625 research outputs found

    A katolikus autonómia megvalósításának problémái Magyarországon a 19. század közepétől a 20. század fordulójáig = The problems of the establishment of catholic autonomy in Hungary from the second half of the 19th century to the turn of the 20th century

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    A kutatás elsődleges feladata volt, hogy az adott korszak szellemi, egyházi és politikatörténeti kontextusában vizsgálja a jelzett problémát. Ezzel - szándéka szerint - historikusabb, s így a történelmi valósághoz inkább közelítő megvilágításba kívánta helyezni a lassan százötven éve megkerült vagy aktuálpolitikai érdekeknek megfelelően értelmezett témát. Az autonómia-probléma kiemelésére azért volt szükség, mert ez az a találkozási pont, melyben a Katolikus egyház és az államhatalom prominensei közti bonyolult kapcsolatrendszer nézetünk szerint jól megragadható volt. Kutatásaink során, a könyvészeti anyagokon kívül, az Országos Levéltár vonatkozó állagai mellett több egyházi archívum anyagát is felhasználtuk. Ilyenek az Esztergomi Prímási, a Kalocsai Érseki, a Pécsi és a Veszprémi püspöki levéltárak. A pályázat benyújtásakor a fő cél az volt, hogy folytatva a PhD. értekezésem fő témáját, előkészítsek egy kötetet és az egyetemi oktatói-kutatói habilitációt. Ez utóbbi beterjesztése várhatóan még ez évben megtörténik a Pécsi Tudományegyetemen. A munka kötet formájában előreláthatólag a Magyar Egyháztörténeti Munkaközösség Kiadói Alapítvány kiadásában lát majd napvilágot 2008-ben. E mellett a kutatás témájával kapcsolatban a pályázati periódusban 10 tanulmányt publikáltam, illetve van közlés alatt, közöttük kettőt külföldön és 3 konferencia előadást tartottam, ebből egyet a határon túl. | The main aim of the research was to examine the defined relationship in the spiritual, canonical and political?historical context of the particular era. With this we aim to put this topic in a more historical light. The emphasizing of the autonomy?problem was important, because this is the meeting?point, where the complicated relationship between the catholic higher clergy and the state power can be mostly grasped. In the course of our research, beside the bibliographical references, we applied the referential materials of the National Archives and other ecclesiastic archives, such as the primatial archives in Esztergom, the archiepiscopal archives in Kalocsa, the episcopal archives in Pécs and Székesfehérvár. The main aim at the presentation of the competition was , continuing the topic of my PhD. thesis, to prepare a book and a habilitation. Tlast one would be presented at the University of Pécs this year. The study will probably come out in a volume in the publication of the Publisher Foundation of the Hungarian Church?Historical Association (Magyar Egyháztörténeti Munkaközösség Kiadói Alapítvány) in 2008. Besides, in relation to the topic of my research I have published, or in press 10 studies ? among them two in abroad - and held 3 lectures, one in abroad during the above mentioned period

    "Hogyan lehet szeretni a hazát?" : Zadravetz István egy interjúja és két szentbeszéde Szeged - Alsóváros 1919 január - május

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    Before turning to the subject matter of our paper, the relevant biographical aspects need to be mentioned, such as the 1919 period of his career. Through his interview given to Gyula Juhász in late January 1919, we also examine his relation to the secular and ecclesiastic radical movements that were emerging at the time. Then, two of his sermons are inspected with the intention of establishing Zadravecz’s possible answer to our titular question. Lastly, the above sources are interpreted with regard to his presumed criterion and value system, and to his view on man and society. Reflecting on the later ideological developments of the Horthy era, the above are extended to how his ideas can be viewed as an early articulation of the Christian-national program that later became known as the ‘Szeged thought’

    Figuring “Sleeping Beauty”: Metamorphosis of a Literary and Cultural Trope in European Fairy Tales and Medicine, c. 1350-1700

