38 research outputs found
With the increasing public awareness of healthy lifestyles, the demand for organic agricultural products, especially vegetable products, currently continues to increase day by day. Therefore, it will require sufficient information and knowledge about the characteristics, preferences, and satisfaction of consumers with the attributes of organic vegetables to be used as a basis for understanding the needs for organic vegetable consumption. This study aimed to analyze consumer preference for organic vegetables and consumer satisfaction with organic vegetables' attributes. The data collection method used was the purposive sampling technique through distributing questionnaires to 140 respondents. Meanwhile, the data processing methods used in this study were conjoint analysis, IPA, and CSI. The result of the calculation of customer preference in this research showed that packaging was an indicator that had the highest level of importance at 28.99 percent. Hence, it needs innovation by describing the benefits and nutritional content of organic vegetables to increase consumer appeal. Based on IPA results, two attributes' performance had the highest priority to be improved by the company: affordable organic vegetable prices and organic vegetable discounts. Thus, the discounted prices are needed on specific days such as the Anniversary of the company and holidays. Furthermore, based on the CSI calculation results, the customers were considered satisfied with the performance of Top Buah Segar Cibubur.
Keywords: CSI, IPA, customer preference, customer satisfaction, organic vegetable
The Application of Planned Behavior Theory on Millennial Generation Behavior in Purchasing Organic Vegetables
Organic vegetables are vegetables that are cultivated without any synthetic chemicals. Organic vegetables production volume is increasing every year. There are expectations of increasing the annual production of organic food in order to provide safe and healthy food. Vegetables are one of the basic needs that are consumed daily in Indonesia. This research aimed to analyze the buying behavior of organic vegetables of millennials in Bandung city. This research tried to expand the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) by adding one variable, namely health consciousness, in the research framework. The methods used in this research were Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the AMOS approach. The number of samples used were was 208 respondents. Millennial Generation respondents consisted of people aged 21 to 40 years old whoi were selected with a sampling technique of quota sampling. Data collection was conducted by distributing online questionnaires using Google Forms via WhatsApp and Instagram. The results showed that the purchase intention variable had the most dominant influence toward on buying behavior. While health consciousness, which was an addition of the Theory of Planned Behavior modification, had the most dominant effect toward perceived behavioral control.
Keywords: theory of planned behavior, health consciousness, organic vegetables, millennial generation, structural equation modeling (SEM
Effect of Social Media Usage and Entrepreneurial Marketing on The Success of Organic Processed Food MSMEs
Social media usage has been adopted by entrepreneurs to achieve business goal. The rise of health and sustainability awareness has opened an opportunity for entrepreneurs to start organic processed food business despite the marketing obstacle about organic food informations. Entrepreneurial marketing is considered as a more appropriate marketing approach for limitation in MSMEs which is able to indicate the perception of entrepreneurs who use the social media for overcoming technology and information resource obstacle. This study was aimed to analyze effect of social media usage and entrepreneurial marketing on the success of organic processed food MSMEs based on the analysis of Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) with Partial Least Squares (PLS). The study was conducted on Komunitas Organik Indonesia in Greater Jakarta (Jabodetabek) with a total population of 400 MSMEs from December 2020 to March 2021. The data source used was primary data that was collected from 63 respondents which use social media on business need. Based on result of SEM analysis, the use of social media for marketing, customer relation and service, and accessibility of information have a significant and positive effect on entrepreneurial marketing. Moreover, social media usage for marketing and information accessibility was found to have direct effect which could increase business success even though social media usage for customer relation and service did not affect business success. On the other hand, entrepreneurial marketing also directly influenced business success. The use of social media together with application of entrepreneurial marketing will have effect on business success.
Keywords: social media usage, entrepreneurial marketing, business success, MSMEs of organic processed food, SEM-PL
This research aimed to analyze the effect of social media toward organic food literacy, analyze the effect of organic food literacy on consumer purchase intention, and analyze the components of the AISAS model that most effectively influence purchase intention. This research involved 150 respondents. Respondents consisted of social media followers from organic food sales account selected by the purposive sampling quota technique. Data collection was carried out using an online questionnaire. The SEM-PLS analysis in this research was used to analyze the direct effect of social media on organic food literacy and purchase intention based on AISAS modeling. The results of this study indicate that social media has a significant and positive effect on the attention, interest and search factors of consumers. Attention has a significant and positive effect on organic literacy from consumers. The share factor is the factor that most influences the consumer's buying interest of organic product. The influence given from influencer, friend, and relative testimonials is considered the most effective in attracting other consumers to buy. This can be used as a reference for organic product business people to find the most effective marketing method to attract consumer buying interest.
