79 research outputs found

    Queer Asian Compass: A Descriptive Directory of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBTQ) Asian American, South Asian, and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Organizations

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    Provides listings of LGBTQ organizations serving the AAPI community, including contact information, mission, and history. Includes an overview of trends in location, organizational infrastructure, activities, membership, donors, budget, and leadership

    Widening the Lens on Boys and Men of Color

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    Current philanthropic initiatives on boys and men of color use research that often fails to disaggregate the "Asian" category, and disadvantaged AAPI and AMEMSA boys and men are often excluded from these funding initiatives.  In response to AAPI and AMEMSA organizations' concerns about the lack of attention to boys and men in their communities, AAPIP undertook a community-based research effort as an initial step towards building knowledge within philanthropy about AAPI and AMEMSA boys and men of color.

    Missed Opportunities: How Organized Philanthropy Can Help Meet the Needs of LGBTQ Asian American, South Asian, Southeast Asian, and Pacific Islander Communities

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    Examines disparities in funding to LGBTQ Asian-American and Pacific Islander organizations; key issues, such as social and cultural stigma and physical violence against youth; and recommendations for philanthropic investment, including capacity building

    The Advocate, November 19, 2009

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    Beyond Protected Areas: Assessing Management Effectiveness of a Ramsar Site in Nepal

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    Ramsar Sites, wetlands of international importance, are an international category of protected wetland areas recognized under the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands. Protected areas around the world are not achieving the conservation objectives for which they were established, often due to a lack in effective management practices. Hence, protected area management effectiveness and its assessments are crucial elements of achieving responsive and pro-active management. Ramsar Sites that are not recognized as a protected area under the national park and wildlife conservation act in Nepal are often ignored for such assessments and receive little attention in terms of conservation and management. This study aimed to fill this gap by assessing Jagadishpur Reservoir Ramsar Site, which falls into the above category. The Ramsar Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool was used to assess the management effectiveness. Transformed into the global standard reporting format, the overall management effectiveness was 0.27 on a 0 to 1 scale. This score is considered to be in an inadequate range, requiring significant conservation intervention from government with support from conservation partners. This first assessment of Ramsar Site outside of protected area in Nepal and its comparison to global and European regional-level assessments provides the benchmark for future evaluation to track progress in management effectiveness. In conclusion, Ramsar Sites outside formally protected areas are often neglected and intermittent projects, and ad hoc implementation of small-scale activities seems inadequate to improve management effectiveness

    ‘Exploring the limit: How far is too far?’: Raising awareness of sexual violence among South Asian immigrants in the United States

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    Kiran Inc, a non-profit in North Carolina providing crisis services to South Asian immigrants, conducted an event in 2014 to raise sexual violence awareness. Volunteers wrote and acted five short plays; a panel of experts facilitated discussion. The discussion highlighted ambiguity about when common interactions crossed into violence. Panelists suggested imbalance in power and control in crossing the line. Attendees completed an evaluation including the Illinois Rape Myth Acceptance scale customized for South Asian contexts. Most did not accept prevalent rape myths, but need more awareness on alcohol-related and same-sex violence. Strategies for primary prevention and additional awareness-raising were discussed

    Ecumenical Celebration of 200th Scheduled

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    The Estancia News, 08-20-1909

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    Espectacularización del deporte en la TV : el caso del programa de televisión de lucha libre RAW Supershow

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    La presente tesis es un análisis descriptivo del fenómeno comunicacional que representa la transmisión televisiva de eventos deportivos. El deporte es un evento social que reúne a un gran número de espectadores mientras que la televisión es un medio de comunicación que funciona en base a audiencias. El primero tiene un elemento que lo hace atractivo para la televisión, el público, por esta razón es un contenido que puede televisarse. La televisión transmite eventos deportivos porque estos suponen elevar sus índices de audiencias. He ahí que las cadenas y productoras televisivas inviertan recursos en la cobertura de eventos deportivos, sacan un provecho de esto. El trabajo busca identificar los componentes del tratamiento televisivo que proponen una experiencia espectacularizada para este tipo de contenidos. El deporte con el cual trabajaremos será la lucha libre profesional por dos razones esenciales. La primera es que la lucha libre profesional es un evento deportivo creado con el fin de entretener al público, en este sentido coincide con los intereses de la televisión y lo convierten en el deporte adecuado para ser televisado. La segunda razón es porque el tema de mediatización del deporte normalmente abarca deportes como el futbol o las olimpiadas. Un trabajo sobre lucha libre profesional brinda un enfoque distinto sobre el mismo fenómeno. La espectacularización del deporte en los medios de comunicación se abordará desde el punto de vista de la producción del programa televisivo, mas no de la percepción que tiene el público. Esto se debe a que el objetivo de la investigación es determinar los componentes del tratamiento televisivo que proponen una experiencia espectacularizada de un evento de lucha libre. Por ello que tenemos que analizar eventos deportivos televisados y describir la lógica y estética bajo la cual funcionanTesi
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