116 research outputs found

    Memory, post-socialism and the media: nostalgia and beyond

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    While research on the mediation of post-socialist memory has gained momentum in recent years, the field remains fragmented and limited to small-scale case studies, with little attempt to develop a more general reflection on the nature of the processes investigated. Engagement with the wider literature on the mediatisation of memory has been limited as well, with research typically applying established conceptual frameworks rather than using post-socialist materials to generate new theoretical insights. Given the state of the field, this article has a double aim. First, it offers a critical review of the main trends in existing research, focussing on four key issues: the fascination with nostalgic modes of remembering, the dominance of national frames of analysis, the lack of research on the mediation of personal and vernacular remembering, and the privileging of descriptive over explanatory modes of analysis. Second, the article outlines a new agenda for the field, and proposes three main research trajectories. The first pays attention to how mediated memories at local and national levels interact with transnational processes of remembering the Cold War, the second focusses on to the intersections between personal and public modes of mediated remembering, and the last moves the discussion from description to explanation, using comparative approaches to advance explanations of different modes of mediated post-socialist memories

    Azimuthally Invariant Mueller-Matrix Tomography of Linear Dichroism of Polycrystalline Networks of Biological Tissues

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    Abstract. The results of applying algorithms for reconstructing parameters characterizing the linear dichroism of networks of biological crystals in differentiating changes in optical anisotropy associated with varying degrees of severity of pathology – pre-cancerous (atrophy and endometrial polyp) states of the cervix are presented

    Influence of hyperinsulinemic – hypoglycemic clamp on induced platelet aggregation, activity of physiological anticoagulants and von Willebrand factor in patients with type I diabetes

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    Background. Intensive glycaemic control in patients with type 1 diabetes may lead to hypoglycaemia and thus increase the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events. Platelet activation and/or decreased activity of physiological anticoagulants during hypoglycaemia may play a role in the development of cardiovascular or cerebrovascular complications. Aims. To investigate induced platelet activity, the activity of physiological anticoagulants, and the von Wil-lebrand factor in patients with type 1 diabetes with the hyperinsulinaemichypoglycaemic clamp. Materials and methods. We examined 11 patients with type 1 diabetes without macro- and micro-vascular complications (6 males, 5 females, mean age 23.7 5.6 years, A1C 9.7 2.3%). Induced platelet aggregation, physiological anticoagulants (Protein S, Protein C, AT III) and the von Willebrand factor were studied at hyperglycaemic, euglycaemic, and hypoglycaemic stages during use of a hyperinsulinaemic (1 mU/kg/min) hypoglycaemic clamp. Results. Platelet aggregation to all agonists increased significantly during the hypoglycaemic stage, compared with the euglycaemic or hyperglycaemic stages. There was no difference in platelet aggregation between the euglycaemic and hyperglycaemic stages. Platelet aggregation to all agonists increased during the hypoglycaemic stage compared with the hyperglycaemic period: thrombin23.9%, ADP30.6%, arachidonic acid30.9%, collagen69.4% and ristocetin70.8%. During hypoglycaemia aggregation to ADP, arachidonic acid and collagen remained within normal limits (upper quartile); aggregation to thrombin was significantly above normal limits and aggregation to ristocetin remained significantly below lower limits. Protein S activity was significantly increased during hypoglycaemia compared with euglycaemia (p = 0.046) and hyperglycaemia (p = 0.046). Antithrombin-III activity decreased significantly at the euglycaemic and hypoglycaemic stages, compared with the hyperglycaemic period, but still remained significantly elevated above the upper threshold. Protein C and vWf activity did not change significantly. Conclusions. In patients with type 1 diabetes platelet aggregation and protein S activity increases significantly at the hypoglycaemic stage of the hyperinsulinaemichypoglycaemic clamp. Platelet activation is directly caused by hypoglycaemia and not by decreasing glucose levels. Increased protein S activity is a compensatory response to platelet activation

    Влияние содержащих диизобутилдитиофосфинат собирателей на флотацию сульфидов и металлов платиновой группы из медно-никелевых руд

