82 research outputs found

    Desiccation and rehydration in the lichen Cladonia convoluta monitored by laser scanning microscopy

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    Changes in chlorophyll fluorescence emission from the lichen Cladonia convoluta were followed by imaging techniques. We compared fluorescence images of both the green (cortex) and the gray (fungal) side of the lichen at various stages of dessication and re-watering. Confocal laser scanning microscopy made the imaging of fluorescence from individual algal colonies possible inside the lichen, under the cortex in a non-invasive way

    Monitoring drought responses of barley genotypes with semi-robotic phenotyping platform and association analysis between recorded traits and allelic variants of some stress genes

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    Genetic improvement of complex traits such as drought adaptation can be advanced by the combination of genomic and phenomic approaches. Semi-robotic phenotyping platform was used for computer-controlled watering, digital and thermal imaging of barley plants grown in greenhouse. The tested barley variants showed 0–76% reduction in green pixel-based shoot surface area in soil with 20% water content, compared to well-watered plants grown in soil with 60% water content. The barley HvA1 gene encoding the group 3 LEA (Late Embryogenesis Abundant) protein exhibited four (A–D) haplotypes as identified by the EcoTILLING and subsequent DNA sequencing. The green pixel mean value of genotypes with haplotype D was higher than the mean value of the remaining haplotypes, indicating a pivotal role of haplotype D in optimizing the green biomass production under drought condition. In water limitation, the canopy temperature of a highly sensitive genotype was 18.0°C, as opposed to 16.9°C of leaves from a tolerant genotype as measured by thermal imaging. Drought-induced changes in leaf temperature showed moderate correlation with the water use efficiency (r2 = 0.431). The haplotype/trait association analysis based on the t-test has revealed a positive effect of a haplotype B (SNPs:GCCCCTGC) in a gene encoding the barley fungal pathogen induced mRNA for pathogen-related protein (HvPPRPX), on harvest index, thousand grain weight, water use efficiency and grain yield. The presented pilot study established a basic methodology for the integrated use of phenotyping and haplotyping data in characterization of genotype-dependent drought responses in barley

    Photoinactivation of Photosystem II at low light intensity. Mathematical models

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    We studied the effect of low light intensity on Photosystem II (PSII) of thylakoid membranes isolated form spinach. The application of low frequency single turnover flashes results in the decreased oxygen evolving activity of PSII. This effect was explained in the framework of a model, which assumes that saturating visible light flashes at low frequency can result in the degradation of the D1 protein, since S23/Q8 and S2/Qa recombinations generate singlet oxygen through the intermediate triplet chlorophyll formation. We propose a pathway for the light-induced transitions and dark period processes of the S-states, which results the best fit of our experimental data

    The Ability of Cyanobacterial Cells to Restore UV-B Radiation Induced Damage to Photosystem II is Influenced by Photolyase Dependent DNA Repair

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    Damage of DNA and Photosystem-II are among the most significant effects of UV-B irradiation in photosynthetic organisms. Both damaged DNA and Photosystem-II can be repaired, which represent important defense mechanisms against detrimental UV-B effects. Correlation of Photosystem-II damage and repair with the concurrent DNA damage and repair was investigated in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC6803 using its wild type and a photolyase deficient mutant, which is unable to repair UV-B induced DNA damages. A significant amount of damaged DNA accumulated during UV-B exposure in the photolyase mutant concomitant with decreased Photosystem-II activity and D1 protein amount. The transcript level of psbA3, which is a UV-responsive copy of the psbA gene family encoding the D1 subunit of the Photosystem-II reaction center, is also decreased in the photolyase mutant. The wild-type cells, however, did not accumulate damaged DNA during UV-B exposure, suffered smaller losses of Photosystem-II activity and D1 protein, and maintained higher level of psbA3 transcripts than the photolyase mutant. It is concluded that the repair capacity of Photosystem-II depends on the ability of cells to repair UV-B-damaged DNA through maintaining the transcription of genes, which are essential for protein synthesis-dependent repair of the Photosystem-II reaction center

    Contrasting response of biomass and grain yield to severe drought in Cappelle Desprez and Plainsman V wheat cultivars

