37 research outputs found

    Prenatal diagnosis--principles of diagnostic procedures and genetic counseling.

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    The frequency of inherited malformations as well as genetic disorders in newborns account for around 3-5%. These frequency is much higher in early stages of pregnancy, because serious malformations and genetic disorders usually lead to spontaneous abortion. Prenatal diagnosis allowed identification of malformations and/or some genetic syndromes in fetuses during the first trimester of pregnancy. Thereafter, taking into account the severity of the disorders the decision should be taken in regard of subsequent course of the pregnancy taking into account a possibilities of treatment, parent's acceptation of a handicapped child but also, in some cases the possibility of termination of the pregnancy. In prenatal testing, both screening and diagnostic procedures are included. Screening procedures such as first and second trimester biochemical and/or ultrasound screening, first trimester combined ultrasound/biochemical screening and integrated screening should be widely offered to pregnant women. However, interpretation of screening results requires awareness of both sensitivity and predictive value of these procedures. In prenatal diagnosis ultrasound/MRI searching as well as genetic procedures are offered to pregnant women. A variety of approaches for genetic prenatal analyses are now available, including preimplantation diagnosis, chorion villi sampling, amniocentesis, fetal blood sampling as well as promising experimental procedures (e.g. fetal cell and DNA isolation from maternal blood). An incredible progress in genetic methods opened new possibilities for valuable genetic diagnosis. Although karyotyping is widely accepted as golden standard, the discussion is ongoing throughout Europe concerning shifting to new genetic techniques which allow obtaining rapid results in prenatal diagnosis of aneuploidy (e.g. RAPID-FISH, MLPA, quantitative PCR)

    Tyrosine phosphatases as a superfamily of tumor suppressors in colorectal cancer

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    Phosphorylation and dephosphorylation processes catalyzed by numerous kinases and phosphorylases are essential for cell homeostasis and may lead to disturbances in a variety of vital cellular pathways, such as cell proliferation and differentiation, and thus to complex diseases including cancer. As over 80 % of all oncogenes encode protein tyrosine kinases (PTKs), protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs), which can reverse the effects of tyrosine kinases, are very important tumor suppressors. Alterations in tyrosine kinase and phosphatase genes including point mutations, changes in epigenetic regulation, as well as chromosomal aberrations involving regions critical to these genes, are frequently observed in a variety of cancers. Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common cancers in humans. CRCs occur in a familial (about 15 % of all cases), hereditary (about 5%) and sporadic (almost 75-80 %) form. As genetic-environmental interrelations play an important role in the susceptibility to sporadic forms of CRCs, many studies are focused on genetic alterations in such tumors. Mutational analysis of the tyrosine phosphatome in CRCs has identified somatic mutations in PTPRG, PTPRT, PTPN3, PTPN13 and PTPN14. The majority of these mutations result in a loss of protein function. Also, alterations in the expression of these genes, such as decreased expression of PTPRR, PTPRO, PTPRG and PTPRD, mediated by epigenetic mechanisms have been observed in a variety of tumors. Since cancer is a social and global problem, there will be a growing number of studies on alterations in the candidate cancer genes, including protein kinases and phosphatases, to determine the origin, biology and potential pathways for targeted anticancer therapy

    Current Achievements and Applications of Transcriptomics in Personalized Cancer Medicine

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    Over the last decades, transcriptome profiling emerged as one of the most powerful approaches in oncology, providing prognostic and predictive utility for cancer management. The development of novel technologies, such as revolutionary next-generation sequencing, enables the identification of cancer biomarkers, gene signatures, and their aberrant expression affecting oncogenesis, as well as the discovery of molecular targets for anticancer therapies. Transcriptomics contribute to a change in the holistic understanding of cancer, from histopathological and organic to molecular classifications, opening a more personalized perspective for tumor diagnostics and therapy. The further advancement on transcriptome profiling may allow standardization and cost reduction of its analysis, which will be the next step for transcriptomics to become a canon of contemporary cancer medicine

    Current Achievements and Applications of Transcriptomics in Personalized Cancer Medicine

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    Over the last decades, transcriptome profiling emerged as one of the most powerful approaches in oncology, providing prognostic and predictive utility for cancer management. The development of novel technologies, such as revolutionary next-generation sequencing, enables the identification of cancer biomarkers, gene signatures, and their aberrant expression affecting oncogenesis, as well as the discovery of molecular targets for anticancer therapies. Transcriptomics contribute to a change in the holistic understanding of cancer, from histopathological and organic to molecular classifications, opening a more personalized perspective for tumor diagnostics and therapy. The further advancement on transcriptome profiling may allow standardization and cost reduction of its analysis, which will be the next step for transcriptomics to become a canon of contemporary cancer medicine

    ADAM and ADAMTS family proteins and their role in the colorectal cancer etiopathogenesis

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    Prenatal diagnosis--principles of diagnostic procedures and genetic counseling.

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    The frequency of inherited malformations as well as genetic disorders in newborns account for around 3-5%. These frequency is much higher in early stages of pregnancy, because serious malformations and genetic disorders usually lead to spontaneous abortion. Prenatal diagnosis allowed identification of malformations and/or some genetic syndromes in fetuses during the first trimester of pregnancy. Thereafter, taking into account the severity of the disorders the decision should be taken in regard of subsequent course of the pregnancy taking into account a possibilities of treatment, parent's acceptation of a handicapped child but also, in some cases the possibility of termination of the pregnancy. In prenatal testing, both screening and diagnostic procedures are included. Screening procedures such as first and second trimester biochemical and/or ultrasound screening, first trimester combined ultrasound/biochemical screening and integrated screening should be widely offered to pregnant women. However, interpretation of screening results requires awareness of both sensitivity and predictive value of these procedures. In prenatal diagnosis ultrasound/MRI searching as well as genetic procedures are offered to pregnant women. A variety of approaches for genetic prenatal analyses are now available, including preimplantation diagnosis, chorion villi sampling, amniocentesis, fetal blood sampling as well as promising experimental procedures (e.g. fetal cell and DNA isolation from maternal blood). An incredible progress in genetic methods opened new possibilities for valuable genetic diagnosis. Although karyotyping is widely accepted as golden standard, the discussion is ongoing throughout Europe concerning shifting to new genetic techniques which allow obtaining rapid results in prenatal diagnosis of aneuploidy (e.g. RAPID-FISH, MLPA, quantitative PCR)