179 research outputs found

    Spatial ordering due to hydrodynamic interactions between a pair of colliding drops in a confined shear

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    Pair-collision between viscous drops in a confined shear is numerically simulated to show that the confinement drastically alters the trajectories of the drops. In contrast to free shear, drops here move towards the centerline giving rise to a zero cross-stream separation and a net stream-wise separation. The latter varies as inverse of capillary number and the cube of the confinement (distance between the walls). The stream-wise separation does not depend on the initial positions of the drops. An analytical theory for the phenomenon is offered

    Rain Attenuation at 13 GHz over a LOS Terrestrial Link Situated in Indian Eastern Sector

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    Demographics and follow up of post partum intra-uterine copper device in tertiary hospital in Delhi, India

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    Background: Increasing unintended pregnancies in post partum females in our country warrants urgent attention towards prevalence and efficacy of contraceptives used. This study was done to determine the prevalence of PPIUCD and its follow up in patients attending tertiary hospital in New Delhi, India.Methods: Prospective study was carried in Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dr. RML Hospital, New Delhi, India over a period of 1 year from July 2017 to July 2018. The awareness and prevalence of PPIUCD was assessed. At 6 week follow-up visit, women with PPIUCD were asked for symptoms of unusual vaginal discharge, irregular or heavy bleeding per vagina, and any expulsions if noticed. All the data was recorded and assessed.Results: Out of 1478 deliveries, 1372 were eligible for PPIUCD. 335 patients got PPIUCD inserted. 295 patients were followed as 40 patients were lost to follow up. 79.3% women did not have any complaints. 11.8%, 1% and 7.4% women had only heavy menstrual bleeding, only lower abdominal pain and both symptoms respectively. Spontaneous expulsion rate was noted in one patient (0.3%) at 6 weeks. IUCD removal was done in 4 patients who had complaints of pain and heavy menstrual bleeding not conservatively managed.Conclusions: PPIUCD insertion is a safe, convenient and effective method of contraception. The benefits of contraception immediately after delivery outweigh disadvantage of complications. Antenatal counseling and follow up in hospitals need to be strengthened to increase awareness and acceptability of PPIUCD

    Impact of Deadly Dust Storms (May 2018) on Air Quality, Meteorological, and Atmospheric Parameters Over the Northern Parts of India

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    The northern part of India, adjoining the Himalaya, is considered as one of the global hot spots of pollution because of various natural and anthropogenic factors. Throughout the year, the region is affected by pollution from various sources like dust, biomass burning, industrial and vehicular pollution, and myriad other anthropogenic emissions. These sources affect the air quality and health of millions of people who live in the Indo‐Gangetic Plains. The dust storms that occur during the premonsoon months of March–June every year are one of the principal sources of pollution and originate from the source region of Arabian Peninsula and the Thar desert located in north‐western India. In the year 2018, month of May, three back‐to‐back major dust storms occurred that caused massive damage, loss of human lives, and loss to property and had an impact on air quality and human health. In this paper, we combine observations from ground stations, satellites, and radiosonde networks to assess the impact of dust events in the month of May 2018, on meteorological parameters, aerosol properties, and air quality. We observed widespread changes associated with aerosol loadings, humidity, and vertical advection patterns with displacements of major trace and greenhouse gasses. We also notice drastic changes in suspended particulate matter concentrations, all of which can have significant ramifications in terms of human health and changes in weather pattern

    Robust generation of transgenic mice by simple hypotonic solution mediated delivery of transgene in testicular germ cells

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    Our ability to decipher gene sequences has increased enormously with the advent of modern sequencing tools, but the ability to divulge functions of new genes have not increased correspondingly. This has caused a remarkable delay in functional interpretation of several newly found genes in tissue and age specific manner, limiting the pace of biological research. This is mainly due to lack of advancements in methodological tools for transgenesis. Predominantly practiced method of transgenesis by pronuclear DNA-microinjection is time consuming, tedious, and requires highly skilled persons for embryo-manipulation. Testicular electroporation mediated transgenesis requires use of electric current to testis. To this end, we have now developed an innovative technique for making transgenic mice by giving hypotonic shock to male germ cells for the gene delivery. Desired transgene was suspended in hypotonic Tris-HCl solution (pH 7.0) and simply injected in testis. This resulted in internalization of the transgene in dividing germ-cells residing at basal compartment of tubules leading to its integration in native genome of mice. Such males generated transgenic progeny by natural mating. Several transgenic animals can be generated with minimum skill within short span of time by this easily adaptable novel technique

    Effectiveness of training programme on oil palm technologies for multipurpose extension officers of state department of horticulture, Andhra Pradesh

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    Effectiveness of training programme on oil palm technologies for multipurpose extension officers of state department of horticulture, Andhra Prades

    An efficient method for generating a germ cell depleted animal model for studies related to spermatogonial stem cell transplantation

