43 research outputs found
Chapitre 11 - La sécurité sanitaire des aliments : un nouveau modèle de régulation européen
L’importance de la régulation de la sécurité sanitaire des aliments a été considérable ces vingt dernières années. Quand, au tout début des années 2000, apparaissent et se développent avec une rapidité fulgurante des « référentiels » de sécurité sanitaire des aliments d’initiative privée, pilotés par les grands distributeurs à l’échelle internationale (Codron et al., 2000 ; Busch et Bain, 2004 ; Fulponi, 2006 ; Lamanthe, 2007), certains observateurs y voien..
Hypothetical bias for private goods: does cheap talk make a difference?
Economists and market researchers often need to accurately gauge consumers’ willingness-to-pay for private goods. The experimental literature has identified a problem of hypothetical bias when using stated preferences techniques, such as open-ended questions. It has been suggested that using a cheap talk script has the potential to resolve this bias. Yet, few empirical studies on the efficiency of cheap talk for private goods exist. This study uses a between-subjects experimental design to compare consumers’ willingness-to-pay for DHA-enriched milk using three elicitation methods: 1) Hypothetical open-ended stated preference question, without monetary consequence for the respondent; 2) Idem to the first with the addition of a cheap talk script; and 3) A Vickrey auction with real monetary consequences. In this experiment subjects have the choice to participate, or not, at each period. Our results indicate a significant hypothetical bias. While the use of cheap talk has no impact on this bias, it does however increase the level of participation to the market
Hypothetical bias for private goods: does cheap talk make a difference?
Economists and market researchers often need to accurately gauge consumers’ willingness-to-pay for private goods. The experimental literature has identified a problem of hypothetical bias when using stated preferences techniques, such as open-ended questions. It has been suggested that using a cheap talk script has the potential to resolve this bias. Yet, few empirical studies on the efficiency of cheap talk for private goods exist. This study uses a between-subjects experimental design to compare consumers’ willingness-to-pay for DHA-enriched milk using three elicitation methods: 1) Hypothetical open-ended stated preference question, without monetary consequence for the respondent; 2) Idem to the first with the addition of a cheap talk script; and 3) A Vickrey auction with real monetary consequences. In this experiment subjects have the choice to participate, or not, at each period. Our results indicate a significant hypothetical bias. While the use of cheap talk has no impact on this bias, it does however increase the level of participation to the market
Consumption of a High Quantity and a Wide Variety of Vegetables Are Predicted by Different Food Choice Motives in Older Adults from France, Italy and the UK.
BACKGROUND: Consumption of a high quantity and wide variety of vegetables is currently recommended for health. Dietary variety can be low, however, particularly for older adults. This study investigated the affective factors associated with the quantity and variety of vegetables consumed by older adults in France, Italy and the UK. METHODS: Adults aged 65 years plus completed questionnaires on self-reported vegetable intake (quantity and variety), liking for vegetables, attitudes towards intake, and demographic variables. RESULTS: In 497 older adults (France, n = 187, Italy, n = 152, UK, n = 158), higher quantities of vegetables consumed were associated with a higher age, affluence score and liking for vegetables, and a lower importance in consumption of familiarity (smallest β = 0.11, p = 0.03). Greater variety was associated with a higher liking and importance of health benefits, and a lower importance of familiarity (smallest β = -0.11, p < 0.01). Higher quantity and variety combined (quantity × variety) was associated with a higher age, liking and importance of health benefits, and a lower importance of familiarity (smallest β = 0.14, p = 0.02). Country-specific effects were also found (smallest β = 0.20, p < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: These findings demonstrate a role for liking and a lower concern for eating familiar foods in vegetable consumption, and a particular role for concern for health benefits in the consumption of a greater variety of vegetables
What are we eating? Consumer information requirement within a workplace canteen
The workplace is a captive environment where the overall contribution of the meal served could be an important element of the overall diet. Despite growing demand little information is available to aid healthy dish selection.
This study identifies information valued by consumers in the UK, Greece, Denmark and France using best-worst scaling. Value for Money, Nutrition and Naturalness are key elements of information that consumers require to be able to make a conscious decision about dish selection in all four countries. Latent class analysis shows that consumers align to one of five cluster groups, i.e., Value Driven, Conventionalists, Socially Responsible, Health Conscious and Locavores.
Understanding key information needs can allow food operators to align their service with consumer preferences across different market segments
Comparison of three nudge interventions (priming, default option, and perceived variety) to promote vegetable consumption in a self-service buffet setting.
