30 research outputs found

    Anadolu Çoban Köpeklerinde (Canis familiaris) Siliyer Cisim ve İridokorneal Açı Üzerine Morfolojik Bir Çalışma]

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    This study was carried out to determine morphological structures of Anatolian Shepherd dog eye to compare with other animals. This important sensory organ from five adult male dogs were investigated by light microscopic and scanning electron microscopic analyses. Anatolian Shepherd dog cornea is about 435 (center) to 501 (periphery) mu m thick. The dense pigmentation observed in the anterior and posterior iridal epithelium. The ciliary cleft of the iridocorneal angle was not large and well-developed. The ciliary processes, another component of the ciliary body, formed the conspicuous bundles. In conclusion, it is considered that the description of the morphological properties of both the iridocorneal region and the ciliary body would contribute to the interpretation of the functional correlation, thus to future experimental studies to be conducted in this field

    The distrubution of immune system cells in bursa of Fabricius of partridge (Alectoris chukar).

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    Amaç: Kanatlılara özgü olan bursa Fabricius kendi foliküler yapısı içerisinde B lenfosit progenitörlerinin çoğaltılması ve farklılaşmasından sorumlu primer lenfoid organdır. Fonksiyonel B lenfositleri oluşturma sürecinde hücreler majör doku uyum kompleksi (MHC), adezyon molekülleri ve antijenleri tanımak için gerekli reseptör özelliklerini bu organda kazanırlar. Bu çalışmanın amacı, keklik bursa Fabricius'unda CD8, CD68, MHC-I ve II pozitif hücrelerinin lokalizasyonları ve dağılımlarını belirlemektir.Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu çalışmada 10 adet erişkin kınalı kekliğin (5 erkek ve 5 dişi) bursa Fabricius'unda bazı immun hücre lokalizasyonları immünohistokimyasal yöntemler kullanarak ışık mikroskobu düzeyinde incelendi.Bulgular: CD8, CD68, MHC-I ve II pozitif hücrelerin genel olarak lamina propriada ve lenf foliküllerinin korteks ve medullasında lokalize olduğu ortaya kondu. Buna karşın kas katmanında immunoreaktiviteye rastlanmadı.Öneri: İmmun yanıtta rol oynayan bu faktör ekspresyonları- nın kanatlı türlerinde yapılacak immunolojik çalışmalar için katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir.Akbalik ME, Erdogan S, Saruhan BG, Sagsoz H. The distrubution of immune system cells in bursa of Fabricius of partridge (Alectoris chukar). Aim: The bursa of Fabricius is a primary lymphoid organ restricted to birds that is responsible for the proliferation and differentiation of B lymphocyte precursors within its follicular structure. In the process of creating a functional B lymphocyte, the cells acquire the necessary receptor property to recognize the antigen, major histocompatibility complex and adhesion molecules in this organ. The purpose of this study is to determine the localization and distribution of CD8, CD68, MHC-I and II-positive cells in bursa of Fabricius of partridge. Materials and Methods: In this study, some immune cells localization in bursa of Fabricius of 10 adult chukar partridge (5 male and 5 female) were examined on the level of light microscope by using immunohistochemical methods.Results: It was revealed that in general CD8, CD68, MHC-I and II-positive cells were localized in lamina propria and cortex and medulla of lymph follicles. In contrast, no immunoreactivity was observed in the muscle layer.Conclusion: The expression of these factors playing a role in immune response is thought to provide contribution for immunological studies in avian specie

    The problem of origin of philosophy in histories of philosophy

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    Felsefe Tarihlerinde Felsefenin Menşei Problemi? adlı bu çalışma `Giriş' ve `Sonuç' hariç iki bölümden oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölümde fesefenin menşeini araştırmak üzere felsefe tarihçilerinin geliştirdikleri felsefe tasavvruna ilişkin gerekçelerinin tespit ve değerlendirilmesi yapılmıştır. İkinci bölümde ise; felsefenin meşei ile ilgili felsefe tarihçilerini etkileyen tarih tasavvuru, bu tasavvurlar üzerine oluşturulmuş gerekçeler ve Yunan felsefesine Doğulu kaynaklarının tesiri ele alınmıştır. This work under the title o

    Functional roles of angiogenic factors and receptors on non-endothelial cells in the oropharyngeal cavity of the chukar partridge (Alectoris chukar)

