340 research outputs found

    Artannes-sur-Indre – Le Clos Bruneau

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    Le site de la Zac Le Clos Bruneau, à Artannes-sur-Indre (Indre-et-Loire), est localisé à 14 km au sud-ouest de l’agglomération de Tours. Le gisement est implanté sur un plateau qui surplombe à moins d’1 km la rive droite de l’Indre. La fouille préventive qui a eu lieu à la fin de l’année 2018, a été réalisée en amont d’un projet d’aménagement d’une zone dédiée à l’habitat et aux commerces. La prescription de fouille fait suite à la campagne de diagnostic dirigée par P. Salé (Inrap) en janvier..

    Fundamentals and Simulation of MILD Combustion

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    Error estimates for Stokes problem with Tresca friction condition

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    In this work we propose and study a three field mixed formulation for solving the Stokes problem with Tresca-type non-linear boundary conditions. Two Lagrange multipliers are used to enforce div(u)=0 constraint and to regularize the energy functional. The resulting problem is discretised using "P1 bubble/P1-P1" finite elements. Error estimates are derived and several numerical studies are achieved

    Capillary rise kinetics on woven fabrics – Experimental and theoretical studies

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    Kinetics study of vertical water capillary rise on woven fabrics has been studied. Experiments are performed at 20±2°C and 65±2% RH by using a CCD camera and an electronic microbalance. A mathematical model is developed in order to interpret the experimental data in terms of diffusion parameters of water molecules on the porous materials and the height attained at equilibrium. The results show that the theoretical predictions are in reasonable agreement with experimental data with higher correlation coefficients. It is also found that kinetic parameters and the height of water attained at equilibrium are influenced by the composition (type of fibre) and the structure of the woven fabrics. It is concluded that the wicking ability is strongly enhanced with the decrease of the weft count (yarns/cm) and in the presence of higher float length of the weft yarns in the woven structure as in the case of satin 8/5. The sorption ability of the cotton fabrics has also been studied by using measurements of the mass of water absorbed by the textile. The results indicate that the satin structure, which is the less tightened one, has the best sorption ability

    A rare cause of proximal intestinal obstruction in adults - annular pancreas: a case report

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    Annular pancreas is a rare congenital anomaly characterized by the presence of ectopic pancreatic tissue surrounding the descending part of the duodenum. It is one of the few congenital anomalies of the gastrointestinal tract which can produce symptoms late in life. In adults, the factors initiating symptoms are recurrent pancreatitis, duodenal stenosis at the site of the annulus, or duodenal or gastric ulceration. We report a new case involving a 24-year-old woman hospitalised for epigastric pain, nausea and vomiting. Radiological examination was consisted with an annular pancreas. At operation a complete obstruction of the second part of the duodenum was found, caused by an annular pancreas, no other congenital anomaly of the intra-abdominal organs was noted. A gastroenterostomy was performed

    Computation of Polytopic Invariants for Polynomial Dynamical Systems using Linear Programming

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    This paper deals with the computation of polytopic invariant sets for polynomial dynamical systems. An invariant set of a dynamical system is a subset of the state space such that if the state of the system belongs to the set at a given instant, it will remain in the set forever in the future. Polytopic invariants for polynomial systems can be verified by solving a set of optimization problems involving multivariate polynomials on bounded polytopes. Using the blossoming principle together with properties of multi-affine functions on rectangles and Lagrangian duality, we show that certified lower bounds of the optimal values of such optimization problems can be computed effectively using linear programs. This allows us to propose a method based on linear programming for verifying polytopic invariant sets of polynomial dynamical systems. Additionally, using sensitivity analysis of linear programs, one can iteratively compute a polytopic invariant set. Finally, we show using a set of examples borrowed from biological applications, that our approach is effective in practice

    SM fermion scattering off electric charge and CP-violating domain walls in the 2HDM

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    In several models of beyond Standard Model physics (BSM) discrete symmetries play an important role. For instance, in order to avoid flavor changing neutral currents (FCNC), a discrete Z2Z_2 symmetry is imposed on Two-Higgs-Doublet-Models (2HDM). This can lead to the formation of domain walls (DW) as the Z2Z_2 symmetry gets spontaneously broken during electroweak symmetry breaking (EWSB) in the early universe. Due to this simultaneous spontaneous breaking of both the discrete symmetry and the electroweak symmetry, the vacuum manifold has the structure of two disconnected 3-spheres and the formed domain walls can exhibit several special properties in contrast to standard domain walls. We focus on some of these properties such as CP and electric charge violating vacua localized inside the domain walls. The breaking of U(1)emU(1)_{em} inside the wall leads to the known phenomenon of "clash-of-symmetries" mechanism, meaning that the symmetry group inside the wall is smaller than the symmetry group far from the wall. We also discuss the scattering of top quarks off such types of domain walls and show, for example, that they can be reflected or transmitted off the wall as a bottom quark.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, Contribution to the proceedings of the European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics (EPS-HEP2023), 21-25 August 2023, Hamburg, German
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