32 research outputs found

    Technologies for Beneficial Microorganisms Inocula Used as Biofertilizers

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    The increasing need for environmentaly friendly agricultural practices is driving the use of fertilizers based on beneficial microorganisms. The latter belong to a wide array of genera, classes, and phyla, ranging from bacteria to yeasts and fungi, which can support plant nutrition with different mechanisms. Moreover, studies on the interactions between plant, soil, and the different microorganisms are shedding light on their interrelationships thus providing new possible ways to exploit them for agricultural purposes. However, even though the inoculation of plants with these microorganisms is a well-known practice, the formulation of inocula with a reliable and consistent effect under field conditions is still a bottleneck for their wider use. The choice of the technology for inocula production and of the carrier for the formulation is key to their successful application. This paper focuses on how inoculation issues can be approached to improve the performance of beneficial microorganisms used as a tool for enhancing plant growth and yield

    Physiological Response of Three Grapevine Cultivars Grown In North-Western Poland to Mycorrhizal Fungi

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    West Pomerania (Poland) is located near the northern boundary of the range of viticulture (the coldest zone A). Unfavourable weather conditions can pose a serious threat to the cultivated vines. One of the treatments used to increase the tolerance of plants to abiotic and biotic stresses is inoculation with symbiotic soil microorganisms. This paper focuses on the influence of mycorrhization on the changes in soil microbiology, the degree of colonization of roots by mycorrhizal fungi, and on selected physiologicalparameters of three grapevine cultivars (‘Pinot Noir’ on SO4 rootstock, ‘Regent’ on 5BB rootstock, and ‘Rondo’ on 125AA rootstock). The applied inoculation had a stimulating effect on the colonization of roots by arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, as evidenced by higher mycorrhizal frequency and intensity in the mycorrhized plants. The mycorrhizal treatment increased the intensity of CO2 assimilation and transpiration. Mycorrhization reduced the efficiency of photosynthetic water use and increased stomatal conductance for water in the grapevines tested. The mycorrhizal treatment did not affect the concentration of assimilation pigments in vine leaves. The mycorrhization of grapevines had no effect on the values of initial fluorescence, maximum fluorescence, the maximum potential efficiency of photochemical reaction in PS II, the size of the pool of reduced electron acceptors in PS II, nor on the value of the PS II vitality index

    Diversity of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in the Rhizosphere of Solaris and Regent Grapevine Plants Treated with Bioproducts

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    The aim of this study was to identify the spores of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in the rhizosphere of Solaris and Regent grapevine plants grafted onto SO4 rootstock and treated with bioproducts. The bioproducts Ausuma, Bioilsa, manure and BF Ekomix were tested and applied on their own, or combined with standard mineral fertilisation (NPK). The applied bioproducts contributed to an increase in the number of species of mycorrhizal fungi in the rhizosphere soil of the grapevines. The most frequently occurring AMF species was Claroideoglomus claroideum. Biopreparation BF Ekomix was a promisingagent for increasing the number of AMF spores in the rhizosphere of Regent grapevines. In the rhizosphere of Solaris, a positive influence on the number of spores occurred after the application of Bioilsa

    Analysing agriculture and rural areas in Europe; A synthesis of research programmes in 20 countries

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    The existing research programmes in Europe dealing with the new relationships between rural areas, agriculture and sustainable development, cover a wide range of topics in the domains of ecology and economy