BACKGROUND: Dietary choices in out-of-home eating are key for individual as well as for public health. These dietary choices are caused by a wide array of determinants, one of which is automatic decision-making. Nudging is attracting considerable interest due to its understanding and application of heuristic biases among consumers. The aim of this study is to test and compare three nudges in promoting vegetable consumption among test persons in a food lab-based experiment. METHODS: The initial sample consisted of 88 participants recruited in Copenhagen, Denmark. Each study participant was randomly assigned to one of the three experiments: priming, default and perceived variety. The priming arm of the experiment consisted of creating a leafy environment with green plants and an odour of herbs. In the default arm of the experiment, the salad was pre-portioned into a bowl containing 200g of vegetables. The third experiment divided the pre-mixed salad into each of its components, to increase the visual variety of vegetables, yet not providing an actual increase in items. Each individual was partaking twice thus serving as her/his own control, randomly assigned to start with control or experimental setting. RESULTS: The default experiment successfully increased the energy intake from vegetables among the study participants (124 kcal vs. 90 kcal in control, p<0.01). Both the priming condition and perceived variety reduced the total energy intake among the study participants (169 kcal, p<0.01 and 124 kcal, p<0.01, respectively), mainly through a decrease in the meat-based meal component. CONCLUSIONS: Considerable progress has been made with regard to understanding the use of nudging in promoting a healthier meal composition, including increasing vegetable intake. This study suggests that the nature of a nudge-based intervention can have different effects, whether it is increasing intake of healthy components, or limiting intake of unhealthy meal components. This work has demonstrated that consumer behaviour can be influenced without restricting or providing incentives for behaviour change. The present findings have promising application to the foodservice sector
Transformations agricoles et agroalimentaires
À l’heure des robots et du numérique, la terre (habitat, agriculture, paysage, planète) et la nourriture (du corps et de l’âme) sont parmi les préoccupations majeures dans les espaces médiatiques et politiques. Le pétrole et l’abondance qui l’a accompagné nous avaient fait oublier qu’elles sont au fondement des sociétés humaines. La « crise alimentaire » de 2008, qui a secoué plusieurs continents, a rappelé aux gouvernements l’enjeu de la sécurité alimentaire. Après des décennies d’excédents, de baisse du prix des produits agricoles de base, la question de la valeur de la terre et de l’agriculture est de retour. La question de la santé et celle des droits humains prennent une place élargie tant dans les politiques publiques et dans la production de normes alimentaires. Des mouvements sociaux transnationaux s’emparent de la question de l’avenir de l’agriculture et de l’alimentation, et de celle de la « bonne vie ». Pour contribuer à cette réflexion sur l’avenir de la terre et de la nourriture, cet ouvrage étudie la socialisation de l’agriculture, c’est-à -dire sa prise en charge tant par les politiques agricoles (essentiellement nationales) que par l’organisation des marchés dans un cadre national et international. Il le fait en prenant un large recul et mobilise trois temporalités. La première est celle de la planète. La seconde, celle des régimes métaboliques, façons dont l’humanité à différents stades de développement, mobilise matériaux et énergie. La troisième est celle du capitalisme, avec la succession de systèmes hégémoniques (ce qui n’exclue pas de multiples polarités). Cet ouvrage réunit des recherches récentes d’économistes, de sociologues, d’historiens et d’agronomes, de différents pays, recherches qui ont en commun de concerner la place de l’agriculture dans l’évolution des capitalismes
Increasing vegetable intakes: rationale and systematic review of published interventions
While the health benefits of a high fruit and vegetable consumption are well known and considerable work has attempted to improve intakes, increasing evidence also recognises a distinction between fruit and vegetables, both in their impacts on health and in consumption patterns. Increasing work suggests health benefits from a high consumption specifically of vegetables, yet intakes remain low, and barriers to increasing intakes are prevalent making intervention difficult. A systematic review was undertaken to identify from the published literature all studies reporting an intervention to increase intakes of vegetables as a distinct food group.
Databases—PubMed, PsychInfo and Medline—were searched over all years of records until April 2015 using pre-specified terms.
Our searches identified 77 studies, detailing 140 interventions, of which 133 (81 %) interventions were conducted in children. Interventions aimed to use or change hedonic factors, such as taste, liking and familiarity (n = 72), use or change environmental factors (n = 39), use or change cognitive factors (n = 19), or a combination of strategies (n = 10). Increased vegetable acceptance, selection and/or consumption were reported to some degree in 116 (83 %) interventions, but the majority of effects seem small and inconsistent.
Greater percent success is currently found from environmental, educational and multi-component interventions, but publication bias is likely, and long-term effects and cost-effectiveness are rarely considered. A focus on long-term benefits and sustained behaviour change is required. Certain population groups are also noticeably absent from the current list of tried interventions
Foodservice, health and nutrition: responsibility, strategies and perspectives
Part 6: Sustainable Restaurant System. Chapter 23As the contribution of meals eaten away-from-home to food intake increases, the health of restaurant customers becomes a new responsibility of the foodservice sector. This chapter provides an overview of the main strategies that the foodservice sector can implement in order to improve the nutritional quality of meals consumed away from home. Complementary actions can be undertaken at the supply and at the demand level. At the supply level, professionals can change recipes and cooking methods to offer healthier dishes. At the demand level, two types of strategies can be implemented to guide consumers’ behaviours. Information-based strategies aim to provide nutrition information, either through general campaigns or directly at the point of choice; while behavioural strategies are based on the way options are displayed at the point of choice. Information-based strategies generally have positive impacts on attitudes and intentions to eat healthy, but their direct impact on behaviours is difficult to demonstrate. Conversely, behavioural strategies show promising results on behaviours, but their impact still remains insufficiently documented. We end this overview by discussing motivational and practical barriers to the successful implementation of such strategies in away-from-home contexts
La sécurité sanitaire des aliments : un nouveau modèle de régulation européen
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