchitis on outcome in patients without chronic respiratory failure: a case–control study

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    INTRODUCTION: Our objective was to determine the effect of ventilator-associated tracheobronchitis (VAT) on outcome in patients without chronic respiratory failure. METHODS: This was a retrospective observational matched study, conducted in a 30-bed intensive care unit (ICU). All immunocompetent, nontrauma, ventilated patients without chronic respiratory failure admitted over a 6.5-year period were included. Data were collected prospectively. Patients with nosocomial pneumonia, either before or after VAT, were excluded. Only first episodes of VAT occurring more than 48 hours after initiation of mechanical ventilation were studied. Six criteria were used to match cases with controls, including duration of mechanical ventilation before VAT. Cases were compared with controls using McNemar's test and Wilcoxon signed-rank test for qualitative and quantitative variables, respectively. Variables associated with a duration of mechanical ventilation longer than median were identified using univariate and multivariate analyses. RESULTS: Using the six criteria, it was possible to match 55 (87%) of the VAT patients (cases) with non-VAT patients (controls). Pseudomonas aeruginosa was the most frequently isolated bacteria (34%). Although mortality rates were similar between cases and controls (29% versus 36%; P = 0.29), the median duration of mechanical ventilation (17 days [range 3–95 days] versus 8 [3–61 days]; P < 0.001) and ICU stay (24 days [range 5–95 days] versus 12 [4–74] days; P < 0.001) were longer in cases than in controls. Renal failure (odds ratio [OR] = 4.9, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.6–14.6; P = 0.004), tracheostomy (OR = 4, 95% CI = 1.1–14.5; P = 0.032), and VAT (OR = 3.5, 95% CI = 1.5–8.3; P = 0.004) were independently associated with duration of mechanical ventilation longer than median. CONCLUSION: VAT is associated with longer durations of mechanical ventilation and ICU stay in patients not suffering from chronic respiratory failure

    IntĂ©rĂȘt du dosage de la troponine I cardiaque dans la prise en charge des intoxications au monoxyde de carbone

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    LILLE2-BU Santé-Recherche (593502101) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Mise en place, faisabilité et impact d'une procédure de sédation en réanimation (à propos d'une étude cas-témoins)

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    LILLE2-BU Santé-Recherche (593502101) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Pronostic des intoxications graves par cardiotoxiques (à partir d'un collectif de 277 patients hospitalisés en Réanimation Calmette de janvier 1994 à juin 2010)

