26 research outputs found

    The Effect of Comic Book’s Story Character and Color on Farmers’ Knowledge Gain About Small Sheep Farm Management in Kulur, District of Majalengka, West Java, Indonesia

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    What kind of comic book’s character was best suited to small sheep farmers, what was their preferred color, and what were the combined effects of such characters and color on the farmers’ knowledge about small sheep farm management? These questions directed researchers to design a 2x2 factorial quasi experimental study. Four farmer groups were involved in the study. The results indicated that the comic book characters’ effect on the farmers’ knowledge gains was highly significant; the comic book’s color effect on the farmers’ knowledge gains was also significant, and the combined effect of the comic book’s character and colors was not significant. Further tests demonstrated that the farmer group exposed to the colored comic book with human character performed much better than the other three groups in the posttests. So, the conclusion was that farmers preferred the colored comic book with human character to learn the small sheep farm management. Key words: comic book, story character, color, sheep management, farmer’s knowledg

    Analisis Kekuatan Landasan Aluminium Pada Perangkat Brakiterapi Medium Doserate

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    A STRENGHT ANALYSIS OF THE ALUMINiUM ANVIL OF THE MEDIUM DOSE RATE (MDR) BRACHYTHERAPHY EQUIPMENT. A strenght analysis of the aluminium anvil of the medium dose rate (MDR) brachytheraphy equipment has ben performed. The analysis is to evaluate the strenght of anvil structure used in brachytheraphy equipmen. The anvil serves to connect the wire driver module, the source container module and the channels distributor module. The method is to analyze stresses by using mathematical model. The analysis shows that the aluminium anvil has the largest stress at 6,676 N/mm2 and it is still under the yeild stress at 199,73 N/mm2 . Evaluation results of the structure analysis can be used in designing the anvil for MDR brachytheraphy equipment. ANALISIS KEKUATAN LANDASAN ALUMINIUM PADA PERANGKAT BRAKITERAPI MEDIUM DOSERATE (MDR). Telah dilakukan analisis kekuatan landasan aluminium pada perangkat Brakiterapi medium doserate (MDR). Analisis dilakukan untuk mengetahui kekuatan struktur landasan perangkat brakiterapi. Landasan berfungsi menghubungkan modul penggerak sling, modul container sumber dan modul distributor chanel. Metode yang dilakukan adalah menganalisis tegangan dengan menggunakan pemodelan matematika. Dari analisis diperoleh bahwa nilai tegangan stress sebesar 6,676 N/mm2 masih jauh dibawah nilai yield sebesar 199,73 N/mm2. Hasil evaluasi dari analisis pada struktur tersebut dapat digunakan dalam desain landasan untuk perangkat brakiterapi MD

    Penentuan Urutan Perakitan Bagian Bergerak Dari Modul Distributor Channel Pada Perangkat Brakiterapi Dengan Kriteria Dimensi Dan Mating

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    A DETERMINATION OF THE ASSEMBLING SEGUENCES FOR THE MOVING SECTION OF THE DISTRIBUTOR CHANNEL MODULE ON THE BRACHYTHERAPY DEVICE BY USING DIMENTION AND MATING CRITERIA. A Determination of The assembling seguences for the moving section of the distributor channel module on the brachytherapy device by using dimention and mating criteria has been made. The moving section of the distributor channel module contains of 10 components. The criteria to be used are the date base of dimension and matings (Coincidence contrain, Contac coincidence, and Fix Component). The components are assembled or installed by following the assembly sequences during the assembly design by using Catia V5R17. The assembly process is created as a guide to assist good and right assembly step. The results of this process can be used as a seguence determinations for assembling the moving section of the channel distributor module on the medium dose rate brachytherapy device. PENENTUAN URUTAN PERAKITAN BAGIAN BERGERAK MODUL DISTRIBUTOR CHANNEL PADA PERANGKAT BRAKITERAPI DENGAN KRITERIA DIMENSI DAN MATING. Telah dibuat penentuan urutan perakitan bagian bergerak modul distributor channel pada perangkat mekanik brakiterapi untuk kanker servik. Bagian bergerak modul distributor channel terdiri dari 10 jenis komponen. Kriteria yang dilakukan adalah dengan menggunakan basis data dimensi dan mating (Coincidence contrain, Contack coincidence dan Fix Componen ). Komponen dirakit atau dipasang mengikuti proses urutan perakitan pada waktu desain menggunakan Catia V5R17. Proses perakitan dibuat sebagai pemandu langkah untuk membantu perakitan yang baik dan benar. Hasil dari proses tersebut dapat dijadikan penentuan urutan perakitan bagian bergerak modul distributor channel pada perangkat brakiterapi medium dose rate

    Uji Coba Aplikasi Pemanenan Air Hujan dan Sumur Resapan di Wilayah Bogor, Depok dan Jakarta

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    Areas of Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang and Bekasi (Greater Jakarta) is an area with high rainfall (2250 -2500 mm/year). The rain that falls in this region often cause flooding problems in the area of rice fields, settlements and even in downtown. Rain is a gift from God to be utilized to the maximum extent possible for everyday purposes. Rain Water Harvesting is an attempt to capture rainwater that falls on the roof. In this study, use of the roof area of about 300 -500 m2. Precipitation that falls on the roof is channeled and put into storage, by first filtering done to reduce the dirt. The volume of rain water storage for each location is 10 m3, medium intensity rain (15-20 mm/h), sufficient to meet the storage within a few hours. Rain Water Reservoir are equipped with water pump which has a capacity of 25 liters/minute, the water can be used for flushing toilets and spraying crops. If Rain Water Reservoir is full, water overflows into the Artificial recharge well. The results of analysis with Kostiokov calculation method used to calculate the infiltration rate of Artificial recharge well and calculate the cumulative volume of infiltration at the Artificial recharge well. Results of tests conducted are as follows: a). In Depok, the infiltration rate of Artificial Recharge Well is about 12 mm/minute and was relatively stable at 140 minute (2 mm/minute). It also has the ability to recharge 450 liters of water in 140 minutes. b). In South Jakarta, the infiltration rate of Artificial Recharge Well is about 11 mm/minute and was relatively stable at 160 minutes (2.5 mm/minute). Artificial Recharge Well has the ability to recharge 480 liters of water in 160 minutes. c). In Bantarjati, Bogor, Artificial Recharge Well have the highest capacity, namely 45 mm/minute and was relatively stable at 260 minutes (2.5 mm/minute). Artificial Recharge Well has the ability to recharge 1000 liters of water in 150 minutes. Rain Water Harvesting Development Efforts and Artificial Recharge Well very useful to overcome inundation in residential areas, especially during heavy rain, because it can reduce the volume of surface water into the channel simultaneously

    Hidup Sehat dengan Terapi Jus

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    Buku pintar Sekolah Alternatif

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    viii,174 hlm

    100% Fakta & unik di dunia

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    xii,98 hlm

    Hidup sehat dengan Terapi Jus

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    vi,98 hl