6 research outputs found

    Neue Gesamtkonzeption aus Baden: Leben in Fülle und Würde - Kirche kompetent fürs Alter

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    Die Evangelische Landeskirche in Baden hat eine neue Konzeption für die soziale und erwachsenenpädagogische Arbeit mit älteren Menschen entwickelt. Eine ausgewertete Umfrage in allen Gemeinden und Diakonischen Werken schaffte hierfür die Grundlage..

    Subjektivierendes Arbeitshandeln - "Nice to have" oder ein gesellschaftskritischer Blick auf "das Andere" der Verwertung?

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    Der Aufsatz zeigt, wie das Konzept des subjektivierenden Arbeitshandelns zur Analyse der Entwicklung von Arbeit in kritischer Reflexion und mit neuen Ansätzen beiträgt: Mit der Untersuchung des Arbeitshandelns als Referenzrahmen wird die Perspektive des Subjekts eingenommen, und damit wird der Blick auf sinnlich-körperliche Erfahrung im Arbeitsprozess möglich. Theoretisch wie empirisch begründet der Artikel die eigenständige Bedeutung subjektivierenden Handelns. In umfangreichen empirischen Untersuchungen erweist sich die Bewältigung von Unwägbarkeiten und Unbestimmtheiten als zentrale Anforderung an menschliche Arbeit, die subjektivierendes Arbeitshandeln und damit verbunden praktisches Erfahrungswissen als wesentliche Elemente menschlichen Arbeitsvermögens benötigt. In der Forderung nach selbstgesteuertem Handeln, das im Sinne kapitalistischer Verwertungslogik transparent und messbar gemacht werden soll, erkennen wir einen in der Subjektivierung von Arbeit angelegten Widerspruch, in den sich subjektivierendes Arbeitshandeln (als nicht formalisierbares Handeln) grundsätzlich nicht einfügt. Mit Bezug auf empirisch fundierte Modelle schließen wir mit einem Plädoyer für eine arbeitspolitische Perspektive, die subjektivierendes Arbeitshandeln als substanzielles Element menschlichen Arbeitsvermögens anerkennt und Formen der Organisation, Technik wie Bildung entwickelt, die dieses Handeln ermöglichen.This article will explain how the concept of subjectifying work action can contribute to critically analyze new developments of work. The concept of subjectifying work action uses work actions of subjects as the point of reference for empirical analysis. Our perspective emphasizes sensual, bodily and embodied human experiences. These sticky and hard to imitate resources are often hidden or neglected. In the first part of our contribution we will show their importance for successful work operations especially in moments of high uncertainties. We will argue on a theoretical and empirical basis that the ability to handle uncertainties is a key requirement for “the working man” and how the dimensions of subjectifying work actions enable researchers to grasp how humans manage these situations. In the second part of our text we will develop an immanent contradiction in new forms of work organization based on self-organized processes. Here subjectifying work actions, capacities which cannot be formalized, are used in form of self-regulation and extended responsibilities for individuals. Yet, management directives require work actions that are performed in an objectifying manner to suit governance structures of transparency and objectivity. We complete our article with perspectives for a labour policy that acknowledges and includes subjectifying work actions as substantial part of human labour capacities

    Bone marrow transplantation abolishes inhibition of arteriogenesis in placenta growth factor (PlGF) -/- mice

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    We studied the influence of placenta growth factor (PlGF) on arteriogenesis and tested the role of bone marrow (BM)-derived cells on PlGF-depleted vascular growth. METHODS: Right femoral artery was occluded in wild type (+/+), PlGF k.o. (-/-) and (-/-) mice receiving BM from (+/+) mice (-/- BM). Blood supply in paws was assessed by laser-Doppler imaging (LDI) measurements before, immediately after, as well as 3, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days after surgery. Seven and 28 days after occlusion, hindlimbs were perfusion fixed and filled with contrast medium. Angiograms were evaluated, collateral arteries were analysed histologically and morphometrically. RESULTS: Seven days after occlusion the blood flow and collateral growth in (-/-) were delayed in comparison to the (+/+) group. BM transplantation from +/+ donors prevented this delay. After 3 weeks the (-/-) mice reached values similar to the +/+ control. CONCLUSION: PlGF is an important promoter of arteriogenesis. BM transplantation abolishes inhibition of arteriogenesis in PlGF -/- mice.status: publishe

    A Grammar of Kuuk Thaayorre

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    © 2006 Dr. Alice Rose GabyThis thesis is a comprehensive description of Kuuk Thaayorre, a Paman language spoken on the west coast of Cape York Peninsula, Australia. On the basis of elicited data, narrative and semi-spontaneous conversation recorded between 2002 and 2005, this grammar details the phonetics and phonology, morphosyntax, lexical and constructional semantics and pragmatics of one of the few indigenous Australian languages still used as a primary means of communication. Kuuk Thaayorre possesses features of typological interest at each of these levels. At the phonological level, Kuuk Thaayorre possesses a particularly rich vowel inventory from an Australian perspective, with five distinct vowel qualities and two contrastive lengths producing ten vowel phonemes. It is in the phonotactic combination of sounds that Kuuk Thaayorre phonology is particularly noteworthy, however. Kuuk Thaayorre’s tendency towards closed syllables (with codas containing up to three consonants) frequently leads to consonant clusters of as many as four segments. Kuuk Thaayorre is also cross-linguistically unusual in allowing sequences of its two rhotics (an alveolar tap/trill and retroflex continuant) within the syllable – either as a complex coda or as onset plus syllabic rhotic. Finally, monosyllables are ubiquitous across all Thaayorre word classes, despite being generally rare in Australian languages