18 research outputs found
Geographic Distribution of Arbovirus Antibodies in Indigenous Human Populations in the Indo-Australian Archipelago
Sera from lifetime residents in 16 localities of the Indo-Australian archipelago and adjacent areas were tested for hemagglutination-inhibition antibody against four alphaviruses (Sindbis, Getah, chikungunya, and Ross River) and for neutralizing antibody against six flaviviruses (dengue 2 and 3, Japanese encephalitis, Murray Valley encephalitis, Kunjin, and Edge Hill). Mosquito collections were carried out in some of the localities to study vector relationships to distribution of the arbovirus antibodies. Antibodies specific to Sindbis and Getah viruses were rare except in north Australia. Chikungunya virus-specific antibody was highly prevalent in localities of the Oriental zoogeographic region and Wallacea, rare in west New Guinea, and absent in north Australia. Age distribution of chikungunya antibody suggested that the antibody last occurred in most Indonesian localities about 30 years ago. Ross River virus-specific antibody was confined to localities of the Australian zoogeographic region. Antibodies reacting to dengue 2 and 3 viruses occurred in high frequency in the entire area of the archipelago. Antibodies specific to Murray Valley encephalitis and Kunjin viruses were also widespread although at a very low frequency. Japanese encephalitis virus-specific antibody was highly prevalent in areas west of Wallace\u27s Line while it was absent in areas east of the line with the exception of Lombok. Antibody to Edge Hill virus was rare and confined to the Australian zoogeographic region. The distribution of arthropod vectors, vertebrate hosts, and of arboviruses are discussed in relation to zoogeographic divisions
<p class="Style15">Untuk perencanaan Pelita II dalam bidang kesehatan, diperlukan keterangan2 dasar dari penduduk. Pada bulan September dan Desember 1972, diadakan survey Rumah Tangga untuk mengumpulkan data mengenai gambaran penyakit dan kebutuhan masyarakat akan pelayanan kesehatan. Daerah yang disurvey ialah Jawa dan Luar Jawa, yang meliputi:</p> <ol><li>Daerah urban dengan fasilitas kesehatan dan komunikasi yang cukup.</li><li>Daerah rural dengan fasilitas kesehatan dan komunikasi yang cukup.</li><li>Daerah rural dengan fasilitas kesehatan dan komunikasi yang kurang.</li></ol> <p class="Style14">Wawancara dan pemeriksaan kesehatan dilakukan oleh tenaga2 dokter dan Mahasiswa kedokteran tingkat terakhir. Sejumlah 21.036 rumah tangga disurvey, yang terdiri dari 111.689 penduduk.</p> <p class="Style14">Dalam survey ini didapati 5547 orang sakit dalam waktu 1 bulan terakhir, atau 5,0% dari penduduk yang disurvey.</p> <p class="Style14">Menurut golongan umur, didapati bahwa anak2 dan orang tua yang banyak terserang penyakit : rate ialah 8,4 per 1.000 bayi, 8,0 per 1.000 anak berumur 1-4 tahun, 7,5 per 1.000 orang berumur 45 - 49 tahun dan 11,4 per 1.000 orang berumur 50 tahun keatas, sedangkan rate kesakitan dari golongan umur 10 -19 tahun hanya 2,0 per 1.000 orang.</p> <p class="Style13">Penyakit yang terbanyak diderita ialah radang alat pernapasan bagian atas 8,8 penyakit kulit 6,4, tuber-culosa paru2 5,2 dan radang alat pernapasan bagian bawah 3,7 per 1.000 penduduk.</p> <p class="Style14">Pada anak2 dibawah umur lima tahun, penyakit radang akut dan gangguan gizi adalah yang terbanyak. Pada golongan umur 45 tahun keatas, penyakit tuberculosa dan cardiovaseular meningkat dibandingkan dengan golongan umur yang lebih muda. %</p> <p class="Style14">Menurut keadaan daerah, rate penyakit didapati berbeda-beda, antara 2,8 per 100 penduduk di Gowa dan Pangkep (strata III) dan 9,4 per 100 penduduk di Asahan dan Tanah Karo (strata II).</p
A survey of hypertension rates and blood pressure values were undertaken from urban and rural population of various ethnic groups, namely: Bataks (North Sumatra); Sundanese and Jakarta (West-Java); Javanese (Central Java) and Dayaks (East Borneo). Five thousand two hundred and forty individuals were covered in the study, comprising 2562 males and 2678 females. There were no significant differences of hypertension rates between the urban and rural areas, and between the ethnic groups. Using WHO classification for hypertension it was found that under 35 years the hypertension rates was 5% or less. From 35 to 44 years the rates increased to 8% - 10%, while after 45 years it increased to 20% or more. At age 45 years or more the ratio of hypertension was 18,5%, salt consumption among Dayaks is mentioned as some of the factors which contribute to hypertension. Being a metropolitan city, Jakarta has significantly higher rates of hypertension then elsewhere.
