347 research outputs found

    Vaccination with endosomal unknown epitopes produces therapeutic response in rheumatoid arthritis patients and modulates adjuvant arthritis of rats

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    BACKGROUND: Our previous results showed that intrasynovial Rifamycin SV caused the lysis of synoviocites and freed the autoantigens which in turn stimulated the immunoregulatory rather than autoreactive T cell response in rheumatoid patients. Here, we hypothesize that disruption in vitro of peripheral blood mononuclear cells, by freeze/thawing or by lytic action of Rifamycin SV, would induce the release of endosomal pathogenic autoantigens from APCs present in the circulation, which could then be isolated from degrading enzymes by ultrafiltration. METHODS: The preparation of the ultrafiltrates are based on the rupture of PBMCs (5 7 10(6) cells/mL) by the addition of Rifamycin SV in culture (250 \u3bcg/mL), which causes the lysis of 90 % of the cells in 3 h, or by three cycles of freeze/thawing of the PBMC, from -80 \ub0C to room temperature. The lysate and the fragmented cells were then centrifuged and ultrafiltered by passage through a filtration device with a cut-off of 10 kDa. Also the synovial fluid was subjected to ultrafiltration. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: At clinical monitoring of the 30th day, 22/58 (38 %) patients subcutaneously treated with the autologous ultrafiltrate prepared by the freeze/thawing of PBMCs reached an ACR20. Comparable results were obtained with the other two ultrafiltrates. Cell cultures The addition of ultrafiltrates to rheumatoid PBMCs cultures led to the upregulation of a marker for T-regulatory cells, and downregulation of a cell proliferation marker; changes that together have the meaning of a global immunomodulatory response and that only a specific antigen (ultrafiltrate UF-f/t) might induce in the rheumatoid patient, probably by activating pre-existing protective network. Experimental arthritis All the ultrafiltrates except that prepared by Rifamycin SV were able to modulate the adjuvant arthritis in rats. In particular, longlasting synovial fluid induced a significant reduction of the severity of subsequent arthritis (p < 0.01) while SF from recent RA effusion (5-10 days after a previous complete extraction) and knee osteoarthrosis were ineffective. It is reasonable to assume there are at least two unknown endosomal immunoactive epitopes; one developing its immunotherapeutic property in RA, and the other, related to the molecule of HSP60, reduces the severity of oncoming arthritis. Both epitopes are present in humans, have a molecular weight of 6410 kDa and do not appear to be bystander antigens. Please see Additional file 1 for the abstract in Italian

    Ages and Abundances of Red Sequence Galaxies as a Function of LINER Emission Line Strength

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    Although the spectrum of a prototypical early-type galaxy is assumed to lack emission lines, a substantial fraction (likely as high as 30%) of nearby red sequence galaxy spectra contain emission lines with line ratios characteristic of low ionization nuclear emission-line regions (LINERs). We use spectra of ~6000 galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) in a narrow redshift slice (0.06 < z < 0.08) to compare the stellar populations of red sequence galaxies with and without LINER-like emission. The spectra are binned by internal velocity dispersion and by emission properties to produce high S/N stacked spectra. The recent stellar population models of R. Schiavon (2007) make it possible to measure ages, [Fe/H], and individual elemental abundance ratios [Mg/Fe], [C/Fe], [N/Fe], and [Ca/Fe] for each of the stacked spectra. We find that red sequence galaxies with strong LINER-like emission are systematically 2-3.5 Gyr (10-40%) younger than their emission-free counterparts at the same velocity dispersion. This suggests a connection between the mechanism powering the emission (whether AGN, post-AGB stars, shocks, or cooling flows) and more recent star formation in the galaxy. We find that mean stellar age and [Fe/H] increase with velocity dispersion for all galaxies. Elemental abundance [Mg/Fe] increases modestly with velocity dispersion in agreement with previous results, and [C/Fe] and [N/Fe] increase more strongly with velocity dispersion than does [Mg/Fe]. [Ca/Fe] appears to be roughly solar for all galaxies. At fixed velocity dispersion, galaxies with fainter r-band luminosities have lower [Fe/H] and older ages but similar abundance ratios compared to brighter galaxies.Comment: 25 pages, 17 figures, Accepted for publication in ApJ as of 16 July 2007; acceptance status updated, paper unchange

    On the relation between circular velocity and central velocity dispersion in high and low surface brightness galaxies

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    In order to investigate the correlation between the circular velocity Vc and the central velocity dispersion of the spheroidal component sigma_c, we analyzed these quantities for a sample of 40 high surface brightness disc galaxies (hereafter HSB), 8 giant low surface brightness spiral galaxies (hereafter LSB), and 24 elliptical galaxies characterized by flat rotation curves. We find that the Vc-sigma_c relation is descri ed by a linear law out to velocity dispersions as low as sigma_c~50km/s, while in previous works a power law was adopted for galaxies with sigma_c>80k/ms. Elliptical galaxies with Vc based on dynamical models or directly derived from the HI rotation curves follow the same relation as the HSB galaxies in the Vc-sigma_c plane. On the contrary, the LSB galaxies follow a different relation, since most of them show either higher Vc (or lower sigma_c) with respect to the HSB galaxies. This argues against the relevance of baryon collapse in the radial density profile of the dark matter haloes of LSB galaxies. (abridged)Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, ApJ in pres

