492 research outputs found

    A study of serum copeptin level in Acute Myocardial Infarction

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    INTRODUCTION: Acute Myocardial Infarction is the well known cause for morbidity and mortality in the world wide. AMI is a clinical cardiac event due to prolonged myocardial ischemia and necrosis. Myocardial ischemia defines reduced oxygen and nutrient supply to the cardiac myocytes due to decreased perfusion. The diagnosis is done by symptoms, signs and electrocardiogram findings, but in some patients, it is not possible. Rapid diagnosis of these patients helps to direct further management. Early diagnosis leads to proper treatment in time and also it prevents complications, thereby improving patients outcome. Cardiac biomarkers namely, Cardiac Troponin and CK-MB are available for detection of myocardial necrosis. These markers are released only after myocardial necrosis occurs. Delay in release of these markers affects the management. Therefore, cardiac markers with pathophysiology independent of myocardial necrosis might improve rapid diagnosis of AMI. COPEPTIN (CT-pro-vasopressin) is a new recently tested bio marker of acute endogenous (haemodynamic) stress. COPEPTIN is 39 amino acids glycopeptide and secreted with arginine vasopressin (AVP) and it is released from the hypothalamus together in stoichiometric pattern from stimulation of AVP release. The present study aims to evaluate the serum levels of COPEPTIN as an early marker in AMI, since AMI is an acute stress condition. AIM OF THE STUDY: To estimate the serum level of COPEPTIN in patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction within four hours of onset of chest pain. OBJECTIVES: 1. To correlate the S.COPEPTIN level with S.CK-MB. 2. To evaluate the correlation between S.COPEPTIN and other several known risk factors for AMI such as Random Blood Sugar, Blood.Urea, S.Creatinine and Lipid profile (S.Total Cholesterol, S.Triglycerides, S.HDL-C, S.LDL-C, S.VLDL). 3. To prove the use of S.COPEPTIN as an early marker of AMI. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was conducted in Thanjavur Medical College, Thanjavur. 50 patients with symptoms of Acute Myocardial Infarction presented within 4 hrs of onset of pain in the casuality with ECG findings correlated and were taken as subjects.50 age and sex matched controls were taken as control group. The following parameters were estimated immediately after the serum separation. 1. Serum COPEPTIN, 2. Serum Creatine Kinase-MB, 3. Random Blood Sugar, 4. Blood Urea, 5. Serum Creatinine, 6. S.Total Cholesterol, 7. S.Triglycerides, 8. S.HDL cholesterol, CALCULATED PARAMETERS: 1. Body Mass Index:(BMI) = Weight in Kg/(Height in meters), 2. S.Very Low Density Lipoprotein = TGL/5, 3. S.Low Density Lipoprotein = T.Chol – (LDL +VLDL). ESTIMATION OF SERUM COPEPTIN: Serum COPEPTIN was measured in all the samples within one month of collecting the samples by Sandwich Enzyme – Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay (ELISA). RESULTS: A total of 100 participants were included in the study. Out of these, 50 were grouped under control and 50 were under cases. The serum value of Copeptin, S.CK-MB, Random blood sugar, B.Urea,S.Creatinine,S. Total Cholesterol, S.HDL and S.TGL were estimated for all the samples in both the groups. BMI, S.VLDL, and S.LDL were calculated. In this study,the mean value of serum COPEPTIN (62.5 + 46.44 ng/L ) was significantly higher than that of healthy controls (34.8 + 13.4 ng/L).The mean S.CK-MB (16.08 + 10.71) level in the study group was significantly higher than in control group (9.68 + 3.86 ). But , CK-MB did not increase significantly as S. COPEPTIN increased in the early hours of AMI. Pearson correlation analysis also showed significant correlation between S.COPEPTIN with S.CK-MB. The mean S.total cholesterol level in the study group (201.5 ± 34.9) was higher than the control group (179.8 ± 14.5 ) which was statistically significant. The mean serum HDL-C which is lower in the study group compared to the control group (34.7± 3.4 versus 38.4 ± 5.7) which was statistically significant (p < 0.0001). The mean values of S.LDL-C, S.VLDL, and S.TGL are also significantly increased in the study group than the control group. This study shows that serum levels of COPEPTIN are high in patients with AMI at very early stage. CONCLUSION: COPEPTIN is a new bio marker of acute endogenous (haemodynamic) stress. In AMI, which is an acute stressful state, S.COPEPTIN level rises. Measurement of S.COPEPTIN helps to diagnose AMI in Emergency Department before the onset of necrosis.. Measuring S.COPEPTIN along with ECG and other markers improves the diagnostic sensitivity of the method. S.COPEPTIN can be used as a novel early marker in patients with AMI. Hence, earlier diagnosis helps in reducing the morbidity and mortality from AMI