Keywords: social media, organic food literacy, purchase intention, aisas model, SEM-PL
Faktor-faktor yang Memengaruhi Pengambilan Keputusan Terhadap Klaim Jaminan Hari Tua: Factors Affecting Decision Making Against an Old Age Benefit Claim
The tendency of early claim insurance for old age benefit (JHT) causes concerns in the social security system in Indonesia because it can eliminate regeneration in old age and reduce the living standards of the elderly. This study aims to analyze the influence of participants regarding the perception of JHT policy, participants trust information intervention, social security literacy, and financial literacy on the decision to postpone JHT's claims. The design of this study is a quantitative and cross-sectional study to analyze various variables in the study. The sample was determined by random sampling, with 229 respondents being active participants of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan but were detected to have made JHT claims before. Google Form is used to collect questionnaire data that is further analyzed descriptively and using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the help of SMARTPLS software. Analysis using SMARTPLS obtains findings that variables that significantly positively affect decisions to delay claims are perception variables regarding policies, trust, information interventions, and social security literacy. Whereas financial literacy has no significant effect on the decision to postpone claims. Furthermore, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan as Indonesian social security bodies needs to conduct massive socialization and education to increase participants' trust and knowledge about the benefits of the JHT program if deposited so that JHT can return to the proper philosophy.
Keywords: decision making, employment social security, information intervention, policy perceptio
Analisis Program Tanggung Jawab Sosial PT Bumi Konawe Mining
PT Bumi Konawe Mining (PT BKM) is a company with foreign (Russian) investment which is working in the field of excavating and trading nickel ore overseas. So far, the company owns only one nickel location, in Indonesia, which is on Wowonii island, South East Sulawesi. Company works through local consultant, because the owners are foreigners, which makes local community not to trust them. So the aim of this research is to reveal which level of the CSR mechanism fails to deliver proper result. The goals for the research are (1) To analyze the satisfaction of local community members by CSR program of PT. BKM; (2) To analyze the Corporate Image of PT BKM; (3) To maintain analysis of multi- cultural communication of PT. BKM and describe its mechanism on the basis of their carrying out the CSR program. The method used in this research is quantitative method with a questionnaire and supported by qualitative data obtained through direct interviews with data and respondents using the guide questions. The tool used for the quantitative section is SEM (structural equation modeling). Research using significance level 0.05 or 95% confidence level. The research results reflect that age significantly influence CSR Program, which means the younger the age, the bigger the satisfaction of the CSR Program. CSR program also significantly influence the Perception of the Company by local community members, if the value of a CSR program increases, so does the value of Perception of the Company by local community members, represented by the Image of the Company and Cross-Cultural Communication
Developing Strategies for an Integrated Ecotourism Business: Study Case in Olele Village, Bone Bolango Regency, Gorontalo, Indonesia
The marine ecotourism of Olele Village is one of Indonesia's tourist destinations with business potential. However, it has not been developed optimally, especially in the fields of facilities and infrastructure, also community empowerment programs. This study aimed to design policy strategies and analyzed integrated ecotourism management policies for local economic development. This study used primary and secondary data. The sampling techniques used snowball and purposive sampling. The data analysis used SWOT, BOS (Blue Ocean Strategy), and BMC (Business Model Canvas) analyses. The SWOT analysis results showed several formulations of ecotourism development strategies related to integrated ecotourism management, the collaboration between stakeholders, and the training and development of MSMEs (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises). The results of the BOS analysis recommended strategic innovations to make it easier to compete with competitors. Strategic innovations such creating new demand and supply, increasing tourist facilities, lowering prices, and creating markets. The results of the BMC analysis showed the perspective of opportunities and investment strategies in ecotourism-based local economic programs. It can be concluded that policies and strategies to optimize marine ecotourism utilize coral reefs as regional icons for snorkeling and diving activities.
