62 research outputs found


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    Retailers find themselves up against fierce competition. They must fight for every sale, and work hard to build customer loyalty and protect already slim margins. Today, an increasing number of smaller retailers understand the urgent need to catch up to larger players to remain competitive. They also recognize the important role that IT investments play in organizations� strategic decision-making and operational efficiency in all areas of the business, including point of sale, supply chain management, and inventory. The savvy retailer knows that POS (Point Of Sale) data and functionality has quickly become critical to business rather than a mere convenience. In recent time Ajax based applications have become very popular. Ajax is a new model for web applications to provide more responsive and faster user interfaces resembling more closely to dekstop applications. Typical usage areas are user input validation without page submission, integrating small elements from several servers on a single page, and simulating push-services. Especially the latter are promising for enhancing web applications and for realizing them directly in browsers without plug-ins or additional software. Many frameworks and libraries (open source or comercial) are available which support Ajax development. In this final project, we will integrate some open-source Ajax framework to build low-cost, interactive and integrate POS (Point Of Sale) systems which is accessible to a wide retailer through the Internet. This is we call as iPOS. We hope it�s will become a solution for retailers to run their business more efective and effisien


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    The rapid science today require that every individual can compete and apply science knowledge to facilitate and expedite a settlement of the problem in a digital lab 1. With the above reasons, the modules built for the practicum Digital 1 Hardware Development in Remote Laboratory. Preparation of this module is built on five experimental module, namely Basic logic gates, Half adder, circuit Multilevel NAND and XOR circuits and Encoder. This module is built by using the microcontroller ATMega128 and communicated to the computer server by using MAX232 IC in serial mode. The results obtained after testing in accordance with the planned and in accordance with the truth table of each type of lab work, errors that occur 5% compare with ITF-2002 modules is damage located on LED due to the soldering temperature is too hot. With the construction of this module in order to assist and facilitate the teaching and learning process, especially on a practicum electronics Digital 1 in the PENS-ITS. Keyword:, Practical Digital Module , Microcontrolle


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    In the auction of goods / services from the implementation stages of the procurement of goods / services are more conventional as detrimental if the provider of goods / services (participant) of many, it will generate a fairly lengthy queue. In which the process was very time consuming to do so time wastage sia.Penyedia goods / services (bidders) will feel the boredom and fatigue. and the presence of the tender conspiracy where businesses enter into agreements with other business actors to dominate the market with how to organize and determine the winning bidder so that it can lead tounhealthycompetition. Given the weakness of the process of procurement of goods / services are then made a Decision Support System software that serves to assist and facilitate team decision-makers to determine the winning tender for the project effectively and efficiently. The decision making process using a method carried out with the Accord by a team of decision makers to evaluate alternatives based on criteria decision making there. Thus been able to determine the best alternative decisions as a winning bidder of the project. This software is implemented using web-based application with PHP programming language and MySQL as the database. Keywords: Decision Support Systems, Methods Accord, The Tender Project


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    The rapid science today require that every individual can compete and apply science knowledge to facilitate and expedite a settlement of the problem. With the above reasons then built a Hardware Development For Digital Practicum-II in Remote Laboratory. Preparation of this module is built on four experimental module, namely sequential experiment module, the flip-flop modules, memory modules, and ADC (Analog To Digital Converter). This module is built by using the microcontroller serial ATMega128 and communicated to the computer server by using MAX232 IC. The results obtained after testing in accordance with the planned and the results are in accordance with the truth table of each type of lab work, 5 % error which occurs due to damage to the LED located on the module. With the construction of this module can help and facilitate the teaching-learning process, especially on Digital Elektonika second practicum in PENS ITS. Keyword:, Practical Digital Module , microcontroll


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    ABSTRACT The database system that available at the moment only can save the certain (crisp), deterministic and precision. Whereas, in the real condition we often need a vague data to make decision. We can use fuzzy logic to make decision that have variables with vague values. This final project will implement fuzzy logic into the query, which is called Fuzzy Daabase Query. That is, a query that has a variable valued fuzzy variables. To get information about the performance of employees, then the required criteria attendance and performance criteria that employees valued ambiguous. Data is based on the criteria of degree of membership valueof each employee that has been processed with the method of fuzzy Tahani. Whit the end of this task is expected to help obtain information about the performance of employees and can provide encouragement for employees to become better. Keyword: Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy Set, Fuzzy Query Databas