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    We report a case study of natural variations and correlations of some photosynthetic parameters, green biomass and grain yield in Cappelle Desprez and Plainsman V winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars, which are classified as being drought sensitive and tolerant, respectively. We monitored biomass accumulation from secondary leaves in the vegetative phase and grain yield from flag leaves in the grain filling period. Interestingly, we observed higher biomass production, but lower grain yield stability in the sensitive Cappelle cultivar, as compared to the tolerant Plainsman cv. Higher biomass production in the sensitive variety was correlated with enhanced water-use efficiency. Increased cyclic electron flow around PSI was also observed in the Cappelle cv. under drought stress as shown by light intensity dependence of the ratio of maximal quantum yields of Photosystem I and Photosystem II, as well by the plot of the Photosystem I electron transport rate as a function of Photosystem II electron transport rate. Higher CO2 uptake rate in flag leaves of the drought-stressed Plainsman cv. during grain filling period correlates well with its higher grain yield and prolonged transpiration rate through spikes. The increase in drought factor (DFI) and performance (PI) indices calculated from variable chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of secondary leaves also showed correlation with higher biomass in the Cappelle cultivar during the biomass accumulation period. However, during the grain filling period, DFI and PI parameters of the flag leaves were higher in the tolerant Plainsman V cultivar and showed correlation with grain yield stability. Our results suggest that overall biomass and grain yield may respond differentially to drought stress in different wheat cultivars and therefore phenotyping for green biomass cannot be used as a general approach to predict grain yield. We also conclude that photosynthetic efficiency of flag and secondary leaves is correlated with grain yield and green biomass, respectively. In addition, secondary trait associated mechanisms like delayed senescence and higher water-use efficiency also contribute to biomass stability. Our studies further prove that photosynthetic parameters could be used to characterize environmental stress responses

    Jelátviteli kompartmentek és proteolózis az immunválasz, valamint az immun- és idegrendszer közötti kommunikáció szabályozásában = Signaling compartments and proteolysis in regulation of immune responses and the communication between the immune- and nervous systems

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    Több új immunreceptor-kölcsönhatást (FcR/CR/BCR; sejthalál-R/TCR), és több szabályozó mechanizmust azonosítottunk a lipid raftok és más membrán mikro-kompartmentek, valamint limfocita adaptor fehérjék részéről, melyek fontosak a limfociták effektor funkcióiban ill. a sejthalál folyamatában. Leírtuk az utóbbi folyamatokban kritikus miozin motorfehérje izotípusok néhány molekuláris kapcsolatának szerkezeti hátterét és szabályozási lehetőségét. Kimutattuk egyes komplement (C) faktorok és receptorok sokrétű szerepét az immunválasz szabályozásában és, hogy a belőlük származtatott peptidekkel az allergiás hízósejtválasz gátolható. Leírtuk a C-rendszer szabályozó szerepét a Sclerosis Multiplex (SM) állatmodelljében is. Kimutattuk a tripszin-szerű proteáz aktivitás szabályozó szerepét a B-sejt válaszban, és valószínűsítettük szerepüket a mielin bázikus fehérje specifikus hasításában, mely fontos eleme lehet az SM kialakulásának. Eredményeink alapját képezik szelektív immunmodulánsok kifejlesztésének autoimmun ill. allergiás kórképekben. Kimutattunk egyes immunrendszeri effektor- és idegrendszeri funkciók között fellépő, a citokin hálózat ill. steroid hormonok (ösztrogének, glukortikoidok) útján megvalósuló kommunikációs útvonalakat. Új módszereket is kifejlesztettünk (pl. antigén-targetingre alkalmas egyláncú ellenanyag konstrukciók) és a projekt támogatásával beszereztünk egy konfokális mikroszkópot, melyen több új metodikát optimalizáltunk a celluláris kommunikáció vizsgálatára. | We identified several novel immunoreceptor cross-talk elements (FcR/CR/BCR; cell death-R/TCR) and regulatory mechanisms by lipid rafts, other membrane-compartments, as well as adaptor proteins, which are essential in the lymphocytes' effector functions and cell death. Structural and regulatory aspects of some important molecular interactions of myosin motor protein isotypes, essential players in the above processes, were also described. Multiple regulatory functions of the complement system in the immune response and the inhibitory potential of C3a-derived peptides in the allergic mast cell response were identified. The regulatory potential of the complement system was also shown in an animal model of Sclerosis Multiplex (SM). We have shown that trypsin-like protease activities are involved the B cell response through formation of soluble receptors and that trypsin-4, specifically cleaving MBP, may be a critical element in development of SM. Our results form a basis for development of selective immunomodulators for autoimmune- and allergic diseases. We explored several novel communication pathways between effector mechanisms of the immune system and certain nervous system functions, through the inflammatory cytokine network and steroid hormones. New methods and molecular constructs (e.g. antigen-targeting by engineered single-chain antibodies) and several modern confocal imaging techniques for studying cellular communication were also developed with the support of the grant