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    The vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) family belong to the platelet-derived growth factor supergene family and is involved in angiogenesis and mitogenesis. The VEGF-VEGFR system regulates endothelial cell proliferation, migration, vascular permeability, secretion and other non-endothelial cells functions. To clarify the possible role of endothelial and non-endothelial cells, VEGF and its receptors, vascular endothelial cell growth inhibitor (VEGI) were immunohistochemically examined in oropharyngeal organs. Ten adult partridges were used in this study and the pharynx and larynx were dissected together with the palate and tongue. VEGI, VEGF and its receptor were highly expressed in luminal epithelial and stromal cells, when compared to glandular epithelial and muscle cells (P<0.05). Moreover, VEGF, its receptors and VEGI were expressed rather strongly in the endothelial cells of the blood capillaries and in both the endothelial and smooth muscle cells of the large and small blood vessels. In conclusion, VEGF and its receptors (flt1/fms, flk1/KDR and flt4) and VEGI were expressed by various cell groups at varying intensity in the oropharyngeal organs. This demonstrates that they play a critical role in the regulation and maintenance of the functions in cells different from endothelial ones as well as in cell proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis and angiogenesis

    The expressions of some metabolic hormones (leptin, ghrelin and obestatin) in the tissues of sheep tongue

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    In this study, we aimed to observe the localization and expression of peptide hormones-leptin, ghrelin and obestatin-in the sheep tongue by immunohistochemistry. For that purpose, tongues of ten adult sheep were used. Leptin expression of moderate intensity was observed in the basal and parabasal epithelial cells of the luminal epithelium, and leptin was strongly expressed in the taste buds of the circumvallate and fungiform papillae and in von Ebner's glands. Ghrelin was primarily expressed in some of the skeletal muscle cells and the smooth muscle cells of the middle layer of blood vessels. A strong expression was observed in the epithelial cells lining the base of the groove surrounding the circumvallate papillae. Obestatin expression was particularly strong in the epithelial cells of the salivary ducts. It was also stronger in the von Ebner's glands than in the seromucous glands. Leptin, ghrelin and obestatin were shown to be produced at varying levels in different cell types, including epithelial, stromal and skeletal muscle cells, as well as in ganglion neurons, neural plexuses and blood vessels in the sheep tongue. Cellular localization and expression of these peptide hormones have not been investigated in many species including sheep

    The expression of epidermal growth factor receptors and their ligands (epidermal growth factor, neuregulin, amphiregulin) in the bitch uterus during the estrus cycle

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    In order to study the possible role of EGFR receptors in the bitch reproductive process, we have analyzed the expression pattern and localization of EGFR receptors and some of their ligands epidermal growth factor (EGF), neuregulin (NRG), amphiregulin (AREG), in the uterus during the estrus cycle using immunohistochemistry. The immunostaining for receptors and ligands of EGFR/ligand system was confined to membrane and cytoplasm of the target cells. Variations were observed, not only at the different stages of the estrous cycle, but also in the different tissue compartments of the uterus. However, it was detected that the immunostainings for NRG and AREG in the different cells do not show important differences at stages of the estrus cycle. In the luminal epithelium, strong immunostaining for ErbB1/HER1, ErbB2/HER2, ErbB4/HER4 and EGF was found at estrus. In the glandular epithelium, strong immunostaining for ErbB4/HER4 was observed at diestrus, while strong immunostaining for EGF was detected in both of estrus and diestrus. ErbB3/HER3 immunoreactivity in the stromal cells was higher at diestrus and anestrus, while ErbB4/HER4 immunoreactivity was lower at anestrus. In the myometrium, the highest levels of immunoreactivity of ErbB2/HER2 were found at estrus, while ErbB3/HER3 immunoreactivity was higher at anestrus. EGF immunoreactivity was lower at anestrus compared to other stage of cycle. Altered EGFR/ligand system expression during the estrus cycle suggests this growth factor system is a potent regulator of proliferation and differentiation events during preparation for implantation of bitch uterus. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.In order to study the possible role of EGFR receptors in the bitch reproductive process, we have analyzed the expression pattern and localization of EGFR receptors and some of their ligands epidermal growth factor (EGF), neuregulin (NRG), amphiregulin (AREG), in the uterus during the estrus cycle using immunohistochemistry. The immunostaining for receptors and ligands of EGFR/ligand system was confined to membrane and cytoplasm of the target cells. Variations were observed, not only at the different stages of the estrous cycle, but also in the different tissue compartments of the uterus. However, it was detected that the immunostainings for NRG and AREG in the different cells do not show important differences at stages of the estrus cycle. In the luminal epithelium, strong immunostaining for ErbB1/HER1, ErbB2/HER2, ErbB4/HER4 and EGF was found at estrus. In the glandular epithelium, strong immunostaining for ErbB4/HER4 was observed at diestrus, while strong immunostaining for EGF was detected in both of estrus and diestrus. ErbB3/HER3 immunoreactivity in the stromal cells was higher at diestrus and anestrus, while ErbB4/HER4 immunoreactivity was lower at anestrus. In the myometrium, the highest levels of immunoreactivity of ErbB2/HER2 were found at estrus, while ErbB3/HER3 immunoreactivity was higher at anestrus. EGF immunoreactivity was lower at anestrus compared to other stage of cycle. Altered EGFR/ligand system expression during the estrus cycle suggests this growth factor system is a potent regulator of proliferation and differentiation events during preparation for implantation of bitch uterus.</p

