44 research outputs found

    Development of a Beneficiation Flow Sheet for Processing Silica Sand from Chertala Area of kerala

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    The silica sand from Chertala area of Alappuzha district has been reported to be of good quality. Presently, it is mined and transported to destinations inside and outside the State without any processing. A project on beneficiat-ion/ value addition of this sand was taken up as per the request from Directorate of Industries and Commerce, Govt. of Kerala. Objective of the project is to develop a flow sheet for the total utilization of all fractions of this sand. The aim is to value add the same to produce special grade glass making sand according to BIS specifications (IS:488-1980), a suitable fraction for foundry application as per 1S:3018- 1977 and also to recover the finer fractions of sand and heavy minerals which are below 180,um and consti-tutes about 14% by weight. However, only the first two objectives are covered in the present work

    Inclusion in neuroscience through high impact courses

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    Recognizing that STEM disciplines, including neuroscience, have a long way to go to attract and retain diverse talent, educators can take action by being more intentional about their departmental curricula, course design, and pedagogical strategies. A deep body of research suggests that one way we can promote inclusion is through the use of high impact practices (HIPs). These active learning teaching practices promote deep learning and student engagement and have been shown to have a positive differential impact on historically underserved student populations. Here we describe the characteristics of two different types of HIP courses, makerspace classes, and course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs). In addition, we provide ideas for how these courses can be structured to help all students engage and learn. With experience overseeing a large campus-wide program introducing these course types to the curriculum, we also provide insights about faculty experiences and assessment. We propose that including these types of courses in a curriculum can engage a more diverse group of students to choose neuroscience as a major and as a career

    The Cloud Aerosol Interaction and Precipitation Enhancement Experiment (CAIPEEX): overview and preliminary results

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    While the demand for enhancing rainfall through cloud seeding is strong and persistent in the country, considerable uncertainty exists on the success of such an endeavour at a given location. To understand the pathways of aerosol-cloud interaction through which this might be achieved, a national experiment named Cloud Aerosol Interaction and Precipitation Enhancement EXperiment (CAIPEEX) in two phases, was carried out. The rationale of CAIPEEX, the strategy for conducting the experiment, data quality and potential for path-breaking science are described in this article. Pending completion of quality control and calibration of the CAIPEEX phase-II data, here we present some initial results of CAIPEEX phase-I aimed at documenting the prevailing microphysical characteristics of aerosols and clouds and associated environmental conditions over different regions of the country and under different monsoon conditions with the help of an instrumented research aircraft. First-time simultaneous observations of aerosol, cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) and cloud droplet number concentration (CDNC) over the Ganges Valley during monsoon season show very high concentrations (> 1000 cm-3) of CCN at elevated layers. Observations of elevated layers with high aerosol concentration over the Gangetic valley extending up to 6 km and relatively less aerosol concentration in the boundary layer are also documented. We also present evidence of strong cloud- aerosol interaction in the moist environments with an increase in the cloud droplet effective radius. Our observations also show that pollution increases CDNC and the warm rain depth, and delays its initiation. The critical effective radius for warm rain initiation is found to be between 10 and 12 µm in the polluted clouds and it is between 12 and 14 µm in cleaner monsoon clouds

    Oceansat-1 derived met-ocean parameters during various stages of monsoon depression of June 1999, along Orissa coastline, east coast of India

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    113-121After the launch of Oceansat-1 (IRS-P4) on May 26, 1999, weather scientists got the opportunity to study some of the meteorological and oceanographic (met-ocean) parameters associated with the weather systems formed over the oceanic regions around India, even under cloudy conditions. Oceansat-1 carries multifrequency scanning microwave radiometer (MSMR) which has a capability to provide information of certain parameters viz. sea surface wind speeds (SSW), sea surface temperature (SST), integrated water vapour (IWV) and cloud liquid water content (CLW). A monsoon depression was formed over the Bay of Bengal on 17 June 1999 causing widespread rainfall over Orissa coast and the adjoining regions. Oceansat-1 derived met-ocean parameters were studied during various stages of this depression. The maximum values of these parameters during the life cycle of the depression over the Bay of Bengal were SST : 30º - 31º C, SSW : 16-18 m/s, IWV : 7.0 g/cm², CLW : 90-100 mg/cm². It was observed that SSW, IWV and CLW show high values one to three days before the formation of the depression. High values, shape and steep gradients of the met-ocean parameters give prior indication of formation/intensification of the weather system and its probable location. SST reduced by about 1º-2º after the passage of the low pressure system over the region