    SuperMassive Black Holes in Bulges

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    We present spatially extended gas kinematics at parsec-scale resolution for the nuclear regions of four nearby disk galaxies, and model them as rotation of a gas disk in the joint potential of the stellar bulge and a putative central black hole. The targets were selected from a larger set of long-slit spectra obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope as part of the Survey of Nearby Nuclei with STIS (SUNNS). They represents the 4 galaxies (of 24) that display symmetric gas velocity curves consistent with a rotating disk. We derive the stellar mass distribution from the STIS acquisition images adopting the stellar mass-to-light ratio normalized so as to match ground-based velocity dispersion measurements over a large aperture. Subsequently, we constrain the mass of a putative black hole by matching the gas rotation curve, following two distinct approaches. In the most general case we explore all the possible disk orientations, alternatively we constrain the gas disk orientation from the dust-lane morphology at similar radii. In the latter case the kinematic data indicate the presence of a central black hole for three of the four objects, with masses of 10^7 - 10^8 solar masses, representing up to 0.025 % of the host bulge mass. For one object (NGC2787) the kinematic data alone provide clear evidence for the presence of a central black hole even without external constraints on the disk orientation. These results illustrate directly the need to determine black-hole masses by differing methods for a large number of objects, demonstrate that the variance in black hole/bulge mass is much larger than previously claimed, and reinforce the recent finding that the black-hole mass is tightly correlated with the bulge stellar velocity dispersion.Comment: 26 pages, 11 Postscript figures, accepted for publication on Ap

    A SAURON study of stars and gas in Sa bulges

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    We present results from our ongoing effort to understand the morphological and kinematical properties of early-type galaxies using the integral-field spectrograph SAURON. We discuss the relation between the stellar and gas morphology and kinematics in our sub-sample of 24 representative Sa spiral bulges. We focus on the frequency of kinematically decoupled components and on the presence of star formation in circumnuclear rings.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures; To appear in the proceedings of the "Island Universes: Structure and Evolution of Disk Galaxies" conference held in Terschelling, Netherlands, July 2005, ed. R. de Jong. A high resolution version is available at http://www.strw.leidenuniv.nl/~jfalcon/JFB_terschelling.pdf.g

    The Isophotal Structure of Early-Type Galaxies in the SDSS: Dependence on AGN Activity and Environment

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    We study the dependence of the isophotal shape of early-type galaxies on their absolute B-band magnitude, their dynamical mass, and their nuclear activity and environment, using an unprecedented large sample of 847 early-type galaxies identified in the SDSS by Hao et al (2006). We find that the fraction of disky galaxies smoothly decreases with increasing luminosity. The large sample allows us to describe these trends accurately with tight linear relations that are statistically robust against the uncertainty in the isophotal shape measurements. There is also a host of significant correlations between the disky fraction and indicators of nuclear activity (both in the optical and in the radio) and environment (soft X-rays, group mass, group hierarchy). Our analysis shows however that these correlations can be accurately matched by assuming that the disky fraction depends only on galaxy luminosity or mass. We therefore conclude that neither the level of activity, nor group mass or group hierarchy help in better predicting the isophotal shape of early-type galaxies.Comment: 31 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    A Magellan-IMACS-IFU Search for Dynamical Drivers of Nuclear Activity. I. Reduction Pipeline and Galaxy Catalog

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    Using the Inamori Magellan Areal Camera and Spectrograph (IMACS) integral-field unit (IFU) on the 6.5m Magellan telescope, we have designed the first statistically significant investigation of the two-dimensional distribution and kinematics of ionized gas and stars in the central kiloparsec regions of a well-matched sample of Seyfert and inactive control galaxies selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. The goals of the project are to use the fine spatial sampling (0.2 arcsec/pixel) and large wavelength coverage (4000-7000A) of the IMACS-IFU to search for dynamical triggers of nuclear activity in the central region where active galactic nucleus (AGN) activity and dynamical timescales become comparable, to identify and assess the impact of AGN-driven outflows on the host galaxy and to provide a definitive sample of local galaxy kinematics for comparison with future three-dimensional kinematic studies of high-redshift systems. In this paper, we provide the first detailed description of the procedure to reduce and calibrate data from the IMACS-IFU in `long mode' to obtain two-dimensional maps of the distribution and kinematics of ionized gas and stars. The sample selection criteria are presented, observing strategy described and resulting maps of the sample galaxies presented along with a description of the observed properties of each galaxy and the overall observed properties of the sample.Comment: 62 pages. 41 figures. 5 tables. Accepted for publication in ApJS. High-resolution version available at: http://www.astro.ljmu.ac.uk/~pbw/IMACS-IFU/IMACS-1-highRes.pd

    Is NGC 3108 transforming itself from an early to late type galaxy -- an astronomical hermaphrodite?

