625 research outputs found

    Note on the number of minimal lattice paths restricted by two parallel lines

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    AbstractThe paper deals with minimal lattice paths from the origin to a point (n,m) which do not cross both two given parallel lines I and II with an incline k (⩾1), but touch the line I a specified number of times. We get the generating functions for the number of distinct minimal lattice paths satisfying these conditions

    Parametric Resonance in Neutrino Oscillation: A Guide to Control the Effects of Inhomogeneous Matter Density

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    Effects of the inhomogeneous matter density on the three-generation neutrino oscillation probability are analyzed. Realistic profile of the matter density is expanded into a Fourier series. Taking in the Fourier modes one by one, we demonstrate that each mode has its corresponding target energy. The high Fourier mode selectively modifies the oscillation probability of the low-energy region. This rule is well described by the parametric resonance between the neutrino oscillation and the matter effect. The Fourier analysis gives a simple guideline to systematically control the uncertainty of the oscillation probability caused by the uncertain density of matter. Precise analysis of the oscillation probability down to the low-energy region requires accurate evaluation of the Fourier coefficients of the matter density up to the corresponding high modes.Comment: 7 pages, 5 eps figure

    Quark and Lepton Mass Matrix in an Asymptotically Non-Free Theory

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    We analyze fermion mass-matrix structure in an asymptotically non-free model with 4 + 1bar generations. The texture at the GUT scale is uniquely determined by supposing that the masses of heavy up-type quarks (charm as well as top) are realized as their infrared fixed point values. By assuming SO(10) GUT-like relations for Yukawa couplings in this model, this texture can explain all fermion masses and quark mixing with only one small parameter, which is almost equal to the Cabibbo angle.Comment: 22 pages, 6 eps figures, typos corrected, version to be publishe

    Genome-wide search for strabismus susceptibility loci.

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    The purpose of this study was to search for chromosomal susceptibility loci for comitant strabismus. Genomic DNA was isolated from 10mL blood taken from each member of 30 nuclear families in which 2 or more siblings are affected by either esotropia or exotropia. A genome-wide search was performed with amplification by polymerase chain reaction of 400 markers in microsatellite regions with approximately 10 cM resolution. For each locus, non-parametric affected sib-pair analysis and non-parametric linkage analysis for multiple pedigrees (Genehunter software, http://linkage.rockefeller.edu/soft/) were used to calculate multipoint lod scores and non-parametric linkage (NPL) scores, respectively. In sib-pair analysis, lod scores showed basically flat lines with several peaks of 0.25 on all chromosomes. In non-parametric linkage analysis for multiple pedigrees, NPL scores showed one peak as high as 1.34 on chromosomes 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 15, and 16, while 2 such peaks were found on chromosomes 3, 9, 11, 12, 18, and 20. Non-parametric linkage analysis for multiple pedigrees of 30 families with comitant strabismus suggested a number of chromosomal susceptibility loci. Our ongoing study involving a larger number of families will refine the accuracy of statistical analysis to pinpoint susceptibility loci for comitant strabismus.&#60;/P&#62;</p

    A temporal mechanism that produces neuronal diversity in the Drosophila visual center

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    AbstractThe brain consists of various types of neurons that are generated from neural stem cells; however, the mechanisms underlying neuronal diversity remain uncertain. A recent study demonstrated that the medulla, the largest component of the Drosophila optic lobe, is a suitable model system for brain development because it shares structural features with the mammalian brain and consists of a moderate number and various types of neurons. The concentric zones in the medulla primordium that are characterized by the expression of four transcription factors, including Homothorax (Hth), Brain-specific homeobox (Bsh), Runt (Run) and Drifter (Drf), correspond to types of medulla neurons. Here, we examine the mechanisms that temporally determine the neuronal types in the medulla primordium. For this purpose, we searched for transcription factors that are transiently expressed in a subset of medulla neuroblasts (NBs, neuronal stem cell-like neural precursor cells) and identified five candidates (Hth, Klumpfuss (Klu), Eyeless (Ey), Sloppy paired (Slp) and Dichaete (D)). The results of genetic experiments at least explain the temporal transition of the transcription factor expression in NBs in the order of Ey, Slp and D. Our results also suggest that expression of Hth, Klu and Ey in NBs trigger the production of Hth/Bsh-, Run- and Drf-positive neurons, respectively. These results suggest that medulla neuron types are specified in a birth order-dependent manner by the action of temporal transcription factors that are sequentially expressed in NBs

    Seasonal diet partition among top predators of a small island, Iriomote Island in the Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan

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    西表島のイリオモテヤマネコとカンムリワシ--2種の絶滅危惧種は限られた餌をうまく使い分けていた-- 京都大学プレスリリース. 2024-04-12.Small islands tend to lack predators because species at higher trophic levels often cannot survive. However, two exceptional top predators—the Iriomote cat Prionailurus bengalensis iriomotensis, and the Crested Serpent Eagle Spilornis cheela perplexus—live on the small Iriomote Island in the Ryukyu Archipelago. To understand how these predators coexist with limited resources, we focused on their seasonal diets between which conflicts are considered to occur. To compare the diets, we used DNA metabarcoding analysis of faecal samples. In the summer, we identified 16 unique prey items from Iriomote cat faecal samples and 15 unique prey items from Crested Serpent Eagle faecal samples. In the winter, we identified 37 and 14, respectively. Using a non-metric multidimensional scaling and a permutational multivariate analysis of variance, our study reveals significant differences in the diet composition at the order level between the predators during both seasons. Furthermore, although some prey items at the species-to-order level overlapped between them, the frequency of occurrence of most prey items differed in both seasons. These results suggest that this difference in diets is one of the reasons why the Iriomote cat and the Crested Serpent Eagle are able to coexist on such a small island

    Infra-Red Fixed Points in an Asymptotically Non-Free Theory

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    We investigate the infrared fixed point structure in asymptotically free and asymptotically non-free theory. We find that the ratios of couplings converge strongly to their infrared fixed points in the asymptotically non-free theory.Comment: 12 pages + 8 eps figures, LaTeX, typos corrected, revised version to be publishe