181 research outputs found

    Hubungan Pola Makan Dengan Risiko Hipertensi Dalam Kehamilanpada Ibu Hamil Trimester III Di Puskesmas Rejosari Pekanbaru Tahun 2017

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    Hypertension In Pregnancy (HDK) is one of the vascular disorders that occur during pregnancy or at the time of postpartum mother. It is said pregnancy hypertension when blood pressure ? 140/90 mmHg caused by pregnancy itself, has the potential to cause serious disorders in pregnancy. This study aims to determine the relationship of diet with risk of hypertension in pregnancy in third trimester pregnant women at Rejosari Puskesmas Pekanbaru Year 2017. This research method using this type of research is quantitative with cross sectional design. This research was conducted at Puskesmas Rejosari Pekanbaru in May 2017. Sampling technique using consecutive sampling, population in this study amounted to 2304 people and the sample amounted to 96 people. Data collection using primary data using questionnaire. Data processing done by SPSS include editing, coding, scoring and tabulating. The analysis used is univariate and bivariate. Result of research got majority of responden have good diet as much 58 people (60,4%) and do not risk pregnancy hypertension counted 75 person (78,1%). Based on the result of bivariate analysis, there is correlation between eating pattern and hypertension in Puskesmas Rejosari Pekanbaru Year 2017 with Pvalue that is 0,00

    Geoelectric field and seismicity changes preceding the 2018 Mw6.8 earthquake and the subsequent activity in Greece

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    A strong earthquake of magnitude Mw6.8 struck Western Greece on 25 October 2018 with epicenter at 37.515N 20.564E. It was preceded by an anomalous geolectric signal that was recorded on 2 October 2018 at a measuring station 70km away from the epicenter. Upon analyzing this signal in natural time, we find that it conforms to the conditions suggested (e.g., Entropy 19 (2017) 177) for its identification as precursory Seismic Electric Signal (SES) activity. Notably, the observed lead time of 23 days lies within the range of values that has been very recently identified (Entropy 20 (2018) 561) as being statistically significant for the precursory variations of the electric field of the Earth. Moreover, the analysis in natural time of the seismicity subsequent to the SES activity in the area candidate to suffer this strong earthquake reveals that the criticality conditions were obeyed early in the morning of 18 October 2018, i.e., almost a week before the strong earthquake occurrence, in agreement with earlier findings. Furthermore, upon employing the recent method of nowcasting earthquakes, which is based on natural time, we find an earthquake potential score around 80% just before the occurrence of this Mw6.8 earthquake. In the present version of this manuscript, we also report the recording of additional SES activities after the occurrence of the latter earthquake and update the results until 16 April 2019.Comment: 10 pages including 12 figures. The major part of this paper appeared in Entropy 20 (2018) 882 by the first two author
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