32 research outputs found

    Signature of an antiferromagnetic metallic ground state in heavily electron doped Sr2FeMoO6

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    Sr2_{2}FeMoO6_6 is a double perovskite compound, known for its high temperature behavior. Combining different magnetic and spectroscopic tools, we show that this compound can be driven to rare example of antiferromagnetic metallic state through heavy electron doping. Considering synthesis of Sr2x_{2-x}Lax_xFeMoO6_6 (1.0 x\le{x}\le 1.5) compounds, we find compelling evidences of antiferromagnetic metallic ground state for xx\ge1.4. The local structural study on these compounds reveal unusual atomic scale phase distribution in terms of La, Fe and Sr, Mo-rich regions driven by strong La-O covalency: a phenomenon hitherto undisclosed in double perovskites. The general trend of our findings are in agreement with theoretical calculations carried out on realistic structures with the above mentioned local chemical fluctuations, which reconfirms the relevance of the kinetic energy driven magnetic model.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Recepcija filma kao umjetničkog djela kod učenika srednje škole

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    Film je medij koji se pojavljuje svuda oko nas. S obzirom na to da pripada jednoj od umjetnosti, očekujemo da ponešto znamo o njemu kao umjetničkom djelu. Vodeći se tim, provedeno je istraživanje u srednjim školama u Osijeku na uzorku od 148 učenika koji su naknadno raspodijeljeni na tri skupine uzoraka. Gimnazije, umjetničke i četverogodišnje strukovne u Osijeku, te je ispitana recepcija filma kao umjetničkog djela u srednjim školala. Ispitanici su anketom pokazali na koji način recipiraju, odnosno prihvaćaju film. Također vodeći se postavljenom hipotezom da se filmovi ne mogu i ne smiju recipirati svaki na isti način, ovom anketom je istraženo koliko su učenici sposobni i koliko svjesno ili nesvjesno analiziraju film kao likovno djelo. Anketa je pokazala predviđen rezultat. Dakle, učenici srednje Škole primijenjene umjetnosti i dizajna su u najvećem broju analizirali i recipirali film kao likovno umjetničko djelo, dok su učenici srednje strukovne škole i gimnazije pokazali nešto slabiju recepciju. Također je proveden i nastavni sat o umjetničkom filmu koji je sadržavao dvije vježbe pomoću kojih su učenici mogli uvidjeti vrlo veliku sličnost između analize likovnog djela i umjetničkog filma, te da je primjerice likovna umjetnost često i utjecala na filmsku umjetnost. Analiza istraživanja je ponudila dokaze o tome koliko je bitno znanje da bismo imali bolje i potpunije razumijevanje

    Duchenne muscular dystrophy: Case report and review

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    Muscular dystrophies are a clinically and heterogeneous group of disorders that all share clinical characteristics of progressive muscular weakness. Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is the most common X-linked disorder muscular dystrophy in children, presenting in early childhood and characterized by proximal muscle weakness and calf hypertrophy in affected boys. There is usually delay in motor development and eventually wheelchair confinement followed by premature death from cardiac or respiratory complications. Treatment modalities such as corticosteroid therapy and use of intermittent positive pressure ventilation have provided improvements in function, ambulation, quality of life, and life expectancy, although novel therapies still aim to provide a cure for this devastating disorder. Here, we present a case of DMD in a 12-year-old male with remarkable clinical and oral manifestations

    Ab initio study of low-dimensional quantum spin systems Sr<SUB>3</SUB>NiPtO<SUB>6</SUB>, Sr<SUB>3</SUB>CuPtO<SUB>6</SUB>, and Sr<SUB>3</SUB>NiIrO<SUB>6</SUB>

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    Using first-principles density-functional theory, we investigate the electronic structure of a class of low-dimensional quantum spin systems of general formula A3BB'O6, which has drawn recent interest due to their intriguing magnetic properties. In our study, we focus on three compounds, Sr3NiPtO6, Sr3CuPtO6, and Sr3NiIrO6, formed from choices of 3d and 5d elements in B and B' sites. Based on our first-principles calculations, we derive the magnetic interactions and the single-ion anisotropies, which define the underlying spin models for the three compounds. Our study forms the basis for future investigations

    Cerebriform intradermal nevus presenting as cutis verticis gyrata with multiple cellular blue nevus over the body: A rare occurrence

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    Cutis verticis gyrata is a rare skin condition characterized by swelling of scalp resembling the surface of the brain. Various conditions, like cerebriform intradermal nevus (CIN), may give rise to this clinical entity. Moreover, its association with cellular blue nevus is extremely rare and has not been reported so far. Here, we report a 28-year-old male with a huge cerebriform swelling covering the occipital lobe along with multiple nodules all over the body. Histology of the scalp swelling showed solitary or clusters of nevus cells in the dermis and from the body lesions showed features of cellular blue nevus. The diagnosis of CIN with cellular blue nevus was confirme

    Long-pulsed Nd: YAG laser and intense pulse light-755 nm for idiopathic facial hirsutism: A comparative study

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    Background: Hirsutism means excessive terminal hair growth in a female in male pattern distribution. Perception of hirsutism is subjective. Permanent laser hair reduction is a slow process taking many sessions and tracking of improvement parameters is tedious. Hence, a lot of confusion still exists regarding the type of laser most beneficial for treatment. Aim: The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness and safety profile of long-pulsed Nd: YAG laser (1064 nm) and intense pulse light (IPL)-755 nm in management of idiopathic facial hirsutism. Settings and Design: Open-labelled, randomly allocated experimental study. Subjects and Methods: The study included 33 cases of idiopathic facial hirsutism. Patients were randomly divided into Group A, treated with long-pulsed Nd: YAG laser and Group B, treated with IPL-755 for a total of six sessions at 1 month interval. Statistical Analysis: Chi-square test was used in Medcalc® version 9.0 and the test of significance was taken to be P75% reduction in hair) after six sessions in Group A was seen in fourteen (93.33%) out of fifteen patients, whereas in Group B, it was seen only in three (16.66%) out of eighteen patients. In Group A, erythema was seen in 26.67%, perifollicular edema and hyperpigmentation in 13.33% each. In Group B, erythema was seen in 50% patients, perifollicular edema in 16.67% and hyperpigmentation in 38.89% patients. Conclusions: Long-pulsed Nd: YAG Laser (1064 nm) is better than IPL-755 nm in terms of safety and effectiveness in the management of idiopathic facial hirsutism