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    This thesis takes an interdisciplinary approach to a recurrent cultural trope: the figure of the sleeping beauty. Sleeping beauties are young women—paradigms of femininity, paragons of virtue and physical perfection—who lose consciousness and become comatose and catatonic, for prolonged periods. In this unnatural state, these female bodies remain intact: materially incorrupt, aesthetically unblemished. Thus can the body of the sleeping beauty be defined as an enigma and a paradox: a nexus of competing and unanswered questions, uniquely worthy of investigation. This thesis examines the metamorphoses of the figure of the sleeping beauty in literature and medicine between c.1350 and 1700 in order to interrogate the enduring aesthetic and epistemological fascination that she exercises in different contexts: her potency to entrance, her capacity to charm, in both literary and philosophical realms. The widespread presence of the sleeping beauty in literature and art, as well as in the broader social sphere, over the centuries, indicates the figure’s important and ongoing cultural role. Central to this role is the figure’s dual nature and functionality. On the one hand, conceptualized as allegories, sleeping beauties act as receptacles for a complex matrix of patriarchal fears, desires and beliefs about the female body in general, and the virgin and maternal bodies in particular. On the other hand, understood as material or bodily entities, sleeping beauties make these same ideological questions incarnate. Sleeping beauties are, therefore, signs, treated as material bodies, a tension which this thesis explores. As such, they are prime subjects for cross-disciplinary correlational study and historicist analysis: vehicles for comparison and dialogue between literature, medicine, and religion on the issues of power and passivity, sexuality and gender difference, mortality and beauty, nature and the unnatural or supernatural. Sleeping beauties negotiate the boundaries of human desire for, and capacity for belief in, miracles and wonders

    Ketogenictherapy in serious mental illness: emerging evidence

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    [Extract] We have read the recent review article on the potential application of induced ketosis in psychiatry by Morris et al. (Morris et al., 2020) with great interest and shared enthusiasm. It is quite encouraging to see that others are recognizing the exciting potential of the ketogenic diet and other ketogenic therapies in the treatment of serious mental disorders. As with all research, however, it is important to be aware of what existing evidence is already accumulated. This is particularly pertinent as such published evidence further strengthens the case for induced ketosis in psychiatry proposed as “food for thought” (Morris et al., 2020). In this Commentary, we aim to fill this gap by providing a brief overview of the published preclinical and clinical evidence that clearly supports the advancement of ketogenic therapies in a variety of psychiatric disorders, especially in psychosis (Figure 1)

    Analiza obrazovne strategije Nacionalnog vijeća mađarske nacionalne manjine (MNT) u Vojvodini

