34 research outputs found

    Analisis Komparatif Kelayakan Usahatani Tebu (Saccharum officinarum) Di Lahan Sawah Dan Lahan Kering Di Kecamatan Pancur Kabupaten Rembang

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    Tebu merupakan tanaman yang digunakan sebagai bahan baku gula. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui penerimaan, pendapatan, keuntungan usahatani, serta kelayakan usahatani tebu (Saccharum officinarum L)  di lahan sawah dan lahan kering di Desa Kalitengah Kecamatan Pancur Kabupaten Rembang ditinjau dari  R/C dan ROI (Return On Investment). Metode dasar penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dan metode pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Teknik penentuan sampel responden dengan cara metode sensus. Berdasarkan analisis menunjukkan biaya eksplisit lahan sawah sebesar Rp. 10.187.228 untuk petani tebu lahan kering dan Rp. 9.985.541 serta biaya implisit lahan sawah sebesar Rp. 1.558.565 dan biaya implisit lahan kering Rp.1.512.622 didapatkan total biaya petani tebu lahan sawah Rp.11.806.011 dan  petani tebu lahan kering Rp. 10.651.676. Penerimaan yang didapatkan petani tebu lahan sawah sebesar   Rp. 48.495.652 dan Rp. 48.132.432 untuk petani tebu lahan kering. Pendapatan yang diperoleh petani tebu lahan sawah sebesar Rp.38.308.424 dan Rp. 38.146.892 untuk petani tebu lahan kering. Keuntungan pada lahan sawah sebesar Rp.36.749.859 dan lahan kering sebesar Rp.36.634.270. Nilai R/C sebesar 4,101  untuk petani tebu lahan sawah dan sebesar 3,98  untuk petani tebu lahan kering. Nilai ROI sebesar 4,34%  lahan sawah dan 4,38% lahan kering. Perbandingan penerimaan, pendapatan, keuntungan, R/C dan ROI menunjukan terdapat perbedaan tidak nyata berdasarkan uji-t

    Analisis Pendapatan Usaha Penggemukan Ternak Kambing Jawarandu Di Kelompok Tani Kuncen Farm Kecamatan Mijen Kota Semarang

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    Analisis pendapatan usaha penggemukan ternak kambing Jawarandu dilakukan guna mengevaluasi dan membantu peternak agar dapat melakukan usaha yang berkelanjutan dengan baik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui besarnya total biaya, penerimaan dan pendapatan usaha ternak kambing Jawarandu serta mengetahui tingkat R/C sekaligus BEP Unit dan BEP harga pada usaha ternak kambing Jawarandu. Metode pengambilan sampel responden menggunakan metode purposive dan metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis biaya, penerimaan, pendapatan, BEP dan RC ratio. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa total biaya usaha kambing Jawarandu dalam satu periode yaitu selama 4 bulan sebesar Rp 18.080.964, rata-rata penerimaan sebesar Rp 27.041.067, dan rata-rata pendapatan sebesar Rp 8.592.903. Nilai rata-rata R/C usaha ternak kambing Jawarandu sebesar 1,48. Nilai BEP unit sebesar 7 ekor sedangkan untuk BEP Harga Rp 1.771.300


