568 research outputs found


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    The fun learning in literature can be designed with the teacher perceives the students as a creative individual. Teachers did not do much doctrinal. Teacher more facilitated the students to want to know several things. Teacher guides the students to discover the answer for students’ questions. From theorists and empirical studies, literary fun learning can be designed as follows. First, using the environment as a potential medium for learning literature. For example, when appreciating a short story with a theme of peace of life, set in the countryside according to the environment students. Second, the themes that have adapted to a child's development, such as the themes of love. With the theme that the students could be invited to sit in the garden in a regular position. Students can talk at length about love, flowers, butterflies, beetles, beauty, peace, engrossing, because the problems of love are part of it. Third, a variety of learning are needed in teaching literature. To enjoy valuable religious poetry, students could be invited to the mosque or prayer room of the school. Teachers and students discussed the "taste" and relaxed about the religiosity that is contained in the poem we choose. Students couldtalk about God, revelation, book, nature, destiny, fate, and the like. Utilization background was absolutely in the learning environment. The themes that were being faced by the students in making student life easier and appreciates creative writing. Therefore, 'mood condition the students' learningwasthe key to literary fun


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    The fun learning in literature can be designed with the teacher perceives the students as a creative individual. Teachers did not do much doctrinal. Teacher more facilitated the students to want to know several things. Teacher guides the students to discover the answer for students’ questions. From theorists and empirical studies, literary fun learning can be designed as follows. First, using the environment as a potential medium for learning literature. For example, when appreciating a short story with a theme of peace of life, set in the countryside according to the environment students. Second, the themes that have adapted to a child's development, such as the themes of love. With the theme that the students could be invited to sit in the garden in a regular position. Students can talk at length about love, flowers, butterflies, beetles, beauty, peace, engrossing, because the problems of love are part of it. Third, a variety of learning are needed in teaching literature. To enjoy valuable religious poetry, students could be invited to the mosque or prayer room of the school. Teachers and students discussed the "taste" and relaxed about the religiosity that is contained in the poem we choose. Students couldtalk about God, revelation, book, nature, destiny, fate, and the like. Utilization background was absolutely in the learning environment. The themes that were being faced by the students in making student life easier and appreciates creative writing. Therefore, 'mood condition the students' learningwasthe key to literary fun

    Code Mixing of the Students’ Utterances in the Matholiul Anwar Islamic Boarding School Simo Sungelebak Karanggeneng Lamongan

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    Code mixing is the infiltration of sentence elements from one language into another in the form of words, phrases, repetitions of words or idioms. Islamic boarding school is a place that uses several languages, both in daily communication and in the teaching and learning process. The example from the Matholi'ul Anwar Simo Sungelebak Islamic boarding school, Karanggeneng Lamongan, uses two or more languages ​​in communicating, both daily and in the teaching and learning process. Data collection methods and techniques used in this study are the listening method and the interview method. The data taken for this research material is the utterance of the students of the Matholi'ul Anwar Simo Islamic boarding school with the recording technique. This study obtained results, namely (1) the types of language used by the students at the Matholi'ul Anwar Simo Islamic boarding school are Indonesian, Javanese, English, and Arabic. (2) the form of code mixing used by the students in Islamic boarding schools is the insertion of elements in the form of words: (a) nouns (nouns), (b) verbs (verbs), (c) adjectives (adjectives), ( d) pronouns (pronominals), and (e) question words. the insertion of elements in the form of phrases, the insertion of elements in the form of clauses, the insertion of elements in the form of repetition of words, and the insertion of elements in the form of expressions or idioms. 3) the factors that cause code mixing of the students of the Matholi'ul Anwar Simo Sungelebak Karanggeneng Lamongan Islamic boarding school include: (a) the presence of other speakers, (b) respect for the interlocutor, and (c) the environment

    Guanine nucleotide-dependent carboxymethylation: A pathway for aldosterone modulation of apical Na+ permeability in epithelia