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    Objectifs : Rechercher des facteurs prĂ©dictifs de dĂ©cĂšs chez les patients prĂ©sentant une intoxication par cardiotoxiques nĂ©cessitant un traitement par amines vasoactives. Etudier la pertinence des critĂšres diagnostiques de choc rĂ©fractaire dans ce contexte. Rechercher des facteurs prĂ©dictifs de dĂ©cĂšs par anoxie cĂ©rĂ©brale. MĂ©thodes : Etude rĂ©trospective monocentrique sur 16 ans incluant tous les patients intoxiquĂ©s par cardiotoxiques et recevant des amines vasoactives Ă  l'exception des intoxications par digitalique, par colchicine et des intoxications associĂ©es Ă  un autre mode de suicide (ingestion de caustiques, pendaison). RĂ©sultats : Cette Ă©tude a retrouvĂ© 277 patients avec une mortalitĂ© de 14.8% (41 dĂ©cĂšs). Les cardiotoxiques impliquĂ©s Ă©taient des bĂ©tabloquants pour 26% des patients, des inhibiteurs calciques (10%), des carbamates (14%), des stabilisants de membrane (15%) ou une association de plusieurs cardiotoxiques (34%). Les facteurs de risque indĂ©pendants de dĂ©cĂšs Ă©taient : un rapport PaO2/FiO2 infĂ©rieur Ă  150 au cours de l Ă©volution OR=17.1 [4-67], une posologie d adrĂ©naline, de noradrĂ©naline ou d isoprĂ©naline de plus de 3 mg/h en rĂ©animation OR=9.05 [2.3-34], une intoxication associĂ©e par les benzodiazĂ©pines OR=5.5 [1.4-21.2] et un IGS plus Ă©levĂ© OR=1.098 [1.04-1.1]. Les critĂšres de choc rĂ©fractaire proposĂ©s par Baud et al. ont Ă©tĂ© adaptĂ©s aux pratiques du service et testĂ©s sur notre sĂ©rie. Si leur valeur prĂ©dictive nĂ©gative Ă©tait excellente (99%), leur valeur prĂ©dictive positive Ă©tait insuffisante (56%) pour affirmer l Ă©volution vers un choc rĂ©fractaire et poser l indication d ECLS. L anoxie cĂ©rĂ©brale Ă©tait responsable de 31% des dĂ©cĂšs. Un patient intoxiquĂ© par cardiotoxiques et admis en rĂ©animation aprĂšs un ACR mĂȘme rĂ©cupĂ©rĂ© en prĂ©-hospitalier dĂ©cĂ©dait dans 71% des cas. La cause de la mort Ă©tait une anoxie cĂ©rĂ©brale dans 65% des cas. Il y avait significativement plus d arrĂȘts cardiaques prĂ©-hospitaliers dans le groupe anoxie cĂ©rĂ©brale (p=0.0018) OR =11.64 [2.2-63.7]. Les troubles du rythme Ă  l admission en rĂ©animation Ă©taient significativement moins frĂ©quents dans le groupe anoxie cĂ©rĂ©brale (p=0.008). Conclusion : Cette Ă©tude a prĂ©cisĂ© les facteurs de risque de dĂ©cĂšs et d anoxie cĂ©rĂ©brale dans les intoxications par cardiotoxiques nĂ©cessitant l administration d amines vasoactives. Les critĂšres de choc rĂ©fractaire Ă©valuĂ©s n ont pas permis de sĂ©lectionner les malades pouvant relever de l ECLS.LILLE2-BU SantĂ©-Recherche (593502101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Facteurs de morbi-mortalité des patients hospitalisés en réanimation en post-opératoire de chirurgie cardiaque (une analyse de cohorte)

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    1300 patients sont opérés par an sous CEC au CHRU de Lille. Parmi eux, quelques uns vont avoir des durées de séjour en réanimation prolongées. Le but de cette étude était de déterminer des facteurs de morbi-mortalité pour ces patients. Méthode : il s agissait d une étude rétrospective, portant sur tous les patients hospitalisés en réanimation à l hÎpital Calmette du CHRU de Lille en post-opératoire de chirurgie cardiaque de janvier 2007 à juin 2013. Des paramÚtres pré-opératoires, per-opératoires, post-opératoires, et en réanimation ont été relevés. Une analyse univariée puis multivariée a été réalisée. Résultats : La médiane de durée de séjour en réanimation était de 46 jours [28-79], et le taux de décÚs était de 37,3% ; les facteurs de risque de décÚs retrouvés étaient l hémoglobine préopératoire basse (p=0,029, OR 0,7 [0,5-0,9] par point d hémoglobine), et l utilisation de noradrénaline au cours du séjour (p=0,010, OR 6,9 [1,6-29,9]). Une pneumopathie acquise sous ventilation mécanique (PAVM) s est développée chez 59,7% des patients, et les facteurs de risque retrouvés étaient les antécédents de dyslipidémie (p=0,018, OR 8,0 [1,4-45,3]), la chirurgie valvulaire (p=0,014, OR 10,6 [1,6-69,7]), l épuration extra-rénale (EER) (p<0,001, OR 24,8 [4,1- 149,3]) et l acquisition de bactéries multi-résistantes (BMR) (p=0,004, OR 14,2 [2,3-87,2]). L acquisition de BMR était retrouvé chez 43,3% des patients, dont le facteur de risque retrouvé était la durée totale de ventilation (p<0,001, OR 1,04 [1,02-1,07] par jour de ventilation). Un recours à l EER a été nécessaire chez 50,8% des patients. Les facteurs de risque retrouvés étaient la créatininémie à l entrée en réanimation (p=0,007, OR 1,1 [1,03-1,19]) par unité de créatininémie), l utilisation de noradrénaline (p=0,018, OR 5,9 [1,4-25,5]), et l acquisition d une PAVM (p=0,003, OR 7,8 [2,0-30,2]).LILLE2-BU Santé-Recherche (593502101) / SudocSudocFranceF
