39 research outputs found

    Effect of Different Dosage Infection Ascaridia Galli and Piperazine Treatment on Total Worm and Layers\u27 Body Weight

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    The aim of this research was to study effect of different dosage Infection Ascaridia galli (A. galli) and anthelmintic piperazine treatment to total worm and layers\u27 body weight. The research was based on Randomized Completely Design with Factorial (3x2) pattern. The first factor was A. galli infected dosage (0, 200x 4 and 2000x 4 infective eggs) and the second was anthelmintic treatments (without and with piperazine treatment). The result showed that until 6 weeks after infection, only larvae were found in chicks, the adult and egg worms were not found. The infection dosages and piperazine treatment influenced the larvae total. Larvae total in light and heavy dose infection that had piperazine treatment lower than group without piperazine. The infection dosages and piperazine treatment influenced body weight two and four weeks after the anthelmintic treatment. Body weight in group with heavy dose infection after two and four weeks had piperazine treatment were higher than group that had heavy dose infection but without the anthelmintic medication. Body weight in group with light and heavy dose infection after four weeks had piperazine treatment were not difference with group without infection. The piperazine effication to larvae only reached 69% (ineffective) in light dose and 85% (moderate effective) in high dose infection. (Animal Production 11(3): 176-182 (2009

    Effect of Ascaridia galli infection on histopathologic description, size of small intestines villi surface and body weight change in starters

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    Nematode Ascaridia galli is an important parasitic disease in poultry and is responsible for considerable economic losses in retarded growth and lowered egg production. The effects of A. galli infection based on histopathologic description, size of small intestines villi surface and body weight change in starters was investigated. One hundred and thirty five day old chicks (DOC) were divided into three groups for three levels of infection dose rate (0,800 and 8000 infective eggs) with 3 replications of 45 DOC each. Infections were carried out every week respectively from week 2th until week 5th. Results showed that the infection of A. galli caused degeneration and necroses in villi ephitelial cells and crypts of small intestine and infiltration of leucocytes. In the heavy infection group some epithelial cells were replaced by fibrocytes. A.  galli infection decreased daily body weight gain of starter lower (5.5% in light and 13.4% in heavy dosage infection) compared to that of the non infected group. After six weeks of heavy infection the size of small intestine villi surface was decreasing to 20.0%, while the daily body weight gain was decreasing to 12.3% compared to that of the non infection group. Key words: Ascaridia galli, Starter, Productivit

    Pengaruh Klimat terhadap Infeksi Nematoda Saluran Pencernaan pada Sapi Potong di Kabupaten Bojonegoro, Provinsi Jawa Timur

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    This study aims to determine the effect of season on the prevalence of gastrointestinal nematode infections in beef cattle in Bojonegoro Regency. The study was conducted in the coverage area of the Sekolah Peternakan Rakyat (SPR) Mega Jaya, Kasiman District, Bojonegoro Regency. Fecal samples were taken from 263 heads cattle in the dry season and 270 headsin the rainy season. The local climatic data obtained from the One Stop Service Office of the Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG). Results showed significant differences in the prevalence of nematodosis between the dry season to the rainy season. Prevalence of nematodosis in the dry season by 50.98%, significantly lower than the prevalence in the rainy season, which reached 67.78%

    Dirofilaria Immitis (Leidy, 1856) dalam Jantung Anjing yang Diseksi di Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Institut Pertanian Bogor

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    Di dalam ventrikel kanan jantung anjing berbagai ras yang diseksi di laboratorium Patologi Fakultas kedokteran Hewan Institut Pertanian Bogor sejak awal 1970-an hingga tahun 1993 acap kali ditemukan cacing Dirojilaria immitis. Cacing-cacing tersebut berwarna putih, panjang, langsing dengan mulut tanpa bibir. Usofagus yang pendek terdiri atas dua bagian yaitu bagian anterior yang muskuler dan bagian posterior yang glanduler. Cacing betina panjangnya 20 - 29 cm dengan rataan 24,1 cm mempunyai ekor yang lurus dan berujung tumpul; vulvanya terletak di belakang ujung posterior usofagus. Cacing jantan panjangnya 14 - 20 cm dengan rataan 16,7 cm mempunyai ekor yang melingkar membentuk spiral yang dilengkapi lateral alae yang sempit; mempunyai dua spikulum yang asilnetrik tanpa bursa kopulatriks maupun gubernakulum. Didekat ujung ekor terdapat enam buah papila kaudal yang berbentuk kerucut

