157 research outputs found

    Karakteristik Air Tanah Akuifer Dalam Sekitar Tempat Pembuangan Sampah Terpadu (Tpst) Bantar Gebang-bekasi, Jawa Barat

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian air tanah akuifer dalam di sekitar TPST Bantar Gebang, Bekasi menggunakan pendekatan isotop alam dan kimia air. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengambil sejumlah sampel air tanah akuifer dalam (kedalaman lebih dari 40 m) di beberapa lokasi sumur bor sekitar TPST Bantar Gebang dan kemudian dianalisis konsentrasi isotop alam dan kimia airnya. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik air tanah akuifer dalam di sekitar TPST Bantar Gebang terhadap kemungkinan interaksi dengan air lindi sebagai dampak aktivitas pembuangan sampah. Berdasarkan hasil analisis isotop alam 18 O dan 2H, karakteristik air tanah akuifer dalam dapat dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok sesuai perbedaan konsentrasi isotop alamnya. Pertama, air tanah B3 memiliki konsentrasi isotop alam 18O dan 2H paling miskin (depleted), diperkirakan berasal dari daerah imbuh (recharge) dengan elevasi relatif tinggi. Kedua, air tanah BG2, BG8, BG9, BG4 dan BG7 memiliki konsentrasi isotop alam 18O dan 2H paling kaya (enrich), diperkirakan berasal dari daerah imbuh dengan elevasi relatif rendah. Ketiga, air tanahBG6, BG1dan BG5 memiliki konsentrasi isotop alam 18O dan 2H berada diantara kelompok pertama dan kedua, diperkirakan daerah imbuhnya berada pada elevasi diantara keduanya.Namun demikian, baik berdasarkan hasil analisis isotop alam maupun kimia air, air tanah BG5 dan BG7 terindikasi telah mengalami proses evaporasi atau percampuran dengan air tanah dangkal atau air permukaan tetapi bukan dengan air lindi. Demikian pula dengan sampel air tanah lainnya, seluruhnya tidak mengalami interaksi dengan air lindi. Sementara itu, hasil 14C menunjukkan bahwa aliran air tanah akuifer dalam bergerak dari selatan menuju utara dan barat-laut

    Aplikasi Isotop Alam (18O, 2H Dan 14C) Untuk Studi Dinamika Air Tanah Dan Hubungannya Dengan Air Sungai Di Daerah Bandung

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    Muka air tanah di Cekungan Bandung telah mengalami penurunan sejak tahun 1990 yakni sebesar 1-2 m di pusat cekungan sedangkan di daerah miring sebesar 15 m. Gejala penurunan air tanah ini dikhawatirkan terus mengalami penurunan seiring dengan pertambahan jumlah sumur dalam (> 40 m) dari 96 sumur pada tahun 1970 hingga saat ini diperkirakan lebih dari 4700 sumur. Oleh karena itu, penelitian hubungan antara air tanah dan air permukaan, penentuan daerah imbuh air tanah di Cekungan Bandung sangat penting dilakukan. Isotop alam stabil seperti 2H dan 18O; dan isotop alam radioaktif 14C dapat dimanfaatkan untuk keperluan tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pengambilan 24 contoh air tanah-dalam, 28 contoh air tanah-dangkal dan air sungai (Citarum, Cikapundung, Cikeruh, dan Citarik). Berdasarkan hasil hubungan antara d18O dan d2H, sebagian besar air tanah-dangkal di sepanjang Sungai Citarum tidak berhubungan dengan air sungai akan tetapi ada tiga titik lokasi yang terindikasi percampuran yakni air tanah dekat Sungai Cikapundung, SP 9 (Desa Loteng Sumbersari) dan SP 8 (Desa Bojong Mas) yang berdekatan dengan Sungai Citarum. Hasil analisis isotop 14C menunjukkan bahwa air tanah-dalam tidak berhubungan dengan air tanah-dangkal dan air sungai. Garis kontur umur sama menunjukkan bahwa pola dinamika air tanah-dalam di Cekungan Bandung berasal dari daerah perbukitan di sebelah utara dan selatan menuju ke arah barat laut sehingga di kedua daerah tersebut disarankan sebagai zona konservasi. Kecepatan pergerakan air tanah-dalam berkisar antara 0,25–3 m/tahun. Water table in the center of Bandung basin has been decreased around 1-2 m/year since 1990 whereas in the slope has been decreased at higher level of 15 m. Water level decreasing are going to increase continuously because of increasing number of deep wells (>40 m). In 1970, there were 96 deep wells which have been registered, but now number of deep wells is estimated of more than 4700. Therefore, a study of interrelationship between groundwater and surface water, and determination of recharge area for Bandung basin are crucial research to be conducted. Stable isotopes in nature such as 2H and 18O, and radioactive isotope of 14C can give important information about groundwater dynamic pattern. In this research, 24 deep groundwater samples, 28 shallow groundwater and river water samples (Citarum, Cikapundung, Cikeruh and Citarik rivers) and shallow groundwater along the rivers were collected. Results from plotting d18O and d2H showed that most of shallow groundwater did not relate to river water except three locations, they are Loteng Sumbersari and Bojong Mas groundwater near to Citarum river, and groundwater near to Cikapundung river. Isotope 14C analysis indicated that deep groundwater of Bandung basin did not show relationship either by shallow groundwater or river water. Its iso-age line contour determined that dynamic pattern of deep groundwater in Bandung basin comes from northern and southern hills to direction of north-west area such that both areas are suggested as conservation zone. Rate of deep groundwater movement predicted from iso-age contour is around 0.25 to 3 m/year