    The influence of silica preparations on growth and yielding of strawberry plants

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    The aim of the experiment was to examine the effects of silicon (Si) on the growth and cropping of strawberry plants (Fragaria ananassa) and on the quality of the fruit. The study was conducted in 2013–2015 in the Experimental Orchard in Dąbrowice, belonging to the Research Institute of Horticulture in Skierniewice. The experimental objects were plants of the strawberry cultivars ‘Elkat’ and ‘Elsanta’, growing in a podsolic soil, low in humus, with the granulometric composition of light loam in the surface layer and with an average level of available nutrients. The experiment was designed in randomized blocks with three replications. An experimental plot was comprised of 20 strawberry plants planted at a spacing of 0.25 m × 1.0 m. The plants were treated with silicic acid, potassium silicate and calcium silicate. The preparations were applied annually to the soil in early spring (before the beginning of vegetation) at a dose of 90 kg Si per ha. Control plants were not treated with silicon. The results of the experiment were analysed statistically using the analysis of variance method. The differences between means were evaluated with Duncan’s test (p = 0.05). The results showed different responses of the tested strawberry cultivars to the silicon preparations used. In the case of ‘Elsanta’, the highest fruit yield was recorded in the plots where calcium silicate or potassium silicate were applied to the soil. It was also found that the use of potassium silicate, calcium silicate, and silicic acid reduced the occurrence of grey mould on the fruit of the cultivar ‘Elsanta’, but the differences as compared to the control were not statistically significant. The plants of the strawberry cultivar ‘Elkat’ treated with silicic acid produced the highest fruit yields, and the fruits were the least affected by grey mould. None of the silicon preparations affected the chlorophyll content of the leaves. It was also found that the use of the silicon preparations had no impact on the refractometric index of the fruits or their firmness. In both cultivars, the plants treated with silicic acid produced fruit with the highest Si content. The silicon content of the leaves of the tested strawberry cultivars was different for the individual years of the study. Depending on the year, the highest silicon content was found in the leaves of the plants treated with calcium silicate and silicic acid. Preparations containing silicon can be used in the commercial production of strawberry to reduce the occurrence of grey mould, but they cannot completely replace the chemical plant protection products designed for this purpose

    Wpływ różnych bioproduktów i ulepszaczy glebowych stosowanych w szkółce ekologicznej na późniejszy wzrost i owocowanie dwuletnich drzew w sadzie

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    The carry-over effects of bioproducts and soil conditioners used in the nursery production on the growth and fruiting of young apple trees of two scab-resistant cultivars ‘Topaz’ and ‘Ariwa’ grown in a commercial orchard were studied. The trees were planted in the spring 2013 and for two consecutive years were not fertilized. In both years a trunk cross-sectional area, the number of shoots and their total length were measured. Total yield and mean fruit weight were recorded in the second year after tree transplanting. Organic fertilizers and soil conditioners such as Micosat, BF Quality, BF Amin and Vinassa used in the nursery resulted in intense growth of cv ‘Topaz’ shoots. For this cultivar, the type of fertilizers used in the nursery had no effect on fruit yield, but such products as Tytanit and BF Quality increased the mean fruit weight in comparison with other compounds used. In the case of cv ‘Ariwa’, products such as Humus Active + Aktywit PM, BF Quality, BF Amin, Vinassa and Tytanit intensified tree growth in the orchard. There was a marked increase in the yield from the trees treated in the nursery with Humus Active + Aktywit PM. Also, the average weight of fruit was affected by BF Amin, Vinassa and Tytanit use in the nursery.W 2013 roku z drzewek jabłoni odmiany ‘Topaz’ i ‘Ariwa’ wyprodukowanych w szkółce ekologicznej posadzono sad w celu zbadania następczego wpływu bioproduktów i ulepszaczy glebowych na ich wzrost i owocowanie. W sadzie drzewka nie były nawożone. W każdym roku mierzono ich powierzchnię poprzecznego przekroju pnia oraz liczbę i długość pędów bocznych. Badano także plonowanie drzew i masę ich owoców. Wzrost pędów odmiany ‘Topaz’ intensyfikowały takie nawozy organiczne i ulepszacze glebowe stosowane wcześniej w szkółce jak Micosat, BF Quality, BF Amin i Vinassa. Rodzaj nawożenia nie miał wpływu na wielkość plonu, natomiast takie produkty jak Tytanit i BF Quality zwiększały średnią masę owocu. U odmiany ‘Ariwa’ preparaty takie jak Humus Active + Aktywit PM, BF Quality, BF Amin, Vinassa i Tytanit stymulowały wzrost drzewek w sadzie, zas - Humus Active + Aktywit PM korzystnie wpływały na plonowanie, natomiast takie jak BF Amin, BF Quality, Vinassa i Tytanit zwiększały średnią masę owoców

    Effect of biofertilizers and soil conditioners used in an ecological nursery on the degree of infection by leaf spot of sour cherry maiden trees (Brumeriella jaapi Rehm.)