    Immunolocalization of vascular endothelial growth factor, its receptors (flt1/fms, flk1/KDR, flt4) and vascular endothelial growth inhibitor in the bitch uterus during the sexual cycle

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    Angiogenesis is regulated by proangiogenic and antiangiogenic factors. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a prime proangiogenic regulator, whereas vascular endothelial growth inhibitor (VEGI) is a specific antiangiogenic cytokine. To clarify temporal changes in the localization of pro-angiogenic and anti-angiogenic factors in the uterus of normal bitches during the proestrus, estrus, diestrus and anestrus phases of the estrous cycle, the expressions of VEGF and its receptors (flt1/fms, flk1/KDR and flt4) and their correlation with VEGI were analyzed using immunohistochemistry. Uteruses were collected after ovariohysterectomy. Immunohistochemical staining was evaluated semi-quantitatively by an immunohistochemical total score consisting of the sum of the intensity and proportional scores. The results in the bitch uterus demonstrated that positive immunohistochemical staining was found exclusively in the cytoplasm and apical membrane of luminal and glandular epithelial, stromal and smooth muscle cells and nuclear staining was observed in the fit1/fms, flk4 and VEGI during proestrous and estrous. Semi-quantitative analyses revealed that the total score for VEGF in the glandular epithelial cells was significantly higher than that of luminal, endometrial stromal and myometrial smooth muscle cells during proestrous (p < 0.05). The total score for flk1/KDR and flt4 in the glandular epithelium was also significantly higher than that of endometrial stromal cells during proestrous, whilst the total score for flt1/fms in the glandular epithelium was significantly higher than that of endometrial stromal cells during anestrus (p < 0.05). We conclude that, in the bitch uterus, cyclic changes may be precisely regulated by the combined functions of VEGF family members, angiogenic VEGF and VEGF receptors, and the angiogenesis inhibitor VEGI. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Functional characteristics of the growth factor receptor family and some ligands in the oropharyngeal cavity of the Chukar partridge (Alectoris chukar)

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    1. The aim of the present study is to describe, immunohistochemically, the expression and cell type localisation of growth factor receptors and some of their ligands in the oropharyngeal organs of the Chukar partridge. 2. The tissue samples from 10 healthy adult partridges were dissected under ether anaesthesia and then embedded in paraffin following routine histological procedures. The immunoreaction for receptors and ligands of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)/ligand system was localised in the cell membrane, nucleus and cytoplasm of the luminal and glandular epithelial cells, stromal and striated muscle cells, and vascular endothelial and smooth muscle cells. 3. Variations were observed in the avian oropharyngeal organs. The immunostaining for the erbB1/HER1 (human epidermal growth factor receptor 1) and the EGF (epidermal growth factor) and AREG (Amphiregulin) ligands in the luminal epithelial cells was higher than in the glandular epithelial, stromal and striated muscle cells. However, the immunostaining for erbB3/HER3 (human epidermal growth factor receptor 3) and erbB4/HER4 (human epidermal growth factor receptor 4) were similar in the luminal epithelium, stromal and striated muscle cells. 4. Growth factor receptors and some of their ligands were localised in different cell types in the oropharyngeal organs. We suggest that erbB/HERs (human epidermal growth factor receptors) and their ligands play an important role in proliferation, differentiation, growth, survival and migration of the cells

    Tissue distribution of some immune cells in bovine reproductive tract during follicular and luteal phase

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    More recent studies indicate that immune cells which secrete their secretory products or cytokines play an important role in reproductive system. In our study, immune cell populations (CD8(+) T lymphocytes, CD68(+) macrophages, plasma cells, siderophages, eosinophils) and expression of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I and class II were examined in female reproductive tract during follicular (n=13) and luteal phase (n=10). Plasma cells and eosinophil granulocytes are present in few numbers in luminal epithelium, but abundant in longitudinal muscle layer of uterus, whereas siderophages are the dominant cell type in stroma. Moreover, MHC-I and -II+ cells are expressed by individual cells in organ layers, while CD8(+) T cells and CD68(+) macrophages are dominant in epithelium and muscle layer, respectively. In conclusion, we did not found significant changes in immune cells according to follicular and luteal phases, but localization and numbers in each organ have changed according to both organ and layers. These results indicate that these factors may play a crucial role not only to generate an immune response but also to have a role in regulation of physiological functions in female reproductive organs

    Distribution of macrophages, eosinophils, and plasma cells in the cow reproductive tract during the sexual cycle

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    48th Annual Conference on Physiology and Pathology of Reproduction / 40th Joint Congress of Veterinary and Human Medicine -- FEB 11-13, 2015 -- Zurich, SWITZERLAND[No Abstract Available