11 research outputs found

    Pola perbelanjaan dan haddul kifayah zakat bagi pelajar sarjana muda di Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

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    Mutakhir ini, harga barang dan perkhidmatan semakin meningkat sekali gus meningkatkan peruntukan bulanan isi rumah untuk memenuhi keperluan asas diri dan tanggungan. Antara yang terjejas dengan senario ekonomi ini ialah pelajar yang tidak mempunyai sumber pendapatan yang kukuh khususnya kepada pelajar institusi pengajian tinggi (IPT) di mana perlu berhadapan dengan yuran yang jauh lebih tinggi berbanding di peringkat primari dan sekunderi. Di sinilah zakat memainkan peranan penting dan berpotensi tinggi untuk berkolaborasi dengan pihak kerajaan bagi menyalurkan dana kepada pembangunan pendidikan dengan memberi bantuan kepada pelajar. Walaupun telah ada bantuan pendidikan menggunakan dana zakat diagihkan kepada pelajar, namun dilihat jumlah bantuan yang diberi kurang mengikut keperluan ekonomi semasa. Oleh itu, kajian ini bertujuan mengkaji corak perbelanjaan pelajar dengan mendapatkan purata perbelanjaan sebulan bagi mencadangkan haddul kifayah khusus kepada pelajar. Selain itu, kajian terhadap perbezaan perbelanjaan antara pelajar aliran sains sosial dan sains tulen dibuat bagi mengetahui keperluan institusi zakat memberikan bantuan zakat berbeza mengikut aliran pengajian seterusnya mengkaji faktor-faktor demografi yang mempengaruhi perbelanjaan pelajar ke atas makanan dan bukan makanan. Seramai 160 responden iaitu dalam kalangan pelajar sarjana muda Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) dipilih bagi menjalankan kajian ini. Hasil kajian menunjukkan purata perbelanjaan pelajar sebulan ialah sebanyak RM974.88. Selain itu, tiada perbezaan yang signifikan dalam corak perbelanjaan pelajar aliran sains sosial dan sains tulen yang menunjukkan haddul kifayah tidak perlu dibezakan oleh institusi zakat mengikut aliran pengajian. Faktor demografi umur dan lokasi kediaman pula mempengaruhi perbelanjaan bukan makanan pelajar. Kajian ini diharapkan dapat membantu pihak institusi zakat dalam menilai semula haddul kifayah khusus kepada pelajar bagi melicinkan lagi perlaksanaan agihan zakat

    Framework of affordable cooperative housing through an innovative waqf-based source of finance in Karachi

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    Purpose – The purpose of this research is to introduce an innovative framework called the waqf cooperative housing framework (WCHF), with an objective to create a synergistic equilibrium between waqf and cooperative housing schemes. To tackle problems related to the dearth of financing, this research postulates an innovative waqfbased source of finance that involves generating revenue from common areas (waqf area) within the vicinity of the condominium. Design/methodology/approach – Primary data were collected through interviews and the data were analysed using the NVIVO software. The interviewees comprised managers from property development sectors, public sector officials, university lecturers in Islamic finance, CEOs, top management officials from Islamic financial institutions, community leaders and shariah scholars. Findings – A framework was proposed based on the result of the interviews. It was found that innovative models such as WCHF can resolve the issue of affordable housing in Karachi such as decreasing the financial burden on the public exchequer, bringing positive change to the lives of the poor, fulfilling the property developer’s corporate social responsibility, fulfilling the religious duty of the general public and condominium owners towards their fellow beings as well as creating new employment opportunities for people who are working in the financial sector (waqf management companies/trustees) and the construction sector. Research limitations/implications – Even though this study has introduced an innovative and practical solution to the financing of affordable housing, it also encountered some limitations. First, it is conducted in Karachi city involving six group of respondents; thus, the findings cannot be generalised with other contexts. Similar research needs to be conducted in different contexts. Originality/value – To date, this is among the first studies, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, to investigate cooperative affordable housing with the help of innovative Islamic finance tools in the context of Pakistan. Furthermore, insufficient attention has been given to the enabling and hindering factors behind the acceptance of a framework that seeks to initiate a cooperative scheme based on an innovative waqf financing tool that generates revenue from common areas around a condominium

    Examining the impact of corporate governance on intellectual capital: Empirical evidence of Islamic Banks

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    Using the sample of 59 Islamic banks during the period of 2006-2017, the purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of corporate governance mechanisms through the characteristics of board of directors that may influence the intellectual capital (IC) efficiency of Islamic banks. The characteristics of board of directors are represented throughthe size of the board (board size), the proportion of female members on the board (board female), the number of board meetings (board meeting), the proportion of board members who have financing and accounting expertise (board expertise) and the diversityin terms of board members’ nationalities (board nationality diversity). Meanwhile, IC efficiency has been measured using value-added intellectual coefficient (VAIC). This study provides empirical evidence showing that board expertise has positively associated with IC efficiency. This study also examines the linkage between corporate governance mechanisms and IC components namely HCE, SCE and CEE and found that board expertise exerts positive significant impact to HCE and SCE while no significant impact to CEE. Additionally, board female has significant positive relationship with SCE. The study is extremely pivotal in order to know the determinants that can contribute to the enhancement of IC efficiency in respect of corporate governance of Islamic banks

    The empirical linkages of Shariah corporate governance and intellectual capital: evidence of Islamic banks

