2,009 research outputs found
前庭神経炎は, 聴覚症状を伴わない単発性の突発性回転性めまいを主症状とする疾患である. 診断には温度刺激検査で半規管機能低下(CP)を認めることが必要である. 上前庭神経の障害が最も多いと考えられているが, 全前庭神経の障害や下前庭神経単独の障害および内耳障害によると考えられる症例も存在する. 急性期の治療は, 制吐薬や抗不安薬などの対症療法が基本となる. 制吐薬は, 第一世代の抗ヒスタミン薬および抗ドパミン薬が用いられる. 抗不安薬の投与は短期間にとどめる. また, CPの回復を期待したステロイド治療が有効であるとのエビデンスがある. 慢性期には, 前庭代償を促進するための平衡リハビリテーションが有効であり, 浮動性めまいやQOLを改善する
両側前庭機能障害は稀な疾患ではあるが, いったん発症すると体動時のふらつきや動揺視が長く持続し, 患者のQOLを著しく低下させる. 2017年に日本めまい平衡医学会より両側前庭機能障害の診断基準が改定された. 主な症状は, 頭部の運動や体動時に非回転性めまいや動揺視が誘発され, 閉眼などにより視覚が遮断されると身体のふらつきが増強する. 温度刺激検査により両側の末梢前庭機能(半規管機能)の消失, または高度低下を認めることが確定診断に必要である. 一側性前庭機能障害に対して従来から行われている前庭リハビリテーションは, 両側前庭機能障害に対しては効果が限定的であり, 有効な内服治療もないのが現状である. 近年, 新しい治療法として, 人工前庭や前庭感覚代行装置による感覚代行技術や前庭機能を賦活化するノイズ前庭電気刺激が開発され, 今後の実用化が期待できる治療法が報告されてきている
Strong spin-orbit coupling inducing Autler-Townes effect in lead halide perovskite nanocrystals
ペロブスカイトナノ粒子において近赤外光による大きな超高速光変調を室温で実現 --光通信帯における新たな超高速光スイッチング技術の開発に期待--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-05-24.Manipulation of excitons via coherent light-matter interaction is a promising approach for quantum state engineering and ultrafast optical modulation. Various excitation pathways in the excitonic multilevel systems provide controllability more efficient than that in the two-level system. However, these control schemes have been restricted to limited control-light wavelengths and cryogenic temperatures. Here, we report that lead halide perovskites can lift these restrictions owing to their multiband structure induced by strong spin-orbit coupling. Using CsPbBr₃ perovskite nanocrystals, we observe an anomalous enhancement of the exciton energy shift at room temperature with increasing control-light wavelength from the visible to near-infrared region. The enhancement occurs because the interconduction band transitions between spin-orbit split states have large dipole moments and induce a crossover from the two-level optical Stark effect to the three-level Autler-Townes effect. Our finding establishes a basis for efficient coherent optical manipulation of excitons utilizing energy states with large spin-orbit splitting
Endurance of larch forest ecosystems in eastern Siberia under warming trends
第6回極域科学シンポジウム分野横断セッション:[IA] 急変する北極気候システム及びその全球的な影響の総合的解明―GRENE北極気候変動研究事業研究成果報告2015―11月19日(木) 国立極地研究所1階交流アトリウ
Direct Observation of Radical States and the Correlation with Performance Degradation in Organic Light-Emitting Diodes During Device Operation
Microscopic characterization of radical states in organic light‐emitting diodes (OLEDs) during device operation is useful for elucidating the degradation mechanism because the radical formation has been considered as non‐radiative recombination centers. Electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy is suitable for such characterization because it can directly observe radicals in OLEDs. In this work, the detailed ESR investigation into the radical states in OLEDs during device operation is firstly reported using a typical light‐emitting Alq3‐based OLEDs. The simultaneous measurements of the ESR signal and the luminance of the same OLED are performed to study the direct correlation between the radical states and the performance degradation. These characteristics show that the luminance monotonically decreases and an ESR signal concomitantly increases as the duration of the device operation increases after operating the OLED. Using the analysis of density functional theory (DFT) calculation, the origin of the newly emerged ESR signal is ascribed to the cationic species due to decomposed Alq3 molecules. The elucidation of the radical species formed in OLEDs during device operation has been demonstrated at a molecular level for the first time. This ESR analysis would provide useful knowledge for understanding the degradation mechanism in the OLEDs at the molecular level
Orthogonal antibody testing for COVID-19 among healthcare workers in a non-epidemic place and time: Japan's Iwate Prefecture, May 18-31, 2020
Of the 47 prefectures in Japan, Iwate had the fewest cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), with the first diagnosis officially confirmed on July 28, 2020. A baseline serological survey of COVID-19 antibodies is essential to accurately evaluate an epidemic outbreak. The primary purpose of this study was to determine pre-epidemic prevalence of COVID-19 antibodies among healthcare workers, using two laboratory-based quantitative tests. In addition, a point-of-care (POC) qualitative test, rapid, simple, and convenient for primary care clinics, was compared with the laboratory-based tests. All antibody tests were performed on serum from 1,000 healthcare workers (mean age, 40 ± 11 years) in Iwate Prefectural Central Hospital, May 29-31, 2020. A COVID-19 case was defined as showing positive results in both laboratory-based quantitative tests. None of 1,000 samples had positive results in both of the laboratory immunoassays. The POC test showed positive results in 33 of 1,000 samples (3.3%) (95% confidence interval:2.19-4.41), but no samples were simultaneously positive in both laboratory-based tests. In conclusion, COVID-19 cases were not serologically confirmed by a baseline control study of healthcare workers at our hospital in late May, 2020. Moreover, the POC qualitative test may offer no advantage in areas with very low prevalence of COVID-19, due to higher false-positive reactions compared with laboratory-based quantitative immunoassays
cytokine profile of PFAPA
