290 research outputs found

    Dysostosis in mucopolysaccharidosis type 2: A case of longitudinal follow up and literature review

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    Mucopolysaccharidosis type 2 is a congenital lysosomal disease characterized by iduronate-2-sulfatase deficiency, which leads to excessive accumulation of glycosaminoglycans in tissue. Dysostosis, which primarily involves decreased bone mineralization with morphological changes in the bone, is a major skeletal condition in mucopolysaccharidosis, but its pathophysiology is not well known. Here, we report a case of mucopolysaccharidosis type 2 diagnosed at the age of 2 years with longitudinal follow-up data for more than 15 years. Although the patient underwent bone marrow transplantation, the developmental quotient did not improve, and cranial hyperostosis progressed prominently with a faintly dilated perivascular space. Other dysostoses and contraction of the joints were observed but did not improve either

    Ecological Dynamics of Broad- and Narrow-Host-Range Viruses Infecting the Bloom-Forming Toxic Cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa

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    アオコ感染性広域・狭域宿主ウイルスの動態 --アオコとウイルスはいかに共存するか--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2023-02-24.Microcystis aeruginosa is predicted to interact and coexist with diverse broad- and narrow-host-range viruses within a bloom; however, little is known about their affects on Microcystis population dynamics. Here, we developed a real-time PCR assay for the quantification of these viruses that have different host ranges. During the sampling period, total Microcystis abundance showed two peaks in May and August with a temporary decrease in June. The Microcystis population is largely divided into three phylotypes based on internal transcribed sequences (ITS; ITS types I to III). ITS I was the dominant phylotype (66% to 88%) except in June. Although the ITS II and III phylotypes were mostly less abundant, these phylotypes temporarily increased to approximately equivalent abundances of the ITS I population in June. During the same sampling period, the abundances of the broad-host-range virus MVGF_NODE331 increased from April to May and from July to October with a temporary decrease in June, in which its dynamics were in proportion to the increase of total Microcystis abundances regardless of changes in host ITS population composition. In contrast, the narrow-host-range viruses MVG_NODE620 and Ma-LMM01 were considerably less abundant than the broad-host-range virus and generally did not fluctuate in the environment. Considering that M. aeruginosa could increase the abundance and sustain the bloom under the prevalence of the broad-host-range virus, host abundant and diverse antiviral mechanisms might contribute to coexistence with its viruses

    Effects of mosapride on motility of the small intestine and caecum in normal horses after jejunocaecostomy

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    The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the prokinetic effects of mosapride with non-invasive assessment of myoelectrical activity in the small intestine and caecum of healthy horses after jejunocaecostomy. Six horses underwent celiotomy and jejunocaecostomy, and were treated with mosapride (treated group) at 1.5 mg/kg per osos once daily for 5 days after surgery. The other six horses did not receive treatment and were used as controls (non-treated group). The electrointestinography (EIG) maximum amplitude was used to measure intestinal motility. Motility significantly decreased following surgery. In the treated group, the EIG maximum amplitude of the small intestine was significantly higher than in the controls from day 6~31 after treatment. These findings clearly indicate that mosapride could overcome the decline of intestinal motility after jejunocaecostomy in normal horses

    Characteristics of urine spraying and scraping the ground with hind paws as scent-marking of captive cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus)

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    Olfactory communication is common in felids. We observed two scent-markings, urine spraying and scraping the ground with hind paws during excretion, of 25 captive cheetahs. We analyzed the association of sniffing with the timing of urine spraying and scraping, and differences in these behaviors based on sex, age, and captive environment to understand the olfactory communication among cheetahs. Both scent-markings were strongly associated with sniffing, especially scraping, and the presence or absence of scent was thought to be a trigger. Both behaviors were observed only in adults; scraping was observed only in males. To our knowledge, this study was first to confirm the discharge of secretions from the anal glands during scraping. The frequencies of both behaviors were significantly higher in males kept in shared enclosures containing other individuals than in males kept in monopolized enclosures, while there was no difference in the frequencies among females. Female cheetahs are solitary and have non-exclusive home range, whereas male cheetahs are either solitary or live in coalition groups and there are territorial and non-territorial males. Our results could be attributed to the differences in sociality between the sexes and effect of the living environment

    Promoter-Wide Hypermethylation of the Ribosomal RNA Gene Promoter in the Suicide Brain

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    BACKGROUND: Alterations in gene expression in the suicide brain have been reported and for several genes DNA methylation as an epigenetic regulator is thought to play a role. rRNA genes, that encode ribosomal RNA, are the backbone of the protein synthesis machinery and levels of rRNA gene promoter methylation determine rRNA transcription. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We test here by sodium bisulfite mapping of the rRNA promoter and quantitative real-time PCR of rRNA expression the hypothesis that epigenetic differences in critical loci in the brain are involved in the pathophysiology of suicide. Suicide subjects in this study were selected for a history of early childhood neglect/abuse, which is associated with decreased hippocampal volume and cognitive impairments. rRNA was significantly hypermethylated throughout the promoter and 5' regulatory region in the brain of suicide subjects, consistent with reduced rRNA expression in the hippocampus. This difference in rRNA methylation was not evident in the cerebellum and occurred in the absence of genome-wide changes in methylation, as assessed by nearest neighbor. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: This is the first study to show aberrant regulation of the protein synthesis machinery in the suicide brain. The data implicate the epigenetic modulation of rRNA in the pathophysiology of suicide

    Removal of carbon deposited film and hydrogen retention control by low temperature H-C-N reactive plasmas

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    Control of tritium retention and its removal from the first wall of future fusion devices are the most crucial issues for safety and effective use of the fuel. Nitrogen injection into edge plasmas has been considered and tested as an effective method for suppression of carbon dust growth and reduction of hydrogen isotope inventory. In this paper we have investigated scavenger effects of nitrogen injected into H2/CH4 plasmas using a small helical device where low density (ne ∼ 1016 m-3) and low temperature (Te = 5-10 eV) hydrogen plasmas are generated in steady state condition like remote plasmas in fusion devices. It is shown from the comparison of the carbon film deposition and particle growth between those with and without N2 injection that the chemical erosion effects of nitrogen gas on the carbon film and particle growth strongly depends on the surface temperature. With increasing the surface temperature higher than ∼400 K, the nitrogen chemical erosion significantly works to reduce the hydrocarbon deposition. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved