17 research outputs found

    Summary of physical oceanography during RV BIPO INAPESCA cruise along the west coast of Baja California peninsula (July-September 2014)

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    Depth, temperature, and conductivity were recorded with a SeaBird SB11 CTD equipped with a Seabird-43 Dissolved Oxygen sensor during a RV Bipo Inapesca cruise between 15th July and 5th September 2014. The net primary production (NPP; mg C·m−2·d−1) was downloaded from the Ocean Productivity website of the Oregon State University (http://www.science.oregonstate.edu/ocean.productivity/index.php), obtained from remote sensor with a spatial resolution of 9x9 km and processed using the Vertical Generalized Production Model (VGPM). The minimum oxygen depth was considered as the depth where the dissolved oxygen concentration is less than 0.5 ml·l−1 and the mixed layer depth (MLD) was calculated from field data by a 2-layer model. The wet volume of zooplankton of each sample was estimated according to the method of displaced volume

    Abundance of zooplankton groups collected along the west coast of Baja California peninsula (July-September 2014)

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    This dataset contains the values of abundance of zooplankton collected along the west coast of Baja California on board the R/V BIPO INAPESCA within the Mexican Economic Exclusive Zone (EEZ) off the West Coast of Baja California Peninsula, between 32.5º to 23º N and 110º to 122º W covering 5173 nautical miles (nmi). The Bongo system (505-μm of mesh opening) with two cylindrical-conical nets (2 m in length and 71 cm of mouth diameter), each one fitted with a flexible cod end and a General Oceanics flowmeter at the mouth for the determination of the volume of water filtered was used to collect the zooplankton organisms from surface to 200 m depth. Diurnal and nocturnal samples were fixed in 4% formalin buffered with a saturated solution of sodium borate. Samples for taxonomic composition were sub-sampled when the total sample exceeded 20 ml, and at least two sub-samples of 10 ml were examined using a Carl Zeiss Stemi stereomicroscope (Horwood and Driver, 1976). The zooplankton organisms were identified to functional taxonomic groups and its abundance was standardized using the formula (N = n / Vf); where N is the standardized number of organisms in 1 m3; n is the number of organisms in the sample and Vf, is the volume of water filtered in each trawl

    Physical oceanography during RV BIPO INAPESCA cruise along the west coast of Baja California peninsula (July-September 2014)

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    Depth, temperature, and conductivity were recorded with a SeaBird SB11 CTD equipped with a Seabird-43 Dissolved Oxygen sensor from 16th July to 3rd September 2014 along the west coast of Baja California peninsula. The vertical profiles of temperature (T), salinity (S) and, dissolved oxygen (OD) were averaged every 1 dBar and visualised with the Ocean Data View software (Schlitzer, 2018)

    Physical variables and abundance of zooplankton groups along the west coast of Baja California peninsula (July-September 2014)

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    Physical oceanography variables and abundance of zooplankton community were analysed along the west coast of Baja California peninsula (July-September 2014). This study is related to 'The Blob', a mass of unusually warm ocean water registered off North America's west coast, setting sea temperature records and scrambling weather and ecosystems. This dataset contains the depth, temperature, and conductivity that were recorded from surface to a maximum depth using a SeaBird SB11 CTD equipped with a Seabird-43 Dissolved Oxygen sensor. Values of numerical abundance data analyzed from Northwest coast of Baja California peninsula to the South of Baja California. Zooplankton were collected using the Bongo nets with 505-μm of mesh opening from surface to 200 m depth. The Bongo system consists of two cylindrical-conical nets (2 m in length and 71 cm of mouth diameter) each one fitted with a flexible cod end and a General Oceanics flowmeter at the mouth for the determination of the volume of water filtered. Samples were fixed in 4% formalin buffered with a saturated solution of sodium borate. The zooplankton organisms were identified to functional taxonomic groups and its abundance was standardized using the formula (N = n / Vf); where N is the standardized number of organisms in 1 m3; n is the number of organisms in the sample and Vf, is the volume of water filtered in each trawl

    Abundance of mesopelagic fish collected at different layers of the water column around the Iberian Peninsula

