2,575 research outputs found

    Innovation Behaviour At Farm Level – Selection And Identification

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    Using a squential logit model and a mixed-effects logistic regression approach this empirical study investigates factors for the adoption of automatic milking technology (AMS) at the farm level accounting for problems of sequential sample selection and behaviour identification. The results suggest the importance of the farmer’s risk perception, significant effects of peer-group behaviour, and a positive impact of previous innovation experiences.Technology Adoption, Mixed-Effects Regression, Risk, Agricultural and Food Policy, Farm Management, Land Economics/Use,

    Innovation behaviour at farm level: Selection and identification

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    Using a squential logit model and a mixed-effects logistic regression approach this empirical study investigates factors for the adoption of automatic milking technology (AMS) at the farm level accounting for problems of sequential sample selection and behaviour identification. The results suggest the importance of the farmer’s risk perception, significant effects of peer-group behaviour, and a positive impact of previous innovation experiences.squential logit model, automatic milking technology (AMS), Livestock Production/Industries, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods, Risk and Uncertainty,

    Biofilm monitoring coupon system and method of use

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    An apparatus and method is disclosed for biofilm monitoring of a water distribution system which includes the mounting of at least one fitting in a wall port of a manifold in the water distribution system with a passage through the fitting in communication. The insertion of a biofilm sampling member is through the fitting with planar sampling surfaces of different surface treatment provided on linearly arrayed sample coupons of the sampling member disposed in the flow stream in edge-on parallel relation to the direction of the flow stream of the manifold under fluid-tight sealed conditions. The sampling member is adapted to be aseptically removed from or inserted in the fitting and manifold under a positive pressure condition and the fitting passage sealed immediately thereafter by appropriate closure means so as to preclude contamination of the water distribution system through the fitting. The apparatus includes means for clamping the sampling member and for establishing electrical continuity between the sampling surfaces and the system for minimizing electropotential effects. The apparatus may also include a plurality of fittings and sampling members mounted on the manifold to permit extraction of the sampling members in a timed sequence throughout the monitoring period

    Addressing neuroticism in psychological treatment

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    Neuroticism has long been associated with psychopathology and there is increasing evidence that this trait represents a shared vulnerability responsible for the development and maintenance of a range of common mental disorders. Given that neuroticism may be more malleable than previously thought, targeting this trait in treatment, rather than its specific manifestations (e.g., anxiety, mood, and personality disorders), may represent a more efficient and cost-effective approach to psychological treatment. The goals of the current manuscript are to (a) review the role of neuroticism in the development of common mental disorders, (b) describe the evidence of its malleability, and (c) review interventions that have been explicitly developed to target this trait in treatment. Implications for shifting the focus of psychological treatment to underlying vulnerabilities, such as neuroticism, rather than on the manifest symptoms of mental health conditions, are also discussed.First author draf

    A functional analysis of two transdiagnostic, emotion-focused interventions on nonsuicidal self-injury

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    OBJECTIVE: Nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) is prevalent and associated with clinically significant consequences. Developing time-efficient and cost-effective interventions for NSSI has proven difficult given that the critical components for NSSI treatment remain largely unknown. The aim of this study was to examine the specific effects of mindful emotion awareness training and cognitive reappraisal, 2 transdiagnostic treatment strategies that purportedly address the functional processes thought to maintain self-injurious behavior, on NSSI urges and acts. METHOD: Using a counterbalanced, combined series (multiple baseline and data-driven phase change) aggregated single-case experimental design, the unique and combined impact of these 2 4-week interventions was evaluated among 10 diagnostically heterogeneous self-injuring adults. Ecological momentary assessment was used to provide daily ratings of NSSI urges and acts during all study phases. RESULTS: Eight of 10 participants demonstrated clinically meaningful reductions in NSSI; 6 participants responded to 1 intervention alone, whereas 2 participants responded after the addition of the alternative intervention. Group analyses indicated statistically significant overall effects of study phase on NSSI, with fewer NSSI urges and acts occurring after the interventions were introduced. The interventions were also associated with moderate to large reductions in self-reported levels of anxiety and depression, and large improvements in mindful emotion awareness and cognitive reappraisal skills. CONCLUSIONS: Findings suggest that brief mindful emotion awareness and cognitive reappraisal interventions can lead to reductions in NSSI urges and acts. Transdiagnostic, emotion-focused therapeutic strategies delivered in time-limited formats may serve as practical yet powerful treatment approaches, especially for lower-risk self-injuring individuals.Dr. Barlow receives royalties from Oxford University Press, Guilford Publications Inc., Cengage Learning, and Pearson Publishing. Grant monies for various projects come from the National Institute of Mental Health (F31MH100761), the National Institute of Alcohol and Alcohol Abuse, and Colciencias (Government of Columbia Initiative for Science, Technology, and Health Innovation). Consulting and honoraria during the past several years have come from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, the Foundation for Informed Medical Decision Making, the Department of Defense, the Renfrew Center, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Universidad Catolica de Santa Maria (Arequipa, Peru), New Zealand Psychological Association, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mayo Clinic, and various American Universities. (F31MH100761 - National Institute of Mental Health; National Institute of Alcohol and Alcohol Abuse; Colciencias (Government of Columbia Initiative for Science, Technology, and Health Innovation))Accepted manuscrip