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    Background: Spermatogonial stem cell (SSC) transplantation (SSCT) has become important for conservation of endangered species, transgenesis and for rejuvenating testes which have lost germ cells (Gc) due to gonadotoxic chemotherapy or radiotherapy during the prepubertal phase of life. Creating a germ cell-depleted animal model for transplantation of normal or gene-transfected SSC is a prerequisite for such experimental studies. Traditionally used intraperitoneal injections of busulfan to achieve this are associated with painful hematopoietic toxicity and affects the wellbeing of the animals. Use of testicular busulfan has been reported recently to avoid this but with a very low success rate of SSCT. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a more efficient method to achieve higher SSCT without any suffering or mortality of the animals. Methods: A solution of busulfan, ranging from 25 μg/20 μl to 100 μg/20 μl in 50 % DMSO was used for this study. Each testis received two diagonally opposite injections of 10 μl each. Only DMSO was used as control. Germ cell depletion was checked every 15 days. GFP-expressing SSC from transgenic donor mice C57BL/6-Tg (UBC-GFP) 30Scha/J were transplanted into busulfan-treated testis. Two months after SSCT, mice were analyzed for presence of colonies of donor-derived SSC and their ability to generate offspring. Results: A dose of 75 μg of busulfan resulted in reduction of testis size and depletion of the majority of Gc of testis in all mice within 15 days post injection without causing mortality or a cytotoxic effect in other organs. Two months after SSCT, colonies of donor-derived Gc-expressing GFP were observed in recipient testes. When cohabitated with females, donor-derived offspring were obtained. By our method, 71 % of transplanted males sired transgenic progeny as opposed to 5.5 % by previously described procedures. About 56 % of progeny born were transgenic by our method as opposed to 1.2 % by the previously reported methods. Conclusions: We have established an efficient method of generating a germ cell-depleted animal model by using a lower dose of busulfan, injected through two diagonally opposite sites in the testis, which allows efficient colonization of transplanted SSC resulting in a remarkably higher proportion of donor-derived offspring generation

    Interpreting the HI 21-cm cosmology maps through Largest Cluster Statistics -- I: Impact of the synthetic SKA1-Low observations

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    We analyse the evolution of the largest ionized region using the topological and morphological evolution of the redshifted 21-cm signal coming from the neutral hydrogen distribution during the different stages of reionization. For this analysis, we use the "Largest Cluster Statistics" - LCS. We mainly study the impact of the array synthesized beam on the LCS analysis of the 21-cm signal considering the upcoming low-frequency Square Kilometer Array (SKA1-Low) observations using a realistic simulation for such observation based on the 21cmE2E-pipeline using OSKAR. We find that bias in LCS estimation is introduced in synthetic observations due to the array beam. This in turn shifts the apparent percolation transition point towards the later stages of reionization. The biased estimates of LCS, occurring due to the effect of the lower resolution (lack of longer baselines) and the telescope synthesized beam will lead to a biased interpretation of the reionization history. This is important to note while interpreting any future 21-cm signal images from upcoming or future telescopes like the SKA, HERA, etc. We conclude that one may need denser uvuv-coverage at longer baselines for a better deconvolution of the array synthesized beam from the 21-cm images and a relatively unbiased estimate of LCS from such images.Comment: 37 pages, 14 figures, text revised, Comments are welcom

    An integrated transcriptomics-guided genome-wide promoter analysis and next-generation proteomics approach to mine factor(s) regulating cellular differentiation

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    Differential next-generation-omics approaches aid in the visualization of biological processes and pave the way for divulging important events and/or interactions leading to a functional output at cellular or systems level. To this end, we undertook an integrated Nextgen transcriptomics and proteomics approach to divulge differential gene expression of infant and pubertal rat Sertoli cells (Sc).Unlike, pubertal Sc, infant Sc are immature and fail to support spermatogenesis. We found exclusive association of 14 and 19 transcription factor binding sites to infantile and pubertal states of Sc, respectively, using differential transcriptomics-guided genome-wide computational analysis of relevant promoters employing 220 Positional Weight Matrices from the TRANSFAC database. Proteomic SWATH-MS analysis provided extensive quantification of nuclear and cytoplasmic protein fractions revealing 1,670 proteins differentially located between the nucleus and cytoplasm of infant Sc and 890 proteins differentially located within those of pubertal Sc. Based on our multi-omics approach, the transcription factor YY1 was identified as one of the lead candidates regulating differentiation of Sc.YY1 was found to have abundant binding sites on promoters of genes upregulated during puberty. To determine its significance, we generated transgenic rats with Sc specific knockdown of YY1 that led to compromised spermatogenesis

    An integrated transcriptomics-guided genome-wide promoter analysis and next-generation proteomics approach to mine factor(s) regulating cellular differentiation.

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    Differential next-generation-omics approaches aid in the visualization of biological processes and pave the way for divulging important events and/or interactions leading to a functional output at cellular or systems level. To this end, we undertook an integrated Nextgen transcriptomics and proteomics approach to divulge differential gene expression of infant and pubertal rat Sertoli cells (Sc).Unlike, pubertal Sc, infant Sc are immature and fail to support spermatogenesis. We found exclusive association of 14 and 19 transcription factor binding sites to infantile and pubertal states of Sc, respectively, using differential transcriptomics-guided genome-wide computational analysis of relevant promoters employing 220 Positional Weight Matrices from the TRANSFAC database. Proteomic SWATH-MS analysis provided extensive quantification of nuclear and cytoplasmic protein fractions revealing 1,670 proteins differentially located between the nucleus and cytoplasm of infant Sc and 890 proteins differentially located within those of pubertal Sc. Based on our multi-omics approach, the transcription factor YY1 was identified as one of the lead candidates regulating differentiation of Sc.YY1 was found to have abundant binding sites on promoters of genes upregulated during puberty. To determine its significance, we generated transgenic rats with Sc specific knockdown of YY1 that led to compromised spermatogenesis