258 research outputs found

    Association between Human Papillomavirus and Urological Cancers: An Update

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    Human papillomavirus (HPV) is currently the most common sexually transmitted pathogen in the world, and as such imposes a substantial global burden due to its oncogenic properties. The significant association of HPV with anogenital and head and neck carcinomas is well established. In terms of urological malignancies, only the association between HPV and penile cancer has been well defined; despite close anatomical proximity, its relationship with bladder, prostate, kidney, and testicular cancers has remained unclear. With technological advances in the nucleic acid amplification tests used to detect HPV over the last two decades, the results of new studies have led to the need to reexamine these relationships. This brief review aims to evaluate the association between urological malignancies and HPV infection in light of recent data

    Best of Two Worlds: Efficient, Usable and Auditable Biometric ABC on the Blockchain

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    In [1], two generic constructions for biometric-based non-transferable Attribute Based Credentials (biometric ABC) are presented, which offer different trade-offs between efficiency and trust assumptions. In this paper, we focus on the second scheme denoted as BioABC-ZK that tries to remove the strong (and unrealistic) trust assumption on the Reader R, and show that BioABC-ZK has a security flaw for a colluding R and Verifier V. Besides, BioABC-ZK lacks GDPR-compliance, which requires secure processing of biometrics, for instance in form of Fuzzy Extractors, as opposed to (i) storing the reference biometric template aBio in the user\u27s mobile phone and (ii) processing of biometrics using an external untrusted R, whose foreign manufacturers are unlikely to adjust their products according to GDPR. The contributions of this paper are threefold. First, we review efficient biometric ABC schemes to identify the privacy-by-design criteria for them. In view of these principles, we propose a new architecture for biometric ABC of [2] by adapting the recently introduced core/helper setting of [3]. Briefly, a user in our modified setting is composed of a constrained core device (a SIM card) inside a helper device (a smart phone with dual SIM and face recognition feature), which -as opposed to [1]- does not need to store aBio. This way, the new design provides Identity Privacy without the need for an external R and/or a dedicated hardware per user such as a biometric smart card reader or a tamper proof smart card as in current hardware-bound credential systems. Besides, the new system maintains minimal hardware requirements on the SIM card -only responsible for storing ABC and helper data-, which results in easy adoption and usability without loosing efficiency, if recently introduced key derivation scheme of [4] and the modified ABC scheme of [2] are employed together. As a result, a total overhead of 500 milliseconds to a showing of a comparable non-biometric ABC is obtained instead of the 2.1 seconds in [1] apart from the removal of computationally expensive pairings. Finally, as different from [1], auditing is achieved via Blockchain instead of proving in zero-knowledge the actual biometric matching by the user to reveal malicious behavior of R and V

    Generic Constructions of Biometric Identity Based Encryption Systems

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    Abstract. In this paper, we present a novel framework for the generic construction of biometric Identity Based Encryption (IBE) schemes, which do not require bilinear pairings and result in more efficient schemes than existing fuzzy IBE systems implemented for biometric identities. Also, we analyze the security properties that are specific to biometric IBE namely anonymity and identity privacy. Considering these notions, we present generic constructions for biometric IBE and ID-KEM based on weakly secure anonymous IBE schemes, error correcting codes and generic conversion schemes. Finally, we describe concrete applications of our framework and compare them to the existing fuzzy IBE systems in terms of time complexity

    Development of textile nanocomposites with thermal energy storage capability

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    In this study, textile-based composites with dynamic heat storage capability have been designed and developed, in addition to their existing passive insulation capacity. First, poly(acrylonitrile) (PAN) shell and poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG1000 or PEG1500) cores are produced by coaxial electrospinning. Then, these are incorporated into felt based composite structures, which demonstrate enhanced thermal properties as well as buffering function against temperature changes in the environment. The thermal energy absorption and release capacities of the felt composites including PAN-PEG1000 or PAN-PEG1500 nanowebs are measured as high as 81 Jg-1 between 33 ºC and 46 ºC, and 48 Jg-1 between 46 ºC and 54 ºC respectively. Felt composites, combined with PAN-PEG nanowebs offer forthcoming production applications in the field of dynamic thermal management in various industries.

    Utjecaj nastavničkog vodstva na postignuća učenika i njihovo zadovoljstvo: metaanaliza studija objavljenih u Turskoj i Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama

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    The growing emphasis on teacher leadership over the past decades has given rise to studies that investigate the direct and indirect effects on school improvement process and outcomes. This study aims to examine the effect of teacher leadership on student achievement and student satisfaction through a cross-cultural analysis of 22 published studies. The meta-analysis involved a comparison of the effects of teacher leadership on student achievement and student satisfaction in Turkey and the USA. The results indicated that the average effect of teacher leadership on student achievement is modest and positive (ES=.229), while it is strong and positive (ES=.639) on student satisfaction. The comparison between the two countries shows that the average effect of teacher leadership on student satisfaction is much stronger in Turkey than it is in the USA.Na nastavničko se vodstvo posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća stavlja sve veći naglasak, što je rezultiralo velikim brojem studija u kojima se ispituju izravni i neizravni utjecaji nastavničkog vodstva na proces unapređenja škole i ishode učenja. U ovoj se studiji ispituje utjecaj nastavničkog vodstvo na postignuća učenika i njihovo zadovoljstvo međukulturnom analizom 22 objavljene studije. Metaanalizom je obuhvaćena usporedba utjecaja nastavničkog vodstva na postignuća učenika i zadovoljstvo učenika u Turskoj i SAD-u. Rezultati pokazuju da je prosječan utjecaj nastavničkog vodstva na postignuća učenika umjeren i pozitivan (ES=0,229), a da je njegov utjecaj na zadovoljstvo učenika jak i pozitivan (ES=0,639). Usporedba dviju država pokazuje da je prosječan utjecaj nastavničkog vodstva na zadovoljstvo učenika puno veći u Turskoj nego u SAD-u

    Development of textile nanocomposites with thermal energy storage capability

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    260-268In this study, textile-based composites with dynamic heat storage capability have been designed and developed, in addition to their existing passive insulation capacity. First, poly(acrylonitrile) (PAN) shell and poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG1000 or PEG1500) cores are produced by coaxial electrospinning. Then, these are incorporated into felt based composite structures, which demonstrate enhanced thermal properties as well as buffering function against temperature changes in the environment. The thermal energy absorption and release capacities of the felt composites including PANPEG1000 or PAN-PEG1500 nanowebs are measured as high as 81 Jg-1 between 33 ºC and 46 ºC, and 48 Jg-1 between 46 ºC and 54 ºC respectively. Felt composites, combined with PAN-PEG nanowebs offer forthcoming production applications in the field of dynamic thermal management in various industries

    Peach Breeding Studies in Turkey and the Evaluation of Peach and Nectarine Hybrids

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    Peach (Prunus persica [L.] Batsch) is widely cultivated due to its easy adaptability to different ecological conditions, early fruit set and a long period of harvest. Peach cultivation extends along 30–45° North and South parallels of latitude. Around 21,638,953 tons of peaches are produced in an area of 1538,174 ha across the world. Turkey ranks sixth with a production of 637,573 tons/year in 29,092 ha area. Early fruiting habit and correlative characteristics of peaches encouraged fruit breeders to study on this fruit species. The main aims of the study are new cultivar or rootstock breeding, resistance to diseases, late ripening season, fruit quality improvement, fruit shape changes, new tree shapes, and low chilling cultivars. Breeding studies have been carried out at the Department of Horticulture at the University of Cukurova since 1990s. In these, peach and nectarine breeding programs with different aims such as late ripening, quality improvement, Sharka resistance, and low chilling cultivars were studied. In this chapter, some of the results on late ripening peach and nectarine breeding program have also been presented

    Необходимость проведения микционной цистоуретрографии для оценки взрослых кандидатов на трансплантацию почки

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    Objective. While international guidelines necessitate Voiding Cystourethrogram (VCUG) for pediatric patients, it is unnecessary for the evaluation of adult patients without urological disorders as renal transplant candidates. The objective of this study was to evaluate the results of adult candidates who underwent VCUG before transplantation and to demonstrate the necessity for this imaging. Methods. A retrospective study of the data of 1265 adult candidates who underwent VCUG before transplantation at our center, was undertaken. VUR, the presence of Postvoiding residual urine (PVR) (>100 ml), Low bladder capacity (LBC) (<100 ml), and urethral pathologies were evaluated with VCUG. Results. The mean age was 42.3 ± 1.3. The mean dialysis period was 27.8 ± 4.2 months. According to the VCUG results, 19.2% of the patients had pathological findings. On the other hand, the rate of urological disorders was only 5.1%, according to end-stage renal disease (ESRD) etiologies. VCUG outcomes indicated bilateral high-grade reflux in native kidneys in 4.4% (n = 56) of the candidates, unilateral high-grade reflux in 4.1% (n = 52), bilateral low grade reflux in 2.1% (n = 26), unilateral low-grade reflux in 2.4% (n = 30), and reflux in rejected transplanted kidney in 2.3% (n = 29). In addition, significant LBC was noted in 4.8% (n = 61), significant PVR in 1.1% (n = 14), and urethral stricture in 0.5% (n = 6) of the candidates. Conclusion. VCUG should be considered as a part of routine evaluation in adult renal transplant recipient candidates as well as in pediatric candidates, even if their ESRD etiologies are not due to urological disorders.В то время как во всех международных протоколах при подготовке к трансплантации почки в педиатрической практике потенциальным реципиентам предписано обязательно проводить микционную цисто уретрографию (МЦУГ), нет никаких указаний относительно этого перед проведением трансплантации почки взрослым пациентам без урологических нарушений. Цель: оценить результативность МЦУГ, проведенной перед трансплантацией взрослым пациентам, и необходимость использования этого метода визуализации перед операцией. Материалы и методы. Было проведено ретроспективное исследова ние данных 1265 взрослых реципиентов почки, которым выполняли МЦУГ перед трансплантацией в нашем центре. С помощью МЦУГ оценивали наличие и степень пузырно-мочеточникового рефлюкса (ПМР), остаточный объем мочи после мочеиспускания (PVR) (>100 мл), емкость мочевого пузыря (низ кая емкость мочевого пузыря <100 мл) и патологию мочеиспускательного канала. Результаты. Средний возраст пациентов составил 42,3 ± 1,3 года. В среднем пациенты находились на диализе 27,8 ± 4,2 ме сяца. По результатам МЦУГ у 19,2% пациентов были обнаружены патологические изменения. С другой стороны, урологические нарушения были причиной терминальной почечной недостаточности (ТПН) всего в 5,1% случаев. По результатам МЦУГ были выявлены двусторонний ПМР тяжелой степени в нативных почках у 4,4% (n = 56) потенциальных реципиентов, односторонний ПМР тяжелой степени – у 4,1% (n = 52), двусторонний ПМР легкой степени – в 2,1% (n = 26), односторонний ПМР легкой степени тяжести – у 2,4% (n = 30) и рефлюкс в трансплантат почки при его отторжении – у 2,3% (n = 29). Кроме того, обнаружено значительное снижение емкости мочевого пузыря у 4,8% (n = 61), значительное сниже ние PVR – у 1,1% (n = 14) и стриктура уретры – у 0,5% (n = 6) потенциальных реципиентов. Заключение. Следует рассмотреть целесообразность включения в повседневную клиническую практику МЦУГ для оценки функционального состояния мочевыводящих путей взрослых потенциальных реципиентов перед трансплантацией почки, а также реципиентов-детей, даже если ТПН не обусловлена урологическими заболеваниями