519 research outputs found

    The Pseudogap in La(2-x)Sr(x)CuO(4): A Raman Viewpoint

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    We report the results of Raman scattering experiments on single crystals of La(2-x)Sr(x)CuO(4) [La214] as a function of temperature and doping. In underdoped compounds low-energy B1g spectral weight is depleted in association with the opening of a pseudogap on regions of the Fermi surface located near (pi, 0) and (0, pi). The magnitude of the depletion increases with decreasing doping, and in the most underdoped samples, with decreasing temperature. The spectral weight that is lost at low-energies (omega < 800 cm-1) is transferred to the higher energy region normally occupied by multi-magnon scattering. From the normal state B2g spectra we have determined the scattering rate Gamma(omega, T) of qausiparticles located near the diagonal directions in k-space, (pi/2, pi/2) regions. In underdoped compounds, Gamma(omega, T) is suppressed at low temperatures for energies less than Eg(x) ~ 800 cm-1. The observed doping dependence of the two-magnon scattering and the scattering rate suppression thus suggest that the pseudogap is characterized by an energy scale Eg ~ J, where J is the antiferromagnetic super-exchange energy. Comparison with the results from other techniques provides a consistent picture of the pseudogap in La214.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, minor revisions include correct form of the B2g Raman response function and new figures of the recalculated B2g scattering rate. Presented at the APS March99 Meeting, accepted for publication in the Canadian Journal of Physic

    Impact of lithium composition on the thermoelectric properties of the layered cobalt oxide system LixCoO2

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    Thermoelectric properties of the layered cobalt oxide system LixCoO2 were investigated in a wide range of Li composition, 0.98 >= x >= 0.35. Single-phase bulk samples of LixCoO2 were successfully obtained through electrochemical deintercalation of Li from the pristine LiCoO2 phase. While LixCoO2 with x >= 0.94 is semiconductive, the highly Li-deficient phase (0.75 >= x >= 0.35) exhibits metallic conductivity. The magnitude of Seebeck coefficient at 293 K (S293K) significantly depends on the Li content (x). The S293K value is as large as +70 ~ +100 uV/K for x >= 0.94, and it rapidly decreases from +90 uV/K to +10 uV/K as x is lowered within a Li composition range of 0.75 >= x >= 0.50. This behavior is in sharp contrast to the results of x <= 0.40 for which the S293K value is small and independent of x (+10 uV/K), indicating that a discontinuous change in the thermoelectric characteristics takes place at x = 0.40 ~ 0.50. The unusually large Seebeck coefficient and metallic conductivity are found to coexist in a narrow range of Li composition at about x = 0.75. The coexistence, which leads to an enhanced thermoelectric power factor, may be attributed to unusual electronic structure of the two-dimensional CoO2 block.Comment: 29 pages, 1 table, 8 figure

    Anisotropic softening of collective charge modes in the vicinity of critical doping in a doped Mott insulator

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    Momentum resolved inelastic resonant x-ray scattering is used to map the evolution of charge excitations over a large range of energies, momenta and doping levels in the electron doped Mott insulator class Nd2x_{2-x}Cex_xCuO4_4. As the doping induced AFM-SC (antiferromagnetic-superconducting) transition is approached, we observe an anisotropic softening of collective charge modes over a large energy scale along the Gamma to (\pi,\pi)-direction, whereas the modes exhibit broadening (\sim 1 eV) with relatively little softening along Gamma to (\pi,0) with respect to the parent Mott insulator (x=0). Our study indicates a systematic collapse of the gap consistent with the scenario that the system dopes uniformly with electrons even though the softening of the modes involves an unusually large energy scale.Comment: 5 pages + 5 Figure