10 research outputs found

    IoT Frequency Band Channelization in Indonesia as A Recommendation for Machine-To-Machine Communication Preparation in the 5G Era

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    This study aims to provide recommendations regarding frequency and channel settings for machine-to-machine (M2M) communication in preparation for the 5G era in Indonesia. In the rapid development of the Internet of Things (IoT), M2M communication is becoming increasingly important to support efficient and reliable connectivity between IoT devices. In this study, we conduct an in-depth analysis of the available frequency spectrum in Indonesia, considering existing regulatory constraints and technical requirements. The results of this study show that the frequency bands 920-925 MHz and 925-928 MHz suit M2M communication in Indonesia with the suggested channel settings. These recommendations are based on spectrum availability, M2M communication needs, and relevant technical requirements. Implementing these recommendations is expected to increase the efficiency and reliability of M2M communications in Indonesia, facilitate the further development of IoT technology, and prepare Indonesia well to face the 5G era. This study contributes to designing a regulatory framework and optimal spectrum use to support successful M2M communications in Indonesia

    1575.42 MHz Frequency Utilization on Intelligent Transportation System in Car Monitoring Distribution Delivery Logistic Using ublox GPS Neo 6M

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    Intelligent Transportation System or a smart transportation system with new technology that has been growing in recent years which is used as a computing system and communication technology for various purposes, such as traffic management, vehicle and highway security and emergency services. The current growth of e-commerce is very powerful, because people have placed e-commerce as a lifestyle. The high demand for logistics and delivery causes the need for monitoring package cars. This research system is designed to automatically monitor package cars, by utilizing the receiver frequency in the L1 frequency band (1575.42 MHz) which is modulated by the Ublox GPS Neo 6M module. Accelerometer sensors and acoustic data are used in cars as speed gauges and are used to detect and provide brief recordings in the event of an accident and can also monitor the speed of the car's distribution of packages in real-time. It was obtained for 7 trials with the same speed and constantly to avoid the Doppler effect that the accuracy of the GPS was quite good and the data was successfully uploaded to the web server in real time


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    Operations in the industry today use induction motors. There are several types of induction motors, one of which is a 3-phase induction motor. In the use of a 3-phase induction motor, there are several problems at the beginning, one of which is that there is a current surge in the starting received by the windings or rotor of a 3-phase induction motor which will cause damage to the motor windings. In previous research, research has been carried out to reduce electric starting spikes in 3 phase motors by lowering the frequency in a study entitled "Adjusting the Speed ​​of a 3 Phase Induction Motor by Changing the Frequency Using the ALTIVAR 12P Inverter" it was found that the frequency of the regulated voltage was low and stable to minimize inrush current in 3-phase motor starting. Therefore, research was conducted on a system that can reduce these problems, namely the use of a star-delta system on a 3-phase motor to reduce electrical starting spikes in a 3-phase motor. In this study, the electric current value was 0.59 A, the star-circuit voltage value was 219.65 V, and the short-circuit current value was 1.01 A

    Automatic Sluice Monitoring Based On The Water Ph In a Brackish Water Pool Using a Web Server

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    Fisheries are one of the most potential sources of foreign exchange for the country. Water quality in fish farming in freshwater ponds is a very important part because the growth and age of fish is strongly influenced by temperature and changes in dissolved oxygen levels, water pH and salt salinity. Fish farmed in freshwater ponds are thought to be more sensitive to sudden changes in water quality. In order to continue to produce good quality fish, a tool is needed to control the pH of the water in brackish water ponds where fish farming is carried out. A prototype of a brackish water pond with automatic sluice is designed that can maintain pH stability in a pond filled with brackish water. The floodgates are driven using a servo motor with an Esp 32 microcontroller. The system is able to accurately measure the pH of the water and the results of the measurements are sent to the database via Esp 32 and displayed via a web server. When the pH value in a brackish water pool is less than 7, the floodgates containing salt water will open automatically to stabilize the pH in the brackish water pool. However, if the pH value in the brackish water pool is 8, the door containing fresh water will open automatically.Keywords: Water, Esp 32, fish, pond, brackis

    Design of Smart Agricultural Systems Using MIT App and Firebase

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    Penelitian dalam jurnal ini bertemakan rancang bangun sistem pertanian cerdas menggunakan web server yaitu firebase dan thingspeak yang berbasis mikrokontroler jenis NodeMCU Amica dan juga beberapa hardware pendukung seperti akuator dan lainnya. Dalam konsep sistem penelitian ini dapat dioperasikan menggunakan android dan web server yang dapat dilihat secara publik. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan gambaran berupa konsep rancang bangun pertanian cerdas modern dan juga bagaimana konsep penelitian ini dapat dikembangkan dikemudian waktu sehingga menghasilkan sebuah produk yang efektif dalam menangani aktivitas di pertanian. Tahapan penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian R&D model borg and gall namun dalam penelitian ini hanya sampai pada revisi tahap dua, hal ini dikarenakan tujuan dalam penulisan jurnal ini hanya memberikan konsep rancang bangun sistem untuk dikembangan dikemudian waktu oleh peneliti lainnya. Pengujian dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan uji coba software pada aplikasi yang telah jadi dibuat, kemudian pengujian web server, serta dilakukannya pengujian nilai set point dan ketiga pengujian itu telah berhasil dilakukan

    Sistem Monitoring HeartRate dan SPO2 untuk Pendampingan Lansia dengan Raspberry Pi sebagai Gateway