    Sistem Informasi Simpan Pinjam dan Perkreditan Koperasi Studi Kasus SMK Negeri 1 Surabaya menggunakan JSP

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    Processing data manually will cause manager lateness in making decision. There is not enough to supprt the decision making. For this reason, every company uses good information system that uses computer as a tool to achieve the success and also to develop a factor which gives contribution. Such as Koperasi SMK Negeri 1 Surabaya that has used computer media to save data but it has not used specific information system to reduce mistakes to the same data and up-to-date data. This information system is made by using JSP (Java Server Page) as its server and MySQL as its database. Keyword : JSP (Java Server Page


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    Indonesia is a rich country with various tradition, culture and culinary products. Try to imagine, with more than 13000 island (more than 6000 islands are dwelled), more than 700 languages, and various culture, certainly will enrich the various culinary products also. But from this much culinary menus that are offered in every region in Indonesia, not many of people knows about such menus detail. This final project tried to develop a website using JSP technology and MySQL database that can referable for culinary tour in Indonesia. To be a place where the epicure and gourmand hunting inspirations and sharing information, provide facility for restauranteur or culinareur to introducing their culinary products. And also , provide a delivery facilities for menu based online.With the exsistence of this system, not only restauranteur who will gain profit because of their culinary product recognizable by public internet user, but also will abridging culinary lover to know the interesting culinary objects that proper to tried their menu and also can delivery menu by online without coming to the culinary object as menu prvider directly. Keyword : Food Delivery, Directory Website ,Wisata Kuliner, JSP, MySQ

    Sistem Rumah Sakit Terpadu Menggunakan JSP Study Kasus : Fisioterapi

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    ABSTRACT Use the computer as an application of information technology has become a requirement, because a lot of work that can be completed quickly, accurately, and efficiently. at the end of the project made this program to a form of eficien based database information that can be used to calculate the administrative action, the transaction can also save the data that has been input on the computer, and can provide information online, quickly and up to date. With this in mind created the billing program end of the project entitled: "Integrated Hospital System Using JSP (Case Study: Fisioterapi) " In completing it, use the script commands JSP (Java Server Pages) that is used to add, delete and modify files, MySQL database, Web Application Server for relation database and also store data that has been terinput Programs that have been design and computeration Billing services for patients in the Emergency Unit Hospital Daerah Banyuwangi that will help with all administrative needs of the payment transaction process is also easier on the patient data on the patient appropriately and on time according to the needs of the existing system.

    Sistem Informasi Terpadu SMK Menggunakan JSP (Studi Kasus Uji Kompetensi DU/DI SMK Negeri 1 Lamongan)

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    Administration competency test is one of the activities contained in the administrative scope of the institution in this regard is the school. Lots of competency test data to be archived, organized and managed well. With the existence of a web-based information system is expected to be the effectiveness and efficiency of civil service staff and all interested parties have the ease of information services competency test. Information Systemof Test Competence SMK Negeri 1 Lamongan include Final Project information system (PA) and information systems Competency Test Industries. Where the final project information system is specified on any information relating to the final project data from the submission the title until the final project appraisal in SMK Negeri 1 Lamongan. While competency test information systems Industries include systems and assessment procedures are used as reference for the Minimum Passing Standard (MPS). This final project is expected to facilitate future performance of all components of SMK Negeri 1 Lamongan in managing test data are quite complex competence and effectiveness to find information about the project and the final competency test Industries. Keywords: Competency Test, Administration, We


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    Abstract Education networks that have been made this is a web application based on the benchmarking survey of some network existing social. The process discussed in the design and implementation. Includes short story writing, drawing competition, appraisal pictures, poll stories, comments and status of others. So this network is expected to provide interactive information for children, so as to have a positive impact in the use of information technology developed at this time. Education is a network, developed by analyzing the system, describes the flow of data from the system in DFD (Data Flow Diagram) and design database. Database design steps in the form of CDM (Conceptual Data Model) and PDM (Physical Data Model). The result is transformed and implemented as a database in MySql as the DBMS software. The next step is to design the input and output forms using AJAX web programming techniques. With the assessment that has been done before it can be concluded that all existing facilities will be supporting this communication process the child through cyberspace. Key word : Education Network, web, AJAX, MySq