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    A number of recent reviews have dealt extensively with the characteristics of epithelial Na+ channels and their classification according to level of conductance, selectivity for sodium, and sensitivity to amiloride and hormones [1 to 6, this issue]. In the present review, we will focus on Na+ transport regulation by aldosterone in terms of the biochemical pathways involved in the hormone's action on apical Na+ permeability in epithelia.Active transport of Na+ across epithelial tissues is the primary physiological process responsible for maintenance of salt balance in vertebrates. Entry of Na+ into cells at the apical membrane occurs passively by electrodiffusion through amiloride-blockable channels. Intracellular Na+ concentration remains low due to active extrusion across the basolateral membrane in exchange for K+. Aldosterone is the key hormone for long-term regulation of this process in the distal tubule of the kidney and other responsive “high resistance” model epithelia such as toad urinary bladder, frog skin, and A6 cultured cells derived from toad kidney [7, 8]. Its mode of action is complex involving a number of biochemical pathways, and some or possibly all of them ultimately increase the transepithelial Na+ transport rate. Aldosterone increases both the apical Na+ permeability and the number of basolateral pump sites albeit with different time courses and through distinct pathways [9–12].The increase of apical Na+ permeability in response to aldosterone is due to an increase in the number of open Na+ channels in this membrane with virtually no change in channel selectivity or conductance [10, 13]. Stimulation of transport begins after a lag time of 20 to 40 minutes and is maximal within four to six hours of exposure to the hormone. Aldosterone, a steroid hormone, enters cells by diffusion, is bound by an intracellular receptor, migrates to the nucleus, and gives rise to a variety of gene products commonly termed AIPs (aldosterone-induced proteins; cf. Fig. 1), which in turn lead to the various physiological responses. This scheme is supported by observations that increased Na+ transport after aldosterone is abolished by inhibitors of protein or RNA synthesis [14]. It is currently unknown whether any of the AIPs represent apical Na+ channels per se or subunits of these channels. This seems unlikely however in view of overwhelming electrical and biochemical data consistent with the idea that aldosterone stimulates channels pre-existing in the membrane [13, 15–18]. In addition, membrane targeting, channel assembly from subunits, and insertion of these complex molecules into the membrane, would likely take several hours as observed for the basolateral response where it has been demonstrated that pumps are synthesized and inserted over many hours or days [11, 12]. This would seem less plausible at the apical membrane where the more rapid initial increase in permeability occurs within 30 minutes. However, a polypeptide of Mr 70 kD, identified as a component of the Na+ channel, was shown to be induced by aldosterone [19]. Whether this polypeptide represents part of the channel or a regulatory protein is presently unknown.The sequence of events leading to increased channel density following synthesis of AIPs is not understood. However, a number of mechanisms modulate or mediate aldosterone's stimulation of apical Na+ permeability. (1) Activation of phospholipase A increases phospholipid fatty acid metabolism. (2) Methylation of apical proteins and lipids increases amiloride-sensitive Na+ transport. (3) Guanine nucleotides regulate the aldosterone-induced carboxymethylation.These pathways are not mutually exclusive and indeed may represent only a small portion of the complete picture of aldosterone's influence at the apical membrane. Each of these is considered separately below

    The Anger of the Main Character in the Perempuan Bersampur Merah Novel by Intan Adaru: A Study of Literary Psychology

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    This study aims to describe (1) the form of anger of the main character in the novel "Perempuan Bersampur Merah" by Intan Andaru and (2) the factors of anger of the main character in the novel "Perempuan Bersampur Merah" by Intan Andaru, also describe (3) the psychological impact of the main character in the novel “Perempuan Bersampur Merah” by Intan Andaru. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The subject of this research is the novel "Perempuan Bersampur Merah" by Intan Andaru. The method of data collection is done by reading and note-taking techniques. The data were analyzed by qualitative descriptive technique, which is a research procedure with descriptive data presented in the form of the author's speech in the novel "Perempuan Bersampur Merah" by Intan Andaru.. The results showed that (1) the form of anger of the main character in the novel "Perempuan Bersampur Merah" by Intan Andaru, namely the anger described by the author in the main character, anger is an expression of human emotions in venting dissatisfaction, disappointment or mistakes when there is an emotional turmoil that does not occur. controlled include revenge, curiosity, irritation, hurt and overflowing emotions (2) the factors of anger between characters in the novel "Perempuan Bersampur Merah" by Intan Andaru there are several factors, namely environmental factors, family factors, social factors. Not only that, anger also arises on the basis of feeling disappointed, irritated, disgusted and annoyed. (3) the psychological impact of the main character in the novel "Perempuan Bersampur Merah" by Intan Andaru caused several problems for the main character, namely being depressed, uncomfortable with their environment, potentially hurting themselves, interfering with children's relationships with parents, even with family, problems with friends peers, school environment, even the environment where the child lives