    Robustness of Predictive Performance of Arima Models Using Birth Rate of Tamilnadu

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    Birth Rate is one of the important measures in Vital Statistics. In Policy decision making, Birth rate of the state plays a major role and based on that Government makes decision for people welfare. Predicting births and birth rates are fundamental factors in predicting the future population of states. Time series models are one of the best methods for forecasting future values. In time series models, ARIMA models are the class of models which are used to predict the values which can be made the stationarity. In this study, the state TamilNadu birth rates from 1950-2019 has been considered to forecasts the birth rate of the state using Box-Jenkins methods. The ARIMA (5,1,1) models were found to have lower normalised Bayesian information criterion (BIC) and Akaike information criterion (AIC) values, making them more acceptable. The ARIMA (0,1,0) model was used to predict the birth rate for the next 30 years, and the results indicated that the birth rate will decline in succeeding years. In conclusion, co-efficient of robust ARIMA model compared with the classical ARIMA model and resulted the best ARIMA models to forecasts the birth rate of the state TamilNadu

    Conjugacy and Compatibility of Partial Arrays

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    Berstel and Boason introduced the partial words in the context of gene (or protein) comparision (1). To develop an overall picture of how genes are regulated during hyphal development the partial DNA arrays are used to study the difference in gene expression between wild type and the signalling mutants. Also Aldo de Luca developed a combinatorial method for the analysis of finite words for the study of biological molecules. This paper studies a relaxation of compatibility relation called K-compatibility  and conjugacy of K- compatibility between partial arrays.Â


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    Objective: In the present study, acute toxicity studies were evaluated on scientifically developed nephroprotective polyherbal formulation. Polyherbal formulation consists of ethanolic extracts of dried plants of Boerhavia diffusa (BD) and Achyranthes aspera (AA). Materials and Methods: In an acute toxicity study, polyherbal formulation was administered once orally at doses ranging from 250 mg/kg to 2000 mg/kg for 15 days. Body weight and food consumption were noted during the study period. Behavioral pattern and toxic effects were monitored in each group of animals daily. At the end of the study, blood was withdrawn for hematology and biochemical estimations. The animals were then sacrificed, and the liver, kidney, heart, and brain were dissected out which were observed for any gross morphological changes. The weights of organs were also noted. Results: The results showed no changes in body weight, organ weight, food intake, hematological parameters, and liver function test when compared with control. The organs did not show any evidence of gross morphological changes. Conclusion: It is concluded that developed polyherbal formulation, at a dose of 2000 mg/kg, is safe for long-term treatment of kidney disorder

    Female Psychology in Sangam Era and in Velliveediyar songs

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    Sangam literary works are very good and among those works the feminine features given by male writers are completely different from female writers. Writings about women by women is unique both emotionally and socially. Feminist songs are often about demanding identity. It is appropriate to assume that Velliveethiyar is unique among Sangam women singers in her choice of song and style of singing. Sangam era writers in their writings destroys a woman's personal feelings, likes, dislikes, sexual desires, etc. and makes her just as a body. But Velliveethiyar is different from all these writers and she unabashedly poeticises love and lust

    Parental Bonding and Self Esteem of Higher Secondary School Students in Tiruchirappalli District

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    Parenting is an art. Of the many different relationships formed over the course of the life span, the   relationship between parent and child is among the most important (Steinberg, 2001). Parental bonding is characterized by a positive, stable, emotional bond. It is measured by acceptance, spending time together, the parent's availability to the child and enjoyment of being with the child. It is a very tough and challenging during adolescent period. Adolescent perception of parental bonding positively or negatively affects their sense of psychological well-being.  The present study aims to find the parental bonding and self esteem of higher secondary school students in Trichy District. Sample consists of 320 students, 160 from rural schools and 160 from urban schools,80 boys and 80 girls in each locality and the researcher studied the perceived parental bonding  and self esteem  among them. Keywords: Parents, Adolescent, Student

    Evaluating Customer Relationship Management Scorecard with Special Reference to Vellore District

