116 research outputs found

    Ghost wave-function renormalization in Asymptotically Safe Quantum Gravity

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    Motivated by Weinberg's asymptotic safety scenario, we investigate the gravitational renormalization group flow in the Einstein-Hilbert truncation supplemented by the wave-function renormalization of the ghost fields. The latter induces non-trivial corrections to the beta-functions for Newton's constant and the cosmological constant. The resulting ghost-improved phase diagram is investigated in detail. In particular, we find a non-trivial ultraviolet fixed point in agreement with the asymptotic safety conjecture, which also survives in the presence of extra dimensions. In four dimensions the ghost anomalous dimension at the fixed point is ηc=1.8\eta_c^* = -1.8, supporting space-time being effectively two-dimensional at short distances.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum Einstein Gravity

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    We give a pedagogical introduction to the basic ideas and concepts of the Asymptotic Safety program in Quantum Einstein Gravity. Using the continuum approach based upon the effective average action, we summarize the state of the art of the field with a particular focus on the evidence supporting the existence of the non-trivial renormalization group fixed point at the heart of the construction. As an application, the multifractal structure of the emerging space-times is discussed in detail. In particular, we compare the continuum prediction for their spectral dimension with Monte Carlo data from the Causal Dynamical Triangulation approach.Comment: 87 pages, 13 figures, review article prepared for the New Journal of Physics focus issue on Quantum Einstein Gravit

    Renormalization Group Flow in Scalar-Tensor Theories. II

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    We study the UV behaviour of actions including integer powers of scalar curvature and even powers of scalar fields with Functional Renormalization Group techniques. We find UV fixed points where the gravitational couplings have non-trivial values while the matter ones are Gaussian. We prove several properties of the linearized flow at such a fixed point in arbitrary dimensions in the one-loop approximation and find recursive relations among the critical exponents. We illustrate these results in explicit calculations in d=4d=4 for actions including up to four powers of scalar curvature and two powers of the scalar field. In this setting we notice that the same recursive properties among the critical exponents, which were proven at one-loop order, still hold, in such a way that the UV critical surface is found to be five dimensional. We then search for the same type of fixed point in a scalar theory with minimal coupling to gravity in d=4d=4 including up to eight powers of scalar curvature. Assuming that the recursive properties of the critical exponents still hold, one would conclude that the UV critical surface of these theories is five dimensional.Comment: 14 pages. v.2: Minor changes, some references adde

    Accelerating Cosmologies from Exponential Potentials

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    An exponential potential of the form Vexp(2cϕ/Mp)V\sim \exp(-2c \phi/M_p) arising from the hyperbolic or flux compactification of higher-dimensional theories is of interest for getting short periods of accelerated cosmological expansions. Using a similar potential but derived for the combined case of hyperbolic-flux compactification, we study the four-dimensional flat (and open) FLRW cosmologies and give analytic (and numerical) solutions with exponential behavior of scale factors. We show that, for the M-theory motivated potentials, the cosmic acceleration of the universe can be eternal if the spatial curvature of the 4d spacetime is negative, while the acceleration is only transient for a spatially flat universe. We also comment on the size of the internal space and its associated geometric bounds on massive Kaluza-Klein excitations.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures; minor typos fixe

    Phase Space Analysis of Quintessence Cosmologies with a Double Exponential Potential

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    We use phase space methods to investigate closed, flat, and open Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmologies with a scalar potential given by the sum of two exponential terms. The form of the potential is motivated by the dimensional reduction of M-theory with non-trivial four-form flux on a maximally symmetric internal space. To describe the asymptotic features of run-away solutions we introduce the concept of a `quasi fixed point.' We give the complete classification of solutions according to their late-time behavior (accelerating, decelerating, crunch) and the number of periods of accelerated expansion.Comment: 46 pages, 5 figures; v2: minor changes, references added; v3: title changed, refined classification of solutions, 3 references added, version which appeared in JCA

    Averaging inhomogeneities in scalar-tensor cosmology

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    The backreaction of inhomogeneities on the cosmic dynamics is studied in the context of scalar-tensor gravity. Due to terms of indefinite sign in the non-canonical effective energy tensor of the Brans-Dicke-like scalar field, extra contributions to the cosmic acceleration can arise. Brans-Dicke and metric f(R) gravity are presented as specific examples. Certain representation problems of the formalism peculiar to these theories are pointed out.Comment: Comments and references added. 14 page

    The Kahler Cone as Cosmic Censor

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    M-theory effects prevent five-dimensional domain-wall and black-hole solutions from developing curvature singularities. While so far this analysis was performed for particular models, we now present a model-independent proof that these solutions do not have naked singularities as long as the Kahler moduli take values inside the extended Kahler cone. As a by-product we obtain information on the regularity of the Kahler-cone metric at boundaries of the Kahler cone and derive relations between the geometry of moduli space and space-time.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figure. Improved discussion of the relation between Kahler moduli and five-dimensional scalars. No changes in the conclusion

    From Big Bang to Asymptotic de Sitter: Complete Cosmologies in a Quantum Gravity Framework

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    Using the Einstein-Hilbert approximation of asymptotically safe quantum gravity we present a consistent renormalization group based framework for the inclusion of quantum gravitational effects into the cosmological field equations. Relating the renormalization group scale to cosmological time via a dynamical cutoff identification this framework applies to all stages of the cosmological evolution. The very early universe is found to contain a period of ``oscillatory inflation'' with an infinite sequence of time intervals during which the expansion alternates between acceleration and deceleration. For asymptotically late times we identify a mechanism which prevents the universe from leaving the domain of validity of the Einstein-Hilbert approximation and obtain a classical de Sitter era.Comment: 47 pages, 17 figure

    Suscetibilidade da mosca-dos-chifres, Haematobia irritans irritans (Diptera: Muscidae), a inseticidas no Brasil.

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    Since horn fly populations became established throughout Brazil, complaints regarding control failure have increased around the country. A broad survey to evaluate the susceptibility of horn flies to both organophosphate (OP) and pyrethroid insecticides was conducted from October 2000 to April 2003. Bioassays using filter papers impregnated with cypermethrin, permethrin or diazinon were conducted on 154 horn fly populations in 14 states and 78 municipalities

    Manejo reprodutivo em gado de corte.

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    ABSTRACT: The reproductive efficiency is one of the major factors contributing to the success of beef cattle production systems. To achieve satisfatory reproductive performance, it is necessary an adequate herd management, particulary the adoption of breeding season, adequate cow nutrition and adequate body condition score, evaluation of the fertility of the bulls and adoption of suitable sire: cow ratio. Moreover, other practices can enhance female reproductive performance, such as separation of calves from their dams for a period (Shang), suckling restriction, exposition of females to bulls, and selection of the most fertile animals.bitstream/CPAC-2009/27469/1/doc_134.pd