Keywords: blue ocean strategy, business, ecotourism, local economy, SWO
Strategi Pengembangan Bisnis Makanan Olahan Pada Pesantren Peserta Program OPOP di Kabupaten Bogor
Islamic boarding school in Indonesia have enormous potentials and roles in terms of numbers, students and resources. This reality is the background for the implementation of the One Islamic Boarding School One Product (OPOP) program for the West Java Provincial Government. This study aims to formulate a strategy for the development of the food industry in Islamic boarding schools participating in the OPOP program in Bogor Regency. The data source for this study comes from primary and secondary data. Primary data were obtained through interviews and filling out questionnaires by Islamic boarding school business managers, similar business actors, OPOP program assistants and expert respondents. Secondary data was obtained from BPS, related agencies and other related literature. The data obtained was then analyzed using SWOT analysis and blue ocean strategy. The results of the research show that the pesantren business has many weaknesses but has various opportunities to be developed. The blue ocean analysis illustrates that the pesantren business is still in tight business competition (red ocean). Therefore, pesantren are recommended to make strategic changes through market penetration and product development strategies. Market penetration strategy through increasing product branding, Islamic boarding school business networks and utilizing e-commerce technology. The product development strategy is carried out through product innovations typical of Islamic boarding schools.
Keywords: blue ocean strategy, economic independence, OPOP, pesantre
The Effect of Interaction and Website Environment Qualities Towards E-Loyalty: A Case Study of Online Hotel Booking in Indonesia and Thailand
Online hotel booking is a method of renting a place through the internet. Today, people are becoming users of online rental properties as a necessity and lifestyle. Indonesia and Thailand as tourist destinations indicates a large population that have potential for the online property rental business. This study will analyze the effect of interaction quality, website environment quality that have an impact on customer loyalty toward this product. In this study, data was collected by a questionnaire that has been given, the authors used Structural Equation Modeling - Partial Least Square (SmartPLS) for analysis method. This method is used to determine the number of online hotel booking users so that it will be seen how the effect of interaction quality and website environment quality has an impact on e-Loyalty. In both countries, the quality of interaction has a positive and significant effect on e-loyalty. The coefficient value of the interaction quality parameter in the Indonesian model has a value of 0.544. The results of the significance test showed that the website environment quality variable had a positive and significant effect in both countries with T-statistical test results > 1.96 and P-values less than 0.05. This study examines the direct relationship between the interaction quality and website environment quality variables on e-Loyalty. This research can be additional knowledge related to the determinants of loyalty found in online businesses. In addition, the research also provides a new picture of the online lodging service business in two countries, namely Indonesia and Thailan
Praktik Kewirausahaan Sosial Berbasis Pembangkit Listrik Mikrohidro di Perdesaan Jawa Barat (Studi Kasus Desa Cintamekar, Kabupaten Subang)
Cintamekar Village in Subang Regency, West Java, is a peripheral village. One of its characteristics is that residents, especially from the pre-prosperous group, have not been able to enjoy the flow of electricity even though the source of electricity through the PLN is available. To overcome this, on the initiative of the non-governmental organization Initiative of People's Business and Economy (IBEKA), a PLTMH was built in the area. The purpose of this research is to analyze factors affecting social entrepreneurship for community empowerment. The research uses a quantitative approach which is reinforced by qualitative data. The method chosen is the case study. The results showed that overall, the formation of cooperatives was able to build social entrepreneurship by creating social benefits (score 3.6), carrying out social innovation (score above 3), and making the economic activities of citizens more diverse (score 4). The results from the data processed using SEM-PLS show that the development of social entrepreneurship is influenced by the characteristics of technology and innovation by 0.281. The communication channel factor is more dominant in influencing the development of social entrepreneurship, which is equal to 0.487. These two factors explained that there was a change of 33.3 percent in social entrepreneurship. The social entrepreneurship practice of the PLTMH program in Cintamekar Village is built on the characteristics of technology, innovation, and communication channels. The characteristics of technology and innovation as well as communication channels are the driving force for residents to change their social entrepreneurship behavior. This means that the technological and innovation characteristics of the PLTMH development and the communication channels used, through cooperative institutions, have a good impact on the development of social entrepreneurship in Cintamekar Village, and as a whole, they are able to build social entrepreneurship in creating social innovation and economic activities