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    This file contains data on number of mesopelagic fish collected during the CSIC-SUMMER survey carried out in October 2020 in five zones around the Iberian Peninsula: Balears and Alboran in the western Mediterranean, and Cadiz, Lisboa and Galicia. The scientific midwater trawl Mesopelagos fitted with a Multisampler placed at the end of the net was used to collect specimens at seven layers of the water column. The depth of the net was controlled by a SCANMAR system. In the five zones, hauls were carried out day and night to study vertical migration patterns of mesopelagic fish. A total of 24 deployments were made (between 0 and 700 m), of which 14 discriminated water layers. Additionally, to more accurately sample the epipelagic layers 7 night hauls were restricted to the first 210 m of the water column. Fish were identified and counted on board, or frozen for later processes in the laboratory. These data were obtained within the European Union Project 'Sustainable Management of Mesopelagic Resources' (SUMMER, Grant Agreement 817806) as funded by the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme

    Standard length, weight, body mass-density and swim bladder measurements data of Cyclothone species from the IDEADOS, BATHYPELAGIC and SUMMER cruises in Northeast Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea

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    Size, weight, body-mass density and swim bladder measurements of Cyclothone species were analysed during the IDEADOS (Mediterranean Sea, July 2010), Bathypelagic (North Atlantic, May-June 2018) and SUMMER (Mediterranean Sea and North Atlantic, September-October 2020), and cruises. Specimens used to analyse size and weight were collected with a Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS-1 m²), fitted with nets of 0.2 mm mesh size. Hauls were carried out between the surface and 700-800 m, in IDEADOS and SUMMER cruises, and up to 1800 m in Bathypelagic survey. Measures of body mass-density were obtained during the SUMMER cruise from specimens collected using the “Mesopelagos” midwater trawl. Finally, measures of swim bladder length, height, width, angle, volume, equivalent spherical radius, and aspect ratio were measured from specimens collected during the Bathypelagic cruise

    Standard length, dry weight and swim bladder percentage gas of Cyclothone species from the IDEADOS and BATHYPELAGIC cruises in Northeast Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea

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    This dataset contains the values of standard length, dry weight and percentage of gas in Cyclothone spp. swim bladder collected during the Bathypelagic cruise (from 24th May to 23rd June 2018) and IDEADOS cruise (from 12th to 29th July 2010). Samples were obtained with MOCNESS-1 m² (with a 0.2 mm mesh size) zooplankton net during day and night hauls carried out from the surface to 700-800 m during IDEADOS cruise, and to 1800 m in the Bathypelagic cruise. Fish for size frequency distribution were preserved in 5% buffered formalin, and those for weight measurements were frozen at 20°C, and then dry weight (DW, ±0.01 g) and standard length (SL, ±0.01 mm) were measured at the land-based laboratory. The percentage of area with fat tissue (%FT) in Cyclothone spp. swim bladders was linearly regressed against standard length (mm). The maximum percentage area with gas (%GAS) was then estimated as 100-%FT

    Swim bladder measurements of Cyclothone species from the BATHYPELAGIC cruise to the Northeast Atlantic Ocean

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    This dataset contains the values of swim bladder length, height, width, angle, volume, equivalent spherical radius and aspect ratio in Cyclothone spp. measured during the Bathypelagic cruise (from 24th May to 23rd June 2018). Samples were obtained with MOCNESS-1 m² (with a 0.2 mm mesh size) zooplankton net during day and night hauls carried out from the surface to 1800 m depth. MOCNESS samples were preserved in 5% buffered formalin. Standard length (SL, ±0.01 mm) and swim bladder (Sw, ±0.001 mm) on each specimen were measured at the land-based laboratory. A stereo microscope fitted with an ocular micrometer was used to obtain the swim bladder length height, width, and swim bladder angle (θ). The longitudinal axis was set as the reference line for the angle (θ =0) with positive values over the reference line. Swim bladder volumes were approximated using the formula for a prolate spheroid, the equivalent spherical radius was estimated following the equation of Strasberg (1953) and the aspect ratio was calculated as the ratio of the height to the longitudinal semi-axis

    Body mass-density of Cyclothone species from the SUMMER cruise in Northeast Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea

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    This dataset contains the values of standard length, wet weight, and body mass-density of Cyclothone spp. measured during the SUMMER cruise (from 30th September to 18th October 2020). Samples were obtained with the “Mesopelagos” midwater trawl during day and night hauls carried out from the surface to 700-800 m depth. The Mesopelagos net consists of graded-mesh netting starting with 30 mm and ending with 4 mm. The specimens collected were immediately identified and measured (standard length, SL). Body-mass densities (ρ) of Cyclothone braueri, C. pseudopallida, C. pygmaea and C. pallida were determined on board via a density-bottle method (Greenlaw, 1977; Mikami et al., 2000)