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    ABSTRACT Shredded-catfish processing business is a business that produces floss with raw catfish as the main ingredient. The business of shredded-catfish in Boyolali Regency located in Kampung Lele, Tegalrejo Village, Sawit District. Shredded-catfish become the superior product in Boyolali and the surrounding areas. The purpose of this research are to determine the total production costs, the level of revenue, income, and feasibility of the shredded-catfish processing business in Tegalrejo Village, Sawit District, Boyolali Regency. The basic method that used in research was using descriptive analitycal method. Determination of the sample location was carried out purposely in Tegalrejo Village, Sawit District, Boyolali Regency. The data used are primary and secondary data. Data retrieval method used are interview, observation and recording. There are 23 respondents in this study from some business groups i.e Karmina, Pamuji and Alang-Alang. Data analysis method used are cost, revenue, income, R/C and BEP analysis. Research result from the study of shredded-catfish processing business in Karmina, Pamuji and Alang-Alang business group for one month respectively cost as much as Rp 24.043.591; Rp 26.055.548; and Rp 8.397.784. Those total cost consist of the cost of raw materials, fuel, packaging, depreciation of equipment, employee wages and electricity. Karmina group produces 276 kg of shredded catfish at a price of Rp 120.000/kg. Pamuji Group produces 336 kg of shredded catfish at a price of Rp 110.000/kg. Alang-Alang group produces 120 kg at a price of Rp 110.000/kg, so the total revenue of the Karmina group is Rp 33.120.000; Pamuji group’s total revenue is Rp 36.960.000; and Alang-Alang group is Rp 13.200.000. Total income of Karmina group is Rp 9.076.408; Pamuji group is Rp 10.904.451; and Alang-Alang group is Rp 4.802.215. The R/C values of the Karmina, Pamuji and Alang-Alang business group are respectively 1,37; 1.41; 1.57, so the business is feasible to do. The BEP unit value in the Karmina group is 100,36 kg, Pamuji group is 236,86 kg and Alang-Alang group is 76,34 kg, while the BEP price value in the Karmina group is Rp. 87,114.44; Pamuji group is Rp 77,546.27; and Alang-Alang group is Rp 69,981,53. Keywords: business analysis, shredded-catfish, R/C, BE


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    The objective of this research is to find out the amount of costs, income, and revenue from the cultivation and marketing of white oyster mushroom. The purposive sampling method was used for area determination. The sampling of white oyster mushroom farmers as respondents was carried out by census. Snowball technique was used for marketing institutions. The total respondents in this research were 34, consisting of 15 farmers, 5 collecting merchants, 4 retailers, and 10 end consumers. The analysis used was the cost analysis, revenue and income, marketing margin, farmer’s share and marketing efficiency. The results of this research are: the production cost in one peroid is Rp. 8.006.500; while farmer’s income is Rp. 16,588,800 per peroid; and the revenue received by the farmers is Rp. 8,880,900 per peroid. There are three types of marketing channels: Marketing Channel I, farmers directly sell to the consumers; Marketing Channel II, farmers sell via retailers, and subsequently continued toend consumers; Marketing Channel III, farmers sell to collecting merchants, and subsequently continued to retailers and end consumers. In Marketing Channel I, the farmers have a share value of 100%. In Marketing Channel II, the margin value is Rp. 2.100/kg, the total profit gained is Rp. 1.276/kg, with farmer’s share is 87.27%. Meanwhile, on Marketing Channel III, the margin value is Rp. 3.700/kg, with a profit gained of Rp. 2.086/kg, and the farmer’s share is 77.58%. The efficiency level in collecting merchants is 9.8%, and retailers at 4.5%. For efficiency level, the marketing of oyster mushroom through those three marketing channels is already efficient. Keywords: White Oyster Mushroom, Marketing Channels, Farmer’s Share, Marketing Efficienc


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    Cocunut coir, as a secondary product of coconut, can be processed into eco-friendly fiber. This fiber is used as raw materials for handicrafts. This research aims to analyze the internal and external factors, as well as formulating an alternative strategy for the development of coconut coir handicraft business in LKP AKAS Kebumen Regency. The data used primary and secondary type. Data analysis method is done by using Internal Factors Evaluation (IFE) matrix, External Factors Evaluation (EFE) matrix, Internal External (IE) matrix and SWOT matrix. Data analysis resulted internal factors (strenghts) including abundant availability of raw materials, availability local labor, short marketing channels, national and international marketing. In the other hand, internal factors (weakness) are including lack of product innovation, an effective organizational structure, old manpower, an availability recorded orders, and lack of promotion through the website and social media. The external factors (opportunity) including the partnership with raw materials suppliers, the steadiness of raw material prices and repeated orders, the lack of competitors with the same materials, the supports from local government, and the request of delivery orders. In the other hand, the external factors (threaths) are including the risk of the market (numerous kind of handicraft with different materials), and the presence of other handicraft industry. The result of IE analysis, LKP AKAS is located in zone I, i.e grow and build. Suitable strategies for this area are market penetration, market development, and product development. Alternative strategies that can be done are: (1) make a business plan including production layout, product variation (production) and marketing to add customers; (2) summarize and manage the customer’s orders in order to have regular evaluation of the business progress in the future; (3) modified the product becomes more varied in order to be able to compete with other handicraft products; and (4) increase promotional activities online (website and social media) to attract consumers. Keywords : development strategy, handicraft, coconut coir, SWOT, Kebumen

    Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen Terhadap Buah Pisang (Musa paradisiaca L.) Di Kecamatan Kota Kabupaten Kudus

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    Pisang merupakan salah satu jenis buah yang sangat diminati masyarakat Indonesia. Banyaknya varietas buah pisang yang beredar di ritel–ritel buah akan mempengaruhi perilaku konsumen dalam pengambilan keputusan pembelian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah buah pisang merupakan buah yang sering dikonsumsi, jenis pisang yang paling disukai, alternatif pengganti buah pisang, dan mengidentifikasi faktor–faktor yang mempengaruhi konsumen terhadap jumlah pembelian buah pisang dilihat dari kualitas maupun kuantitas produk. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan Accidental Sampling dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 100 responden. Metode pengumpulan data melalui wawancara dengan bantuan kuesioner. Analisis data menggunakan metode teknik tabulasi data, persentase dan regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa buah pisang adalah buah yang disukai dan sering dikonsumsi oleh konsumen Pasar Daerah di Kecamatan Kota Kabupaten Kudus dengan jumlah 90% dari total 100 responden. Jenis pisang yang paling disukai atau menjadi pilihan konsumen adalah buah pisang raja dan pisang kepok dengan jumlah 54%. Alternatif pengganti buah pisang adalah buah jeruk siam dengan jumlah 79% dari 100 responden dan selain buah jeruk siam hanya ada 21%. Berdasarkan hasil regresi linier berganda diperoleh hasil Adjusted R square = 53,3. Besaran F hitung 19,814. Sedangkan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi jumlah pembelian buah pisang adalah daya tarik produk meliputi: jenis buah pisang, rasa, warna kulit, ukuran, penampilan dan kebersihan, harga buah pisang, usia, jumlah anggota keluarga, pendapatan dan kebiasaan keluarga

    Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen Terhadap Buah Pisang (Musa paradisiaca L.) Di Kecamatan Kota Kabupaten Kudus

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    Pisang merupakan salah satu jenis buah yang sangat diminati masyarakat Indonesia. Banyaknya varietas buah pisang yang beredar di ritel–ritel buah akan mempengaruhi perilaku konsumen dalam pengambilan keputusan pembelian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah buah pisang merupakan buah yang sering dikonsumsi, jenis pisang yang paling disukai, alternatif pengganti buah pisang, dan mengidentifikasi faktor–faktor yang mempengaruhi konsumen terhadap jumlah pembelian buah pisang dilihat dari kualitas maupun kuantitas produk. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan Accidental Sampling dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 100 responden. Metode pengumpulan data melalui wawancara dengan bantuan kuesioner. Analisis data menggunakan metode teknik tabulasi data, persentase dan regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa buah pisang adalah buah yang disukai dan sering dikonsumsi oleh konsumen Pasar Daerah di Kecamatan Kota Kabupaten Kudus dengan jumlah 90% dari total 100 responden. Jenis pisang yang paling disukai atau menjadi pilihan konsumen adalah buah pisang raja dan pisang kepok dengan jumlah 54%. Alternatif pengganti buah pisang adalah buah jeruk siam dengan jumlah 79% dari 100 responden dan selain buah jeruk siam hanya ada 21%. Berdasarkan hasil regresi linier berganda diperoleh hasil Adjusted R square = 53,3. Besaran F hitung 19,814. Sedangkan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi jumlah pembelian buah pisang adalah daya tarik produk meliputi: jenis buah pisang, rasa, warna kulit, ukuran, penampilan dan kebersihan, harga buah pisang, usia, jumlah anggota keluarga, pendapatan dan kebiasaan keluarga