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    The paper provides the results of studies into the interaction between Aerophine 3418A, Aerophine 3416, Aerophine 3406 collectors containing diisobutyldithiophosphinate (DIP) and butyl xanthate with pyrrhotite, pentlandite, platinum black and cooperite by measuring the electrode potential and determination of DIP adsorption forms using extractive spectrophotometry. It was shown that butyl xanthate reduces the electrode potential to a greater extent compared to DIP-containing collectors. The value of electrode potential shift in the presence of collectors decreases in the series: platinum black — pentlandite — pyrrhotite. Pentlandite and pyrrhotite interaction with butyl xanthate and DIP mainly results in the molecular form - disulfide - formed on the surface with the order of magnitude less compounds of collectors with metal. After interaction with butyl xanthate, the sorption layer on cooperite contained disulfide only, and both disulfide and the complex compound of Pt with DIP in case of DIP. It was demonstrated that DIP containing collectors have a greater collecting and hydrophobic ability than butyl xanthate to pentlandite and pyrrhotite. The maximum hydrophobic effect is achieved using a composition of butyl xanthate and DIP-containing collectors with a ratio of 1:1 to 1:3. The effectiveness of Aerophine 3416 and butyl xanthate compositions in bulk flotation of platinum-copper-nickel ores is shown.Приведены результаты исследований взаимодействия содержащих диизобутилдитиофосфинат (ДИФ) собирателей — Aerophine 3418A, Aerophine 3416, Aerophine 3406 — и бутилового ксантогената с пирротином, пентландитом, платиновой чернью и куперитом путем измерения электродного потенциала и определения форм адсорбции ДИФ методом экстракционной спектрофотометрии. Показано, что бутиловый ксантогенат в большей степени снижает электродный потенциал по сравнению с ДИФ-содержащими собирателями. Величина сдвига электродного потенциала в присутствии собирателей уменьшается в ряду: платиновая чернь — пентландит — пирротин. При взаимодействии пентландита и пирротина как с бутиловым ксантогенатом, так и с ДИФ выявлено преимущественное образование на поверхности молекулярной формы — дисульфида — и на порядок меньшее количество соединений собирателей с металлом. В составе сорбционного слоя на куперите после взаимодействия с бутиловым ксантогенатом определено наличие только дисульфида, а в случае ДИФ — и дисульфида, и комплексного соединения Pt с ДИФ. Установлена большая собирательная и гидрофобизирую-щая способность ДИФ-содержащих собирателей, по сравнению с бутиловым ксантогенатом, к пирротину и пентлан-диту. Максимальный гидрофобизирующий эффект достигается при использовании композиции бутилового ксантогената и ДИФ-содержащих собирателей с соотношением от 1:1 до 1:3. Показана эффективность применения композиций Aerophine 3416 и бутилового ксантогената при коллективной флотации платиноидно-медно-никелевых руд


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    A technique for U, Cr, Fe, Ni, Mo, Mn determination in chloride melts by X-ray fluorescence analysis was developed. Optimal X-ray spectra excitation and registration conditions were experimentally selected. Using this technique of salt melts chemical analysis, the uranium concentration was determined before and after corrosion tests. The corrosion rate of various metal alloys samples was estimated

    Targeted disruption of the extracellular polymeric network of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms by alginate oligosaccharides

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    Acquisition of a mucoid phenotype by Pseudomonas sp. in the lungs of cystic fibrosis (CF) patients, with subsequent over-production of extracellular polymeric substance (EPS), plays an important role in mediating the persistence of multi-drug resistant (MDR) infections. The ability of a low molecular weight (Mn=3200 g mol-1) alginate oligomer (OligoG CF-5/20) to modify biofilm structure of mucoid Pseudomonas aeruginosa (NH57388A) was studied in vitro using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) with Texas Red (TxRd®)-labelled OligoG and EPS histochemical staining. Structural changes in treated biofilms were quantified using COMSTAT image-analysis software of CLSM z-stack images, and nanoparticle diffusion. Interactions between the oligomers, Ca2+ and DNA were studied using molecular dynamics simulations (MDS), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC). Imaging demonstrated that OligoG treatment (>0.5%) inhibited biofilm formation, demonstrating a significant reduction in both biomass and biofilm height (17.8 vs. 5.5 µm; P <0.05). TxRd®-labelled oligomers readily diffused into established (24 h) biofilms. OligoG treatment (≥2%) induced alterations in the EPS of established biofilms; significantly reducing the structural quantities of sugar residues, and extracellular (e)DNA (P <0.05) with a corresponding increase in nanoparticle diffusion (P<0.05) and antibiotic efficacy against established biofilms. ITC demonstrated an absence of rapid complex formation between DNA and OligoG and confirmed the interactions of OligoG with Ca2+ evident in FTIR and MDS. The ability of OligoG to diffuse into biofilms, potentiate antibiotic activity, disrupt DNA-Ca2+-DNA bridges and biofilm EPS matrix highlights its potential for the treatment of biofilm-related infections

    Local particle densities and global multiplicities in central heavy ion interactions at 3.7, 14.6, 60 and 200A GeV

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    Японские календарные системы и их влияние на приметы и традиции народа

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    The article discusses main calendar systems that have been used in Japan for centuries: wareki (from the founding of the state), gengō (from the motto of the reigning emperor), seireki (Gregorian calendar). Much attention is paid to the sexagenary cycle of jukkan-junishi, which came to Japan from China and had a great influence on the traditional views of the Japanese. The authors also dwell on the Japanese weekly cycles shichi-yō and roku-yō used in Japan and consider the omens and customs associated with them.В статье рассматриваются основные календарные системы, которые использовались в Японии на протяжении веков: варэки (от основания государства), гэнгō (по девизу правящего императора), сэйрэки (григорианский календарь). Большое внимание уделено шестидесятилетнему циклу дзюккан-дзюниси, пришедшему в Японию из Китая и оказавшему большое влияние на традиционные представления японцев. Авторы также останавливаются на применяемых в Японии недельных циклах сити-ё̄ и року-ё̄ и рассматривают связанные с ними приметы и обычаи