    Gastrointestinal Parasitic Infection of Swamp Buffalo in Banten Province, Indonesia: Prevalence, Risk Factor, and Its Impact on Production Performance

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    Gastrointestinal parasitic infections cause economic losses in large ruminant’s production including swamp buffalo in tropical areas. The basic epidemiological data and impact of the infections in swamp buffaloes in Indonesia are very limited. A cross sectional study was conducted to measure the prevalence, to identify the risk factor, and to evaluate the impact of gastrointestinal parasites infection on production performance (BCS and girth) of swamp buffalo in five Sentra Peternakan Rakyat (SPR) in Banten Province, Indonesia. A total of 340 fecal samples were collected and examined microscopically using modified McMaster technique. The risk factors scrutinized in this study were sex, age, farming managements, and agroclimate. Infection was found in 128 buffaloes (37.65%) consisted of Nematodes, i.e. Toxocara (0.88%), Strongyles (8.24%), Trichuris (5.29%), Strongyloides (2.94%), and Coccidia of Eimeria (30%). Age of buffaloes was the only significant risk factor for the infection. The highest infection rate was occurred in the group of pre-weaned calves (63.83%) and the lowest was found in the adults (29.66%). Pre-weaned calve group was 8.519 and 8.435 times more likely to be infected with nematodes and protozoa, respectively. The Spearman correlation test showed that the girth was negatively low-correlated and significantly to the EPG of Toxocara vitulorum, the number of protozoa oocyst as well as the prevalence of gastrointestinal parasitic infections. BCS was not related to the infections. In conclusion, low prevalence of gastrointestinal parasitic infections potentially reduce the production performance of swamp buffaloes in the SPRs of Banten Province, Indonesia

    Identifikasi Nematoda Gastrointestinal Pada Katak Fejervarya Cancrivora Dan Limnonectes Macrodon Di Wilayah Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat (Gastrointestinal Nematode Identification of Frogs Fejervarya Cancrivora and Limnonectes Macrodon in Bogor Residence)

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    A research was conducted to identify and to descript nematode worm genera as parasite from gastrointestinal tract of local consumption frogs. Fifty five adult Fejervarya cancrivora and seventy Limnonectes macrodon were collected from three subdistricts in Bogor Residence; Caringin, Cibatok, and Cimanggis. The research was also carried out to quantify prevalence nematode that infest both of frogs and to observe relationship between prevalence level and resource area also spesies of its. Nematode generas which found in F. cancrivora were identified as Amplicaecum, Camallanus, Aplectana, Cosmocerca, Cosmocercella,and Spinicauda. The same generas infested L. macrodon for exception Camallanus. Fejervarya cancrivora nematode prevalence level was higher than L. macrodon in all subdistricts. Its prevalence level weren't influenced by resource area. But, there was significant correlation between prevalence level and species of frogs (α=0,01 and α=0,05). The differences of gastrointestinal nematode infestation are related to differences in habitat and food type of frogs also life cycle of nematodes

    Profil Peternakan Babi di Kota Kupang dan Potensi Penularan Trichinellosis

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    Trichinellosis is a parasitic disease of humans caused by eating raw from domestic or game animals infected by Trichinella spp. Human trichinellosis contracted from commercial supplies of meat have been most often linked to infected pigs, wild boar, or horses. Trichinella is a nematode which has an atypical direct life cycle that does not involve stages developing outside of the host. This study was conducted to see the profile of pig farms in the city of Kupang and the potential transmission of trichinellosis. The data was derived from interview 60 farmers in 6 sub districts in city of Kupang by using a structured questionnaire and analyzed descriptively. The results of the questionnaire survey showed that many race of pig from a mixed race, the seeds come from traditional breeding. Feed rest of the home or restaurant are usually directly given to the pigs. The presence of rat in around of the cage often. All respondents were interviewed did not know or hear about trichinellosis disease which can be one cause of the spread of trichinellosis in city of Kupang