    Perilaku Beberapa Klaster Masyarakat Di Sekitar Sungai Tuk Terhadap Air Limbah Domestik

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    Water is the most precious natural material. Water quality is strongly influenced by the social environment such as population density and social density. Tuk River is one of the Kali Garang River tributary that crossed markets and residential areas that have the potential for contamination by domestic waste. Region through which the river, these include the Sampangan Village and Bendan Ngisor Village Gajahmungkur District. The focus of this research is the behavior of a few clusters of communities around the Tuk River related domestic waste water disposal in terms of aspects of knowledge, attitude and action. Primary data were collected by conducting interviews using the questionnaire tool. Secondary data in the form of a general description of the Tuk River and statistical data obtained from relevant agencies. The populations in this study were residents in the Bendan Ngisor Village and Sampangan Village. The design of the study sample was selected proportionally based on location of residence. The numbers of samples taken from each cluster of residence and selected purposively. Selected sample is the sample that living near the Tuk River and dispose of domestic waste water into the Tuk River. The data have been collected were analyzed by analysis of frequency tables, cross tabulation and simple correlation analysis. The results showed that the behavior of middle settlement cluster of respondents to domestic waste water on aspects of knowledge and attitude better than any other settlement clusters. However, in action aspect, respondents in small settlement cluster better than the other two clusters of settlements. The level of education has a fairly good correlation in the attitudes of respondents, but still less correlated to the knowledge and actions in respondent’s domestic waste water disposal into the river bodies. The fact that encountered in the field, indicating that the action of respondents in addition to dispose of domestic waste water is influenced by the knowledge and attitudes are also influenced by the existing drainage system in the neighborhood. Keywords: Tuk River, domestic waste wate


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    Consume degree of many food processed product decreased because of society purchase decreasing. In economic recovery (2002-2005), rice and corn consume decreased while sweet potato and cassava consume increased. The research was meant to know consumer acceptance on food processed product which substituted with local resource base flour, and to identify proponent and opponent in consume them. The descriptive method was done, with purposive sampling, while selected research area was on Magelang Regent (rural area) and Semarang City (urban area). Sample research design was quota sampling method. The data collections were done with documentation, interview, questioner and product testing. The data analyze used descriptive statistic and Friedman test on significant degree (α = 0.05). The result indicated that consumer acceptance on food processed product which substituted with local resource base flour was good. And it was the key factor of food product diversification acceleration. So  it should be pushed with socialization, demonstration and exhibition. Food processed product diversification acceleration and local resource base flour development should be done to fulfill supply aspect on the market. Keywords : local resource base flour, consumer acceptanc


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    This study aims to determine the level of development inequality and investment factors that influence development inequality in Banjarnegara Regency. This research is a descriptive and quantitative research. The data used in this study are secondary data in the form of times series data, namely Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP), population, Foreign Investment (PMA) and Domestic Investment (PMDN) from Central Agency Statistics (BPS) of Banjarnegara Regency. The descriptive analysis technique is the Williamson Index inequality, while quantitative analysis is used to use panel data regression analysis of the Fixed Effect model. The results show the Williamson Index in 2002-2020 in Banjarnegara Regency that in 2013 it had a value of 0.580 (the highest than other years). This indicates that development inequality in Banjarnegara Regency is still occurring. The results also show that the Foreign Investment variable has no significant effect on regional development inequality with a probability of 0.964. Meanwhile the Domestic Investment variable (PMDN) has significant effect to development inequality with a probability of 0.000. Considering the policies related to investment, development should be focused on sectors that have multiplier effects for the welfare of the people in Banjarnegara Regency.Keywords: Investment Development, Data Panel, Banjarnegara Regenc