Objective : An attempt was made to identify characteristic cytokine profiles to distinguish periodic fever with aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis and cervical adenitis syndrome (PFAPAS) from recurrent tonsillitis, of which clinical manifestations are similar to those of PFAPAS in children. Methods : Serum concentrations of IL-6, IL-4 and IFN-γ were measured during febrile episodes in pediatric patients. Results : The levels of IL-6 during febrile episodes were markedly increased above the upper limit of normal ranges in patients with both PFAPAS and recurrent tonsillitis, but there were no significant differences between groups. The levels of IL-4 during febrile episodes in PFAPAS patients were significantly lower than those in recurrent tonsillitis patients. The levels of IFN-γ during febrile episodes in PFAPAS patients were significantly higher than those in recurrent tonsillitis patients. Conclusion : In pediatric patients with PFAPAS, despite an increase of IL-6, IL-4 was suppressed with a marked increase of IFN-γ during febrile episodes. On the contrary, in febrile pediatric patients with recurrent tonsillitis, both IL-6 and IL-4, but not IFN-γ were increased. The characteristic cytokine profiles of IL-6, IL-4 and IFN-γ can be used for differential diagnosis of PFAPAS from recurrent tonsillitis in children in clinical ear, nose and throat (ENT) settings
INCS suppresses H1R gene expression
The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of intranasal corticosteroid (INCS) administration on histamine H1 receptor (H1R) gene expression in the nasal mucosa of healthy participants and the effects of dexamethasone on basal and histamine-induced H1R mRNA expression, and histamine-induced phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) in HeLa cells. Sixteen healthy participants were given INCS once daily for a week. After pretreatment of dexamethasone, HeLa cells were treated with histamine. Levels of H1R mRNA and phosphorylation of ERK were measured using real time PCR and immunoblot analysis, respectively. Levels of H1R mRNA in the nasal mucosa of healthy participants receiving INCS was significantly decreased. Dexamethasone suppressed basal levels of H1R mRNA, and histamine-induced up-regulation of H1R mRNA and ERK phosphorylation in HeLa cells. These data suggested that corticosteroid inhibited both basal transcription and histamine-induced transcriptional activation of H1R through its suppression of ERK phosphorylation in the signaling pathway involved in H1R gene transcription. It is further suggested that pre-seasonal prophylactic administration of INCS suppresses both basal and pollen-induced upregulation of H1R gene expression in the nasal mucosa of patients with pollinosis, leading to prevention of the exacerbation of nasal symptoms during peak pollen season
When does facial synkinesis develop?
The objective of this study is to clarify when facial palsy patients with lower value of Electroneurography (ENoG) should begin the rehabilitation to prevent the development of facial synkinesis. For this purpose, we examined the relationship between the value of ENoG measured 10-14 days after facial palsy onset and the onset day of the development of oral-ocular synkinesis. Sixteen patients with facial palsy including 11 with Bell’s palsy and 5 with Ramsay Hunt syndrome (7 men and 9 women ; 15-73 years old ; mean age, 41.6 years) were enrolled in this study. There was no correlation between ENoG value and the onset day of the development of oral-ocular synkinesis (ρ = .09, p = .73). Oral-ocular synkinesis began to develop in 4.0 ± 0.7 months (mean ± SD ; range : 3.1-5.0 months) after facial palsy onset regardless of ENoG value. In conclusion, ENoG value cannot predict when facial synkinesis develops in patients with facial palsy. We recommend that facial palsy patients with a high risk for the development of synkinesis begin the biofeedback rehabilitation with mirror to prevent the development of facial synkinesis 3 months after facial palsy onset
Risk factors of first bite syndrome
Objective : First bite syndrome is a complication of surgical resection of parapharyngeal space tumors and the development of cramping pain in the parotid region with the first bite of a meal. The present study aimed to identify the potential risk factors for the development of first bite syndrome. Methods : We retrospectively reviewed 30 consecutive patients with parapharyngeal space tumors who had been surgically treated between August 2003 and December 2015 at our department. Results : The tumor site (prestyloid or retrostyloid) and surgical approach (transcervical-parotid, transparotid, or transcervical) were not correlated with the development of first bite syndrome. Ligation and mobilization of the external carotid artery was significantly correlated with the development of first bite syndrome. Moreover, patients with complete resection of the parotid gland did not experience first bite syndrome. Discussion : The present findings suggest that concomitant surgical settings of 1) sympathetic denervation of the parotid gland with ligation of the external carotid artery or injury of the sympathetic nerve plexus around the external carotid artery during its mobilization, and 2) residual parotid gland tissue are risk factors for the development of first bite syndrome after surgical resection of parapharyngeal space tumors
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