11 research outputs found

    Sarabba untuk Bapak : kumpulan kisah minuman rempah Indonesia

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    Buku ini menyajikan berbagai kisah anak dengan latar belakang minuman khas rempah Indonesia dari berbagai daerah. Asal usul minuman, cara membuatnya, peramuan dengan kisah keseharian anak dan ilustrasi yang menarik diharapkan dapat menambah pengetahuan dan ketertarikan anak terhadap minuman rempah khas tanah air

    Kesalahan Penyelesaian Soal Statistika Tipe High Order Thinking Skills Berdasarkan Teori Newman

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    In the 2013 curriculum, mathematics learning is more directed at higher-order thinking skills (HOTS). HOTS are observed from the abilities of students in solving HOTS type of questions. However, students still make mistakes in solving this type of questions, especially the statistics questions. The students’ errors in solving HOTS type of statistical questions need to be investigated, particularly on the types and causes. This study aimed to describe the errors made by students in solving HOTS type of statistical questions. This study was conducted at SMP Negeri 1 Selopuro, Blitar City Year Academic 2019/2020. This study used descriptive qualitative approach. The subjects were three students of 8th grade B. The instruments in this study were tests, interviews, and documentations. Based on the results of the data analysis, it can be concluded that: (1) reading errors were due to the inability of the students to understand the information in the questions; (2) comprehension errors were due to incomprehension of the students on what to look for in the questions; (3) transformation errors were in the form of inability in generating functions/methods to solve the questions; (4) processing skill errors were in the form of misconnection and misconception; and (5) errors in writing the final answers were due to drawing wrong conclusions

    Pemanfaatan Beras "Kupon" Sebagai Bahan Dasar Pembuatan Beras Instan Dengan Peningkatan Sifat Organoleptisnya

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    ABSTRAK Beras adalah makanan pokok dari sebagian besar penduduk dunia, demikian pula di Indonesia. Beras lebih banyak dikonsumsi dalam bentuk biji utuh daripada bentuk lain. Di Indonesia, terutama di Jawa, dikenal adanya istilah beras "kupon" yang merupakan beras yang diterirna pegawai negeri sipil dan ABRI pada setiapbulan. Umumnya beras "kupon" telah mengalarni penurunan mutu, yaitu warna kusam, bau apek, dan nasi yang dihasilkan bersifat "pero". Beras ini kurang disenangi untuk dikonsumsi. Untuk dapat mengkonsumsi beras menjadi nasi diperlukan waktu penYiapan dan pemasakan yang cukup lama, kurang lebih 40 menit. Waktu penyiapan yang cukup lama ini dinilai kurang praktis apabila nasi diperlukan pada waktu-waktu mendadak. Pengolahan beras menjadi beras instan merupakan salah satu alternatif pemanfaatan beras "kupon" menjadi suatu produk yang ineningkat sifat organoleptisnya dan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan nasi sebagai makanan pokok dengan waktu penyiapan lebih cepat. Tahaptahap pembuatan beras instan pada penelitian ini adalah beras direndam claim larutan Na2HPO4 0,2 % dan H3PO4 3 % selama 12 jam, pemasakan selama 10 menit pada suhu 800C, pencucian dengan air mengahr, pengukusan selama 20 menit, pengeringan dengan. Fluid Bed Dryer pada suhu 140oC selama 15 menit.Beras instan yang diperoleh dapat direhidrasi dengan pemasakan selama 5 menit dengan nasi Yang mempunyai kenampakan, kekerasan, dan aroma yang berbeda nyata dengan nasi dari beras "kupon". Namun rasa tidak berbeda nyata.antara nasi dari beras instandengan nasi dari beras "kupon"

    Pengaruh Campuran Thinner Terhadap Daya Rekat dan Ketebalan Lapisan Hasil dari Alat Custom Refill Cat Semprot

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    A custom spray coating refill equipment has been designed and fabrication. For this reason, it is necessary to trial the equipment that has been made. This study aims to determine the performance of custom spray coating refill equipment. For a comparison parameter, coating and thinner mixture variations were conducted to determine the adhesion and thickness of the coating layer formed. The coating used in this experiment was Nitrocellulose (NC) and Polyurethane (PU) thinner. The ratio of coating and thinner mixture used are 1:1.5, 1:2, and 1:2.5. After mixing, the mixture was put into the sprayer using custom spray paint refill equipment. The mixture of coating and thinner was sprayed onto the SPCC steel plate. To measure, the adhesion and thickness of the coating layers, a cross-cut tool (according to ASTM-D3359) and a thickness gauge (according to the ASTM-AMT15) were carried out respectively. It seems the spray paint refill equipment was functioning properly. This is due to the quality of the coating layers having good adhesion, shown by all specimens getting 5B classification (0% not peeled off). Moreover, an increase in the thinner composition is lead to a decrease in the coating thickness

    Mesin-mesin militer: helikopter

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    24 hlm. ; 23 cm

    Mesin-mesin militer: kapal selam

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    24 hlm. ; 23 cm

    Mesin-mesin militer: peswat jet

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    24 hlm. ; 23 cm

    Buku Super Lengkap Hewa-Hewan Raksasa

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    32 hlm. ; ilus. ; 21 cm x 26,5 cm

    Buku superlengkap: mesin-mesin raksasa

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    32 hlm. ; 26,5 cm

    Mesin-mesin militer: tank

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    24 hlm. ; 23 cm