    Biodiversity Research Institute

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    Population declines of migratory songbird species throughout their range are well documented and have been associated with a complex variety of stressors, including, but not limited to: environmental pollution; habitat loss, conversion, and fragmentation; energy development and generation; and climate change. To better understand these and other potential impacts on songbird populations, biologists from Biodiversity Research Institute (BRI) collect scientific data to address these stressors through studies that target mercury exposure and effects assessments, determine movement and distribution patterns, and integrate findings with conservation and management strategies. Through an emphasis on neotropical migrant species, BRI has conducted research at various locations within the United States, particularly the northeastern U.S., as well as study sites in Central and South America, the Caribbean Islands, and China. With an overarching approach centered on the assessment of environmental stressors on wildlife health, BRI songbird studies are designed to advance scientific knowledge and to contribute valuable data to inform policy, assist in management decisions, and establish conservation initiatives for local, regional, and global songbird populations

    Current definitions of “transdiagnostic” in treatment development: A search for consensus

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    Research in psychopathology has identified psychological processes that are relevant across a range of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) mental disorders, and these efforts have begun to produce treatment principles and protocols that can be applied transdiagnostically. However, review of recent work suggests that there has been great variability in conceptions of the term “transdiagnostic” in the treatment development literature. We believe that there is value in arriving at a common understanding of the term “transdiagnostic.” The purpose of the current manuscript is to outline three principal ways in which the term “transdiagnostic” is currently used, to delineate treatment approaches that fall into these three categories, and to consider potential advantages and disadvantages of each approachFirst author draf

    Experiential avoidance as a mechanism of change across cognitive-behavioral therapy in a sample of participants with heterogeneous anxiety disorders

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    Despite the substantial evidence that supports the efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy for the treatment of anxiety and related disorders, our understanding of mechanisms of change throughout treatment remains limited. The goal of the current study was to examine changes in experiential avoidance across treatment in a sample of participants (N = 179) with heterogeneous anxiety disorders receiving various cognitive-behavioral therapy protocols. Univariate latent growth curve models were conducted to examine change in experiential avoidance across treatment, followed by parallel process latent growth curve models to examine the relationship between change in experiential avoidance and change in anxiety symptoms. Finally, bivariate latent difference score models were conducted to examine the temporal precedence of change in experiential avoidance and change in anxiety. Results indicated that there were significant reductions in experiential avoidance across cognitive-behavioral treatment, and that change in experiential avoidance was significantly associated with change in anxiety. Results from the latent difference score models indicated that change in experiential avoidance preceded and predicted subsequent changes in anxiety, whereas change in anxiety did not precede and predict subsequent changes in experiential avoidance. Taken together, these results provide additional support for reductions in experiential avoidance as a transdiagnostic mechanism in cognitive-behavioral therapy.First author draf

    Expectancies, working alliance, and outcome in transdiagnostic and single diagnosis treatment for anxiety disorders: an investigation of mediation

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    Patients’ outcome expectancies and the working alliance are two psychotherapy process variables that researchers have found to be associated with treatment outcome, irrespective of treatment approach and problem area. Despite this, little is known about the mechanisms accounting for this association, and whether contextual factors (e.g., psychotherapy type) impact the strength of these relationships. The primary aim of this study was to examine whether patient-rated working alliance quality mediates the relationship between outcome expectancies and pre- to post-treatment change in anxiety symptoms using data from a recent randomized clinical trial comparing a transdiagnostic treatment (the Unified Protocol [UP]; Barlow et al., Unified protocol for transdiagnostic treatment of emotional disorders: Client workbook, Oxford University Press, New York, 2011a; Barlow et al., Unified protocol for transdiagnostic treatment of emotional disorders: Patient workbook. New York: Oxford University Press, 2017b) to single diagnosis protocols (SDPs) for patients with a principal heterogeneous anxiety disorder (n = 179). The second aim was to explore whether cognitive-behavioral treatment condition (UP vs. SDP) moderated this indirect relationship. Results from mediation and moderated mediation models indicated that, when collapsing across the two treatment conditions, the relationship between expectancies and outcome was partially mediated by the working alliance [B = 0.037, SE = 0.05, 95% CI (.005, 0.096)]. Interestingly, within-condition analyses showed that this conditional indirect effect was only present for SDP patients, whereas in the UP condition, working alliance did not account for the association between expectancies and outcome. These findings suggest that outcome expectancies and working alliance quality may interact to influence treatment outcomes, and that the nature and strength of the relationships among these constructs may differ as a function of the specific cognitive-behavioral treatment approach utilized.This study was funded by grant R01 MH090053 from the National Institutes of Health. (R01 MH090053 - National Institutes of Health)First author draf

    Intestinal Coinfection with Enterocytozoon bieneusi and Cryptosporidium in a Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected Child with Chronic Diarrhea

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    The microsporidian Enterocytozoon bieneusi has been recognized as an important cause of chronic diarrhea in severely immunodeficient adults infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). We report the first case of intestinal E. bieneusi infection in a child. The 9-year-old boy with connatal HIV infection presented with failure to thrive, chronic diarrhea, and intermittent abdominal pain. His CD4 lymphocyte count was 0.05 Ă— 109/L and dropped to 0.01 Ă— 109/L. No HIV-associated opportunistic infection other than oral hairy leukoplakia and oral candidiasis had been found before microsporidia were detected. Treatment of microsporidiosis with albendazole was of no benefit. During follow-up, the boy also developed intestinal cryptosporidiosis. Evaluation of chronic diarrhea in severely immunodeficient HIV-infected children should include examination for intestinal microsporidia. We recommend the use of a new coprodiagnostic technique that allows detection of microsporidial spores in stool specimens. Furthermore, consideration of dual or even multiple parasitic infections in the differential diagnosis of chronic diarrhea may have both important clinical and epidemiological implication
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