Salah satu program dari Rencana Pembangunan Nasional Lima tahun adalah peningkatan dan perluasan usaha pertanian, terutama didaerah subur dan berpenduduk tipis di Sumatera, Kalimantan dan Sulawesi yang disertai dengan pelaksanaan usaha transmigrasi kedaerah ini dari daerah berpenduduk padat Jawa, Madura, Bali dan Lombok. Untuk mengetahui keadaan fllariasis didaerah tersebut pertama ini, maka dalam bulan April 1972 telah diperiksa 240 transmigran dari Bali dan 282 penduduk Sulawesi yang hidup berdampingan dalam dua kampung yang terpencil yaitu Tanalanto dan Masi didistrik Parigi, Sulawesi Tengah. Parigi dikenal endemis terhadap fllariasis sedangkan di Bali dimana transmigran berasal, tidak dilaporkan adanya penyakit ini. Dari hasil penelitian tersebut dapat di-kemukakan : daerah transmigrasi Parigi, Sulawesi Tengah adalah endemis terhadap fllariasis yang disebabkan oleh Brugia malayi, periodik nokturna.timbulnya fllariasis diantara transmigran berhubungan erat dengan lamanya mereka berada didaerah endemis inibaik pada transmigran maupun pada penduduk asli, tidak nyata adanya perbedaan frekwensi penyakit menurut jenis kelamin.(4) Frekwensi penyakit ini pada transmigran terlihat menonjol pada golongan umur 10-49 tahun, sedangkan pada penduduk asli pada semua golongan umur.walaupun keadaan intensitas infeksi dari penyakit ini pada kedua golongan penduduk di Tanalanto, hampir sama, namun pada transmigran terdapat dengan microfilaraemia dan dengan gejala klinis fllariasis yang lebih ringan dibanding dengan penduduk asli
Geographic Distribution of Arbovirus Antibodies in Indigenous Human Populations in the Indo-Australian Archipelago
Sera from lifetime residents in 16 localities of the Indo-Australian archipelago and adjacent areas were tested for hemagglutination-inhibition antibody against four alphaviruses (Sindbis, Getah, chikungunya, and Ross River) and for neutralizing antibody against six flaviviruses (dengue 2 and 3, Japanese encephalitis, Murray Valley encephalitis, Kunjin, and Edge Hill). Mosquito collections were carried out in some of the localities to study vector relationships to distribution of the arbovirus antibodies. Antibodies specific to Sindbis and Getah viruses were rare except in north Australia. Chikungunya virus-specific antibody was highly prevalent in localities of the Oriental zoogeographic region and Wallacea, rare in west New Guinea, and absent in north Australia. Age distribution of chikungunya antibody suggested that the antibody last occurred in most Indonesian localities about 30 years ago. Ross River virus-specific antibody was confined to localities of the Australian zoogeographic region. Antibodies reacting to dengue 2 and 3 viruses occurred in high frequency in the entire area of the archipelago. Antibodies specific to Murray Valley encephalitis and Kunjin viruses were also widespread although at a very low frequency. Japanese encephalitis virus-specific antibody was highly prevalent in areas west of Wallace's Line while it was absent in areas east of the line with the exception of Lombok. Antibody to Edge Hill virus was rare and confined to the Australian zoogeographic region. The distribution of arthropod vectors, vertebrate hosts, and of arboviruses are discussed in relation to zoogeographic divisions