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    W szkółce ekologicznej wiśni odmiany 'Debreceni Bötermö' i 'Sabina', gdzie stosowano różne bioprodukty stymulujące wzrost roślin, badano dynamikę opadania liści porażanych przez drobną plamistość liści drzew pestkowych (Brumeriella jaapi Rehm.). W pierwszym roku prowadzenia szkółki stosowano doglebowo, najpierw na podkładki (siewki antypki- Prunus mahaleb L.), a później na okulanty takie bioprodukty jak: Micosat, Humus UP, Humus Active, Bio Feed Amin, Bio Feed Quality, Vinassa, Florovit Eco i Florovit Pro Nature, a także dolistnie Tytanit i Micosat F MS 200. Kombinację kontrolną stanowiły poletka roślin niczym nie traktowane, nawożone NPK oraz granulowanym obornikiem. Pierwsze symptomy choroby w postaci żółknięcia liści wystąpiły u wiśni już w trzeciej dekadzie lipca. W tym czasie nie stwierdzono istotnego wpływu stosowanych zabiegów na stopień porażenia drzewek tą chorobą. Obserwacje prowadzone w połowie sierpnia pokazały, że porażenie okulantów w zależności od rodzaju zastosowanych w szkółce bioproduktów wahało się od 23,8 do 47,5%. Najsłabiej porażone drzewka były tam, gdzie stosowano doglebowo takie bioprodukty jak: Micosat, BioFeed Amin, Vinassa i Florovit, a najsilniej w kombinacji zerowej i nawożonej NPK. W trzecim terminie obserwacji to jest w końcu sierpnia największą liczbę opadłych liści w przypadku odmiany 'Debreceni Bötermö' miały okulanty w kombinacji z nawożeniem zerowym, a najmniejszą - poletka nawożone bioproduktami, takimi jak: Bio Feed Amin i Tytanit, natomiast w przypadku odmiany 'Sabina' najmniej opadłych i porażonych liści patogenem Brumeriella jaapi było tam, gdzie stosowano do nawożenia roślin bioproduct Vinassa i granulowany Florovit Eco.Production of maiden (one year old) trees of sour cherry cultivars 'Debreceni Bötermö' and 'Sabina' under organic management where various bioproducts were used to stimulate plant growth, leaf-fall dynamics of the leaves affected by the leaf spot disease (Brumeriella jaapi Rehm.) were studied. In the first year of running the nursery, such bioproducts as Micosat, Humus UP, Humus Active, BioFeed Amin, Bio Feed Quality, Vinassa, Florovit Eco and Florovit Pro Nature were applied to the soil, first on Prunus mahaleb L. rootstocks and later on maiden trees. Another product - Tytanit and Micosat F MS 200, was used for foliar applications. The control combinations consisted of plots that were not treated at all or were fertilized with NPK, and fertilized with granular manure. The first symptoms of the disease, in the form of yellowing leaves, appeared in the sour cherry trees already in the last ten days of July. At that time there was no significant effect of the applied treatments on the degree of infection of the trees with the disease. The observations conducted in mid-August showed that the extent of infection of the maiden trees ranged from 23.8 to 47.5% depending on the type of the bioproducts used in the nursery. The least affected were the trees growing in the soil fertilized with such bioproducts as Micosat, BioFeed Amin, Vinassa and Florovit, and the most affected- those in the zero and NPK fertilization combinations. In the third period of observations, i.e. in late August, the largest number of fallen leaves in the case of 'Debreceni Bötermö' was found in the maidens in the zero fertilization combination, and the lowest- on the plots fertilized with the products BioFeed Amin and Tytanit, whereas in the case of 'Sabina' the smallest number of fallen leaves and those infected with Brumeriella jaapi was found on the plots where the products Vinassa and granulated Florovit Eco had been used to fertilize the plants