    Deteksi Antigen Ekskretori-sekretori Schistosoma Japonicum dengan Metode Elisa pada Penderita Schsistosomiasis di Napu Sulawesi Tengah

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    BstrakDeteksi antigen ekskretori-sekretori Schistosoma japonicum (S.japonicum) dengan metode ELISA pada penderita schistosomiasis dilakukan di Napu Kabupaten Poso selama sembilan bulan, yaitu dari April hingga Desember 2013. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan nilai optical density (OD)pada penderita positif schistosomiasis dengan infeksi tinggi, sedang, dan rendah. Menetapkan nilai sensitivitas dan spesifiitas dari konformasi ELISA yang digunakan. Kegiatan dalam penelitian yang dilakukan meliputi kegiatan di lapangan dan kegiatan di laboratorium. Kegiatan di lapangan antara lainsurvei tinja dan survei darah. Kegiatan di labotarorium adalah optimasi ELISA. Hasil penelitian yaitu diperoleh nilai absorbansi pada infeksi rendah berkisar 0.468 ± 0.699 dengan kepadatan telur 1-10 telur/ slide, pada infeksi sedang nilai absorbansinya berkisar 0.700 ± 0.899 dengan kepadatan telur 11-20telur/slide dan untuk infeksi tinggi nilai absorbansinya yaitu 0.900 ± 1.166 dengan kepadatan telur 21-44 telur/slide. Nilai sensitivitas sebesar 74% dan untuk nilai spesifiitasnya sebesar 90%. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah metode ELISA yang dikembangkan mempunyai nilai sensitivitas dan spesifiitasbaik untuk mendeteksi AgES S. japonicum pada serum penderita schistosomiasis.Kata Kunci: Schistosomiasis, ELISA, Sensitivitas, Spesifiitas, Indonesia.AbstractDetection of Schistosomajaponicum (S.japonicum) excretory-secretory antigens by ELISA method in human schistosomiasiswas conducted in Poso district Napu valey for nine months, from April to December 2013. The purpose of the study was to get the optical density for the low, medium, and high infection at human schistosomiasis and than to determine the specifiity and sensitivity ELISA conformation. The activities in this study with the laboratory and the fild. The fild activities included stool survey and blood survey. The laboratory activities was optimization of the ELISA method. The results of the study obtained value of sensitivity was 74% and specifiity 90%. Absorbance values ranges from 0699±0468 with density of eggs 1-10 eggs/slide was low infection, the absorbance values was 0.700±0.899 for medium infection the density of eggs 11-20 eggs/slide and high infection the absorbance values were 0.900±1,166 with density of eggs 21-44 eggs/slide. Therefore, it can be concluded of this study that developed ELISA method has good sensitivity and specifiity values for detecting ESAg S.japonicumin human schistosomiasis.Keywords: Schistosomiasis, ELISA, sensitivity, specifiity, Indonesi

    Bacillus thuringiensis Cry5B Protein Is Highly Efficacious as a Single-Dose Therapy against an Intestinal Roundworm Infection in Mice

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    Intestinal parasitic nematode diseases infect over one billion people and cause significant disease burden in children (growth and cognitive stunting, malnutrition), in pregnant women, and via their dampening of the immune system in infected individuals. In over thirty years, no new classes of anti-roundworm drugs (anthelmintics) for treating humans have been developed. Because of limitations of the current drugs and the threat of parasite resistance, new anthelmintics are needed. The soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) produces crystal (Cry) proteins that specifically target and kill insects and nematodes and is used around the world as a safe insecticide. Here we test the effects of the Bt Cry protein Cry5B on a chronic, natural intestinal roundworm infection in mice, namely the helminth parasite Heligmosomoides bakeri. We find that a single dose of Cry5B can eliminate 70% of the parasites and can almost completely block the ability of the parasites to produce progeny. Comparisons of Cry5B's efficacy with known anthelmintics suggest its activity is as good as or perhaps even better than those currently used. Furthermore, this protein is rapidly digested by simulated stomach juices, suggesting that protecting it from these juices would reveal a superior anthelmintic