21 research outputs found


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    学位の種別: 課程博士審査委員会委員 : (主査)東京大学教授 武田 洋幸, 東京大学教授 榎本 和生, 東京大学教授 久保 健雄, 東京大学講師 井原 泰雄, 基礎生物学研究所准教授 成瀬 清University of Tokyo(東京大学

    In Situ Hybridization Analysis of the Expression of Futsch, Tau, and MESK2 Homologues in the Brain of the European Honeybee (Apis mellifera L.)

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    BACKGROUND: The importance of visual sense in Hymenopteran social behavior is suggested by the existence of a Hymenopteran insect-specific neural circuit related to visual processing and the fact that worker honeybee brain changes morphologically according to its foraging experience. To analyze molecular and neural bases that underlie the visual abilities of the honeybees, we used a cDNA microarray to search for gene(s) expressed in a neural cell-type preferential manner in a visual center of the honeybee brain, the optic lobes (OLs). METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Expression analysis of candidate genes using in situ hybridization revealed two genes expressed in a neural cell-type preferential manner in the OLs. One is a homologue of Drosophila futsch, which encodes a microtubule-associated protein and is preferentially expressed in the monopolar cells in the lamina of the OLs. The gene for another microtubule-associated protein, tau, which functionally overlaps with futsch, was also preferentially expressed in the monopolar cells, strongly suggesting the functional importance of these two microtubule-associated proteins in monopolar cells. The other gene encoded a homologue of Misexpression Suppressor of Dominant-negative Kinase Suppressor of Ras 2 (MESK2), which might activate Ras/MAPK-signaling in Drosophila. MESK2 was expressed preferentially in a subclass of neurons located in the ventral region between the lamina and medulla neuropil in the OLs, suggesting that this subclass is a novel OL neuron type characterized by MESK2-expression. These three genes exhibited similar expression patterns in the worker, drone, and queen brains, suggesting that they function similarly irrespective of the honeybee sex or caste. CONCLUSIONS: Here we identified genes that are expressed in a monopolar cell (Amfutsch and Amtau) or ventral medulla-preferential manner (AmMESK2) in insect OLs. These genes may aid in visualizing neurites of monopolar cells and ventral medulla cells, as well as in analyzing the function of these neurons

    Reduction of attraction and sex-specific capture interruption in dead targets.

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    <p>(A) Frequency of guarding attempts. Male to living female (n = 13); male to living male (n = 12); male to freeze-killed female (n = 10); Male to freeze-killed male (n = 13). Triangle symbols and whiskers represent means and SD respectively. ***p<0.001 on treatment (freeze-killed or not) by two-way ANOVA. No significant effect of sex and no significant interaction between treatment and sex were detected (p = 0.24 and p = 0.52). (B) Average duration of capture. Male to living female (n = 13); male to living male (n = 12); male to freeze-killed female (n = 10); male to freeze-killed male (n = 13). Each triangle symbol represents data from one tested pair. Bars and whiskers represent medians and IQR respectively. **p<0.01 by Mann-Whitney <i>U</i> test. No significant difference was detected between male to freeze-killed female pairs and male to freeze-killed male pairs by Mann-Whitney <i>U</i> test (p = 0.097). No significant effect of sex and no significant interaction between treatment and sex were detected (p = 0.35 and p = 0.24).</p

    Outlines of mate-guarding behavior and the behavioral tests.

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    <p>(A) An adult male (capturer: indicated by white outlined arrowheads) clasping a juvenile (target: indicated by red arrowheads) with antennae (indicated by blue arrows). Bar = 1 mm. (B) Setup for video recording of guarding attempts. (C) An outline of behavioral tests. (D) Still image from a video recording. Arrowheads were added to indicate tested animals. The left well has unpaired individuals (two males) and the right well has paired individuals (a male and a female).</p

    Difference in guarding attempts between male-female pairs and male-male pairs.

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    <p>Each triangle symbol represents data from one tested pair. Bars and whiskers represent medians and interquartile range (IQR) respectively. (A) Frequency of guarding attempts. Male to female (n = 32); male to male (n = 54). No significant difference was detected by Mann-Whitney <i>U</i> test (p = 0.13). (B) Average duration of capture was greater for male-female pairs (male to female (n = 32), male to male (n = 53). ***p<0.001 by Mann-Whitney <i>U</i> test).</p