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    ABSTRAK Gender merupakan suatu sifat yang melekat pada kaum laki-laki dan perempuan yang dikontruksi secara sosial dan kultural. misalnya perempuan itu dikenal lemah lembut, cantik, emosional, dan keibuan, sedangkan laki-laki dianggap kuat, rasional, jantan, perkasa. Realitas gender adalah segala hal yang nyata berhubungan dengan kehidupan manusia baik laki-laki dan perempuan. Realitas gender yang dimaksud dalam penelitian ini adalah pergeseran peran antara laki- laki dan perempuan dalam hal kepemimpinan, pengambilan keputusan publik, pendidikan yang terjadi pada masyarakat Lampung Saibatin kepaksian Nyerupa di Desa Hanakau Kecamatan Sukau Kabupaten Lampung Barat. Masalah dari penelitian ini adalah: Bagaimana pergeseran realitas gender Aspek Kepemimpinan, Pengambil Keputusan dan Pendidikan pada masyarakat lampung saibatin kepaksian Nyerupa di Desa Hanakau Kecamatan Sukau Lampung Barat?, Apa saja faktor yang menyebabkan pergeseran realitas gender pada masyarakat lampung saibatin kepaksian Nyerupa di Desa Hanakau Kecamatan Sukau Lampung Barat?. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pergeseran realitas gender aspek kepemimpinan, pengambil keputusan dan pendidikan pada masyarakat lampung saibatin Kepaksian Nyerupa di Desa Hanakau Kecamatan Sukau Lampung Barat dan faktor yang menyebabkan pergeseran realitas gender pada masyarakat lampung saibatin Kepaksian Nyerupa di Desa Hanakau Kecamatan Sukau Lampung Barat. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah metode kualitatif. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan (field research) kemudian pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tiga teknik yaitu observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Subjek penelitian adalah masyarakat lampung saibatin kepaksian Nyerupa di Desa Hanakau. Hasil penelitian adanya hukum adat Lampung Saibatin kepaksian Nyerupa yang bersifat patrilineal yang sudah dipertahankan sejak lama membuat adanya ketidakadilan baik dari sektor domestik maupun publik yaitu masalah kepemimpinan, pengambil keputusan publik, dan pendidikan yang di rasakan oleh perempuan sehingga terjadi pergeseran realitas gender pada masyarakat Lampung Saibatin kepaksian Nyerupa di Desa Hanakau terhadap perempuan di Desa Hanakau pada saat sudah mulai fleksibel yaitu perempuan sudah diperbolehkan untuk bekerja tidak hanya mengurus pekerjaan rumah saja dan memperoleh pendidikan yang lebih baik dan dari segi adat budaya para perempuan telah memiliki kesempatan yang sama untuk berkiprah di ranah publik dan menjadi seorang pemimpin. Faktor penghambat dilihat dari analisis gender adalah peminggiran (Marginalisasi), penomorduaan (Subordinasi), kekerasan (Violence), beban kerja berlebihan (Multiple Burden). Faktor modernisasi dan globalisasi menjadikan dunia pendidikan mulai maju dan banyaknya perempuan- perempuan yang kuliah di universitas-universitas yang ada di Lampung dan luar Lampung memotivasi perempuan-perempuan lampung saibatin kepaksian Nyerupa di Desa Hanakau melanjutkan ke dunia pendidikan yang lebih tinggi. Kata kunci : Realitas dan Gende

    Surface Transitions for Confined Associating Mixtures

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    Thin films of binary mixtures that interact through isotropic forces and directionally specific "hydrogen bonding" are considered through Monte Carlo simulations. We show, in good agreement with experiment, that the single phase of these mixtures can be stabilized or destabilized on confinement. These results resolve a long standing controversy, since previous theories suggest that confinement only stabilizes the single phase of fluid mixtures.Comment: LaTeX document, documentstyle[aps,preprint]{revtex}, psfig.sty, bibtex, 13 pages, 4 figure

    Intrinsic profiles and capillary waves at homopolymer interfaces: a Monte Carlo study

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    A popular concept which describes the structure of polymer interfaces by ``intrinsic profiles'' centered around a two dimensional surface, the ``local interface position'', is tested by extensive Monte Carlo simulations of interfaces between demixed homopolymer phases in symmetric binary (AB) homopolymer blends, using the bond fluctuation model. The simulations are done in an LxLxD geometry. The interface is forced to run parallel to the LxL planes by imposing periodic boundary conditions in these directions and fixed boundary conditions in the D direction, with one side favoring A and the other side favoring B. Intrinsic profiles are calculated as a function of the ``coarse graining length'' B by splitting the system into columns of size BxBxD and averaging in each column over profiles relative to the local interface position. The results are compared to predictions of the self-consistent field theory. It is shown that the coarse graining length can be chosen such that the interfacial width matches that of the self-consistent field profiles, and that for this choice of B the ``intrinsic'' profiles compare well with the theoretical predictions.Comment: to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Spinodal Decomposition in a Binary Polymer Mixture: Dynamic Self Consistent Field Theory and Monte Carlo Simulations

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    We investigate how the dynamics of a single chain influences the kinetics of early stage phase separation in a symmetric binary polymer mixture. We consider quenches from the disordered phase into the region of spinodal instability. On a mean field level we approach this problem with two methods: a dynamical extension of the self consistent field theory for Gaussian chains, with the density variables evolving in time, and the method of the external potential dynamics where the effective external fields are propagated in time. Different wave vector dependencies of the kinetic coefficient are taken into account. These early stages of spinodal decomposition are also studied through Monte Carlo simulations employing the bond fluctuation model that maps the chains -- in our case with 64 effective segments -- on a coarse grained lattice. The results obtained through self consistent field calculations and Monte Carlo simulations can be compared because the time, length, and temperature scales are mapped onto each other through the diffusion constant, the chain extension, and the energy of mixing. The quantitative comparison of the relaxation rate of the global structure factor shows that a kinetic coefficient according to the Rouse model gives a much better agreement than a local, i.e. wave vector independent, kinetic factor. Including fluctuations in the self consistent field calculations leads to a shorter time span of spinodal behaviour and a reduction of the relaxation rate for smaller wave vectors and prevents the relaxation rate from becoming negative for larger values of the wave vector. This is also in agreement with the simulation results.Comment: Phys.Rev.E in prin