    Analisis Capital Budgeting Untuk Menilai Kelayakan Rencana Investasi Aktiva Tetap Mesin Produksi (Studi Kasus Pada PT. Kasin Malang)

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    This study aims to determine the application of capital budgeting techniques to assess the investment machine plan is feasible or not to be implemented. Type of research is a descriptive study using a case study approach. The results of the analysis using capital budgeting techniques that the investment plan is feasible.With the method of average rate of return (ARR) was 26,69% greater than the discount factor of 11,24%, payback period indicates that the time required to return the investment is 3 years 6 months 2 days more faster than the economical assets 8 years, and the calculation of net present value assessed profitability because positive NPV result is Rp.1.109.904.733 Similarly, the results obtained profitability index greater than one is 2,0471. Internal rate of return (IRR) of 30.80% greater than the discount factor is equal to 11,24

    Step Respons Motor DC by Using Compression Signal Method

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    Output signal in the form of a step response of a DC motor can be obtained by providing the input signal to the motor in the form of a signal step directly. Step response obtained in this way usually contains a lot of noise. To reduce noise, this research was designed with the aim to get the step response using signal compression method in which the input signal is not a step but a signal with a specific shape given to the motor and if the output signal of the motor is compressed, it will obtain impulse response. Step response of the DCmotor can be obtained by doing the integral to the impulse response. Step response which is obtained using signal compression method will be used to estimate parameters model of DC motor to see the validity of this method. The result of this research shows that the estimated value of the parameters from the step response has value closer to the value of the parameters given to the model of a DC motor. The conclusion of this research is the method of signal compression can be used to obtain the step response of a DC motor model. Further research will be conducted on the actual motor instead of using a mathematical model

    The Relation Between Pediatric Immunodeficiency Category and Diarrhea in Aids/hiv Infected Child

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    Introduction: Diarrhea is one of the most prevalent cause of mortality and morbidity in AIDS/HIV infected child. Severe immune suppression increase prolong and persistent diarrhea. The correlation between diarrhea and immune suppression level has not well known yet, particularly in Saiful Anwar Hospital. The aim of this study is to determine relation between immune suppression leveland prolonged or persistent diarrhea in AIDS/HIV infected child. Method: Retrospective crosssectional research were conducted on 68 medical records taken from patients who were admitted between February 2008 and August 2011. The characteristic of data taken were: age, sex, nutritional status, CD4+ counts, duration of diarrhea, other comorbid diseases beside diarrhea (pneumonia, tuberculosis, moniliasis) and the patient outcome. National Guidelines Clinical Management of HIV/AIDS in Children were used to diagnose HIV/AIDS. Immune supression level was determined using CDC guidelines. Immune supression level was ranked in to four categories: no immune deficient, mild suppression, moderate suppression, and severe immunodeficient. Result: Thirty six (53%) patients were male; diarrhea was found in 32 (47%) patients, acute diarhhea in 12 patients, prolonged diarrhea in 1 patient, persistent diarrhea in 19 patients. Forty (40%) were severe immunodeficient, 6% mild, 28% moderate and 40% without immunodefi ciency. Discussion: Statistical analysis showed that there was no correlation between immune supression level and types of diarrhea. (95% CI, p = 0.17)

    Analisis Yuridis Peraturan Kepala Badan Pertanahan Nomor 3 Tahun 1997 Ditinjau dari Undang-undang Nomor 4 Tahun 1996 Mengenai Roya Partial (Studi Kasus Kantor Pertanahan Kota Medan)

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    The obstacle faced by the Land Office in Medan in implementing partial cancellation of hypothecation after the issuance of the Decree of the Agrarian Minister of State/the Head of the National Land Agency No. 3/1997 is that collateral objects as the hypothecation in a credit contract by debtor as the giver of hypothecation is the land and building rights as one ownership so that partial cancellation cannot be done. Some efforts made by the Land Office, Medan, with the different opinion on the implementation of partial cancellation according to the Decree of the Agrarian Minister of State/the Head of the National Land Agency No. 3/1997 is by doing some approaches and appeals to Notaries/PPAT (official empowered to draw up land deeds) to make declaration on hypothecation holder in authentic deeds in order to release a part of the hypothecation by attaching clearly which part of it which is released by the Hypothecation