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    Penelitian ini mengembangkan sistem pemantauan HeartRate dan SPO2 berbasis Raspberry Pi untuk lansia. Sistem ini memberikan pendampingan kesehatan real-time dan peringatan dini terhadap kondisi yang mengkhawatirkan. Menggunakan sensor MAX30102 yang terhubung ke Arduino Uno dengan Raspberry Pi sebagai gateway, sistem ini dapat mengukur HeartRate dan SPO2 dengan akurasi tinggi. Perangkat keras terdiri dari Raspberry Pi, Arduino Uno, sensor MAX 30102, dan modul GPS, sementara perangkat lunak dikembangkan dengan Python dan mencakup modul pengolahan data, pengiriman data, dan antarmuka pengguna real-time. Uji coba melibatkan lansia sebagai subjek, dan hasilnya menunjukkan akurasi yang memadai. Aplikasi monitoring yang digunakan mudah digunakan dan memberikan informasi yang jelas. Secara keseluruhan, sistem ini memberikan pendampingan kesehatan yang efektif dan diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kualitas hidup lansia serta mempermudah pemantauan kesehatan mereka


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    Abstrak—Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan sistem pemantauan banjir dan peringatan dini secara real-time. Teknik penginderaan ultrasonic sebagai RADAR(Radio Detection and Ranging)  banyak digunakan di berbagai bidang teknik dan ilmu dasar. Salah satu keuntungan dari penginderaan ultrasonik adalah kemampuannya yang luar biasa untuk menyelidiki di dalam objektif secara non-destruktif karena ultrasonik dapat merambat melalui berbagai jenis media termasuk padatan, cairan dan gas. Studi ini hanya berfokus pada deteksi ketinggian air dan sistem peringatan dini (melalui situs web) yang memperingatkan lembaga dan individu terkait akan potensi kejadian banjir. Selain itu, sistem inquiry juga dimasukkan dalam penelitian ini agar lebih interaktif dimana individu dalam masyarakat dapat menanyakan ketinggian air aktual dan status daerah atau lokasi yang diinginkan terkena banjir melalui web. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk membantu warga agar siap dan berpengetahuan ketika terjadi banjir. Inovasi studi ini berada pada pemanfaatan ESP 32, sensor ultrasonic dan monitoring melalui web dalam membantu pemangku kepentingan untuk mengurangi korban terkait banjir. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk membantu daerah-daerah rawan banjir yang umum terjadi.

    Evaluation of cellular network performance involving the LTE 1800 band and LTE 2100 band using the drive test method

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    In the 4G Network on the cellular system, the possibility of high traffic increase is a big problem for users, the proposed solution is to reduce the possibility of full traffic and decrease the quality of the cellular system by dividing the frequency channel into several parts. The purpose of this paper is to study the effect of network optimization on the value of Key Performance Indicator (KPI) in the LTE 1800 and LTE 2100 bands. KPI values, In the LTE 1800 and LTE 2100 bands tested using the drive test method using the Telkomsel sim card provider, the results show that the LTE 2100 band on the TML 013 site has a very high CSSR number compared to the band LTE 1800 which is 99.73% after optimization. The results showed that the LTE band 2100 is better than the LTE band 1800 in terms of KPI Summary


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    Robotic Process Automation (RPA) telah menjadi solusi yang semakin populer dalam mengotomatisasi proses bisnis yang berulang dan rutin. Dua platform RPA yang terkemuka, yaitu UIPath dan OpenRPA, telah muncul sebagai pilihan utama bagi organisasi untuk mengimplementasikan otomatisasi ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perbandingan antara kedua software tersebut dalam konteks Robotic Process Automation. Metode analisis ini melibatkan evaluasi fitur, kinerja, skalabilitas, serta kemampuan integrasi dari UIPath dan OpenRPA. Data dan informasi diperoleh melalui studi literatur, pengujian perangkat lunak, serta eksperimen simulasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini akan memberikan pandangan yang mendalam tentang kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing platform RPA, membantu organisasi dalam memilih solusi yang paling sesuai dengan kebutuhan bisnis. Diharapkan penelitian ini dapat memberikan wawasan yang berharga bagi para profesional dan praktisi yang tertarik dalam mengimplementasikan Robotic Process Automation dalam lingkungan bisnis


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    The performance of a solar panel module is strongly influenced by its orientation and tilt angle. Tests have been carried out to track variations in the performance of the solar panel module and electrical parameters at various angles of inclination in the conditions of Karawang and Bogor. There are two experimental modes: 1) a varying slope module under a constant irradiance level, 2) a varying irradiation intensity at the optimal tilt setting. For the former schematic, the irradiation levels were carried out at 2 different locations, and for the later setup, the angle of inclination of the module was varied from 90° and 180° by using a single axis tracer At 90° tilted angle in Karawang test place at rest condition, morning experiment give the result of 5,69V on average while in Bogor the experiment gives 5,46V on average. At 180° tilted angle in Karawang test place at rest condition, morning experiment give the result of 5,49V on average while in afternoon experiment afternoon 3.026V on average. In Bogor test place morning experiment give solar panel 5,2V on average and 3,33V at afternoon experiment. In the electrical parameters of the module, the open circuit voltage, short circuit current, maximum power point voltage and maximum power point current decrease substantially with increasing slope angle, while the charge factor decreases somewhat gradually. Tests in both Karawang and Bogor in the afternoon and afternoon confirmed that the optimal tilt angle on cloudy on  with UV index between 1-2 in the morning and 3-4 in the afternoon on average is 180° tilted and directing the solar panel module at this angle will maximize the captured solar energy and thereby improve its performance