51,122 research outputs found

    Step Bunching with Alternation of Structural Parameters

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    By taking account of the alternation of structural parameters, we study bunching of impermeable steps induced by drift of adatoms on a vicinal face of Si(001). With the alternation of diffusion coefficient, the step bunching occurs irrespective of the direction of the drift if the step distance is large. Like the bunching of permeable steps, the type of large terraces is determined by the drift direction. With step-down drift, step bunches grows faster than those with step-up drift. The ratio of the growth rates is larger than the ratio of the diffusion coefficients. Evaporation of adatoms, which does not cause the step bunching, decreases the difference. If only the alternation of kinetic coefficient is taken into account, the step bunching occurs with step-down drift. In an early stage, the initial fluctuation of the step distance determines the type of large terraces, but in a late stage, the type of large terraces is opposite to the case of alternating diffusion coefficient.Comment: 8pages, 16 figure

    Driven localized excitations in the acoustic spectrum of small nonlinear macroscopic and microscopic lattices

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    Both bright and dark traveling, locked, intrinsic localized modes (ILMs) have been generated with a spatially uniform driver at a frequency in the acoustic spectrum of a nonlinear micromechanical cantilever array. Complementary numerical simulations show that a minimum density of modes, hence array size, is required for the formation of such locked smoothly running excitations. Additional simulations on a small 1-D antiferromagnetic spin system are used to illustrate that such uniformly driven running ILMs should be a generic feature of a nanoscale atomic lattice.Comment: Physical Review Letters, accepte

    On correlation functions of integrable models associated to the six-vertex R-matrix

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    We derive an analog of the master equation obtained recently for correlation functions of the XXZ chain for a wide class of quantum integrable systems described by the R-matrix of the six-vertex model, including in particular continuum models. This generalized master equation allows us to obtain multiple integral representations for the correlation functions of these models. We apply this method to derive the density-density correlation functions of the quantum non-linear Schrodinger model.Comment: 21 page

    Toward a systems understanding of plant–microbe interactions

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    Plants are closely associated with microorganisms including pathogens and mutualists that influence plant fitness. Molecular genetic approaches have uncovered a number of signaling components from both plants and microbes and their mode of actions. However, signaling pathways are highly interconnected and influenced by diverse sets of environmental factors. Therefore, it is important to have systems views in order to understand the true nature of plant–microbe interactions. Indeed, systems biology approaches have revealed previously overlooked or misinterpreted properties of the plant immune signaling network. Experimental reconstruction of biological networks using exhaustive combinatorial perturbations is particularly powerful to elucidate network structure and properties and relationships among network components. Recent advances in metagenomics of microbial communities associated with plants further point to the importance of systems approaches and open a research area of microbial community reconstruction. In this review, we highlight the importance of a systems understanding of plant–microbe interactions, with a special emphasis on reconstruction strategies

    An Isomonodromy Cluster of Two Regular Singularities

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    We consider a linear 2×22\times2 matrix ODE with two coalescing regular singularities. This coalescence is restricted with an isomonodromy condition with respect to the distance between the merging singularities in a way consistent with the ODE. In particular, a zero-distance limit for the ODE exists. The monodromy group of the limiting ODE is calculated in terms of the original one. This coalescing process generates a limit for the corresponding nonlinear systems of isomonodromy deformations. In our main example the latter limit reads as P6→P5P_6\to P_5, where PnP_n is the nn-th Painlev\'e equation. We also discuss some general problems which arise while studying the above-mentioned limits for the Painlev\'e equations.Comment: 44 pages, 8 figure

    A quick-retrieval high-speed digital framing camera

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    A new high-speed digital framing camera is described. The design is built around a rotating polygon mirror that provides a framing rate of 24 000 frames/s. The camera electronics digitizes an image into a 32Ă—104 grid of pixels, where the second dimension of the grid can be varied and is determined by the 8 bit computer-aided measurement and control digitizer sampling rate. Available digitizer memory provides for 314 frames at this horizontal resolution. The advantages over other available high-speed framing cameras are (1) low cost of the system provided the digitizers are available, (2) rapid retrieval of a recorded event, and (3) the ease with which the system can be used. Sample results from an application in high-power arc photography are given to illustrate the system's spatial and temporal resolution

    On the Magnetic Excitation Spectra of High Tc Cu Oxides up to the Energies far above the Resonance Energy

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    Magnetic excitation spectra c"(q,w) of YBa2Cu3Oy and La214 systems have been studied. For La1.88Sr0.12CuO4, c"(q,w) have been measured up to ~30 meV and existing data have been analyzed up to the energy w~150 meV by using the phenomenological expression of the generalized magnetic susceptibility c(q,w)=c0(q,w)/{1+J(q)c0(q,w)}, where c0(q,w) is the susceptibility of the electrons without the exchange coupling J(q) among them. In the relatively low energy region up to slightly above the resonance energy Er, it has been reported by the authors' group that the expression can explain characteristics of the q- and w-dependence of the spectra of YBa2Cu3Oy (YBCO or YBCOy). Here, it is also pointed out that the expression can reproduce the rotation of four incommensurate peaks of c"(q,w) within the a*-b* plane about (p/a, p/a) {or so-called (p, p)} point by 45 degree, which occurs as w goes to the energy region far above Er from E below Er. For La2-xSrxCuO4 and La2-xBaxCuO4, agreements between the observed results and the calculations are less satisfactory than for YBCO, indicating that we have to take account of the existence of the "stripes" to consistently explain the observed c"(q,w) of La214 system especially near x=1/8.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    On the Existence of Local Observables in Theories With a Factorizing S-Matrix

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    A recently proposed criterion for the existence of local quantum fields with a prescribed factorizing scattering matrix is verified in a non-trivial model, thereby establishing a new constructive approach to quantum field theory in a particular example. The existence proof is accomplished by analyzing nuclearity properties of certain specific subsets of Fermionic Fock spaces.Comment: 13 pages, no figures, comment in sect. 3 adde

    A chemically driven fluctuating ratchet model for actomyosin interaction

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    With reference to the experimental observations by T. Yanagida and his co-workers on actomyosin interaction, a Brownian motor of fluctuating ratchet kind is designed with the aim to describe the interaction between a Myosin II head and a neighboring actin filament. Our motor combines the dynamics of the myosin head with a chemical external system related to the ATP cycle, whose role is to provide the energy supply necessary to bias the motion. Analytical expressions for the duration of the ATP cycle, for the Gibbs free energy and for the net displacement of the myosin head are obtained. Finally, by exploiting a method due to Sekimoto (1997, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 66, 1234), a formula is worked out for the amount of energy consumed during the ATP cycle.Comment: 15 pages. 1 figur
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