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    Using an unbalanced panel dataset of 59 Islamic banks (IBs) worldwide for the period of 2006- 2017, the principal aim of this study is to examine the impact of Shariah corporate governance mechanisms through the characteristics of Shariah board on intellectual capital (IC) efficiency. The characteristics of Shariah board members are represented through the size of the Shariah board (SBSIZE), the proportion of Shariah board members who have financing or accounting expertise (SBEXP), the number of Shariah board meetings held in a year (SBMEET), the proportion of female members on the Shariah board (SBFEM) and diversity in terms of Shariah board members’ nationalities (SBNAT). IC efficiency as the dependent variable has been measured using value added intellectual coefficient (VAIC). This study provides an empirical evidence showing that SBSIZE exerts significant positive impact on IC efficiency. This study also examines the impact of Shariah corporate governance mechanisms on IC components namely HCE, SCE and CEE and found that SBEXP exerts positive significant impact to HCE and SCE while no significant impact to CEE. In epitome, the empirical results emerging from this study render theoretical and managerial implications to banking industry especially for Islamic banking since the intellectual capital notion as well as the empirical studies on Shariah governance still relatively new. Paying attention on the results, it is interesting to note that Shariah board also plays a pivotal role in accelerating IC efficiency which in turn heading towards a better performance of IBs

    MKitchen IIUM students integrate food with budi sejahtera

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    This book explains mKitchen IIUM students’ journey in mKitchen by integrating food entrepreneurship with Budi Sejahtera. The students started the journey with in-class training on entrepreneurship, business plan development, digital marketing, and cash management. Then, the students had a cooking demonstration on Turkish delights. One month has been allocated for both process and content phases of training. Then, the students had the pre-internship demonstration at Wadi Budi IIUM before a month-long internship during Ramadan 1443

    Budi Ramadan mKitchen IIUM students

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    This book explains mKitchen IIUM students experience in the real journey of integrating food entrepreneurship with Budi Sejahtera. The students participated as a vendor in the Bazaar Ramadan organized by EDC IIUM. This one-month Bazaar Ramadan provides the students the real experience of food entrepreneurs. While preparing premium food for Bazaar Ramadan, the students also prepared premiums food for distribution to the asnaf

    Batch 3 IIUM mkitchen students

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    This book narrates the journey of Batch 3 IIUM Mkitchen Students. The students started the journey with in-class training on entrepreneurship, business plan development, digital marketing, and cash management. Then, the students had the cooking demonstration on several food trained by trainers of mkitchen. This batch is fortunate to have a permanent space given by the university. JEL Classification: M13 and M1

    Readings on Sejahtera MKitchen Entrepreneurship

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    This book provides a critical reading on mKitchen entrepreneurship concepts, principles, and practices through five chapters. Chapter 1 deliberates ta‘awun (cooperative behaviour) at IIUM Mkitchen Entrepreneurship project at IIUM and with Masjid Al-Syakirin Gombak (MASG). The outcome is to empower asnaf to optimize the use of masjid as a platform to provide free food, to up skills in foodpreneurship, to create new employment opportunities, to give empowerment, and to nurture entrepreneurship (3Es) for poor and needy people in the surrounding area of it. Chapter 2 deliberates on Sejahtera Business Model on Asnaf foodpreneurship. The model is based on employment, empowerment, and entrepreneurship (3Es). The Sejahtera Business Model is imbued with Tawhidic paradigm, Maqasid al-Shari'ah, and sustainability. The Sejahtera Business Model allows for new employment creation for asnaf and needy people who need employment. Chapter 3 explains the budiman attributes to reinforce sejahtera asnaf entrepreneurship with 3E and Sejahtera Framework. Budiman comprised of adab (virtue), budi (kindness) and sejahtera (peace). Budiman and budiwati have the capacity of bijak berbudi (wisdom in kindness), berani (brave) and bijaksana (full with wisdom). Chapter 4 deliberates on mutual cooperation development. The first phase of mutual cooperation (ta‘awun) among team members is the usrah process which includes ta‘aruf (get to know), tafahum (get to understand), takaful (get to protect) and tanashur (get to love and care) orientation. Chapter 5 explains mKitchen IIUM students' journey in mKitchen by integrating food entrepreneurship with Budi Sejahtera. The students started the journey with in-class training on entrepreneurship, business plan development, digital marketing, and cash management. Then, the students had a cooking demonstration on Turkish delights. One month has been allocated for both process and content phases of training. Then, the students had the pre-internship demonstration at Wadi Budi before a month-long of internship during Ramadan 1443. JEL Classification: M13 and M1

    Empowered batch 3 IIUM mkitchen students

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    This book narrates the journey of empowering Batch 3 IIUM mKitchen Students with the 3Es (Employment, Empowerment, and Entrepreneurship). The students started the journey with in-class training on entrepreneurship, business plan development, digital marketing, and cash management. Then, the students had a cooking demonstration on several foods trained by trainers of mKitchen. This batch is fortunate to have a permanent space given by the university. JEL Classification: M13 and M1

    Rumah Makan mKitchen for Free Food Distribution

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    Rumah Makan mKitchen provides enhancement of knowledge, skill, employment, and entrepreneurship. Rumah denotes a centre for enhancement, employment and entrepreneurship. Makan denotes sourcing, cooking and distribution of quality food. mKitchen denotes Masjid and Masyarakat (or community) Kitchen. JEL Classification: M13 and M1