12 research outputs found

    Microcontroller Implementation for Automatic Smart Bell

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    This study aims to design automatic school bell hardware based on the ATmega32 microcontroller, design automatic school bell software based on the ATmega32 microcontroller using Basic programming language, and test the performance of the automatic school bell based on the ATmega32 microcontroller. This automatic school bell uses a minimum system of ATmega32 microcontrollers which equipped with data input from the push button, LCD to display character output, ISD2560 to output sound, and a timer taken from DS1307 RTC. This research is a Research or Development (R & D) research. This research is carried out through two stages of design. The first stage is the stage of hardware design. The second stage is the stage of software design. Programs are made using the Basic programming language using the Bascom-AVR application. The results of the product were tested using the black box method with two stages. In the first stage, software testing uses a series of simulations on the Proteus 7 Professional application. The second stage, testing hardware

    Enhancing Business Performance Of CV. Jati Makmur Pasuruan Using E-brochure Marketing Strategy

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    This report provides an analysis and evaluation of CV Jati Makmur in entering the new market. CV. Jati Makmur is a plywood industry operating more than 15 years in producing woodworking, aiming to grasp the International market for expansion. There are various analysis methods included in the observation. These methods of analysis include Segmenting, Targeting, and Positioning. To conquer the market share in China and Japan as well to increase economic competitiveness several recommended strategies in incorporated. This strategy involves pricing strategy distribution and promotion strategy. In addition, this report also observes the fact that the analysis contains some limitations as well as risks. These risks include external factors such as Government, Competition, and Technology that will affect the future development of CV. Jati Makmur. This report finds the prospects for CV. Jati Makmur in its current position is positive. The major area of weakness requires further investigation and remedial action by management

    Akad Hibrid Dalam Surat Edaran Bank Indonesia Nomor 14/7/bpbs : Analisis Hukum Pada Produk Qardh Beragun Emas

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    Implementation of the hybrid contract on qardh secured gold products consists of some contract, namely al-qardh, Rahn and Ijarah. This study focuses on the analysis of the hybrid contract on products qardh secured gold in Bank Indonesia Circular Letter No. 14/7 / BPbS. In this study the authors use research methods to examine normative juridical construction of the secured some financing agreement qardh gold. The results of the research, contract hybrids in product qardh secured gold to avoid the three problems, namely contract hybrids in buying, selling and borrowing, two sale and purchase agreement in the purchase contract, and two transactions in one transaction, for their firmness in the separation agreement between the contract tabarru 'with mu'āwadhah contract. Hybrids contracts in product qardh gold secured in accordance with the pillars and the terms of the contract, as well as the condition of legitimacy, namely the submission that does not cause any harm, gharar (vagueness), the terms imperfect, and usury

    Wireless medical interface using zigbee and bluetooth technology

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    Since years, the using of telemedicine has increased although there are some technical issues related to standard and quality. In order to improve the telemedicine quality of service, a robust wireless connection between medical devices and telecommunication network is required. Unfortunately, many medical devices were developed without possibility to connect with telecommunication infrastructure. Due to this condition, a wireless medical interface has been developed. The interface has been implemented based on the advantages of ZigBee and Bluetooth technology. A new protocol has also been developed to enable robust communication between medical devices and telecommunication infrastructure. The interface has been tested to transfer the medical data from vital sign medical devices to a data processing system through wireless network. Measurement result shows that the interface is able to be used in transferring medical data from multi medical devices within range of 10 m with some interference sources

    Analisis Sistem Kompensasi Berdasarkan Job Value terhadap UKM Konveksi XYZ Kabupaten Bogor

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    XYZ merupakan UKM yang bergerak dibidang industri tekstil. Produk-produk yang dihasilkan ialah berbagai macam jenis model pakaian ready to wear untuk dewasa dan anak serta design dapat menyesuaikan dengan permintaan konsumen. Bentuk transaksi bisnis XYZ merupakan Bisnis to Bisnis (B2B), seperti Ramayana, Matahari, dan lain sebagainya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi sistem kompensasi dan mengevaluasi jabatan, menganalisis faktor-faktor yang digunakan sebagai dasar penetapan gaji, dan membuat struktur gaji yang ideal untuk diimplementasikan pada UKM Konveksi XYZ. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis dengan metode tumpang tindih (overlapping). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa XYZ belum memiliki kompensasi yang ideal. Faktor-faktor yang menjadi dasar dari penetapan gaji adalah education, experience, kepemimpinan kelompok, percaya diri, kerjasama, peduli terhadap ketelitian & keakuratan, pemikiran analitis, fleksibilitas, orientasi pelayanan pelanggan, serta planning atau coordinating. Dengan metode overlapping, hasil diperoleh sistem kompensasi XYZ ideal untuk diterapkan

    Perancangan Continuous Barge Unloader Kapasitas 800 Ton/Jam Bermuatan Batu Bara

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    It is undeniable energy needs in Indonesia is increasing, and can never be separated from the need to use material of coal as a source of energy. So that industry has a role in the processing of coal should be increased productivity. One is an increase in productivity of the use of coal loading and unloading equipment at ports which handle ships - collier. This final project offers an example of the calculation and planning of loading and unloading equipment Continuous Barge Unloader capacity of 800 tons / hour for barges loaded with coal which is normally used in the industry, especially coal handling plant. The final project is expected to be the solution for the lack of productivity of the loading and unloading of coal and one of the reference design tool manufacture Continuous Barge Unloader. This design uses Pahl and Beitz method and the results of this research in the form of structural design tools, the selection of the main component unloader (driving, lifting, belt conveyor, bucket conveyor, and electric motors for lifting and driving)


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    Public relations humas adalah praktik mengelola dan menyebarkan informasi dari individu atau organisasi (seperti bisnis, lembaga pemerintah atau organisasi nirlaba) kepada publik untuk mempengaruhi persepsi publik mereka. Hubungan masyarakat (PR) dan publisitas berbeda dalam PR yang dikendalikan secara internal, sedangkan publisitas tidak dikendalikan dan disumbangkan oleh pihak eksternal. Hubungan masyarakat dapat mencakup organisasi atau individu yang mendapatkan eksposur ke audiens mereka menggunakan topik kepentingan publik dan item berita yang tidak memerlukan pembayaran langsung. Eksposur sebagian besar berbasis media. Ini membedakannya dari iklan sebagai bentuk komunikasi pemasaran. Hubungan masyarakat bertujuan untuk membuat atau mendapatkan liputan untuk klien secara gratis, juga dikenal sebagai media yang diperoleh, daripada membayar untuk pemasaran atau iklan juga dikenal sebagai media berbayar. Tujuan dari hubungan masyarakat adalah untuk menginformasikan kepada publik, calon pelanggan, investor, mitra, karyawan dan pemangku kepentingan lainnya dan akhirnya membujuk mereka untuk mempertahankan pandangan positif atau menguntungkan tentang organisasi, kepemimpinan, produk atau keputusan politiknya. Profesional hubungan masyarakat biasanya bekerja untuk perusahaan PR dan pemasaran, bisnis dan perusahaan, pemerintah dan pejabat publik sebagai petugas informasi publik dan organisasi non pemerintah dan organisasi nirlaba. Pekerjaan yang menjadi pusat hubungan masyarakat termasuk koordinator akun, eksekutif akun, pengawas akun dan manajer hubungan media. Spesialis hubungan masyarakat membangun dan memelihara hubungan dengan audiens target organisasi, media, media perdagangan yang relevan dan pemimpin opini lainnya