7 research outputs found

    Biopsychosocial contexts of timely and adequate prenatal care utilization among women with criminal legal involvement and opioid use disorder

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    Abstract Objective Pregnant women with criminal legal involvement and opioid use disorder (CL-OUD) living in non-urban regions may be at risk for complex biomedical, psychological, and social barriers to prenatal care and healthy pregnancy. Yet, limited research has explored prenatal care utilization patterns among this subpopulation. This study describes the biopsychosocial factors of pregnant women with a history of criminal legal involvement and opioid use disorder (CL-OUD) associated with timely prenatal care initiation and adequate prenatal care utilization (APNCU). Methods Analyses were conducted on a subsample of medical record data from an observational comparative effectiveness study of medication treatment models for pregnant women with diagnosed opioid use disorder (OUD) who received prenatal care in Northern New England between 2015 and 2022. The subsample included women aged ≥ 16 years with documented criminal legal involvement. Analyses included χ2, Fisher exact tests, and multiple logistic regression to assess differences in timely prenatal care and APNCU associated with biopsychosocial factors selected by backwards stepwise regression. Results Among 317 women with CL-OUD, 203 (64.0%) received timely prenatal care and 174 (54.9%) received adequate care. Timely prenatal care was associated with having two or three prior pregnancies (aOR 2.37, 95% CI 1.07–5.20), receiving buprenorphine at care initiation (aOR 1.85, 95% CI 1.01–3.41), having stable housing (aOR 2.49, 95% CI 1.41–4.41), and being mandated to court diversion (aOR 4.06, 95% CI 1.54–10.7) or community supervision (aOR 2.05, 95% CI 1.16–3.63). APNCU was associated with having a pregnancy-related medical condition (aOR 2.17, 95% CI 1.27–3.71), receiving MOUD throughout the entire prenatal care period (aOR 3.40, 95% CI 1.45–7.94), having a higher number of psychiatric diagnoses (aOR 1.35, 95% CI 1.07–1.70), attending a rurally-located prenatal care practice (aOR 2.14, 95% CI 1.22–3.76), having stable housing (aOR 1.94, 95% CI 1.06–3.54), and being mandated to court diversion (aOR 3.11, 95% CI 1.19–8.15). Conclusion While not causal, results suggest that timely and adequate prenatal care among women with CL-OUD may be supported by OUD treatment, comorbid indications for care, stable access to social resources, and maintained residence in the community (i.e., community-based alternatives to incarceration)

    Partner-Level Factors Associated with Insertive and Receptive Condomless Anal Intercourse Among Transgender Women in Lima, Peru

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    Condomless anal intercourse among transgender women (TW) in Peru has been shown to vary by the type of partner involved (e.g. primary vs. casual vs. transactional sex partner), but no previous studies have explored variations in partner-level patterns of condom use according to type of anal intercourse. We evaluated the relationship between partnership characteristics and condom use during insertive (IAI) versus receptive anal intercourse (RAI) among TW with recent, non-female partners. Condomless IAI was more common with transactional and casual sex partners and by TW who self-reported HIV-uninfected serostatus (p < 0.05), alcohol use disorders, or substance use before sex. Condomless RAI was more common with primary partners and by TW who described their HIV serostatus as unknown (p < 0.05). Examining partner-level differences between condomless IAI and RAI reveals distinct patterns of HIV/STI risk among TW, suggesting a need for HIV prevention strategies tailored to the specific contexts of partners, practices, and networks

    The Impact of COVID-19 on the Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder in Carceral Facilities: a Cross-sectional Study

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    While the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted healthcare delivery everywhere, persons with carceral system involvement and opioid use disorder (OUD) were disproportionately impacted and vulnerable to severe COVID-associated illness. Carceral settings and community treatment programs (CTPs) rapidly developed protocols to sustain healthcare delivery while reducing risk of COVID-19 transmission. This survey study assessed changes to OUD treatment, telemedicine use, and re-entry support services among carceral and CTPs participating in the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)-funded study, Long-Acting Buprenorphine vs. Naltrexone Opioid Treatments in Criminal Justice System-Involved Adults (EXIT-CJS) study. In December 2020, carceral sites (n = 6; median pre-COVID 2020 monthly census = 3468 people) and CTPs (n = 7; median pre-COVID 2020 monthly census = 550 patients) participating in EXIT-CJS completed a cross-sectional web-based survey. The survey assessed changes pre- (January–March 2020) and post- (April–September 2020) COVID-19 in OUD treatment, telemedicine use, re-entry supports and referral practices. Compared to January–March 2020, half of carceral sites (n = 3) increased the total number of persons initiating medication for opioid use disorder (MOUD) from April–September 2020, while a third (n = 2) decreased the number of persons initiated. Most CTPs (n = 4) reported a decrease in the number of new admissions from April–September 2020, with two programs stopping or pausing MOUD programs due to COVID-19. All carceral sites with pre-COVID telemedicine use (n = 5) increased or maintained telemedicine use, and all CTPs providing MOUD (n = 6) increased telemedicine use. While expansion of telemedicine services supported MOUD service delivery, the majority of sites experienced challenges providing community support post-release, including referrals to housing, employment, and transportation services. During the COVID-19 pandemic, this small sample of carceral and CTP sites innovated to continue delivery of treatment for OUD. Expansion of telemedicine services was critical to support MOUD service delivery. Despite these innovations, sites experienced challenges providing reintegration supports for persons in the community. Pre-COVID strategies for identifying and engaging individuals while incarcerated may be less effective since the pandemic. In addition to expanding research on the most effective telemedicine practices for carceral settings, research exploring strategies to expand housing and employment support during reintegration are critical

    Partner-Level Factors Associated with Insertive and Receptive Condomless Anal Intercourse Among Transgender Women in Lima, Peru

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    Condomless anal intercourse among transgender women (TW) in Peru has been shown to vary by the type of partner involved (e.g. primary vs. casual vs. transactional sex partner), but no previous studies have explored variations in partner-level patterns of condom use according to type of anal intercourse. We evaluated the relationship between partnership characteristics and condom use during insertive (IAI) versus receptive anal intercourse (RAI) among TW with recent, non-female partners. Condomless IAI was more common with transactional and casual sex partners and by TW who self-reported HIV-uninfected serostatus (p<0.05), alcohol use disorders, or substance use before sex. Condomless RAI was more common with primary partners and by TW who described their HIV serostatus as unknown (p<0.05). Examining partner-level differences between condomless IAI and RAI reveals distinct patterns of HIV/STI risk among TW, suggesting a need for HIV prevention strategies tailored to the specific contexts of partners, practices, and networks