623 research outputs found

    On the motivation and foundation of Natural Time Analysis: Useful remarks

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    Since its introduction in 2001, natural time analysis has been applied to diverse fields with remarkable results. Its validity has not been doubted by any publication to date. Here, we indicate that frequently asked questions on the motivation and the foundation of natural time analysis are directly answered if one takes into account the following two key points that we have considered as widely accepted when natural time analysis was proposed: First, the aspects on the energy of a system forwarded by Max Planck in his Treatise on Thermodynamics. Second, the theorem on the characteristic functions of probability distributions which Gauss called Ein Sch\"ones Theorem der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung (beautiful theorem of probability calculus). The case of the time series of earthquakes and of the precursory Seismic Electric Signals are discussed as typical examples.Comment: 17 pages including 1 figure. Accepted for publication in Acta Geophysica on May 1, 201

    Hubungan Pola Makan Dengan Risiko Hipertensi Dalam Kehamilanpada Ibu Hamil Trimester III Di Puskesmas Rejosari Pekanbaru Tahun 2017

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    Hypertension In Pregnancy (HDK) is one of the vascular disorders that occur during pregnancy or at the time of postpartum mother. It is said pregnancy hypertension when blood pressure ? 140/90 mmHg caused by pregnancy itself, has the potential to cause serious disorders in pregnancy. This study aims to determine the relationship of diet with risk of hypertension in pregnancy in third trimester pregnant women at Rejosari Puskesmas Pekanbaru Year 2017. This research method using this type of research is quantitative with cross sectional design. This research was conducted at Puskesmas Rejosari Pekanbaru in May 2017. Sampling technique using consecutive sampling, population in this study amounted to 2304 people and the sample amounted to 96 people. Data collection using primary data using questionnaire. Data processing done by SPSS include editing, coding, scoring and tabulating. The analysis used is univariate and bivariate. Result of research got majority of responden have good diet as much 58 people (60,4%) and do not risk pregnancy hypertension counted 75 person (78,1%). Based on the result of bivariate analysis, there is correlation between eating pattern and hypertension in Puskesmas Rejosari Pekanbaru Year 2017 with Pvalue that is 0,00
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