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    A common feature of hierarchical galaxy formation models is the process of "inverse" morphological transformation: a bulge dominated galaxy accretes a gas disk, dramatically reducing the system's bulge-to-disk mass ratio. During their formation, present day galaxies may execute many such cycles across the Hubble diagram. A good candidate for such a "hermaphrodite" galaxy is NGC 3108: a dust-lane early-type galaxy which has a large amount of HI gas distributed in a large scale disk. We present narrow band H_alpha and R-band imaging, and compare the results with the HI distribution. The emission is in two components: a nuclear bar and an extended disk component which coincides with the HI distribution. This suggests that a stellar disk is currently being formed out of the HI gas. The spatial distributions of the H_alpha and HI emission and the HII regions are consistent with a barred spiral structure, extending some 20 kpc in radius. We measure an extinction- corrected SFR of 0.42 Msun/yr. The luminosity function of the HII regions is similar to other spiral galaxies, with a power law index of -2.1, suggesting that the star formation mechanism is similar to other spiral galaxies. We measured the current disk mass and find that it is too massive to have been formed by the current SFR over the last few Gyr. It is likely that the SFR in NGC 3108 was higher in the past. With the current SFR, the disk in NGC 3108 will grow to be ~6.2x10^9 Msun in stellar mass within the next 5.5 Gyr. While this is substantial, the disk will be insignificant compared with the large bulge mass: the final stellar mass disk-to-bulge ratio will be ~0.02. NGC 3108 will fail to transform into anything resembling a spiral without a boost in the SFR and additional supply of gas.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The stellar population histories of early-type galaxies. III. The Coma Cluster

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    We present stellar population parameters of twelve early-type galaxies (ETGs) in the Coma Cluster based on spectra obtained using the Low Resolution Imaging Spectrograph on the Keck II Telescope. Our data allow us to examine in detail the zero-point and scatter in their stellar population properties. Our ETGs have SSP-equivalent ages of on average 5-8 Gyr with the models used here, with the oldest galaxies having ages of ~10 Gyr old. This average age is identical to the mean age of field ETGs. Our ETGs span a large range in velocity dispersion but are consistent with being drawn from a population with a single age. Specifically, ten of the twelve ETGs are consistent within their formal errors of having the same age, 5.2+/-0.2 Gyr, over a factor of more than 750 in mass. We therefore find no evidence for downsizing of the stellar populations of ETGs in the core of the Coma Cluster. We suggest that Coma Cluster ETGs may have formed the majority of their mass at high redshifts but suffered small but detectable star formation events at z~0.1-0.3. Previous detections of 'downsizing' from stellar populations of local ETGs may not reflect the same downsizing seen in lookback studies of RSGs, as the young ages of the local ETGs represent only a small fraction of their total masses. (abridged)Comment: 49 pages, 20 figures (19 EPS, 1 JPEG). MNRAS, in press. For version with full resolution of Fig. 1 see http://www.astro.rug.nl/~sctrager/coma.pdf; for Table 2, see http://www.astro.rug.nl/~sctrager/coma_table2.pdf; for Table B3, see http://www.astro.rug.nl/~sctrager/coma_tableB3.pd

    Star formation and figure rotation in the early-type galaxy NGC2974

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    We present Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) far (FUV) and near (NUV) ultraviolet imaging of the nearby early-type galaxy NGC2974, along with complementary ground-based optical imaging. In the ultraviolet, the galaxy reveals a central spheroid-like component and a newly discovered complete outer ring of radius 6.2kpc, with suggestions of another partial ring at an even larger radius. Blue FUV-NUV and UV-optical colours are observed in the centre of the galaxy and from the outer ring outward, suggesting young stellar populations (< 1Gyr) and recent star formation in both locations. This is supported by a simple stellar population model which assumes two bursts of star formation, allowing us to constrain the age, mass fraction and surface mass density of the young component pixel by pixel. Overall, the mass fraction of the young component appears to be just under 1per cent (lower limit, uncorrected for dust extinction). The additional presence of a nuclear and an inner ring (radii 1.4 and 2.9kpc, respectively), as traced by [OIII] emission, suggests ring formation through resonances. All three rings are consistent with a single pattern speed of 78±678\pm6 km/s/kpc, typical of S0 galaxies and only marginally slower than expected for a fast bar if traced by a small observed surface brightness plateau. This thus suggests that star formation and morphological evolution in NGC2974 at the present epoch are primarily driven by a rotating asymmetry (probably a large-scale bar), despite the standard classification of NGC2974 as an E4 elliptical.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, Changed content, Accepted for publication in MNRA
