2,645 research outputs found

    Renormalization procedure for random tensor networks and the canonical tensor model

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    We discuss a renormalization procedure for random tensor networks, and show that the corresponding renormalization-group flow is given by the Hamiltonian vector flow of the canonical tensor model, which is a discretized model of quantum gravity. The result is the generalization of the previous one concerning the relation between the Ising model on random networks and the canonical tensor model with N=2. We also prove a general theorem which relates discontinuity of the renormalization-group flow and the phase transitions of random tensor networks.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures; Comments on first order transitions and discontinuity of RG added, and minor correction

    Interpreting canonical tensor model in minisuperspace

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    Canonical tensor model is a theory of dynamical fuzzy spaces in arbitrary space-time dimensions. Examining its simplest case, we find a connection to a minisuperspace model of general relativity in arbitrary dimensions. This is a first step in interpreting variables in canonical tensor model based on the known language of general relativity.Comment: 9 page

    On membrane interactions and a three-dimensional analog of Riemann surfaces

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    Membranes in M-theory are expected to interact via splitting and joining processes. We study these effects in the pp-wave matrix model, in which they are associated with transitions between states in sectors built on vacua with different numbers of membranes. Transition amplitudes between such states receive contributions from BPS instanton configurations interpolating between the different vacua. Various properties of the moduli space of BPS instantons are known, but there are very few known examples of explicit solutions. We present a new approach to the construction of instanton solutions interpolating between states containing arbitrary numbers of membranes, based on a continuum approximation valid for matrices of large size. The proposed scheme uses functions on a two-dimensional space to approximate matrices and it relies on the same ideas behind the matrix regularisation of membrane degrees of freedom in M-theory. We show that the BPS instanton equations have a continuum counterpart which can be mapped to the three-dimensional Laplace equation through a sequence of changes of variables. A description of configurations corresponding to membrane splitting/joining processes can be given in terms of solutions to the Laplace equation in a three-dimensional analog of a Riemann surface, consisting of multiple copies of R^3 connected via a generalisation of branch cuts. We discuss various general features of our proposal and we also present explicit analytic solutions.Comment: 64 pages, 17 figures. V2: An appendix, a figure and references added; various minor changes and improvement

    Physical states in the canonical tensor model from the perspective of random tensor networks

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    Tensor models, generalization of matrix models, are studied aiming for quantum gravity in dimensions larger than two. Among them, the canonical tensor model is formulated as a totally constrained system with first-class constraints, the algebra of which resembles the Dirac algebra of general relativity. When quantized, the physical states are defined to be vanished by the quantized constraints. In explicit representations, the constraint equations are a set of partial differential equations for the physical wave-functions, which do not seem straightforward to be solved due to their non-linear character. In this paper, after providing some explicit solutions for N=2,3N=2,3, we show that certain scale-free integration of partition functions of statistical systems on random networks (or random tensor networks more generally) provides a series of solutions for general NN. Then, by generalizing this form, we also obtain various solutions for general NN. Moreover, we show that the solutions for the cases with a cosmological constant can be obtained from those with no cosmological constant for increased NN. This would imply the interesting possibility that a cosmological constant can always be absorbed into the dynamics and is not an input parameter in the canonical tensor model. We also observe the possibility of symmetry enhancement in N=3N=3, and comment on an extension of Airy function related to the solutions.Comment: 41 pages, 1 figure; typos correcte

    Membranes from monopole operators in ABJM theory: large angular momentum and M-theoretic AdS_4/CFT_3

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    We consider states with large angular momentum to facilitate the study of the M-theory regime of the AdS_4/CFT_3 correspondence. We study the duality between M-theory in AdS_4xS^7/Z_k and the ABJM N=6 Chern-Simons-matter theory with gauge group U(N)xU(N) and level k, taking N large and k of order 1. In this regime the lack of an explicit formulation of M-theory in AdS_4xS^7/Z_k makes the gravity side difficult, while the CFT is strongly coupled and the planar approximation is not applicable. To overcome these difficulties, we focus on states on the gravity side with large angular momentum J>>1 and identify the dual operators in the CFT, thereby establishing the AdS/CFT dictionary in this sector. Natural approximation schemes arise on both sides thanks to the presence of the small parameter 1/J. On the AdS side, we use the matrix model of M-theory on the maximally supersymmetric pp-wave background with matrices of size J/k. A perturbative treatment of this matrix model provides a good approximation to M-theory in AdS_4xS^7/Z_k when N^{1/3}<<J<<N^{1/2}. On the CFT side, we study the theory on S^2xR with magnetic flux J/k. A Born-Oppenheimer type expansion arises naturally for large J in spite of the theory being strongly coupled. The energy spectra on the two sides agree at leading order. This provides a non-trivial test of the AdS_4/CFT_3 correspondence including near-BPS observables associated with membrane degrees of freedom, thus verifying the duality beyond the previously studied sectors corresponding to either BPS observables or the type IIA string regime.Comment: 67 pages, 5 figures; V2: minor changes, references adde

    n-DBI gravity

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    n-DBI gravity is a gravitational theory introduced in arXiv:1109.1468 [hep-th], motivated by Dirac-Born-Infeld type conformal scalar theory and designed to yield non-eternal inflation spontaneously. It contains a foliation structure provided by an everywhere time-like vector field n, which couples to the gravitational sector of the theory, but decouples in the small curvature limit. We show that any solution of Einstein gravity with a particular curvature property is a solution of n-DBI gravity. Amongst them is a class of geometries isometric to Reissner-Nordstrom-(Anti) de Sitter black hole, which is obtained within the spherically symmetric solutions of n-DBI gravity minimally coupled to the Maxwell field. These solutions have, however, two distinct features from their Einstein gravity counterparts: 1) the cosmological constant appears as an integration constant and can be positive, negative or vanishing, making it a variable quantity of the theory; 2) there is a non-uniqueness of solutions with the same total mass, charge and effective cosmological constant. Such inequivalent solutions cannot be mapped to each other by a foliation preserving diffeomorphism. Physically they are distinguished by the expansion and shear of the congruence tangent to n, which define scalar invariants on each leave of the foliation.Comment: 13 page