8 research outputs found

    Identifikasi Kadar Timbal (Pb) pada Buah Apel (Malus Pumila) yang Dijual di Pasar Tradisional Se-kota Kendari Tahun 2016

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    Logam timbal (Pb) dapat masuk ke tubuh melalui makanan jajanan yang dijual di pinggir jalan dalam keadaanterbuka. Hal ini akan lebih berbahaya lagi apabila makanan tersebut didagangkan dalam waktu yang lama. Timbal(Pb) yang terdapat dalam asap-asap kendaraan bermotor merupakan salah satu sumber pencemaran terhadapbuah-buahan yang dijual di pinggir jalan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakanmetode Spektrofotometri Serapan Atom dan pengambilan data secara total sampling. Sa mpel dalam penelitian iniberjumlah 44 Pedagang dan 44 sampel buah apel, buah apel yang dijadikan sampel adalah jenis buah apel Fujidimana apel-apel tersebut dikumpulkan dari masing-masing penjual buah yang berjualan di seluruh Pasar se-KotaKendari antara lain Pasar Kota, Pasar Mandonga, Pasar Peddys, Pasar buah, Pasar Baruga, Pasar wua -wua, danPasar Anduonohu, kemudian dilakukan pengujian Laboratorium. Hasilnya adalah 44 sampel apel tersebut terdapattimbal didalamnya dengan konsentrasi rata-rata adalah 0,0078 mg/kg dan konsentrasi tertinggi adalah 0,0652mg/kg. Hasil yang didapatkan tersebut masih dibawah nilai ambang batas berdasarkan Standar Nasional Indonesia(SNI) tahun 2009 yaitu 2,0 mg/kg. Selain itu diperoleh juga hasil dari pengetahuan pedagang tentang bahayalogam timbal yaitu 24 pedagang (54,5%) berpengetahuan cukup dan 20 pedagang (45,5%) berpengatahuankurang, semua pedagang memiliki sikap yang baik tentang bahaya timbal yaitu sebesar 44 pedagang (100%) dantindakan pedagang yang berkategori baik tentang bahaya timbal sebesar 23 pedagang (52,3%) dan memilikitindakan kurang baik sebesar 21 pedagang (47,7%)

    Comparison of equatorial plasma bubble zonal drifts and neutral winds velocity over Southeast Asia

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    The purpose of the presented study is to investigate the zonal drifts of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles (EPB) which applied two different ground-based instruments. Malaysia Real-Time Kinematics GNSS Network (MyRTKnet), consists more than 78 GPS receivers was used to observe EPB along 96° East to 120° East longitudes. Subsequently, zonal drift of EPBs derived from GPS-ROTI is compared with neutral winds velocity from Fabry-Perot interferometer (FPI). On 10 April 2013, we founded the maximum drift is about 194.4 m/s at 1430 UT to 1500 UT whereas the minimum drift is 111.1 m/s at 1330 UT to 1400 UT. The results illustrate that temporal variations of EPB zonal drift velocities are consistent with the neutral winds

    Critical thinking dispositions of new intake engineering technology students

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    Problem-solving and critical thinking abilities serve as important outcomes of any engineering programme. Engineering students are expected to solve problems, ask questions, research, and discover relevant information, and consider new ideas. This paper presents the findings a study to determine the initial critical thinking dispositions of new intake engineering technology students in the effort to provide base-line data for the integration of critical thinking (CT) in the English syllabus of the engineering technology programme. This is part of a larger English curriculum review exercise with a special focus on the integration of soft skills. A 10-item self-assessment questionnaire was distributed to 1425 new intake engineering students. When the findings of the CT dispositions are considered, CT dimension of detecting bias and exaggeration was cited the most among respondents. Low CT dimensions are evaluation and compare and contrast. Additional findings from focus group interviews reveal peculiar yet interesting insights on CT among the students. Implications of the findings in relation to CT for engineering technology students are discussed. Keywords: Critical thinking dispositions, Problem solving, Engineering students, Curriculum review, English as a Second Language (L2) learner

    Influence of zonal wind velocity variation on equatorial plasma bubble occurrences over Southeast Asia

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    The present study aims to investigate the influence of the zonal wind velocity on equatorial plasma bubble (EPB) occurrences over Southeast Asia. The observation of the EPB occurrence is obtained from the GPS Rate of TEC change index. Meanwhile, the zonal winds were measured using a Fabry-Perot interferometer located at Kototabang and Chiang Mai stations, and the height of F layer was acquired using an ionosonde at Chumphon station near the magnetic equator. This is the first study to report the influence of zonal wind velocity variation on EPB occurrences with the presence and absence of EPB using GPS data in the Southeast Asian sector. The results illustrated that the average magnitude of zonal wind velocity during the presence of EPB (78 ± 23 m/s) was higher than that of its absence (68 ± 21 m/s). It was observed using long-term data analyses which led to in-depth analyses. The analysis of temporal variation of zonal wind variation demonstrated that the zonal winds during EPB were higher in the evening compared to midnight and postmidnight periods from medium to high solar activities. The dependence of zonal wind velocity on EPB over local time was obtained based on the analysis which utilized the data collected during equinox in high solar activity. Besides that, a positive correlation was obtained between the zonal wind velocity and EPB occurrences during pre-reversal enhancement (PRE) corroborated the effects of zonal wind influence on PRE, and thus EPB occurrences

    Multimodalities Element in the Cartoon Work Through Linguistic Modes and Visual Modes

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    In cartoons, meanings and messages are generated either through two semiotic modes that are verbal and visual or solely through visual modes. Interaction between language and cartoon images is often regarded as a straightforward and easy-to-process way to convey a message. This study aims to show that the meaning and cartoon messages are not always easy to understand, therefore readers should observe the language and visual information of each cartoon. This study is aimed at identifying the linguistic modes and the visual modes in the cartoons to convey the meaning and the explicit message or implied message. For this purpose, two theories are adopted; Systemic Functional Linguistics Theory by Halliday (1994) to analyze linguistic modes and multimodal approach by Kress and Van Leeuwen (1996, 2006) to analyze visual modes or images in cartoons. The research data was obtained from Usik-Usik cartoon book (Cynical Collection of the World of Education). The findings indicate that language text is a linguistic modes that acts as an effective multimodal element and complement the visual modes in the cartoon work. Furthermore, the findings of the study also show that the role of linguistic modes is to provide the context in the cartoon work as additional information so that the reader can understand the messages to be communicated more clearly