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    Not AvailableThe present study analyses the changing pattern of marine product exports from India to seven regions/ countries such as Japan, USA, European Union (E.U), China, South East Asia (SEA), Middle East and others, during two decades from 1995 to 2015. The average growth rate of marine seafood export in relation to quantity and value for the two decades was 6.78 and 12.5% respectively. Frozen shrimp export quantity had nearly 40% share in the total export basket. Instability in value was higher than the quantity of export, out of which frozen shrimp price instability was nearly 60%. Using Markov Chain Analysis, it was observed that European Union was having higher probability of retention compared to the other regions. In the first decade Japan was the major importer with higher probability of retention which reduced from 0.91 to 0.56 during the second decade with a gain by European Union in the same decade.Not Availabl

    Characterization of Attributes in Dehusked Coconut

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    Selected physical properties of dehusked coconut as length, width, thickness, geometric mean diameter, sphericity, surface area, bulk density and true density were investigated. Compositional changes in coconut fruits, including volume and weight, shell weight, weight of mature coconut water, wet and dry flesh weight, thickness of the flesh and shell were also evaluated. The average fruit length, major diameter and minor diameter were 99.2±13.3 mm, 91.5±8.9 mm, and 89.5±8.7 mm, respectively; while the sphericity, true density, bulk density and surface area were 0.90±0.05, 998±68.8 kg.m-3, 483±37.3 kg.m-3 and 274.2±50.4 cm2 , respectively. The frequency distribution of the major diameter and the fruit mass followed the Gaussian model. Correlations between fruit characteristics were also determined. Results indicated that fruit weight and total wet flesh weight were closely correlated, and both of these characteristics can be used as an indicator of fruit size

    Recent sediment accumulation in a mangrove forest and its relevance to local sea-level rise (Ilha Grande, Brazil).

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    An accumulation rate in a well-developed mangrove forest has been associated with relative sea-level rise on an island off the coast of Rio de Janeiro State. This rate was calculated by 210Pb dating models from a single sediment core. Results indicate an accumulation rate of approximately 1.7 mm/y for the past approximately 100 years. This rate is almost identical to the ongoing eustatic mean rise in global sea level, indicating a tectonically stable mangrove habitat. Organic C (OC), total N, δ13C(OC), and δ15N values from selected core intervals suggest a constant source of accumulating vegetal debris, dominated by C3-type vegetation with insignificant input of marine-derived organic matter, and a stable subaerial mangal habitat

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    Not AvailableThe Vembanadlake is the longest lake in India and also the largest wetland ecosystem in Kerala recognized as a Ramsarwetland site. The lake meanders through three districts of the state, Alappuzha, Ernakulum and Kottayam. It has been a source of livelihood to the population living alongside the wetland ecosystem. The economic activity carried in and around the backwater includes fishing, shrimp farming, clam picking, rice cultivation, duck rearing and livelihoods related to recreation like etc. Backwater tourism is a major revenue generation activity for the community by means of house boats, motor boats, shikara boat, speed boat etc. Around 1480 boats were operational in the Vembanadlake which are registered under the Department of Ports, Government of Kerala. The increase in boats is due to increase in the arrival of both foreign and domestic tourists, the increase of which over the past decade has risen by 11.69% and 7.07% respectively. In the year 2018, foreign and domestic tourists who visited the Vembanad in the three districts (Alappuzha, Ernakulum and Kottayam) was approximately 0.63 and 4.48 million respectively. This paper aimed at measuring the recreation benefits obtained by tourists visiting the Vembanadlake (and the wetland ecosystem) using travel cost approach. The model considers number of visit made by the individual per annum as the dependent variable is and several independent variables such as cost of travel, family income, age, family size, time spent and quality of the backwater. The analysis was carried out using trip generating function. The results reveal that, the total recreational value of Vembanad backwater was 363 billion INR. The potential value of the ecosystem necessitates sustainable management and conservation of the lake and the backwater ecosystem, which is being affected by increasing pollution as a result of, ironically, increasing tourist activities.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableThe traditional Chinese dip net is symbolic of Kerala and is a major tourist attraction. These nets are operated along the banks of the lakes in the state, especially the Vembanad lake. It is categorized into three type i.e. big, medium and small. The economic value generated by the Chinese dip nets operated in the Vembanad lake was estimated using market price approach. The willingness-to-pay (WTP) is taken to be equal to market price of fish and shrimp catch and this was used as an indicator of the true value of a resource. The estimation of economic value generated from the Chinese dip net operations in Vembanad lake was about Rs.32.98 crores per annum, which gives livelihood to approximately around 4500 family beneficiaries.Not Availabl