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    The activities of the banking industry are diverse and competitive. There is a paradigm shift in banking business involving a network of the financial transaction to manage all aspects of a customer's financial portfolio. Banks today face complex challenges and multiple threats to its existence and growth. Customer expectations are growing with the demand for more rapid service delivery and more flexible, personalized interaction. The wave of liberalization, privatization, and globalization of the Indian economy has given a lot of challenges to this sector. A small attempt has been made in the marketing of financial services with the help of customer relationship management scorecard and brand perception metrics scorecard. Keywords: customer relationship management, scorecard, Brand perception metrics scorecard, Balance scorecard, SERVQUA

    Different Type of Considerations on Soil Classification using Special Classification Techniques

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    Data mining techniques are used in different areas. These data mining techniques are used in commercial, industrial and other areas. Agriculture is the soul of our country. Data mining techniques have been applied in agriculture also. Classification is the most suitable technique for characterize the soil using its attribute values. Soil classification is used for characterize the soil using its attribute values. Several data mining techniques are used in soil classification. Hence this studies mainly focusing the various classification techniques. This study is used for compare that soil classification techniques using its accuracy and it are used for find the best soil classification technique


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    Background:&nbsp;Nosocomial infections are a major problem in both developed and developing countries. Among various reasons for the increase in the rate of nosocomial infections, the role of mobile phones used by Health Care Professionals (HCPs), is analyzed in this study.&nbsp;Aims and Objectives: To screen the surfaces of mobile phones of HCPs for pathogenic and nonpathogenic bacteria and to compare it with the control group. To study the significance of mobile phones of HCPs acting as vehicles for transmitting nosocomial infections.&nbsp;Materials and Methods: 200 HCPs (Doctors, nurses, medical students, and technicians) 50 other than HCPs mobile phone surfaces are swabbed with sterile swabs soaked in sterile saline and inoculated onto Blood agar and Mac Conkey agar and incubated for 48 hours. The organisms are identified by the colony morphology and characteristic biochemical reactions. Control group (50) comprised of general public and arts and science students. A questionnaire related to their habit of using the cell phones was also filled up by both the test group and the control group.&nbsp;Results:&nbsp;The pathogenic bacteria isolated from study group are&nbsp;Staphylococcus aureus, which is predominant, followed by&nbsp;E. coli, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas aeruginosa&nbsp;andProteus mirabilis. The non- pathogenic bacteria isolated are&nbsp;Micrococci, Coagulase Negative Staphylococci, Diphtheroids, Neisseria catarrahlis, Aerobic spore bearers, and Candida albicans. The prevalence of Pathogenic bacteria and Non Pathogenic bacteria are higher in HCPs samples when compared with the control group. KEY WORDS:&nbsp;Nosocomial infections; Mobile phones; Health care professionals


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    Background:&nbsp;Nosocomial infections are a major problem in both developed and developing countries. Among various reasons for the increase in the rate of nosocomial infections, the role of mobile phones used by Health Care Professionals (HCPs), is analyzed in this study.&nbsp;Aims and Objectives: To screen the surfaces of mobile phones of HCPs for pathogenic and nonpathogenic bacteria and to compare it with the control group. To study the significance of mobile phones of HCPs acting as vehicles for transmitting nosocomial infections.&nbsp;Materials and Methods: 200 HCPs (Doctors, nurses, medical students, and technicians) 50 other than HCPs mobile phone surfaces are swabbed with sterile swabs soaked in sterile saline and inoculated onto Blood agar and Mac Conkey agar and incubated for 48 hours. The organisms are identified by the colony morphology and characteristic biochemical reactions. Control group (50) comprised of general public and arts and science students. A questionnaire related to their habit of using the cell phones was also filled up by both the test group and the control group.&nbsp;Results:&nbsp;The pathogenic bacteria isolated from study group are&nbsp;Staphylococcus aureus, which is predominant, followed by&nbsp;E. coli, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas aeruginosa&nbsp;andProteus mirabilis. The non- pathogenic bacteria isolated are&nbsp;Micrococci, Coagulase Negative Staphylococci, Diphtheroids, Neisseria catarrahlis, Aerobic spore bearers, and Candida albicans. The prevalence of Pathogenic bacteria and Non Pathogenic bacteria are higher in HCPs samples when compared with the control group. KEY WORDS:&nbsp;Nosocomial infections; Mobile phones; Health care professionals
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