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    Our present work is part of a longer research project on the political aspects of the Hungarian minority’s institutional system in Vojvodina, Serbia. In this paper, we consider the educa-tional concepts of the present National Council of the Hungarian Ethnic Minority (MNT II) as our starting point. The coordinative language use of minority communities is generally ac-cepted today. According to language-policy examinations, it is important to facilitate this lan-guage use by the educational system. The particular conditions and the effectiveness of its re-alization are more complex issues: they need a so-called horizontal perspective of policies. The political measures are largely dependent on, for example, the regional characteristics of the particular minority situation. Coordinative bilingualism is a stated goal to reach, concern-ing both majority and minority societies. However, it can be realized in the block and in the periphery by differing methods. This difference is a major internal cut-off point of the current challenges facing the MNT II. Regarding the competences and resources of the local munici-palities, differing tools are at disposal. In the first part of the present work, we summarize the goals of the MNT II’s educational strategy (OS) and the conclusions that can be drawn so far. After this, our paper aims at pre-senting the wider, so-called regional economic-political framework of the MNT’s education strategy and the minority political discourse connected to the elements that have been realized so far. In the second section, we focus on the limitations (structural deficiencies) of the insti-tutionally achievable education policies of the MNT, while in the third section the main issue is the relation between efficiency and the tactical and strategic debates that originate from the internal struggles of minority politics. In the fourth and last chapter, we sum up the lessons of the usual and long unrevised practice of the majority-principled decision-making in education politics.Ovaj je rad dio opsežnijeg znanstvenog projekta koji se bavi političkim aspektima institucion-alnog sustava mađarske manjine u Vojvodini, u Srbiji. U ovom se radu kao početna točka razmatraju obrazovni koncepti trenutnog Nacionalnog vijeća mađarske nacionalne manjine (MNT II). Danas je općeprihvaćena koordinativna jezična upotreba manjinskih zajednica. Prema istraživanjima jezične politike, tu je jezičnu upotrebu potrebno ugraditi u obrazovni sustav. Konkretni uvjeti i učinkovitost provedbe puno su složenija pitanja: za njih je potrebna takozvana horizontalna perspektiva politika. Političke su mjere u velikoj mjeri ovisne o re-gionalnim karakteristikama pojedine manjinske situacije. Koordinativni bilingvizam je jedan od zacrtanih ciljeva, a odnosi se i na većinske i na manjinske zajednice. Međutim, on se može provoditi i u središtu i na periferiji različitim metodama. Ova je razlika glavno unutarnje sjecište različitih izazova s kojima se Vijeće suočava. Što se tiče kompetencija i resursa lokal-nih općina, na raspolaganju su im različiti alati. U prvom se dijelu rada sažimaju ciljevi obra-zovne strategije Nacionalnog vijeća i zaključci koji se do sada mogu donijeti. Nakon toga, u radu se iznosi širi, tzv. regionalni gospodarsko-politički okvir obrazovne strategije Nacional-nog vijeća i manjinski politički diskurs koji je povezan s do sada realiziranim elementima. U drugom se dijelu rad bavi ograničenjima (strukturnim nedostatcima) institucionalno provedi-vih obrazovnih politika Nacionalnog vijeća, dok se u trećem dijelu rado i odnosu između učinkovitosti i taktičkih i strateških debata koje proizlaze iz unutarnjih previranja u manjin-skim politikama. U četvrtom, posljednjem dijelu sumiraju se pouke iz uobičajene i dugo neizmijenjene prakse donošenja odluka o obrazovnoj politici temeljenih na principu većine

    The gut microbiome in psychosis from mice to men: a systematic review of preclinical and clinical studies

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    The gut microbiome is rapidly becoming the focus of interest as a possible factor involved in the pathophysiology of neuropsychiatric disorders. Recent understanding of the pathophysiology of schizophrenia emphasizes the role of systemic components, including immune/inflammatory and metabolic processes, which are influenced by and interacting with the gut microbiome. Here we systematically review the current literature on the gut microbiome in schizophrenia-spectrum disorders and in their animal models. We found that the gut microbiome is altered in psychosis compared to healthy controls. Furthermore, we identified potential factors related to psychosis, which may contribute to the gut microbiome alterations. However, further research is needed to establish the disease-specificity and potential causal relationships between changes of the microbiome and disease pathophysiology. This can open up the possibility of. manipulating the gut microbiome for improved symptom control and for the development of novel therapeutic approaches in schizophrenia and related psychotic disorders

    Machine Learning for Stress Monitoring from Wearable Devices: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Introduction. The stress response has both subjective, psychological and objectively measurable, biological components. Both of them can be expressed differently from person to person, complicating the development of a generic stress measurement model. This is further compounded by the lack of large, labeled datasets that can be utilized to build machine learning models for accurately detecting periods and levels of stress. The aim of this review is to provide an overview of the current state of stress detection and monitoring using wearable devices, and where applicable, machine learning techniques utilized. Methods. This study reviewed published works contributing and/or using datasets designed for detecting stress and their associated machine learning methods, with a systematic review and meta-analysis of those that utilized wearable sensor data as stress biomarkers. The electronic databases of Google Scholar, Crossref, DOAJ and PubMed were searched for relevant articles and a total of 24 articles were identified and included in the final analysis. The reviewed works were synthesized into three categories of publicly available stress datasets, machine learning, and future research directions. Results. A wide variety of study-specific test and measurement protocols were noted in the literature. A number of public datasets were identified that are labeled for stress detection. In addition, we discuss that previous works show shortcomings in areas such as their labeling protocols, lack of statistical power, validity of stress biomarkers, and generalization ability. Conclusion. Generalization of existing machine learning models still require further study, and research in this area will continue to provide improvements as newer and more substantial datasets become available for study.Comment: 50 pages, 8 figure