    Soknyelvpáros gépi fordítás hatékony és megbízható kiértékelése

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    Gépi fordítások kiértékelésére a legmegbízhatóbb módszer az emberi szakértői kiértékelés, mely egyértelműen elsődleges mindenfajta egyéb megközelítéssel szemben. A dolgozat arra keresi a választ, hogy milyen elfogadható alternatívákkal váltható ki a szakértői kiértékelés abban az esetben, amikor ez a preferált, ugyanakkor rendkívül erőforrásigényes módszer a kiértékelendő szövegek nagy mennyisége, illetve a kiértékelési feladat sajátos paraméterei miatt nem alkalmazható. A javasolt megoldás a rendelkezésre álló többféle típusú kiértékelési információt rugalmasan kombináló és ennek alapján minőségi klasztereket képző eljárás, ahol az egyes klasztereken belül minden fordítási kimenethez véletlenszerűen generálódik az aktuális rangsor

    Korpusztisztítás és sorvégi kötőjelek kezelése karakteralapú neurális nyelvmodellel

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    Cikkünk célkitűzése kettős: egyrészt bemutatunk egy olyan egyszerű és általános módszert, amellyel karakteralapú nyelvmodellek hasznosíthatóak egyebek mellett korpuszok tisztításában, másrészt ismertetünk egy olyan konkrét, tiszta magyar sajtónyelvi korpuszon tanított nyelvmodellt, amelyre építve jó eredményeket értünk el e módszer alkalmazásával. Továbbá nyilvánosan elérhetővé tesszük az akár karakter-, akár szószintű rekurrens neurális nyelvmodellek konfigurálását és (újra)tanítását szolgáló, Pythonban írt alkalmazást, amellyel a nyelvmodellünket tanítottuk, és amelynek segítségével akár ez a magyar sajtónyelvi modell hozzáigazítható más jellegű tanítókorpuszokhoz, akár új modell tanítható be. A bemutatott kétirányú LSTM-nyelvmodell erőforrásigénye aránylag szerény, és a javasolt módszert követve közvetlenül, vagyis az adott részfeladatra történő bármilyen további betanítás nélkül jól használható a korpusztisztítás során felmerülő feladatok széles körére, például idegen nyelvű, túl sok zajt tartalmazó szövegrészek azonosítására, szórványos OCR-hibák és hiányzó ékezetek javítására. A nyelvmodellt a sorvégi elválasztások egyértelműsítése feladatra értékeltük ki: a módszer teljesítménye ezen a feladaton meghaladta a nagyon magas baseline-t

    Co-occurrence of Mild Salinity and Drought Synergistically Enhances Biomass and Grain Retardation in Wheat

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    In the present study we analyzed the responses of wheat to mild salinity and drought with special emphasis on the so far unclarified interaction of these important stress factors by using high-throughput phenotyping approaches. Measurements were performed on 14 genotypes of different geographic origin (Austria, Azerbaijan, and Serbia). The data obtained by non-invasive digital RGB imaging of leaf/shoot area reflect well the differences in total biomass measured at the end of the cultivation period demonstrating that leaf/shoot imaging can be reliably used to predict biomass differences among different cultivars and stress conditions. On the other hand, the leaf/shoot area has only a limited potential to predict grain yield. Comparison of gas exchange parameters with biomass accumulation showed that suppression of CO2 fixation due to stomatal closure is the principal cause behind decreased biomass accumulation under drought, salt and drought plus salt stresses. Correlation between grain yield and dry biomass is tighter when salt- and drought stress occur simultaneously than in the well-watered control, or in the presence of only salinity or drought, showing that natural variation of biomass partitioning to grains is suppressed by severe stress conditions. Comparison of yield data show that higher biomass and grain yield can be expected under salt (and salt plus drought) stress from those cultivars which have high yield parameters when exposed to drought stress alone. However, relative yield tolerance under drought stress is not a good indicator of yield tolerance under salt (and salt plus drought) drought stress. Harvest index of the studied cultivars ranged between 0.38 and 0.57 under well watered conditions and decreased only to a small extent (0.37-0.55) even when total biomass was decreased by 90% under the combined salt plus drought stress. It is concluded that the co-occurrence of mild salinity and drought can induce large biomass and grain yield losses in wheat due to synergistic interaction of these important stress factors. We could also identify wheat cultivars, which show high yield parameters under the combined effects of salinity and drought demonstrating the potential of complex plant phenotyping in breeding for drought and salinity stress tolerance in crop plants